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02-03-25 08:10 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Sim/RP-Discussion - Anime RP anyone?
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Jedi Master Desroth
Posts: 463/569
Has anyone thought of the Jump Allstars one shot manga where a ton of anime/manga characters were brought together into a brand new adventure? Just a thought on that one, like we all pick our characters and play out a new story from there? Either that or I put my vote on Deathnote... There is action and lots of dialouge in it that makes it easy to turn into a mystery type RP. Perhaps one or two people could be the holders of the Deathnote in a fan fic type universe where L and Light are alive and are in love with eachother (Why does every Yaoi loving girl want those two together? L is creepy and Light would probably kill L in his sleep if they ever lived together...)

So yeah, Deathnote would be cool... Though if you want more mainstream, Naruto (since, well, everyone knows about it basically... Just no one better start yelling BELIEVE IT! ah hell, I just did)...

Though the FE idea sounds cool, but didnt Seticus do Xeoemblem? I think a real FE rp would be cooler then a turnbased one in my opinion (hint hint Seticus to make one to bring some long detailed posts back to the RP section like he did with Avalon)
Posts: 1019/1351
Originally posted by Katana
As far as the combination ideas...I'll be the final judge of that, just to save arguments among members here. So for now, let's just see if we all can agree on one specific anime and work from there. If we do end up combining something, I personally don't want it getting too complicated and I'm sure no one else does either, so...If no one can come up with one anime to agree on (or video game even), then I'll just go by the different titles suggested to me and see if I can combine the stories in such a way that everyone can have fun.

You know, Fire Emblem (anime) tends to do enough characters from video games. Hell, they still keep the characters = in power and each have different uses. For example: Julian (a thief) doesn't do much fighting but however, he is useful in term of stealing and opening chest with a lockpick. Marth leads the troop, thus a morale bonus or decreasement. Sheeda have her way by knowing several people. Oguma is one of the best soldier who assist Marth in a war, Navarre allied with him because he was known as the best swordmaster and also troubled, there are two brothers who was with Marth when he was young and they tends to help him by supporting their army. They also witnesses a war before so they also have knowledges of what Marth going through. Chiki is a mamkute who can become a divine dragon and counter-act the army's trouble with war dragons. A priest (Rena, I think) also helps the army wounds by helping with their staff, and in addition, know of somewhat in the final chapter. 4 major characters (in Book 2) also happened to be brainwashed by the final boss so 4 different characters (basically, their lovers) made them snaps away from the mind control.

So it is possible for anime to merge together somewhat easy and have them focus on the actual situation, like Justice League Force but give them a reasonable storyline.
Posts: 1419/3649
Well...seems that I've got enough feedback, so I'd definitely like to go ahead now and try to start this.

As far as the combination ideas...I'll be the final judge of that, just to save arguments among members here. So for now, let's just see if we all can agree on one specific anime and work from there. If we do end up combining something, I personally don't want it getting too complicated and I'm sure no one else does either, so...If no one can come up with one anime to agree on (or video game even), then I'll just go by the different titles suggested to me and see if I can combine the stories in such a way that everyone can have fun.

Now, as for my personal opinion...if everyone really wants to merge something, I say we do a Final Fantasy RP, and merge the stories somehow, or at least the characters and yeah...we'll work from there.

As far as anime...Fushigi Yuugi is one of my personal favorites, but not many people has heard of that and I'm sure not everyone is willing to look up a brief summary on it, choose a character, and then look up info on the charrie...(again, think of this as a fanfiction...just knowing a general summary and the characters and character relations is enough, because most of the RP will still be made up by us.)

So, suggestions please.
Leon D. Sagara
Posts: 509/859
well i mean starting your own anime would be cool and all, but isnt that just the same as reg. RPing?

And if we only use one anime, besides dragonball z and maybe Yu Yu Hakusho, what else has enough main chars.

I would be happy with a Tenjho Tenge Anime RP. But i am pretty sure not to many knw of it.

If we combine anime's we have to set ground rules, such as Your not ultra powerful ((gogeta or SSJ4 Goku)) You have to limit yourself a BUNCH
Posts: 2534/-3459
*blink blink* Yay! I got told off by Katana...

O.O I appologize... I meant that combining all animes was dumb... not coming up with an anime and starting an RP out of it.............

T_T Basically, any situation that allows "Goku" and "Anybody Else" to fight against each other needs to be stopped...

