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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Sarah Connor Chronicles
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Posts: 5058/11918
*Epic bump*

Ok, I've actually watched every episode this season and I've just gotta ask---What the fuck is going on this season?

(Screw spoiler tags... what follows below. You guessed it. If you haven't been keeping up, it's spoilerific)

I mean, we all thought Heroes was bad at getting to the point, but they finally kill off Cromartie, and immediately he's back, but now he's "John Henry."

Ellison, the FBI agent, completely believes Sarah now, and is just sitting around, under the thumb of a T-1000 (I assume that's what she is, although it could just be another model of terminator composed of liquid metal).

Up until a couple episodes ago, all the two of them were doing was sitting around in an office building talking about the other not understanding this, that, or the other thing. FINALLY the T-1000 gets up and decides to kill everybody.

Derek's girlfriend from the future came back and brought the girl who became John's girlfriend with her. STILL no explanation of their story. All they do is disagree and Derek's girlfriend keeps making Riley depressed/feel guilty (whom I wish would just die off already).

Sarah's off looking for some spacecraft she saw in her dreams, but swears is real. And now apparently it is. Had to spend an episode with a cross-dressing conspiracy theorist to discover what she was looking for, but yeah, she found it and we're all still just as confused as before.

John, Cameron, and Derek? Doing jack shit.

I mean, they had a few descent episodes here and there (like when Derek and John had to find this kid and make sure he stayed alive because in the future he's going to sacrifice himself to save John), but it just seems like the whole thing's in a complete lull.

If I weren't watching this with someone who is complete Terminator, I'd have dropped this show a loooooooong time ago. Especially now that it's on Friday nights alongside Dollhouse.
Posts: 4181/11918
BoingBoing posted a video preview for the Alternate Reality Game for SCC:

Posts: 7008/11757
Hah, I wouldn't doupt that I guess.
Posts: 4092/11918
And yet they still made the FBI agent black. Hmm, maybe they'll reveal that he's Dyson's brother eventually.

I mean, if they're throwing in John's uncle why not have Dyson's brother. It would be kind of funny if it turns out that he has Dyson's research.
Posts: 6999/11757
I think it's almost obvious the FBI agent will probably be pretty helpful sometime down the road, like Rogue is saying he could be starting to believe them. Just the way his character has been so far, I can't help but imagine he'll be one of the good guys.
Posts: 3187/3775
They missed a huge opportunity with the FBI agent, that I thought they were going to take. In the books, Miles Dyson's brother is an FBI agent and is devoted to finding Sarah and John. Of course, they disregard the books exist, but when I saw he was black, I was hoping.

And being an FX?
Posts: 4081/11918
Actually the machines that Cromartie (sp?) and the other one that's chasing Derek are are T-888s. Derek and a few other characters apparently refer to them as T-Triple 8s. So I guess they're slightly more advanced than Arnold's terminator model in T3.

Just being an FX.

No one knows what Cameron's supposed to be yet, but according to a few people it's definitely not a T-X.

I was pretty sad to see Andy go, though they did sort of close off his storyline when he lost the chess competition. Granted he's only been in 2 episodes, I liked his genuine quirkiness and Sarah seemed to like him too.

Oh well, just continues the belief that you can't get attached to TV characters.

The thing I'm wondering is if that FBI agent that's following all of these cases is starting to believe Sarah or not. He's had several eye-witness accounts of men with robot parts, he has blood samples that aren't exactly blood, and NOW he's seen a terminator hand with flesh on it.
Posts: 6997/11757
I heard he's been signed on for more episodes, so it seems possible they'll keep him around. I hope so.

That episode was definitely good, it's getting better. I'm sure the detective took the T800's hand too.

It was kind of sad to see Andy go, he wasn't a bad character, but oh well I guess.
Posts: 4078/11918
Considering the fact that people who are reading this are probably watching the show, I'm not going to bother with spoiler tags.

In regards to this latest episode, I really hope they don't kill off Kyle's brother just yet. There are so many possibilities having John's uncle in the picture.

