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Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4530 days
Last activity: 5234 days
Posted on 09-21-07 10:15 PM Link | Quote
((OOC:would like to get to the next day so everyone have your cha go home. I never realized one day could take up 8 pages. Lol, but it makes me happy)

Lachesis looks over over at her daughter whose bottom lip is trembling, trying not to cry and then looks over at Amamizu. "It's getting late dear, perhaps you can spend the night here and for back tomorrow"


Since: 09-10-07
From: USA

Since last post: 6265 days
Last activity: 6265 days
Posted on 09-22-07 12:55 AM Link | Quote
Makoto raised her hand in greeting to Ikuko, smiling warmly.

"Sorry Ma'am, I'll be seeing you later, Usagi," she said, backing towards the door. She was tired from the travel home as it was. But she wasn't ready to go back yet.

She bid farewell to her other friends, and took off down the street, opposite her apartment in thoughtful silence.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4530 days
Last activity: 5234 days
Posted on 09-23-07 01:42 AM Link | Quote
Ami get's up and goes and hugs Usagi. "I"ll be by to pick you up tomorrow morning, don't forget to set your alarm clock again. Good night everyone." As Ami makes her way out the door.

Michiru looks at Haruka and Hotaru "We should get home as well, you have class tomorrow Hotaru"


Since: 05-10-07
From: Cali

Since last post: 6281 days
Last activity: 6191 days
Posted on 09-23-07 03:07 PM Link | Quote
Usagi returns Ami's hug and smiles, "Alright..." She stands next to her mom as she waves good bye to everyone now.

Haruka nods, "Yes, let us go..." She looks to Usagi's mom, "thank you for allowing us to come over, you have a lovely home" Her smile soft as she glances to Michiru, a hand on Hotaru's shoulder now.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 09-24-07 02:08 AM Link | Quote
As soon as Lachesis said "late," Amamizu was sleeping on what ever was closest. She was very tired, and almost all her energy was drained.

Minako nodded looking at Usagi. "You don't want me to stay over?"

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 09-25-07 02:32 AM Link | Quote
*Hotaru nodded and bid farewell to Usagi and the others*

"I will see you tomorrow I guess."


Since: 05-10-07
From: Cali

Since last post: 6281 days
Last activity: 6191 days
Posted on 09-25-07 05:51 PM Link | Quote
Usagi shook her head, smiling softly at Mina, "I'm fine....I will see you all tomorrow" She then waved to Hotaru, Haruka and Michiru, still standing next to her mother.

Haruka said her good-bye to the other girls and walked out first...lookign at her bike now on the street, she smiled at were the three of them going to get home on one bike?
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 09-26-07 10:44 PM Link | Quote
Minako smiled and nodded as she left the house. "See you all tomorrow," she waived and walked home.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4530 days
Last activity: 5234 days
Posted on 09-28-07 12:45 AM Link | Quote
((OOC: Yay, on to the next day. By the way, don't forget the majority of you are still teenage girls, so the enemy isn't the only thing you talk about . Have a little fun as well))

The girls all head home and rest, though their minds race with heavy thoughts. The next morning, the sun rises and girls go to school. The day progresses as normal and eventually the clocks strikes the long awaited hour and the school bell rings. The students get up and pack their things and make their way to their destinations.

Ami is pulling a few things out of her briefcase as the rest of the student file out of the classroom.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 09-28-07 01:24 AM Link | Quote
Minako ran up to Ami. It was Makoto-chan's turn to take Usagi-chan to where they were this afternoon. "Ami! Ami! Holy cow! Look what I found!" She ran up and Ami and held up another poster. "It's the same contest, only it's got all the contestant's picture. Look what they all have in common." She pointed to it. Each one of the little girl's faces where missing. Yet she was caught in different poses.

Amamizu stretched. Her eyes were a bit depressed. She felt like something was missing. Something important to her. She began to blink remembering her dream last night....

"....." Amamizu walked through the rain. She smiled because it was her place of pleasure. Her place of zen. She played happily. Suddenly she looked forward. Blonde hair went into view. "Who are you?"

".....If I'm sad, you're sad... If I'm happy you're happy..." She continued looking forward. "When I'm happy it's a light drizzle, but when I'm sad you make it pour..."

Amamizu blinked. "Who are you? Where can I find you?"

The girl grew wings the flew away.

Amamizu looked up as she sat on the couch. "I want to go back to the park Mother." She said with a smile. "I feel like something important is there. Can I go?" She looked at her. She was still wearing the costume no form of clothing what so ever. "I would love to see what it is that is so important there." She looked out the windows the skies were very blue and very clear, with white puffy clouds. Amamizu's eyes looked up with a bit of happiness.

Edit: Sorry about that. didn't know it was fast forwarded to the afternoon.

