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Since: 10-20-04

Since last post: 5169 days
Last activity: 4686 days
Posted on 04-22-07 11:17 PM Link | Quote
Ghost manages to free his blade but not before the fist smashes directly into his
nose, squashing it completely out of shape and knocking three of his front teeth
down his own throat.

Kimuras knives missed their targets as Ghost opponent had moved out of it's path
with the punch to Ghosts face and Grim's vampire had taken it upon himself to
start behaving with a sense of preservation. He ducked to the lift and flicked the
still rapidly spinning chain at Grims feet wrapping tightly around one of his ankles.

The Vampire gave a sharp tug on the chain, attempting to pull Grim off his feet.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4530 days
Last activity: 5234 days
Posted on 04-23-07 12:34 AM Link | Quote
Kismet had helped Ghost removed the broke door and pool table from on top of Gabriel and nods at Ghost's instructions to leap an eye on him. Her gun already out, she keeps an ear, nose and eye alert for anyone nearing her. Meanwhile she checks Over Gabriel for any serious injuries that even a vampire would have trouble healing on his own.


Since: 09-07-04
From: The dark path

Since last post: 5919 days
Last activity: 5378 days
Posted on 04-23-07 12:48 AM Link | Quote
Kimura's warning causes Grim to duck. Simultaneously he squeezes a few rounds at another Vampire.

Suddenly he feels the chain around one ankle. As he watches the vamp wielding it ready to pulls Grim stabs down driving the point of his sword into the chain. Either pinning it to the ground or severing it.

Letting go of the sword, which is driven point first into the asphalt; Grim shifts his grip to a two handed shooters grip and fires at the leader.


Since: 01-15-05
From: The Shadowlands

Since last post: 6464 days
Last activity: 5423 days
Posted on 04-23-07 01:45 AM Link | Quote
As the vampires fist reshapes his face and his teeth go rolling down his throat he lunges his free sword into the vampires chest severing bone, muscle and tissue. Ghost leaves the sword embedded in the vampires body and goes about fixing his nose and spitting out a good amount of blood.

"That hurt you son of a bitch!" After fixing his nose Ghost grabs the hilt of his blade and yanks it from the vampire slicing the blade across his neck, then reversing his swing to bring the blade arcing back through his torso and once again reversing the momentum of the blade and bringing it down across the vampires kneecaps.


Since: 10-20-04

Since last post: 5169 days
Last activity: 4686 days
Posted on 04-23-07 02:12 AM Link | Quote
Grim's sword just misses the chain and he's jerked partially off balance. His next
shot flies wide but clips the hip of one of the back vampires causing it to spin
violently like a childs top from the force of the impact as it falls to the ground.

Kismet's ears catch the sound of one of the vampires entering the bar, somehow
getting behind her companions outside. It leaps into the air, clinging briefly to
the ceiling for a moment before using it's inverted perch as a springboard, launching
itself at Kismet, sword leading.

As Ghost pulls back his sword the vampire before him stands motionless for a
moment before blood begins to well from the tears in it's body. Within a second the
buildup of arterial pressure cause it's body to fly apart. It's head rolls from it's
shoudlers, rolling across the ground like a bowling ball to rest under the feet of the
lead vampire causing it to lose it's balance and fall to the ground. It's torso and
lower half falls apart, landing on the ground with a wet splat, leaving it's two feet
standing exactly where they were, cut off at the knee.

From the side another vampire rushes towards Mikura, a desert eagle in its hands
and bullets flying towards the young Vasith.

(Last edited by Pockets on 04-23-07 05:13 AM)


Since: 09-07-04
From: The dark path

Since last post: 5919 days
Last activity: 5378 days
Posted on 04-23-07 02:25 AM Link | Quote
Dropping to one knee to regain his balance "Bawls to this!" Grim shouts. And dropping the gun he transforms into his large were wolf form. Snatching up his sword he pulls it up sending bits of pavement shooting at the chain wielding vampire. Sweeping it back he slices across the chain. And springing like a sprinter he charges to the vampire that he is attached to. Cocking his sword back and across in his right hand, he jabs his left claws forward to the vamp's face. Then brings the sword around at about armpit level, cutting left to right.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4530 days
Last activity: 5234 days
Posted on 04-23-07 02:39 AM Link | Quote
Kismet quickly rises to her feet and in a fluid dance like motion, she turns to face the incoming vampire, drawing her scimitar from her side and smirks, swinging the blade up and towards the vampire, so when it connects with her blade, his sword should be deflected.


Since: 10-20-04

Since last post: 5169 days
Last activity: 4686 days
Posted on 04-23-07 02:44 AM Link | Quote
ooc: WhiteRose brought up a good point that I totally forgot about and I apologise.
Werewolf transformations are not instantaneous. To transform you have to take
one post to state that you're changing, then you have to use your next post to
take any kind of action. I will allow one change and attack in the same post
per character per day in game play. Anymore though could kill your werewolf
character. Again sorry for the lack of info. If anyone has any questions or
comments feel free to PM me at any time. I'm very happy with this RP and would
like it to continue through the storyline to it's end.

ic: Kismet sucessfully redirects the vampires path and it smashes head first into
ground, nearly shoving its own head into its chest cavity in the process. The vampire is not dead but is unconscious, for the moment.

Grim's claws and sword miss as the vampire trips and falls over the head of
Ghosts opponent which had rolled under its feet. However one of Grims massive
clawed feet does land on it's stomach, pinning it to the ground and gravely
wounding it in the process.


