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02-03-25 06:52 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - The closest thing to real magic
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Posts: 2327/11918
The signature looks different, but I'm not going to challenge him on it seeing the effect he just did with the quarter.
Posts: 116/639
Like WhiteRose I am a huge fan of Criss Angel and his show Mindfreak.

Out of all the tricks this one has to be on of my favorites.

Posts: 1107/3775
Well, it's extrememly obvious how he cut it out of his arm. Latex. I just want to know how he got it there from swallowing it.
Posts: 781/958
Ok that is really discusting but at the same time very cool I don't even want to think about how he did that
Posts: 950/1461
CRISS ANGEL!!!! *swoons* One of my favorite magicians/street performers. He has a show on A&E I think, called Mind Freak. It is so awsome. He does some incredible tricks that truly boggle the mind. My mom and I are big fans of him.
Posts: 1103/3775
This guy, swallows a signed quarter, then cuts it out of his arm.

I've been into magic for years, and I've always tried to figure out how they do these tricks. Some seem impossible, like David Blanes levitating trick. But I know how it's done. I just can't figure this one out...
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - The closest thing to real magic

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