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Dirk Ralthar


Since: 07-18-06
From: Malthar

Since last post: 6212 days
Last activity: 6183 days
Posted on 08-24-07 04:42 AM Link | Quote
This is a fantasy/superhero style RP, and is limited to four people not including myself. The setting is Earth in the year 2015, and the U.S. government has become aware of people possessing special talents. Starting a top secret research program in 1980, codenamed ‘Superman’, they began to recruit these special individuals for the purpose of National Security. Some of the recruits refused the training, and left. Using these powers for their own personal gain, they have become known as ‘Shadow Knights’. The program was suspended in 1995 due to a lack of funding, but has been restored due to an increased need for a specialized government force to deal with the Shadow Knights, who have become a threat to the security of the world. Calling upon the few remaining members of the initial Superman Project, it was decided that a new team needed to be trained, this team is codenamed ‘Shininglight’.

Playable races:
Human – Comprising 95% of the earth population, Humans are mostly unaware of the existence of other races. They dominate all major cities on the planet. High strength, average grace. Player age range 17-22

Elf – Comprising 3% of the earth’s population, Elves are a dying breed, most use simple illusion spells to mask their less human features to blend in more efficiently. Others live away from human society to avoid it all together, preferring to stay close to the nature that is their heritage. High grace, average strength. Player age range 30-35

Half-Elf – Comprising 2% of the earth’s population, Half-elves are the offspring of humans and elves, and receive some of the racial benefits of both races, they are longer lived than humans, and a little more graceful, but they are not as graceful or as long lived as their Elven ancestors. Above average grace and strength. Player age range 18-25

Code Name: Elemental
Secret Identity: Andreale Shadowstar
Height: 5’9”
Race: Half-Elf
Hair: Black
Eyes: Emerald
Special Powers: Manipulation of Fire, Earth, Air, Water, and Electricity. Manipulation only, must have a nearby source of the element to be used.
Bio: Born in 1982 in the small town of Petaluma, he was drafted into the Superman program at the age of ten. When the Superman program was shut down in 1995, he returned to his home where he finished school and moved on to become a World History teacher at Petaluma High School. When he received the call for old members of the Superman program to return to Washington D.C., he reluctantly accepted. Placed in charge of the training of ‘Shininglight”, it is his responsibility to ensure that this new team will be able to stop the Shadow Knights from overthrowing all government agencies.


*Andreale walks off the small plane, a black duffle bag thrown over his left shoulder, a rifle case in his right hand. His jet black hair is worn long, a single ponytail reaching his lower back. Around his mouth is a neatly trimmed goatee. A single faint scar traces a path across his left cheekbone, starting an inch from his nose and running back about two inches. He is clothed in blue jeans and a non-descript black t-shirt. Two Government agents, usher him into a waiting limousine, which takes him to what appears to be an average office building. The limousine pulls into a parking garage, and pulls through to the bottom level of the garage. On this floor, 14 levels below the surface, is a heavily reinforced elevator door with two more government agents flanking it on either side. One of the agents accompanying Andraele sticks his hand into a scanner next to the elevator door. The Elevator door opens, and Andraele and the two agents step into it. The elevator opens up into a short corridor, with another security checkpoint at the opposite end. Both of the agents slide ID cards and use another scanning device. This process is repeated multiple times before he comes to a large command center. Almost seventy men and women are working, monitoring events around the country, trying to isolate the movements of the Shadow Knights. Andraele is led through the command center to another small room, an older man wearing a General’s stars, with more grey than black in his hair sits behind a desk entering data into the computer. He grabs the mouse, clicks twice, and then turns to Andraele.*

*General* Have you been told as to why you are here, Elemental?

*Andraele* Not entirely, sir. I’ve just been told that a new team was being formed, and that I am supposed to oversee them.

*General* You will be overseeing their training, I am placing you in charge of making sure that the team is ready for the task we will be setting for them. You have four trainees that passed our screening process; they will be arriving over the next 30 minutes, and will be assembled in the main briefing hall. Here are the files on each member, describing their different abilities. This should help you understand what each of them will be capable of.

