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02-03-25 07:55 AM
0 users currently in Sim/RP-Discussion.
Xeogaming Forums - Sim/RP-Discussion - Blood Brothers Tournament
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Posts: 913/1748
Not my fault, he's usually bugging me to enter/make RPs... Kinda stuck.
Posts: 1135/1351
Originally posted by Danny Phantom
It was either join this RP or I die...

Uh... It is a tournament, not a RP.

And I'm game.
Posts: 911/1748
It was either join this RP or I die...

I choose to die!

Kidding, I'll join. I need something else to do...
Jedi Master Desroth
Posts: 507/569
im in too, at the request of FX.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 1686/4541
It sounded complicated when you explained it, but what the heck, I'm in.
Posts: 1934/3775
New tournament, by me and Cairoi. Here is all I am allowed to disclose:

It will be a tag team tournament, where one person from each side advances. There will also be gambling aspects.

Sign up now, and we will explain the more intricate details later.
Xeogaming Forums - Sim/RP-Discussion - Blood Brothers Tournament

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