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03-11-25 03:31 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - What makes something 'Epic'
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Posts: 1981/3775
lol, just by coincidence I just saw that episode...

"Rob Schneider was a fairly successful comedian who thought he had it all, until he came across a pot roast. Now he's sharing his body with an 8 year old boy, and he's finding out being 8... isn't so great! This summer, Rob Scheider is... KENNY! Rated PG-13."
Posts: 324/368
Originally posted by Q
So when is someone going to exploit the easy and yet goldmine possibility of "Ben Stiller Movie"?

I've heard a lot of jokes about how many movies Ben Stiller makes. There was a comedian once who said that they should make a movie where he starred in all the parts, with Owen Wilson starring in some pointless part just because he's in all of Ben Stiller's movies.
Posts: 1438/2999
Rob Schneider movie.

You've seen him become a animal, and a woman. Well, this summer, Rob Schneider is...a STAPLER! [/southpark]

Posts: 2731/11918
It's just going to be another annual pop culture parody film like all the others that just happens to feature a few epic movies.

The parodies started out pure with Scary Movie and Not Another Teen Movie, but then they boiled down to just making fun of anything they could to get a cheap laugh.

Scary Movie 3 -- what do Eminem and Matrix have to do with horror flicks?

Date Movie -- Pimp My Ride?!

Epic Movie -- Borat? Paris Hilton? The ever tired Michael Jackson rip?


So when is someone going to exploit the easy and yet goldmine possibility of "Ben Stiller Movie"?
Posts: 323/368
I was looking at the list of Epic Films, and the only ones that I recognized were the Star Wars and Lord of the Rings series and Kingdom of Heaven. I've only seen the Star Wars movies though.

I think this movie is called Epic Movie because it's supposed to be a parody of a lot of epic movies, not that it's supposed to be epic itself.
Posts: 1137/1351
Originally posted by Shinigami
About the whole Epic thing, I can only pretty much feel how Rogue Carmen described it: You just know. It's gotta be big, exciting, sometimes it'll be revolutionary, and it's gotta have, well...the Epic feeling. A giant quest, a large struggle, absolute sides.

Hey, I'm here to tell you that my client, Titanic is epic. My Titanic is 200% [censored] epic. If you do not find it epic, there is something clearly [censored] wrong with you! And if you do not find it epic, you can kiss my [censored] [censored]. [/joke]

Pretty much sum it up how I see epic as.
Posts: 1945/3775
The problem is that none of these movies have a theme that ties them together, like in Scary Movie.

Oh, and if you want a good parody movie, check out "My Big Fat Independent Movie." It's hilarious. Makes fun of:

-Pulp Fiction

-Resevoir Dogs



-Christopher Walken

-The Good Girl

-My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Posts: 1425/2999
Originally posted by Carmen Detroit
Back to the movie discussion: they decided to use movies from the last 2 years because the people who make these flicks have no respect for their audience, and for good reason. People who get excited about these movies now don't tend to be up on movies older than 10 years old. And God forbid it should be in black and white.
Maybe making these retarded movies is their way of telling their audience how they are retarded for watching this stuff... Eh? Eh?

But anyway, yeah, Epic movie doesn't look good at ALL. Seems to be going with the same style as Date Movie, and, apart from one scene was puke. Scary Movie 1 was fun though.

Black and White movies? Reminds me of people who get turned off by movies if they're subtitled. I love subtitled movies. Maybe these nay-sayers are just slow readers or something, but I can read it, know what's happening on screen, and I love listening to other languages (European + Asian movies ftw).

About the whole Epic thing, I can only pretty much feel how Rogue Carmen described it: You just know. It's gotta be big, exciting, sometimes it'll be revolutionary, and it's gotta have, well...the Epic feeling. A giant quest, a large struggle, absolute sides. For me, Epic movies are like LoTR, Star Wars, Gladiator, Troy, Hero, among others already mentioned.

EDIT: Already moved while I was posting. Heh.
Posts: 1136/1351
Originally posted by Carmen Sandiego
I'd think that a situation becomes epic when it's an ultimate battle of good and evil, where even those on the dark side know they're evil and are damn proud of it.

It has been overdone. You would as least considered majority of anime, cartoon, X-Men, etc., already epic.

Epic movie must follow something of greater dramatic point. I'm talking about storyline, the character acting, the feeling it gives to people, those are required to make the movie more "epic" instead of being fucked up.

Take The Godfather as an example. That is an epic movie... Yet there are no "right side" and the "wrong side", there are clans who are like that. They get into war because they believes of their own ideal.

