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02-05-25 08:54 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Anime Lounge - Death Note the anime
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Posts: 4217/11918
I actually really got to like Near. Mello not so much.

Near's sort of like L's little brother.

I used to like Light, but over time I just started hating him more and more. Misa too. She just got absurdly aggravating to watch.
Posts: 7160/11758
I don't know what to think of it.

Seems a bit predictable, I guess they couldn't have had Light/Kira take over the world. I just finished it and usually at first I don't know what to think of anime endings, but in time over the next few days I'll probably like it more.

Looking at it as a tragedy, yeah it's pretty good and emotional. I guess I do like it. Lol

Kind of sucks he was defeated by Mello and Near though, I didn't really care for them.
Posts: 2077/2999
The end of the series I really liked. It was good stuff. Pretty tense for a bit!
Posts: 7159/11758
So I'm (about to) finish Death Note, after just starting it two days ago.

I think it's great but could've been better. It started off so incredibly well, but I think it loses its touch a bit around like episode 12 or so.
When Light gives the Death Note back and teams up with L in a sense for awhile, it was still cool but I thought it was far more interesting when it was Light vs L like the beginning. And I think they could've made Misa more interesting. All in all, the L arc was definitely fun. After that I don't think it's as bad as some people say, but it's definitely not as good. Near and Mello aren't nearly as interesting. Now I'm just waiting to see Kira take over the world or something.
Posts: 4204/11918
I'm up to episode 28 now. And yeah, after reading a few people's comments in regards to the movie it seems the first film covers the first 10 episodes or so, and the sequel, The Last Name covers up to episode 25 and ends it there. Hence why you won't see Mello or Near.

Then again they could be in the third movie that came out recently pertaining specifically to L.

I'm getting really annoyed with my situation right now. I can't watch the show during the day as the house I babysit at doesn't have a computer with Internet access and I don't get to watch many episodes at home at the end of the day. Gah!!

Posts: 7156/11758
This anime is just too badass. Watched 8 episodes today, it seems like something I'll be finishing really fast, it's just amazing!

I've seen this comparison made before, but the main character Light is a lot like Lelouch from Code Geass. The heroes can definitely be seen as an enemy/evil as well, so it's really unique (especially with Death Note episode 7, jeeze!) this kind of personality doesn't seem too typical.

Mature, compelling, takes itself seriously, etc, this series seems incredible so far.
Posts: 4200/11918
The movies leave out Near and Mello. Since I haven't seen the anime all the through, I've also heard the movie's ending was changed to accommodate that and other parts that were cut for time.

They did seem to try and match the anime when it came to what they kept in and didn't change.

Some of the scenes with a comparison to the anime:

If you're wondering why the person who made the video selected "California" for the song, it's because that's what was used in the trailers. I don't know why, and I'm not complaining, but yeah.
Posts: 2074/2999
I still need to see those two movies. I doubt they'd be able to fit everything from the series into two movies, so I suspect lots will be cut out?
Posts: 4199/11918
Well I'm about episode 13 deep in the Death Note anime series. I saw both live action movies pertaining to it about a year ago and I'm definitely seeing the differences, especially when it comes to Misa. She seems much more sadistic and evil in the anime.

I'm rather interested in the third Death Note-related movie that was released in Japan recently, L: Change the World. I'm not hearing many positive reviews for it, but I did really like the kid who plays L in the movies.

I heard from a few sources they were going to release it in the U.S. sometime this month, but I'm afraid there's no such luck.

Oh well, I suppose there's always waiting for it to hit the net as a fansub.

P.S. Shuyin you going to Anime Expo this year?
Posts: 1662/1858
Originally posted by Kamina
Bumpage ...

I'm downloading this and plan on actually watching it again. I remember liking it a lot and it seems like something I'll really like.

I hear the main characters between this and Code Geass are very alike, and Code Geass just owns.

Never owned Code Geass but this anime doesn't fail to deliver. It's got so many twists and keeps you guessing. Their are very minor disappointments, but the series still redeems itself.
Posts: 7125/11758
Bumpage ...

I'm downloading this and plan on actually watching it again. I remember liking it a lot and it seems like something I'll really like.

I hear the main characters between this and Code Geass are very alike, and Code Geass just owns.
Posts: 1573/1858
Well I finished watching it.

It was really good. One of my favorite series for sure. I do feel it went a little downhill after episode 25 (which is my favorite)

The finale was done well. I'm really interested in watching the Live Action movies now.
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 2389/2641
Originally posted by Fennicy
I read like the first book of Death Note but it was one of the weirdest anime series I've ever read so I didn't read anymore.
Of course, since "weird" never translates to "good".

I think it's stunning. It's plot unlike any that I've seen.
Light Yagami finds a notebook, meets Shinigami named "Ryuk". Anyone whose name he writes in it will die, so Light decides to kill off all the criminals, making the world peaceful (so he can rule over it, of course).

Also, wanna know something? I don't give a fuck about the voices, unless they are REALLY god-awful. I live in America. I don't wanna read while watching anime. I wanna hear what they're saying and understand it. Subtitled anime is just plain retarded at times.
Posts: 1569/1858
I don't recall the voices. I only saw the end of one dubbed episode. They're not ear splitting. But they're not amazing.

I'm surprised I didn't check this out earlier.
Posts: 398/546
I read like the first book of Death Note but it was one of the weirdest anime series I've ever read so I didn't read anymore.
Kyoku kun
Posts: 734/1329
Yup, it replaced Bleach on Adult Swim.

I looked at the voices, there not all that amazing. But they didn't ruin it like they did Bleach.
Posts: 1895/2999
I saw only the "Next Episode..." thing on a dubbed episode. I wasn't a fan of Light's voice.

I finished this series subtitled a long time ago, it was really good. I hadn't even realized the Death Note dub had made it's way around until recently.
Kyoku kun
Posts: 733/1329
Death Note was AMAZING, I watched all of it subtitled.

Are they doing a good job with the dubbing then?
Posts: 1568/1858
I'm addicted.

I haven't watched any anime for a long time. And this drew me back into it. I saw an ep on Adult Swim and was intrigued. It takes a lot for me to even pay attention to a dubbed anime, but Death Note captured me.

I'm reading the manga and watching the subbed anime episodes. I keep flip flopping between the two. I think the anime is better now that I think about it. The animation is beautiful and the music they use is good. The voice acting is good as well.

There are plot twists galore and it is never predictable. I highly recommend it.
Jedi Master Desroth
Posts: 458/569
The story isnt all about killing people using the Death Note. The first part is where the police start to investigate who is doing (although why would anyone suspect that Light was doing it in the first place exactly? Its not like anyone was near the criminals when they died that did anything to them...) I think it starts to delve down further since Light finds other people who see Shinigami or something. Then I think there is a point where this one guy is gay for Light or something, but im not sure. I just know the plot is so large you basically need to read all of it, then get a PHD on Death Note. Either that or you just give up your life and read it down to the very last letter...

Anyway, it seems interesting enough. I dont really like the art style though, seems to weird for my taste. I think it has something to do with the fact they never say if Light is sane or insane, or if he is good or evil
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Xeogaming Forums - Anime Lounge - Death Note the anime

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