*The General hands Andraele four files, one for each of the new trainees, then continues.* You will have an escort for the first few days until you can find your way around, meals are at 0800, 1230, and 1800 hours. The mornings and evenings are to consist of classes, while the afternoons will consist of training their abilities in exercises. It is the afternoon training that you will be in charge of.
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6320 days
Last activity: 6297 days
Posted on 08-29-07 07:37 PM Link | Quote
Code Name: PulP
Secret Identity: Bob MoneyBags
Height: 6'1"
Race: Human
Hair: Green
Eyes: Blue-Green with a ring of Gold
Special Powers: Well train in hand-to-hand combat as well as firearms and explosives, as well as superior strength.
Bio: Born in 1984 in the town of York, his family moved to the U.S. when he was 2. The government told his family that he had a horrible disease and had to be put into a hospital. Shortly after that his parents where told that he had died while he was in the hospital. A Soviet Union sleeper cell had actually bribed the right people in the hospital and they started his training as soon as he could walk. Shortly after the break-up of the Soviet Union the sleeper cell was discovered by the FBI and all members were excuted in a secert lab except for him. Because of his age, he was placed at the only facility that seemed suitable for him at that time, a milatary training camp. There he excelled in his training and went on to be a well decorated Seargent. Always carring at least his Desert Eagle with him. He refused multiple promotions to remain on the frontline. The only thing he loves more than killing other people would be blowing stuff up.


Since: 05-10-07
From: Cali

Since last post: 6284 days
Last activity: 6194 days
Posted on 08-30-07 12:52 AM Link | Quote
Codename: Illusia
Secret Identity: Lexa Daratrazanoff
Age: 32
Height: 5'8
Race: Elf
Hair: Blonde, almost a platinum color
Eyes: violet
Special Powers: can take the form of animals, and can use her kinds ability of illusional spells to make others see things that are not really there, like a mirage effect. Is also quick and quiet. She is quite the master of disguise.

Bio: Lexa grew up in a highly secretive Elf society hidden deep in the forests. She had contact with humans only through her families negotiations with those around their territory. She'd met a young scientist one time and began to learn about the government and the labs he worked in. They grew close over the years, but one day he disappeared completely. After that, she set out to find out what had happened to him, knowing it was foul play somewhere. Her abilities of disguise have gotten her into high security places, where she eventually discovered some clues, but she has yet to discover the whole story. Lexa was picked up by the government before she could get any further.

- - - - - - - -

The building had looked plain, innocent from the outside. However, now down below in the underground area, it was obvious this was no Wal-mart. In fact, not alot of places looked like this did inside. Except to Lexa, she'd seen inside a few government buildings, and was familiar with the top security and high tech gadgets. However, the two men escorting her was new. Usually her visits were unaccompanied.

She walked down a long narrow hall, the two men dressed the same, walking to her sides just behind her. Her white-blonde hair swished as she walked, reaching her waist in long smooth strands. Her violet eyes were dark, her face an emotionless mask. She wasn't even using any illusion to hide what she was. Her ears long and pointed, unlike humans. Her features sharp, almost animal like, yet delicate. She moved gracefully, her shoes making no sound on the floor. She wore tight faded jeans and a tight black shirt. A black cord was braided around her neck, a simple silver pendant on it with elfen writting on it.

One of the men grabbed her arm ever so gently to stop her movement, as they came to a door. Her eyes snapped to him, her eyes narrowed slightly, but her lips in a small smirk.

"A simple, right here, would have been fine" She stated.

She turned to face the door, as the other man moved to open it.

Dirk Ralthar


Since: 07-18-06
From: Malthar

Since last post: 6212 days
Last activity: 6183 days
Posted on 08-30-07 02:36 AM Link | Quote
*One of the men escorting Illusia slides a card through another scanner, and the reinforced metal door slides open. The door leads into a small amphitheater style briefing room, with seating for 15 people. A small podeium sits atop a short dais. The room's only living occupant is a tall human male with green hair.

Meanwhile, Andraele has gone to his private room and has begun to read over the files to learn the names and abilities of those he is to train, as he waits for the last two members of the team to arrive.*


Since: 05-10-07
From: Cali

Since last post: 6284 days
Last activity: 6194 days
Posted on 08-30-07 02:56 AM Link | Quote
Illusia walks in and looks around, noticing the one tall man with green hair. She glances back to her two escorts and arches a brow, her arms folded across her chest.