*cough cough*

Now then! Suggesting animes for RPs.... ... I'd go with the Kazahana or XIN flash series. They're anime-ish...
Posts: 506/551
I mean think about it though. You always wondered in your head what if a certain anime character met another anime character, nows the chance to do it....kinda like fulfilling everyones dreams and thoughts
Posts: 1397/3649
Fushigi Yuugi** 'Least you didn't butcher the pronunciation as horribly as Laurie's dad did, Xei. Though, he now refers to the anime as "F you" XD (Psst...Xei, you'd make an EXCELLENT Nuriko.)

Well, its a shame that it isn't really all that known, cuz there are a lot of characters, and they are all really cool...and there's a lot you can do with the story.

Getbackers would be cool too...though I'd definitely have to read up on it more...

FMA, same thing...

What else...Hmmm...I like Gravitation! Inu Yasha is cool too of course...hmmm...Fruits Basket!!! **hearts that manga/anime** But that one is REALLY girly...'least in Fushigi Yuugi, while it's like one big romantic story, it's also got a lot of other elements to it as well.

Ayashi no Ceres...another anime/manga...from the creator of Fushigi Yuugi...not something I know too much about, but it really does look interesting.
Posts: 1265/3775
I think we'd be better off just doing an RP in the universe of an anime, considering that there are not that many main characters in a certain anime. I'd rather make my own guy.
Posts: 1635/2954
Well, I think the most broadly spread animes (at least in my opinion} Are the Getbackers, Naruto, Fushuugi Yuugi(I know I probably butchered it), and Full Metal Alchemist.

An FMA RP would be kickass, but it would be difficult for there to be anyhting that hasn't been done too much in the show.

The same thing goes with Naruto, it would be fun, but hard to be 'unique' if you wanted to create your own character.

The getbackers would be pretty cool and open-ended enough to just make your own 'team' of getbackers or something like that.

And I know nothing about the F one.
Posts: 1396/3649
Originally posted by .SK
That's the dumbest idea I've heard in this forum!

**grins** Thanks. I know how you love giving your opinion, so...offer some ideas now. **glomps** :p
Posts: 2529/-3459
Combine all Animes, eh?

Could I be a vampiric hamster? Whoever plays as Arucard, please bite me. I'll be Hamtaro.

That's the dumbest idea I've heard in this forum!
Posts: 1013/1351
Originally posted by Benja
Why dont we combine all animes into it. That way everyone would be happy? Have them all fight for one cause.

All long as no one get an overrate / overpowerful anime character, I'm also in. The idea of me being the Black Knight from Path of Radiance or Alucard from Hellsing, or Lucy from Elfen Lied can be a tad overkill due to having high power enough to kill anyone in their way.

Instead of having to get their overkill power, they must only met their certain timing where it implies to give them the power of what they have in anime, but over time, they improves their power to kill / destroy / etc.

I might considers to participate in this.
Leon D. Sagara
Posts: 507/859
Well, I am an Anime Junkie. So I am game either way.

FX If you have any general Questions about the said choice Anime, Let me know. If I dont knwo them, then its bad X_X.

I like Ben's Idea to Mix, Keep the characters the same, but erge them into a new and mixed story
Posts: 1391/3649
Combining anime...Kaijin had actually mentioned that last night. This would have to be a big discussion of course, before anyone started an RP like this. A lot goes on in one anime, let alone a whole bunch of them, so we'd have to make sure it wouldn't get outta hand.
Posts: 505/551
I would love to think it would be a great idea. Why dont we combine all animes into it. That way everyone would be happy? Have them all fight for one cause.
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 1724/2641
Ragnarok: The Animation.
This would be so freaking cool. I'd love that.
Posts: 1376/3649 distracted while I was making that last post and just realized that I didn't exactly get to my point. XD

Anywho, you would do fine in an anime as well. Just read up on a basic summary of said anime and choose a charrie and read up on that charrie is all. Trust me, it wouldn't require much research.
Posts: 1241/3775
Exactly, I wouldn't know anything about the animes, so I'd be pretty useless, hence my desire to do a game instead.
Posts: 1375/3649
Well, it doesn't have to be the anime to the T. Like, you know how fan fictions work? They're taking their own things out of an anime, be it continuing the story, going back to something the actual story didn't go into so much detail in (Example, in Fushigi Yuugi, I saw lots of Fanfictions based off of the other priestesses -though there is a manga out now based on one of the other priestes-), but they're using the same characters and the jist of the story.

Something like that. The RP would be like our little fanfiction on said anime, but we can still use the actual charries in the anime, settings, stuff like that.
Posts: 1240/3775
I'd be in, although I'd prefer VG RPs, since I know practically nothing about Anime.
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Xeogaming Forums - Sim/RP-Discussion - Anime RP anyone?

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