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01-22-25 03:52 PM
0 users currently in Help & Suggestions.
Xeogaming Forums - Help & Suggestions - Spambots
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Kard Ayals
Posts: 1741/2915
For those who don't know what I'm talking about.

Posts: 5242/11757
*eyes explode*

I have told you your awesome?

I'm awesome. We're awesome. He's awesome, as you are awesome as I am and him.
Kard Ayals
Posts: 1740/2915
Xeo, check IP bans and you'll understand why.
Posts: 5240/11757
I think something did.

Definitely haven't seen as much of them lately.
Posts: 2834/-3459
Would "Autocomplete" rape them?
Kard Ayals
Posts: 1712/2915
Done a few updates on the system. Still have to clean up the already registered accounts.

Bots IP banned on their registration.

And by the way, if someone's retarded and fills the hidden homepage field, I'm NOT unbanning the IP.
Posts: 2488/11918
Originally posted by Déesse
What if all the spambot accounts were deleted? It would make things a lot cleaner or if not deleted just hidden from view.

I agree with this in that looking at the Memberlist by registration date has become quite dreary as of late. Reminds me of the days when XMtS was banned, and kept getting banned again and again and again...

Whether they come back or not is irrelevant to what I'm saying. I simply agree that they should just be deleted as an effort to clean house.
Posts: 933/958
Wouldn't changing the colour of banned users just be too confusing, I mean you look at the latest registered user and it is blank :|
Posts: 1811/2954
The only way I can think of having them hidden from view is to change the user color of a person who's banned to match the color of the background. I used to do that with all my custom themes because if someone's banned I don't want to look at their stupid name .
Posts: 922/958
Originally posted by Déesse

or if not deleted just hidden from view.

I know there isn't much you can do to stop them coming but if maybe they were hidden from view, that way they aren't bothering anyone to see "oh another spambot" cause it does put me off when I see a spambot registered
Posts: 1517/3775
Originally posted by Seticus
Can't you just block out the program/website that are used to get in Xeogaming then?

As for the image verification picture part, what happened if the spambot find the way around that?

They don't use programs, and if they did, they all use different ones.

As for the image verification, they can't get around, because they can't read the text in pictures, being bots.
Posts: 1081/1351
Can't you just block out the program/website that are used to get in Xeogaming then?

As for the image verification picture part, what happened if the spambot find the way around that?
Posts: 1516/3775
Originally posted by Lord DarkSlaya
Database won't like it.

It seriously won't.

(deleting lots of crap on auto_increment is a bad thing)

Deleting wont work....
Posts: 3836/9736
Even if we did delete them, there is no way to keep them from coming here in the first place. They're bots, it's what they do.
Posts: 919/958
What if all the spambot accounts were deleted? It would make things a lot cleaner or if not deleted just hidden from view.
Posts: 1796/2954
Uhhhh, FX, not sure if you know this, but it doesn't really matter if the spam-bot is banned before they are entered into the site. That way, they can't spam. From my experiences, Image verification software is rather glitchy. I've had problems creating accounts on places because of the image verification system.
Posts: 1513/3775
Originally posted by 01001000
using an image verification system

That sounds like a good idea to about it?
Posts: 939/944
using an image verification system or just disabling register.php

Does it really matter, they do just get banned once they register so no point in making some paranoid system.
Posts: 1501/3775
Originally posted by Floyd Xander
I mean, besides just banning all of them the moment they arive.

I am aware of that. I am more asking if there is a way to get them to stop showing up all together.
Posts: 915/958
From what I've been told/read something has been done, when a spambot registers they are automatically banned.
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Xeogaming Forums - Help & Suggestions - Spambots

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