"Well....?" she asks them simply, as she stands just inside the room for now.
Dirk Ralthar


Since: 07-18-06
From: Malthar

Since last post: 6212 days
Last activity: 6183 days
Posted on 08-30-07 03:27 AM Link | Quote
You are to wait here for further instructions.

*The guard swipes the card again and the door hisses shut.

A knock sounded on the door of Andraele's room, and the door immediately slides open, and another government agent stepped into the room.*

Sir, two of the members of the new team have arrived. The other two have encountered delays and will be here as quickly as their escorts can get them here. The General would like you to start the briefing now.

*Andraele sighs before standing up.* Show me to the briefing room.

*Andraele and the agent leave Andraele's private quarters and begin walking down the hall. They come to the briefing room where Illusia and Pulp are waiting. The agent slides his key card through yet another scanner (there seem to be an unlimited supply of the damn things) and yet another reinforced metal door slides open. Andraele steps through, opposite the side of the room that Pulp and Illusia entered. He walks over to the podeium and drops the files on top of it.*

I know you probably have a lot of questions, so before you ask I will answer as many of them as I can. You are here because you are special, you have abilities that are uniqe, in a sense anyway.

*He gestures towards Pulp.*

For instance, you have great strength, far beyond that of any normal human. And your companion here can weave illusions. That is where the differences end, research done more than twenty years ago has found that people like you all have an extra set of genetic markers, concealed among the rest of your DNA structure. This allows these abilities to manifest, though the exact manifestation seems to vary by the individual despite the fact that the markers are all identical. It was this nation's government that discovered these similarities, and the used that knowledge to begin to find more people like you. Under the code name Superman, they began to men and women with these talents to become extremely effective field agents. However, twenty years ago, the project ran out of funding, and was forced to be disbanded. Almost all of the original subjects were killed in the following two years. They were killed by an organization calling themselves the Shadow Knights. Many of the Shadow Knights were members of the original Superman Project. Others were not, but the one thing they all have in common is that they, like you, possess abiliities far beyond the norm for humans, elves, and half-elves. The Shadow Knights went into hiding for eighteen years after they killed off many of the members of the original Superman project, but have resurfaced in recent years. They have been causing havoc around the world and will become a threat to the U.S. itself if something is not done. That is why the program has been restarted, and a new team was formed, consisting of four new members with a member of the original project to watch over and train them. Any questions so far?

(Last edited by Dirk Ralthar on 08-30-07 06:28 AM)


Since: 05-10-07
From: Cali

Since last post: 6284 days
Last activity: 6194 days
Posted on 08-30-07 03:37 AM Link | Quote
Illusia had listened to the guy fully, and now stood there silently, thinking it all over. She had understood all of it, except what exactly they were here to do, and why she was chosen. If others had abilities, why her? Sure, of all the elves she was the only one who could make a full physical disguise in a blink of an eye, but few knew about that. Finally, she stepped forward.

"So, what exactly are we meant to do..about this other group?" she asked, her tone smooth and holding a bit of an accent similar to an Irish one.
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6320 days
Last activity: 6297 days
Posted on 08-30-07 06:54 AM Link | Quote
*PulP starts scartching his head in disbelife*

I thought that Elves were creatures from a fairy-tale and now you tell me that they are real??!!! How come I have never heard about them before?

*Stares at Illusia thinking about what she said*

And how would we go about stopping these "Shadow Knights" people anyways?

(Last edited by TriggerHappy on 08-30-07 09:54 AM)
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 181 days
Last activity: 181 days
Posted on 08-30-07 01:53 PM Link | Quote
Breeze spun around in an office chair elsewhere. "Jesus..." she said aloud. "The boss is taking longer than expected." She looked in the empty room. She had no clue where she was just a bunch of men took her here because they over heard her say something about how she refused be in a project and wanted to be against them. I hope these people know what they're doing and the crap they can get me into... Shininglight... gosh you people are so rude, she thought to herself. Breeze then began to wonder. I bet they have some guy here who can read minds... crap... she thought.

She looked at her file she had in hand. Nothing useful here only the facts that she was taken from her family and found out she was fast. Fast in everything.

Dirk Ralthar


Since: 07-18-06
From: Malthar

Since last post: 6212 days
Last activity: 6183 days
Posted on 08-30-07 02:39 PM Link | Quote
*Andraele looks at Pulp.*

You have never been told that elves exist because they are a reclusive people. Most stay hidden, the few that integrated with Human society use simple illusion spells to mask themselves as Humans.

