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03-12-25 11:29 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - GuardianOni on the Radio
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Posts: 4289/9736
Big Tom = GuardianOni
Nohar/Ben = our friend Ben (he's the second deepest voice, and quietest)
Jaso/Jason = our friend Jason (loud one that laughs a lot)

Incidentally, Jayarre is Venomouslobster and Crystle is me. We are the "confirmed listeners". Next Monday one or both of us may be on the show.
Posts: 1138/1461
Yeah, expect sheer randomness. If you judge voices as I do, the deepest one would be GuardianOni
Posts: 4064/7838
ALright, im listening right now.

Who is who?

WTF, Less sound effects and more awesome music.

Car door? WTF ELara LOL

Edit- Oh yeah, 25 minutes left. Nothing but car doors and exploding things.

Very nice too bad I cought the end of that.
Posts: 4284/9736
It lives again!! Well, sort of... it won't play on venomouslobster's computer at the moment.

Wait, it works now. Listen, damn you!
Posts: 3927/7838
Online Radio Station?

My uncle and I help host one, but its for TSYS employees only...mainly its old beatles music and so forth...

But this Monday I have to get ready to head home, I will definately program my comp to record it so I can listen to it when I get home.
Posts: 1094/1461
That's right people, my GuardianOni is on a radio station at LBCC more or less every monday Around 7:00PM. It's quite funny, so if you have a few spare minutes, feel free to give a listen. You can listen online at
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - GuardianOni on the Radio

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