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Posts: 9727/9736
Originally posted by Rogue
It astonishes me how many of my co-workers thought my husband had HIS BALLS CUT OFF when I mentioned he'd gotten a vasectomy. Like Jesus fuck.

From the stories you tell, they aren't the brightest crayons in the box, Rogue.

Kaleb's been trying to sign up to also be snipped, but the HMO said that the surgeons are backed up to next year already because of the Roe v Wade decision so we get to wait. They are actually moving to find specialists out of network to meet demand. I about fainted when I heard that.

In other news, I'm getting married in two weeks and then doing the most impromptu honeymoon ever. It's weird but kinda freeing. Normally on vacations, I have a freaking itinerary in a folder. All I really have now is "see part of Big Sur, Monterey Bay Aquarium? and show Kaleb what a CA mission looks like".... also we get to rush back from NorCal like crazy folk the weekend after thanks to the Rammstein concert we bought tickets for back in 2020 being rescheduled that weekend. What is sleep?
Posts: 11905/11918
It astonishes me how many of my co-workers thought my husband had HIS BALLS CUT OFF when I mentioned he'd gotten a vasectomy. Like Jesus fuck.
Posts: 2782/2785

So I was thinking about the board the other day while driving around and I'm not even sure why, thought I'd check in.

Mom had a Bells Palsy thing, so I've been in and out of the ER with her for the past two weeks. We hope it'll improve. And I spend all day on Twitch now since I got laid off from my job in October.

I also got fat again.
Posts: 11898/11918
Things are definitely better.

I mean, we all miss my dad. Mom is going through a second renaissance. We took her to New Orleans for my birthday and she danced down Bourbon Street in a parade for Betty White.

I mean, the vasectomy wasn't a bad thing. Just waiting for the all-clear from his doctor now.
Posts: 11745/11757
Hope things get better for you Rogue.
Posts: 11897/11918
Well, it's been a while since I last checked in. In October, my dad died. I took some time off. Fucked up my knee at work when I tried to return and that knocked me out for a bit. When I came back from THAT, I ended up just putting in my notice because it was all pointless to try to salvage it when I've got other fish to fry.

Still employed, though. Just the one job.

Brandon got a vasectomy on Wednesday. Been taking care of him while he laid in bed icing his junk. :lol:

It's been hot as fuck lately. Record-breaking heat.

Le sigh.
Posts: 11845/11918
Sorry for your loss. I know this post is nearly a year old at this point, but still.

I feel like I can't do anything right.

I'd share, but it would get long-winded. I tried typing it out, but it just reads as "First World Problems." It's the kind of thing that were I look back at this post in the future, I'd cringe re-reading it.
Posts: 11691/11757
Doesn't sound fun. I have not experienced anything like this yet in life with close friends, probably due to the age bracket of my circle still being 20's - 30's mostly, but yeah. On the flip side, my dad's endless side of the family has chain reactions of divorces everywhere and it definitely splinters up the family and things quite badly. My dad still has some resentment about issues too (ie: his birth dad had two children with his second wife, my dad's step mom. They never really made an effort to be part of my or my sisters life much. My dad will probably be angry about that deep down forever).

We see them maybe once a year or something but yeah, growing up they never did much with us, when my dad's mom was the opposite. But we lost her to cancer a few years ago. So the family events get smaller, but then some people start having children and the cycle seems to come back.
Posts: 11822/11918
I'm kind of shaken, at the moment. Nothing crazy has happened to me, but my friend group is kind of going through some shit.

My husband is in a metal band; he's been in it since 2004. It renamed itself and became what it is now around 2006. There've been a few changes here and there, the bass player knocking up his girlfriend and moving away, the lead guitarists leaving or getting fired a few times over the years. Anyway, it's always been Brandon and this couple who are the lead singer and the drummer. They've been together nearly 30 years and today they announced their separation.

They run a business together. They have a house, a dog (they were militantly child-free), and we've always known them as "Marty and Becky." You rarely got one without the other. They were GOALS. I don't quite know what went wrong or how it all seems to be happening so fast. Marty accidentally updated the band's online calendar to read that he was meeting with a divorce lawyer tomorrow.

