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12-27-24 04:15 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Help & Suggestions - Rankset Maker Not on Download Page
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Posts: 1722/3775
So, the rankset is done (and it kicks ass, if I do say so myself). I'll send it to you next time you're on AIM.

Also, maybe this, or a thread like it, should be stickied, in case someone else wants to know how to make a rankset?
Posts: 5327/11757
Yeah, just have them in a folder and send them to me when you get a chance. I'll upload them to the site that way.
Posts: 1711/3775
Yeah, that makes sense, and doesn't seem that tedious. Question: where do I put the images? Should I just keep them on the site, Photobucket them (which I don't want to do), or give them to you?

EDIT: I'll just put it all in a folder.
Posts: 5326/11757
Although this is pretty Tedious ... doing this would save me literally about 30 minutes to an hours worth of work.
(Seticus did this for a few things)

Basically, for each image I'd need something like this:
INSERT INTO `ranks` VALUES (6, 10, '<img src=images/ranksfe/traineefighter.gif> <br>Trainee Fighter');
Basically, it's like this:
6 = The rankset. You'll never need to worry about this or change it.
10 = The number needed to get that rank.
img = the image file. Luckily they all seemed to be named the same as their names.
"Trainee Fighter" = the name of the rank.

So, basically this is needed for all of the ranks for them to be put in. I could do it manually, but that takes even longer than typing up a big document with lines like this.

Would you be interested? If not, it's not a big deal, but I thought it's worth asking.

So here's an example from the Mario one, to make more sense maybe?:
INSERT INTO `ranks` VALUES (1, 20, '<img src=images/ranks/goomba.gif width=16 height=16> <br>Goomba'); <br>INSERT INTO `ranks` VALUES (1, 10, '<img src=images/ranks/microgoomba.gif width=8 height=9> <br>Micro-Goomba'); <br>INSERT INTO `ranks` VALUES (1, 35, '<img src=images/ranks/redgoomba.gif width=16 height=16> <br>Red Goomba');
Don't worry about width and height though.

Except, /ranks/ would need to be something like /msranks/.

And the rankset id would be 8 (instead of 6 like the quote). And obviously the br tags shouldn't be in there.

Does that make any sense?
Posts: 1709/3775
Yeah. I found a shit load of Metal Slug sprites, and I was gonna make a rankset with them.
Posts: 5324/11757
Oh yeah ... *slaps head*

I should've mentioned that I guess.

Did you want a rankset added or something?
Posts: 1708/3775
Yeah, they worked, but it's an exe...

*mopes off*
Posts: 5321/11757
Worked for me.

Try this, or this (which should definitely work).
Posts: 1705/3775
Originally posted by Xeo on the main page
New AcmlmBoard Rankset Creator added
Added to the downloads section. Quite a nice thing to have for those who may not understand the manual way of adding ranks and whatnot. Very simple and easy to use. Thanks to Lord Alexandor for letting us use it. Written in VB.NET 2003.

But I went to the downloads page, and it wasn't there. Of course, it may not even work for me. *is on Mac*

Xeogaming Forums - Help & Suggestions - Rankset Maker Not on Download Page

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