King Kong is an epic movie. It wasn't a war that became so epic, it was the love between the person and the animal that bonded totally closer together. They had great acting and paid off in the end.

I considered Kill Bill (Vol. 1) an epic because of the plot. The Bride basically wants revenge and seeks to kill her assassin. When she fought in The House of the Blue Leaf, she wanted revenges and fought several to fight the first assassin she know. In addition, the battle scene where Beatrice fought was epic because she know not to give up until she see all of her assassin dead.

Conan the Barbarain isn't that epic. There is hardly any voice acting, the plot is rather weird, and the battle doesn't seem to take much to kill the friggen demon/whatever it is.
Posts: 2715/11918
Actually, why isn't this in Entertainment? Every time I've come into this thread it was though Last Posts, so I didn't even realize this was in General.

Silly Rogue Carmen.

I'd think that a situation becomes epic when it's an ultimate battle of good and evil, where even those on the dark side know they're evil and are damn proud of it.

Sure there are the fights where both side believe they're the good, but the greater the villain who has nothing but evil plans, the more epic it becomes.

Back to the movie discussion: they decided to use movies from the last 2 years because the people who make these flicks have no respect for their audience, and for good reason. People who get excited about these movies now don't tend to be up on movies older than 10 years old. And God forbid it should be in black and white.

How this Epic Movie will play out:

Willie Wonka will come on screen.

One of the main characters: Hey, you're from that movie with the Oompa Loompas!

Willie Wonka: Why yes!

Next scene.
Posts: 1942/3775
No, this is not strictly movies. Could be anything.

And they do say that all the movies are epic. To quote the add: "All of your favorite epic movies rolled into one" Or something along those lines.

What really bugs me is that they say the greatest, but every movie in it has come out in the last 2 years...
Posts: 1780/3649
**contemplates whether or not this should stay here or go in Entertainment**

This could be general...or this could just be talking about movies...what are your intentions Colossus? Strictly about movies?

Anywho. I pretty much say the same thing as DSM. I've already mentioned that part of what make films epic is that they are "groundbreaking"--they change something. I don't think the newer SW trillogy did that so much, but the original? Hells yeah. :p

But that's not the only thing that makes a film epic...there are other things.
Posts: 314/368
I see something epic as it being something new and has the possibility of changing the way things are done. It would have to have a great influence on the way things are now in order for it to really be considered epic.

Though Epic Movie sounds like one of those dumb parody movies and it looks like it was poorly done, I may go see it just so a, I have something to laugh at, and b, I have an excuse to get out of the house.
Posts: 1764/3649
I agree with Seti. The title, "Epic Movie" is for the movie entirely, not saying that each title they're making fun of is epic. Of course they mean that in a silly way.

Hmmm...what makes something epic...Well, I can't say "Oh, the best films are epic" just because I happen to enjoy Star Wars and other movies very much so, but I wouldn't consider them epic. Well...the original Star Wars trillogy can be an exception, but that would depend...If I factored in how movies were made, when they came out, etc...then I'd say the original trillogy is one of them. Like the films or not, at the time in which they came out they completely blew people away. They were a turning point in how films were made, especially considering special effects.

But that's a totally different subject I guess.

What I would consider epic otherwise? I'd actually have to think about that. I definitely consider what was already said to be part of it...the battles, both internal and external, the climax...they all factor into it, but I feel that the resolution does as well.
Posts: 2714/11918
Originally posted by The Mighty Colossus
Originally posted by Carmen Sandiego
- Pirates of the Caribbean

I think this should be in the hazy area. I didn't find it epic at all. Except maybe the Kraken, but that's it. No massive battles, no dangerous stakes.

And while an epic should keep you on the edge of your seat, a lot of movies that aren't epic do the same thing.

The Matrix is a good example, it also had that battle in Zion.

I still push LotR as a perfect example of an epic. I had everything. In fact, it was so epic: they filmed it in even wider screen. That's right. Wide screen wasn't good enough for Peter Jackson, so they made it wider. And it totally works.

I think it also depends on the musical score. THAT is a very telling aspect of epic films. Klaus Baldet's score for Pirates (which seems to rip off Gladiator's since Klaus worked so closely with their composer for a while) has the essence of epic right along with Lord of the Rings and Master and Commander.

There really is a fine line between action and epic. Epic is grander and like I'd mentioned, it's one huge costume drama. You just know when something is epic. Epics also walk the fine line between action and fantasy. Things like Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, Legend, and MirrorMask wouldn't be considered epic.