At the same time, the bass player and her husband just separated and are divorcing after something like 20 years together. They got married 9 years ago. Again, not entirely sure why they're separating, though we're all pretty certain that whatever it is, it was his fault. I don't know..

So many people in our circle are in these committed relationships for years before they get married. Mary and Becky were together for 8 or 9 years and have been married for 19. The current lead guitarist has been with his girlfriend for around 16 years.

Brandon and I have been together 15 years, going on 16 in April as we got married last year. It's not like this has any baring on my own relationship, but yeah it makes me go, "What the hell happened?!"

Ironically Bran and I were watching "Marriage Story" this morning while nursing our flus in bed. It's one of the many Adam Driver films out this fall/winter, this one his character is going through a bloody separation/divorce. It's pretty depressing, especially when you wonder things like how could it all fall apart when things seem to be going well? (Spoiler: they throw in that he has a one-off affair with a co-worker. But I have to wonder if the rest would have been enough to leave someone over and throw your child's life into upheaval?)

I'm not sure if I'm waxing philosophic or what. It's just that I watched Marty and Becky for my entire adult life. I can't believe what they had is over. It's not my business, I know, but if I said this didn't rock me to my core, I'd be lying.
Posts: 132/155
damn... my condolences

also I hate how some people can be really sick :/
Posts: 11746/11918
Looking for articles, I'm like, "Christ, it made the Washington Post?"

Unfortunately three people were killed, four wounded. It happened at night, so the clients and I weren't there. We were there earlier in the day, however. I was really scared this one employee there was one of the three. He's so sweet to the clients, and treats them like people (I know, what a concept.) I went by there when they were having a candlelight vigil (I thought they might be open so I could go visit the employees), but left when people were asking me if I knew the men killed and sort of side-eyed me like I was just there to gawk.

What really pissed me off was how some people reacted to the news, saying things like, "Well, it gets really dark there, if you know what I mean." This was seriously uttered by one of my coworkers.

When a person on Yelp made the comment going, "It was 'Planet of the Apes' night at the Bowl. What do you expect?" I kept flagging it, and it took a week for Yelp to finally take the comment down. Ridiculous. People are DEAD. Three men, all fathers with families who love them.
Posts: 131/155
Originally posted by Rogue
Kind of in a weird place, mentally.

The bowling alley where I take my clients twice a week was just shot up.

W-wtf? Any details or news articles - I hope nobody was killed
Posts: 11624/11757
I'd take a year off from there at least.

Lots of problems at one of the last standing big local malls around here thesedays too.
Posts: 11736/11918
Kind of in a weird place, mentally.

The bowling alley where I take my clients twice a week was just shot up.
Posts: 115/155
Originally posted by Rogue
Originally posted by Rogue
I don't say it enough, but I really appreciate this place, Xeo, and I love that you keep it around.

Whenever I have a problem or want to vent about something I just feel like social media's too public a place. There's too many people who know me personally that I don't want to see me unload emotionally. Too much shit to hide there.

I can be myself here.

I wrote this in this thread almost a year ago. It's still true.

Anyway, it's coming up on October, and I still don't have a new site to host pictures on. I REFUSE to pay for Photobucket.

Try or
Posts: 11583/11757

Did you give imgur a shot?
Posts: 11693/11918
Originally posted by Rogue
I don't say it enough, but I really appreciate this place, Xeo, and I love that you keep it around.

Whenever I have a problem or want to vent about something I just feel like social media's too public a place. There's too many people who know me personally that I don't want to see me unload emotionally. Too much shit to hide there.

I can be myself here.

I wrote this in this thread almost a year ago. It's still true.

Anyway, it's coming up on October, and I still don't have a new site to host pictures on. I REFUSE to pay for Photobucket.
Posts: 113/155
Yep. We did really well

Shoulda said something earlier but better late than never
Posts: 11658/11918
The England bashing was because a lot of people were tired of all the smugness from the "It's coming home!" Your boy still won best kicker.

Posts: 95/155
I'm still happy France won though. I'm literally 20 miles away from the ferry to go there ^^

Also people bashing England, we did so well and can do even better as we had a young squad^^
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