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10-22-24 11:34 PM

Total posts 11918 (1.62 per day)

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Registered on 08-17-04 01:03 AM (7371 days ago)
Last post 02-26-23 09:53 PM, in COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion (General Chat)
Last activity 09-06-23 08:57 AM

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Birthday Monday, January 14, 1985 (39 years old) 
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If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 604 days
Last activity: 412 days
Posted on 12-31-69 04:00 PM
Originally posted by Rogue
A sample quote, with a link, for testing your layout.
(sample text)

User Comments
Rogue: Anyway, I haven't actually been to the Disney World Magic Kingdom, but from what I've been told it's exactly like our Disneyland. I'm sure there are differences, but there weren't enough to convince my parents to go there instead of Animal Kingdom and MGM. Anyway, I haven't seen Fantasmic since before Mulan came out.
Rogue: Heh, when I was at MGM, just as the sun was going down, we had this huge ass storm. No one was allowed outside, and we were all shoved into the gift shops to "get out of the rain." Seriously, though, lightning was hitting things in the park and it poured buckets. When my parents and I were leaving, I scared the crap out of some Japanese tourists when the flash on my camera went off while I was taking a picture of a sign. They thought it was lightning and screamed their heads off. :P
Bitmap: Well, the one in Disney World seems alot bigger than the one in Disneyland, not to mention each park has its own show, MGM Studious was the one that had Fantasmic
Bitmap: THe "Ill make a man out of you" song was with it.
Rogue: Man, I haven't seen Fantasmic in FOREVER. Then again I haven't been to Disneyland in the last 4 years and even when I've gone it was with people who insisted on seeing the Main Street night parades. :(
Bitmap: I saw the Fantasmic show at Epcot, it had that show on it, VERY awesome show
Rogue: I <3's me some Basch. ^_^ And Mulan.
Bitmap: Mr. Ill make a MAN out of you! <3
Rogue: Pirate Baby ;) Check out his Cabana Street Fight.
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