Since: 09-07-04
From: The dark path

Since last post: 5919 days
Last activity: 5378 days
Posted on 04-23-07 02:53 AM Link | Quote
Swinging his sword in a giant circle Grim tees off on the thing's head. Spraying the pavement with blood he looks about for a new target. Leaping into the air he bringing his sword straight down on a remaining vamp's head in a vicious chop.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4530 days
Last activity: 5234 days
Posted on 04-23-07 03:03 AM Link | Quote
She decides leave the unconscious vamp alone for the moment and goes back to her examination of Gabriel. A little worried he hasn't come to yet. Before going back to check on her "patient" she looks around, to see if perhaps she might be needed in battle more.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 04-23-07 03:10 AM Link | Quote
*Aria pulled the trigger and sent the well aimed shot straight through the vampire's head, causing bits of brain and blood to fly everywhere. As she released the trigger she tumbled to the side, so that when the next-closest vampire looked for where the shot had come from there was nothing there. Because of the silencer, none of the other vampires noticed the death unless they were hit by the gore*


Since: 10-20-04

Since last post: 5169 days
Last activity: 4686 days
Posted on 04-23-07 03:21 AM Link | Quote
ooc: I'm going to be messagin individual characters periodically with a specific
god-mod kill they'll be allowed to perform in certain battles. So far DarkGuardian
and Elara have already had their kills. Please try not to god mod unless contacted
by me and informed it is ok to do so.

ic: Gabriel is stirring slightly. He's woozy and obviously suffered a severe trauma to
the head something that will take him a few minuts to recover from before he is in
any condition to fight.

The vampire that Aria shot drops and none of the others notice the lack of one of
their companions. The two remaining vampires continue to move forwards, guns
blazing towards the front of the bar. One catches Grims massive sword across the right shoulder and it sinks through his collar bone and ribs to lodge itself into his
pelvic bone.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 173 days
Last activity: 173 days
Posted on 04-23-07 08:48 AM Link | Quote
Caine held his magnum steadily. He hadn't yet gotten a clear shot with his pistol yet, but he believed he had one now. He aimed towards the one remaining vampire, who had not yet been inured, and was still rushing forward.

He drew his sword, and still holding the pistol forward, charged. While running, he fired three shots, and then slashed with his sword towards the vampire's head, hoping to decapitate it.

ooc: Sorry about not replying much, I'm in the middle of a move. However, I'll be back to ordinary posting in just another week.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4927 days
Last activity: 4550 days
Posted on 04-23-07 02:54 PM Link | Quote
In the confusion, Ionesco had risen from his momentary decapitated state, infuriated beyond belief. He who was responsible had already been slain, but he could still quench his thirst for revenge.

He sat in the back corner, unaware to all that he had arisen, and he began to transform into his hybrid form, readying himself for the kind of revenge that, well, always left a mess.

Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

Since last post: 5965 days
Last activity: 5230 days
Posted on 04-23-07 07:13 PM Link | Quote
Kimura's eyes widened and while she tried a bit unsuccessfully to lsow the bullets with her mind, she dodged left an right running straight at the vampire. When she got close enough to no longer avoid being hit she launched her two more of her throwing knives aiming one at the troat and one just beneath the right side of the beast's rib cage. "I'm down to one knife, Grim. Wanna toss that one cought in, what used to be your opponent's, eye?!?!" She drew her tontou and continued to charge the vampire with the desert eagle.


Since: 09-07-04
From: The dark path

Since last post: 5919 days
Last activity: 5378 days
Posted on 04-23-07 09:22 PM Link | Quote
Letting go of his sword Grim shoulder rolls back to the ex lead vampire. On one knee, he grabs the handle of the knife and pulls it out of the eye socket. "It's raining Kimura!" He calls out and tosses the knife in a high arc towards it's owner.



Since: 10-20-04

Since last post: 5169 days
Last activity: 4686 days
Posted on 04-23-07 11:59 PM Link | Quote
The vampire that was shooting at Kimura ducked, avoiding the knife aimed for its
throat but took the second knife to it's torso. A little higher than intended though so
it struck one of its ribs instead of puncturing vital tissue.

It darted in close, using all the speed it could muster and fired off a wickedly fast
jab at Kimura face, attempting to knock her out of the fight.

Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

Since last post: 5965 days
Last activity: 5230 days
Posted on 04-24-07 12:35 AM Link | Quote
Kimura put all her minds energy into thrusting her tontou into the vampire's fist. She put all her bodie's weight behind it hoping to shove this sword as far down the vampire's throat as possible. She focused intensly prepared to take the blow if it meant killing this thing.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4530 days
Last activity: 5234 days
Posted on 04-24-07 12:42 AM Link | Quote
Kismet smile as she sees Gabriel stir. "Take it easy. Looks like everyone has things more or less in hand." As she stands up, grabbing the unconscious vamp near them, keeping her blade in her free hand. "You wouldn't have anything to keep this one out of trouble. I could go with tradition and cut off his hands, but that might wake him"


Since: 09-07-04
From: The dark path

Since last post: 5919 days
Last activity: 5378 days
Posted on 04-24-07 03:04 AM Link | Quote
Grim watches as the dagger arcs up and starts to fall in the general vicinity of Kimura and her opponent. "Heads up." He calls out to her hoping she could catch it. Remaining where his is he picks up the remains of vampire's long chain. Snatching it from his enemy's hand he tosses the broken chain like a bola at the last vampire's feet.
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