Poor Andy, though.
Posts: 4054/11918
Yeah, they changed it in their second video after several people attacked them on it.
Posts: 3151/3775
That was pretty stupid. BTW, the chick playing Sarah was Queen Gorgo in 300. That's worth mentioning.
Posts: 4052/11918
Apparently someone else had the same idea:
Posts: 3149/3775
There are also theories that she only had the programming to do that with John.
Posts: 4047/11918
One thing that's sort of been bugging me since the first episode (which I'm also amused to find that entertainment critics have picked up on)--what's up with Summer Glau's terminator character having a personality throughout most of the first episode and once she's revealed that she's a cyborg, she has the vocal inflection of a brick?

I mean, she was able to joke and talk like a normal person and then suddenly she's Vicky from "Small Wonder."


My best guess is that since the first episode was the pilot, which was filmed well before the rest of the other episodes, Summer (or more likely the writers and episode directors) dropped the human impersonation.
Posts: 5622/7838
Originally posted by FX
Originally posted by Nagis
My dad dosent believe this is gonna happen. Looked at me like a looser or something.

You mean he doesn' think it's going to succeed, or he doesn't think it's going to even be on? Because FOX already picked up the pilot.

No, he does not believe me that this show is on the Air.

Too much history channel, and not enough FOX.
Posts: 453/684
This show STILL hasn't even well for me. I don't barely see that show in the top 20 rating list in my newspaper.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 2862/4541
Originally posted by Rogue
- Lastly, supposedly the time transporter that Kyle Reese and the terminators take to get to Sarah and John's time period can only take living things through. Granted the cyborgs, being machines with living flesh could probably cheat to get across, but the T-1000 was pure metal.

I actually figured that the T-1000 was made from nanobots, which are essentially living organisms controlled by a computer program. But I never really payed enough attention to know either way.

Actually though, in one of the terminator movies, didn't the terminator sent to protect John Connor mention that he was a cybernetic organism? Maybe that would indicate him being partially kind of sort of alive.

As for the rest of what you said, I have no idea...maybe because the movie directors wanted to make a movie from the beginning of the attacks instead of the end of them?
Posts: 4041/11918
Originally posted by Zoso
Only three episodes have aired so far, so there's still time to screw it up.

I also truly wonder if people are watching the show without having seen the movies or have any prior knowledge. Would it even be possible to understand and enjoy it at that point?

A couple other anomalies:
- Along the same lines as plasma weaponry, Dyson gets a few ideas about machines from the chip and mechanized arm that were found. (Then again, I've thought about this with the same regard as the scene in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home where the Enterprise crew goes back in time to collect some humpback whales and Scottie tells someone in the 1980s how to make transparent aluminum because the crew needs it. McCoy informs Scottie that he's messing with history to which Scottie answers, "How do we know he didn't invent it?")

- One thing I really can't stand with the series so far with regard to John is that he's supposed to be this big, fearless leader, but Sarah keeps telling him to run. I know it's to save his life so he can fight another day, but how is he supposed to learn to fight if he's always retreating?

- Why do the machines, rather than sending terminators further back in time where people aren't going to remember being attacked (like say, if they killed off Sarah's grandfather or someone like that), keep sending people as John grows older?

- Also, if the machines they're sending back to kill John/Sarah keep becoming more and more advanced, why does John send back an increasingly obsolete model? In T3, Arnold was a T-850, but seriously?

- Lastly, supposedly the time transporter that Kyle Reese and the terminators take to get to Sarah and John's time period can only take living things through. Granted the cyborgs, being machines with living flesh, could probably cheat to get across, but the T-1000 was pure metal.
Posts: 19/22
So far the show seems decent. It hasn't really deviated from the first two movies as far as I can remember. Only three episodes have aired so far, so there's still time to screw it up.
Posts: 3112/3775
There are so many others, though.

In the books the plans for plasma weapons are taken from the memory of a Terminator. Which means no one invents them. They find it in the Terminator, so that it can exist in the future, for the Terminator to take it back, for them to discover it, for it to exist in the future, for the Terminator to take it back, for them to discover it...
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Sarah Connor Chronicles

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