Simply put, and sorry to be circling around to this one again, epics stand at the crossroads of fantasy, action, adventure, and war movies. They simply are. You just know when a movie is an epic or not.

I'm completely amazed that LotR didn't make the cut for Epic Movie. It's the freakin' pinnacle. Much greater than Narnia, X-Men, and Pirates. Hell, even Star Wars doesn't make an appearance.

But Paris Hilton and Michael Jackson do? What. The. Fuck.

Also to add to my lists:

Ben-Hur (at least for the chariot race)
The Ten Commandments
The Last Samurai

The Mummy
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (along with many of Clint Eastwood's spaghetti westerns)
Posts: 1134/1351
Let me point out something. Epic Movie is just a name to make it sound more interesting. While people may not see it as "epic" type, I believes that the producers is trying to point out how can other films/movie can be rolled into "one epic" film. And they point fun of that. Alright?

Anyway, what I see "epic" is considered something legendary and somehow, dramatic. Just because there is a war, doesn't make it epic. You need a powerful storyline behind it, best characters acting, etc.. Here is some what I believes to be "epic." (and thanks, Rogue, I'll borrow some of your since I agreed with some of your movie choice.)

I see epic movie like:

- King Kong
- Kill Bill (Vol. 1)
- Lord of the Rings
- Passion of Christ
- Gladiator
- Kingdom of Heaven
- Chronicles of Narnia (I hated this movie but I guess this was made for kids.)
- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
- The Godfather
- Hero

Mostly because I see that the characters are acting with a dark past, the storyline seem more "noble and just", the concept feeling and trying to give feeling to each characters, those are what make it epic. Wikipedia may got some example but I believes that some of those I mentions should be included there. (Well, wikipedia can be edited sometime too.)
Posts: 1941/3775
Originally posted by Carmen Sandiego
- Pirates of the Caribbean

I think this should be in the hazy area. I didn't find it epic at all. Except maybe the Kraken, but that's it. No massive battles, no dangerous stakes.

And while an epic should keep you on the edge of your seat, a lot of movies that aren't epic do the same thing.

The Matrix is a good example, it also had that battle in Zion.

I still push LotR as a perfect example of an epic. I had everything. In fact, it was so epic: they filmed it in even wider screen. That's right. Wide screen wasn't good enough for Peter Jackson, so they made it wider. And it totally works.
Posts: 3583/7838
My favorite word.

I normally label things that are epic as in something that is on the edge of your seat. Something that continues to have a climax and goes out with a bang you know? A good example of this is say a character alone is up against an army of ten-million evil skeletons thirsting for the hero's blood, the warrior, draws his sword, and one by one he slays each one of them in a horrific way...Each way is completely different and amazing.

Kinda like Neo when he went up against the army of Agent Smiths.

Posts: 2713/11918
Pretty much anything produced by Bruckheimer these days would be considered epic. Most epics these days are the grandiose costume action dramas like Lord of the Rings and Troy.

I'm amazed at what they put in Epic Movie and what they didn't. Really, that movie is destined to blow. It'll make a bunch of spoof scene and like Date Movie, it'll stop and explain to its mentally-incapacitated audience what it just made fun of.

So the rundown...

- Lord of the Rings
- 300
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Troy
- Braveheart
- Gladiator
- Kingdom of Heaven
- Chronicles of Narnia
- Master and Commander
- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (and other flicks like Hero, House of Flying Daggers, Fearless, Musa the Warrior, Iron Monkey, etc)
- Zorro (This is where is starts to get hazy)
- Willow
- Conan the Barbarian
- Red Sonja

Borderline epic, but still leaning more epic:
- Indiana Jones
- Star Wars
- Terminator
- James Bond
- Battle Royale
- Harry Potter
- Mutiny on the Bounty
- Superhero movies

NOT epic:
- Borat
- Nacho Libre
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- Paris Hilton in any sense of the word
Posts: 1940/3775
So, I was watching the trailer for "Epic Movie" and I was noticing that all of those movies aren't really what I'd consider 'Epic (except maybe Narnia).

So I got wondering: What exactly makes something 'epic'?

In my opinion it needs to be something with massive stakes, like the end of the world, and (at the risk of being redundant) have epic battles. By epic battles I mean battles with tons of soldiers (Lord of the Rings is a perfect example). But it could just be several, with tons of power (Like my RP, War of the Shards. /shamelesstiein).

So what do you think defines something as epic?
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - What makes something 'Epic'

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