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02-05-25 01:08 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - LOST Season 3...
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Posts: 1568/2954
i read the spoiler, but I don't watch the show I guess I'm a square because I'm too lazy to go out and buy the seasons for like 60$ a pop and THEN watch them all....
Posts: 842/958
I'm not going to read the spoiler, I'm still in the middle of watching season 1 and yesterday when I went shopping I saw the new season 2 on DVD.

I didn't know they had started season 3
Posts: 1161/3775
...premeirs this wednesday. Joy. Here are some things I got from TV Guide Magazine:

  • Desmond returns...naked
  • Locke has an episode devoted to him, meaning he most likely survived, meaning Eko most likely survived
  • The first episode is devoted to Jack, who in the flashbacks, suspects that his wife is having an affair with his dad
  • And we learn Henry Gale's real name
  • And we don't find out the real father of Sun's baby until the finale, of course

So, post your theories and whatnot...
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - LOST Season 3...

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