As for how the Shadow Knights are going to be stopped, that is what you were recruited for. There is a full team of specialists attempting to predict their movements and isolate their primary bases of opperations. It is my job to make sure that you will be as prepared as you can be to face them when the time comes. The team's first priority is to capture the SK members we encounter, if that objective becomes more complicated than it needs to be we are authorized to kill them.

Starting today you will begin a training regemine to strengthen your abilities and grow stronger. My name is Elemental, and I will be your instructor for that portion of your training. The other portion will be classes where you will be learning what we know of our enemies abilities and resources.

*In the office room where Breeze is located, the sound of gunfire issuse from the hallway outside. One of the men in the room with Breeze signals for the other three to go see what the ruckus was. They pull out pistols and begin to charge down the hallway torward the noises. More gunfire sounds closer to the room, and a few moments later a government agent kicks the door in. Squeezing off two shots from his hand gun he put a bullet through the last man's heart, and another directly between his eyes. He holsters the pistol on his belt and turns to Breeze. Three more agents follow him in a few seconds later.*

We have orders to bring you with us. Any questions you may have will be answered when we arrive.
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6320 days
Last activity: 6297 days
Posted on 08-30-07 03:12 PM Link | Quote
*grins at the hearing of a new training regemine worndering what will happen first then starts eyeing a paiting on the wall while playing with the hilt of his gun*

"It has been a while since I shoot anything"

*thinks back to yesterday which was last when he shot his gun. PulP suddenly whips out his gun and fires three shots at the paiting*

"so who are the other people that are going to be helping us because with just me and her"

*sweeps his hand in the general direction that Illusia is standing*

"we are never going to be able to stop much more than the a sandbox gang?"
Dirk Ralthar


Since: 07-18-06
From: Malthar

Since last post: 6212 days
Last activity: 6183 days
Posted on 08-30-07 03:41 PM Link | Quote
*Andraele's eyes flick to the painting, and the bullets are thrown back and drop to the floor, rolling back to Pulp as a sudden blast of gale force wind knocks him to the ground, without disturbing anything else in the room.*

While I can understand your wish to get started, shooting a painting is hardly the way to go about it. And as you can see, your gun will be no more useful than a paperclip against some of the enemies you will face. Some would have used your own bullets against you. Now if you would be so kind as to follow me, we can get you two started while we wait for the others to arrive.

*Andraele walks to the door he entered from and keys it open. He turns left as he step into the hall


Since: 05-10-07
From: Cali

Since last post: 6284 days
Last activity: 6194 days
Posted on 08-30-07 05:23 PM Link | Quote
Illusia stands there without moving, listening first to Elemental then to Pulp. She rolls her eyes and sighs, turning away from Pulp to face Elemental who walks into the hall now.

"I'm not a dog catcher...." She tells him, not liking the idea of being part of some group that captures or even kills another group. Especially, since it seems to be human affairs. She says it simply, her arms folded across her chest as she watches Elemental still. Her violet eyes slightly narrowed again, but her face emotionless still.
Dirk Ralthar


Since: 07-18-06
From: Malthar

Since last post: 6212 days
Last activity: 6183 days
Posted on 08-30-07 06:27 PM Link | Quote
*Andraele stops.*

Lexa, have you ever wondered what happened to the man you loved? He was found in an alley, badly wounded. He was brought here, but died shortly after. He was like us, he could regenerate any part of his body, could regrow limbs, but his abilities were warped, and that ability began to try to regenerate parts while others were still intact. It lead to his death, and I remember that it was quite painful for him. But with his dying breath he made one request of me. He wanted me to give you this, and he wanted me to tell you that he loved you.