(Last edited by Lil Miss MRE on 09-28-07 02:41 PM)

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4530 days
Last activity: 5234 days
Posted on 09-29-07 02:27 AM Link | Quote
Ami looks up from her task and took a look at the pictures. "Interesting, mind if I keep these so I can analyze them, maybe I can do it while I go to Computer Club today"


Lachesis looks at her for a moment "You can go, but let's get you some other clothing. I don't want any more bad people taking pictures of you. It bothers me very much, come on, let's see what I have in the attic"


Since: 09-07-04
From: The dark path

Since last post: 5919 days
Last activity: 5378 days
Posted on 09-29-07 02:58 AM Link | Quote
Kaen packs up his pack. He was going to join the computer club today. Pulling out a notebook he looks over the hexadecimal programing code he did after being kicked out of the arcade last night.

He looks over the five pages of programming and then the little post-it note saying where the club will meet.

Since: 09-07-07
From: LA

Since last post: 6296 days
Last activity: 6262 days
Posted on 09-29-07 04:45 PM Link | Quote
Kunzite woke up on the floor bewildered, slowly it all started coming back to him, the weird light, the strange girl, the loud thing that roar down the path. "I need to survey the area, hopefully this place isn't as odd during the day as it is at night." he said as he opened one of the bags.

As he slid on his new black jeans, he felt something in the pocket, he pulled out a set of keys. ' wonder what these go to' He walked over to the front door and inserted the key and turned it hearing it click. "Ok, i don't remember have a key to get in." 'Follow your heart, everything has been taken care of' "So that's what he meant. I should get some type of job if I really want to learn about this place and it's people." he said to himself as he headed for the door.



Since: 05-10-07
From: Cali

Since last post: 6281 days
Last activity: 6191 days
Posted on 09-29-07 06:20 PM Link | Quote
Usagi waited outside, under the huge tree she always went to after class to meet with the girls. Holding her bag with both hands, down in front of her, she looked around the school as everyone else came and went in groups of all sizes. She yawned, leaning back agaisnt the tree. She hadn't slept a wink, her nightmares the same as they had been since....well, since it all happened. She closed her eyes, waiting, listening to the chitter chatter, the singing of the birds, a cool breeze wisping past her.


Since: 09-10-07
From: USA

Since last post: 6265 days
Last activity: 6265 days
Posted on 09-29-07 09:42 PM Link | Quote
A grinning face inched in front of Usagi's silently, until she was inches away. In a sing song voice, the teen poked her friends stomach carefully.


Makoto had skipped last period and run home to change, so instead of being in her uniform, she was in a pair of jeans and a baggy gray sweatshirt.

"Why don't we go get sundae's? I haven't had a chance to go shopping yet and I'm starving." It was then that the teen took note of the dark shade under her friends eyes, and the groggy stance that she bore.

"Oye, you feeling ok Usagi?"


Since: 05-10-07
From: Cali

Since last post: 6281 days
Last activity: 6191 days
Posted on 09-29-07 09:45 PM Link | Quote
Usagi had opened her eyes with a small jump, "ah, Makoto!" she exclaimed, a hand on her stomach now. But she smiled softly at her friend, "Sundaes....sound good..." she said slowly, "But Im waiting here for Mina...then all three of us can go" She blinked down at her watch, where was Mina? Then Makoto's question made her look back up, "I'm...I'm fine..." She said with a faked cheery smile as she put her hand behind her head, "Why?"


Since: 09-10-07
From: USA

Since last post: 6265 days
Last activity: 6265 days
Posted on 09-30-07 01:37 AM Link | Quote
Makoto never was one to cover her thoughts, and now was no exception. Genuine worry furrowed her brows, "Cause you look like crap."

She put her hands on her hips, cocking them to the side, "I wont bug you about it, but if you need something Usagi, let me know ok? I'm here for you."

The teen cast a warm smile at her friend before peering around curious as to where Mina could be. The loud growl that came from her stomach let anyone nearby know how hungry she was. She blushed.

As if that wasn't embarrasing
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 09-30-07 01:22 PM Link | Quote
Minako smiled and nodded to Ami. She looked at her watch. "Ah, Usagi-chan is waiting on me." Her eyes widened. "She must be wondering where I am, I'll see you later." She ran off to meet up with her friend. Minako looked over at Makoto and Usagi. She heard the low grumble from Makoto. "Looks like you've got something on your mind," Minako said popping up behind the two. She giggled.

Amamizu nodded and waited for some sort of outfit for her to wear. Her looked outside. Crystal clear blue skies and sunny. Amamizu was sort of relaxed. Her eyes warmed as she wanted to go back to that park. That same park that depressed her so. What's there?


Since: 05-10-07
From: Cali

Since last post: 6281 days
Last activity: 6191 days
Posted on 09-30-07 01:59 PM Link | Quote
Usagi gave Makoto a small nod at her words, "Ok" she said softly, then smiled widely as her stomach growled. And again, she gave a small jump as Mina popped up behind them. She looked over to Mina with mock annoyance and then said, "Well, if you are both done giving me a start...lets go get those sundaes!" A smile on her she walked away from the tree and towards the street.


Since: 09-10-07
From: USA

Since last post: 6265 days
Last activity: 6265 days
Posted on 09-30-07 09:25 PM Link | Quote
Makoto bopped Mina's forehead lightly, chuckling, "Always."

She winked and turned around, following Usagi's lead.

"I'll pay today, its my idea"
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