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03-13-25 12:40 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - The Geek Hierarchy
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Posts: 1288/1569
Originally posted by Rogue
Originally posted by NUCKLEARKNIGHT
Wow... some people have too much time one there hands. No offense to anybody here who can speak Klingon. Or you could be an extreme linguist...

No offense taken (but I don't actually speak it), I'm amused that people actually set out to learn it like it's an actual language.

Then again, there are some people who regard 1337 as a real language. And Elvish.

Lets see, An old Girlfriend spoke Elvish, one of my best friends speaks fluent klingon...I know can write a few phrases of Ithorian, I know alot about the EU of SW

dont know...I fit alot of thsoe too
Posts: 3016/11918
Originally posted by La Blue Girl
Damn there's like, 20 of those on me.

I just discovered that I'm in the 20/21+ on that since I polled some geeks on if gargoyles count as furries, including erotic gargoyle fan art.

Oh, I'm going to hell.
Posts: 5874/11758
Damn there's like, 20 of those on me.
Posts: 184/577
Originally posted by Rogue
Then again, there are some people who regard 1337 as a real language. And Elvish.

1337 [ or "leet" I am assuming] can't be spoken. Or when it is it's just English. So it's only a written language. Does that count? A language that can only be written? Or is it just English written a different way.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 1864/4541
Worse yet...

Why is there no Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, or weapons?

Honestly though, I am sad to admit that I only qualify for 10, soon to be 11 things.
Posts: 4248/9736
No, I'm ahead of you on the geek scale Vulkar... I actually created a D&D Campagin setting for all 7 of my fantasy novels to be based in (and the sci-fi book is seperate). Currently I have 12 Geek marks.

But yeah, why is there no Star Wars or Firefly? Online RPers as a seperate category perhaps (as opposed to having tabletop and online RPers in the same category). Tabletop players kinda look down on the people who only play online in chat rooms and forums.

... Yes, I am that sad.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 1863/4541
Originally posted by Danny Phantom
Vulkar's trying to get at the top of that list. He's writing a fantasy book. He wins.

Darn right I win! I'm going to be at the top of the list before this year is over!

and then you all ill fall before my might, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA

...Ryan can be at second top, he'll be a fan of my work. Except of course, knowing him, he won't even read it.
Posts: 3003/11918
OK, here's a question for all the other geeks out there: are you a furry if you like seeing characters as gargoyles (and not foxes, wolves, etc)?

Example 1
Example 2

There would be more, but I can never find them.
Posts: 552/641
Originally posted by Rogue
Originally posted by NUCKLEARKNIGHT
Wow... some people have too much time one there hands. No offense to anybody here who can speak Klingon. Or you could be an extreme linguist...

No offense taken (but I don't actually speak it), I'm amused that people actually set out to learn it like it's an actual language.

Then again, there are some people who regard 1337 as a real language. And Elvish.

I believe the language-construct of Tolkien is in fact, as much a language as any other language, though I wouldn't know personally. Although the viability of it being used as a means of communication are slim to none.
Posts: 3938/7838
Originally posted by Rogue

Then again, there are some people who regard 1337 as a real language. And Elvish.

it is!

....Oh shit...

Well its just about as bad as me reading anything backwards quite easily...that and braille (sp?)
Posts: 3001/11918
Originally posted by NUCKLEARKNIGHT
Wow... some people have too much time one there hands. No offense to anybody here who can speak Klingon. Or you could be an extreme linguist...

No offense taken (but I don't actually speak it), I'm amused that people actually set out to learn it like it's an actual language.

Then again, there are some people who regard 1337 as a real language. And Elvish.
Posts: 181/577
Originally posted by Rogue
Originally posted by NUCKLEARKNIGHT
Can people really speak Klingon?


I only know a couple phrases myself.

Wow... some people have too much time one there hands. No offense to anybody here who can speak Klingon. Or you could be an extreme linguist...
kyle s kenedy
Posts: 109/139
i go all the way down two of those paths. the anime path stoping before pokemon. amd video gamer all of them until live action roleplayers and yeah no furries past 10 to 20%.
Posts: 945/1748
Vulkar's trying to get at the top of that list. He's writing a fantasy book. He wins.
Posts: 2997/11918
Originally posted by NUCKLEARKNIGHT
Can people really speak Klingon?


I only know a couple phrases myself.

EDIT: I am guilty of at least 19 of the above offenses. I'm part of a space LARP with a friend (partially based on Firefly), I own a cheesy life-size replica of the Green Destiny sword, I used to write fan fiction and filk songs based on the Extreme Ghostbusters, I go to Ren faires and conventions like there's no tomorrow and I used to work for a Rocky Horror Picture Show cast (that SHOULD be listed under the Geek Hierarchy, but isn't).
Posts: 173/577
Can people really speak Klingon?
Kyoku kun
Posts: 398/1329
Lets see:
Yeah, I win. I am in 11. XD.
Actually 10, I am past the Japanimation thing. Anime is fine with me, and I am WAY more obsessed with Anime and Japan then listed.
Never really liked Furries, yet I act like a cat a lot.
Posts: 3928/7838
Ive gotten to the point to where Anime entertains me, but im not like some sort of japanophile or anything, its there and its entertainment.

and I thought Furry was kinda like acting like an animal or something?

Ok ok, I am on that list, i diddnt see the "Video game Player" tab there. I mean, I think its quite obvious im a HUGE metal gear Solid fan.
Posts: 2996/11918
Originally posted by Mr. Club
Im not in that list...

But my GF is in 2 parts of it, and she claims to be a Geek.

Well, I wanted to be a Furry when i was in the 8th grade...but I think i was smoking crack or something XD

Oh, come on. The obsession with catgirls and anthros? That's furry, even if it just edges on it.

And don't you like anime and video games?

I fall in at least six of the columns.

I'm amused they didn't throw in filk song writers. I used to do that, along with write fan fiction.
Posts: 3924/7838
Im not in that list...

But my GF is in 2 parts of it, and she claims to be a Geek.

Well, I wanted to be a Furry when i was in the 8th grade...but I think i was smoking crack or something XD
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - The Geek Hierarchy

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