*He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a small black box. The box glides from his hand to Lexa on a slight breeze.*

What happened to him is something I had only seen twice before, and I know of only one person who could do something like that. He was a former member of the original Superman project, and he had the ability to destroy or accelerate the powers of others, he can force your own power to destroy you and then use it against those you care about. He is now the most powerful member of the Shadow Knights, and he is the only one that we dare not go after directly, not now. All around him follow him out of fear, and will not turn against him knowing that if they do so, he will kill them all. He cares nothing for anyone or anything in this world, he relishes in destruction and pain. He has killed people that I care about, my wife, and my closest friend were among them. I plan to see this through to the end, and I hope that you will as well.
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6320 days
Last activity: 6297 days
Posted on 08-30-07 07:39 PM Link | Quote
*PulP stands up and walks over to where the others are standing*

*Looking at Illusia*
"I'm am sorry"

*turns to face Andraele*
"I am ready to begin my training and do whatever it takes to kill those SOB's"


Since: 05-10-07
From: Cali

Since last post: 6284 days
Last activity: 6194 days
Posted on 08-30-07 09:43 PM Link | Quote
At Elemental's first words, Illusia's narrowed violet eyes go to a dark purple. Her mouth tightens into a straight line, the only change in her expression. She had found out quite abit, about what happened to Jeremy, but she'd never heard it all. She had never been able to find out who exactly had done it. Now she stood here, as Elemental revealed the one thing to her, she had sought for years. As her mind races, she sees the black box, her heart stopping as it reaches her through the air.

Wrapping her fingers around it, she already knows whats inside. A necklace matching her's, elfen words etched in a protection spell. Forged in elfen fire and written by one of the few elders left, she gave it to him when they had fallen in love, something no other elf would have done for a human. Now here it was, in her hands again.

As Elemental stops talking, Illusia puts the box in her jeans pocket and looks up at him. "It is not for you, or this government that I will agree to stay and join" She states, her voice still smooth yet also more quiet than before. She glances to Pulp, acknowledging his words to her, then walks toward Elemental.
Dirk Ralthar


Since: 07-18-06
From: Malthar

Since last post: 6212 days
Last activity: 6183 days
Posted on 08-30-07 09:58 PM Link | Quote
It is not why you stay that matters, but that you stay. I am sorry to have put that as bluntly as I did but it was necessary. His death hurt me as well, Jeremy and I were close friends. Now, we will head to the training room.

*Andraele leads the way down the hall to the training room, a large circular room with a domed ceiling, easily six hundred feet across, and two hundred feet high. The walls are reinforced concrete and the doors heavy blast doors.*

Due to the purpose that this room was made for, it is the most durable room in the entire facility. It is here that you will train your powers to make them as powerful as possible. Now, before we move on there are two types of powers: the first are active powers, those that require the user to consiouly act to make something happen; and the other are passive powers, requiring no consious thought and just happening on its own. One thing that both have in common though is that if you can train your mind and keep it calm, your power becomes greater. While the passive abilities do not require any thought to use, a mind that is focused on what you are trying to do will make your power stronger than it would otherwise be. On the other hand, a clouded mind will cause your power to weaken. The benefit and consequenses are more pronounced with the active abilities however. To begin with why don't we see what you are capable of doing right now. Lexa if you would be so kind as to go first.


Since: 05-10-07
From: Cali

Since last post: 6284 days
Last activity: 6194 days
Posted on 08-30-07 10:45 PM Link | Quote
Lexa stood at his right side, looking around the room. At his proposal, she steps forward a few steps and turns to face him. Her eyes back to their shinning violet. She waits a moment, trying to decide what exactly to do. Her powers consist of illusions and shapeshifting, with a few other abilities belonging to elves in general. A few are moving silently, understanding languages quickly, and other simple spells to do with nature.

Finally, she decides upon something to do, and looks up at Elemental. Without moving her lips to cast the spell, which elves usually have to say the spell, a long line of exact duplicates of her appear on either side. A total of 10, perfect clones, all staring back at the two men.
Dirk Ralthar


Since: 07-18-06
From: Malthar

Since last post: 6212 days
Last activity: 6183 days
Posted on 08-30-07 10:50 PM Link | Quote
Good. Bob, your next.

*Andraele reaches into his pocket and pulls out a remote. He presses one of the buttons on and door in the ceiling pulls up and out of the room, a 2000 pound weight is lowered to the floor over a blue ring.*

Pick it up.
The PulP


Since: 10-22-04
From: Columbus, GA

Since last post: 6320 days
Last activity: 6297 days
Posted on 08-30-07 10:55 PM Link | Quote
"alright then"

*Runs over to the weight and picks up on the side and starts working his way under it until he is in the center of it. He then stands up completely with his arms completly extened above his head and then turns and stares at Andraele for a momenment. then turns and throws the weight aprx. 65 yards*
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