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This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4927 days
Last activity: 4550 days
Posted on 11-18-07 05:04 PM Link | Quote
The shadows were watching him again. He couldn't move down the street fast enough, the dark figures seemed to be able to keep up as though he wasn't bolting. They kept up like he was waltzing down the road. He couldn't lose them. They were there. They were everywhere. They had him. With each heartbeat they grew inches closer. One pounced and leaped and grabbed and the darkness came! No! No! NO!

"NO!!!" Eddie exclaimed as he jumped out of his chair, waking from the nightmare. Everyone around him was laughing at him, including the student teacher, Ms. Isiadore, in front of the room. The actual teacher, a balding short man, obnoxiously dressed in yellow shirt and bowtie, looked over at him.

"See me after class, Mr. Powter." Ohh, fuck, Eddie thought to himself.

3 minutes after class, Eddie bolted out of the room. He had to meet up with Nina before she got tired of waiting for him. As he turned the corner, he accidentally bumped into a woman. He turned his shoulder to apologize and he gasped when he recognized the youthful face, or so he thought. He moved faster, getting to the corner where his closest friend was waiting for him.

"...Nina! Nina! I saw her just now! One of 'them'! They're following me!" He said as a fit Asian man passed by them, broom in tow. A new janitor? That's too odd..., Eddie thought to himself.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3908 days
Last activity: 3804 days
Posted on 11-18-07 05:37 PM Link | Quote
As Eddie ran through the halls, he was stopped by a familiar figure. It was Mr. Nathaniel, one of the history teachers. The young teacher was of average height, just under six feet, with short black hair and a slightly receding hairline. He wore a collared shirt and tie, even though he could often be heard commenting on how uncomfortable they were.

"Woah, Eddie, slow down. You're going to hurt somebody. Where are you off to in such a hurry?"


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5152 days
Last activity: 1462 days
Posted on 11-18-07 11:03 PM Link | Quote
The fit Asian man smiled as the boy only a few years younger than him ran through the hall. Koan noted that the boy came dangerously close to tripping over a book bag, but he seemed to avoid it at the last moment. Koan thought to himself This one's not as clumsy as he comes across... The boy stopped at some girl, talking about a person who is following him or something. Koan passed by the boy and girl, brooming up some dirt, and pushing a few brightly colored pencils into a corner. Koan was wearing his blue coveralls, he was quite attractive, and very built. His head completely shaved and his features generally gentle. His hazel eyes shine beautifully when light strikes them, but appear to be a brown color in dim lighting.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4927 days
Last activity: 4550 days
Posted on 11-18-07 11:22 PM Link | Quote
"Ah, sorry Mr. Nathaniel, I was just in a hurry to get to class!" He smiled and turned around, turning his attention back to his childhood friend. He grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her out of the view of the teacher.

"Nina, there's people following me! I saw one of the "opens"! They're the ones that show their face! But the ones that are really following me are the "closed". They're the ones that wear black cloaks and never show their faces. I'm afraid, Nina! Can I stay over your house tonight?"


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5152 days
Last activity: 1462 days
Posted on 11-18-07 11:28 PM Link | Quote
Koan turned his eyes to the boy once again. He was talking in a very paranoid way, as if someone was out to get him. Koan decided to speak up, it was strange for a janitor to talk to a student, but it seemed that this student had a true problem, and Koan could not let that go, only to find out later that this student was right, and he was being followed. If something happened to this kid, he'd feel guilt.

"Excuse me, but who is follow you?"
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 11-18-07 11:46 PM Link | Quote
The new college student in teaching sat as she watched Eddie. Alyssa sighed as she watched the students talk a bit. Alyssa watched everyone as she continued to avoid touching the board. Eddie's look on his face just about as bad when she touched the board in the algebra class room for the first time. She watched the teacher leave the room as she sat in a chair. What is wrong with me, she thought. Alyssa's eyes rolled over to the board. You did this to me... because of you I'm afraid of that man... she thought. As soon as she finished the thought the algebra teacher walks in the room. "Oh... Hi," she said smiling. "Just finishing my class plan for tomorrow. Thank you for taking over," she gave a sort of hesitated smile.

"What came over you Miss Isiadore?" The teacher asked. "You're teaching kids who would look at you and actually listen." He gave sort of creepy smile. "When you put your back on the board it looked like you saw a ghost."

Alyssa grabbed her books and walked out of the class. "Look, it was nice talking and all, I just got a little nervous on my first day student teaching an older class." She began to walk out of the room. The teacher grabbed her arm. Alyssa looked down and began to shiver.

"Relax, you're tensed. Don't worry. Tomorrow's another day okay?"

Alyssa faked a smile and nodded walking out in just as much as a hurry by Eddie and Nina and Mr. Nathaniel, even the janitor. She put a hand on her head. She walked into the teacher break room sitting down in a leather seat. Her eyes filled up with tears and she began to tremble.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1633 days
Last activity: 1450 days
Posted on 11-19-07 12:25 AM Link | Quote
Nina was taken aback by Eddie's outbursts, as though for a moment she wasn't used to them. She flicked a strand of black hair out of her face and gazed back at her friend with her green eyes. However, before she was able to speak, she heard another voice. Glancing up toward its source, Nina shot a quick frown in Eddie's direction and then returned her attention to the janitor.

"It's nothing, sir. My friend here has quite the imagination at times. Don't'chya?" She says, nudging Eddie with her elbow. She gave Koan a polite nod and guided Eddie toward their next class. "Of course you can stay. It's just my brothers and I for the week anyway..." She mumbled.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5152 days
Last activity: 1462 days
Posted on 11-19-07 12:46 AM Link | Quote
Koan smiled, unsure of whether this was the truth or not, but he felt odd standing there any longer.

"Ok, remember, if there is problem, I'll do my best to help."

He walked away from the two, dumping the trash he picked up in the nearby can, and made his rounds into the teachers lounge. The young lady was here, he picked up an M&M's wrapper and tossed it in the can he was about to empty. Removing the bag and placing it on his cart filled with janitorial supplies. He found time for meditation in his work, allowing his mind to drift to a distant location, and to be at peace with the world.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 11-19-07 12:48 AM Link | Quote
Alyssa jumped up thinking it was the Algebra teacher. She blinked looking at him as if she had seen a ghost. Alyssa's eyes relaxed as she saw that it was just the janitor. Alyssa began to laugh a bit. "I'm sorry," she said. "I thought that teacher had followed me here."


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5152 days
Last activity: 1462 days
Posted on 11-19-07 12:53 AM Link | Quote
Koan looked confused for a moment, shaken up by the young teacher's statement.

"This is Teacher Lounge, right? Why would you be afraid that a teacher would follow you?"

This distraction removed Koan from his work, his English was awkward, but he spoke fluent Chinese, perhaps some time spent listening to the students would help him with his English.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 11-19-07 12:58 AM Link | Quote
She blinked looking at him. "I really don't like teaching algebra with my teacher... He sort of well... intimidates me now." Alyssa looked at Koan with a fake smile. "It's not that he's a smart guy... it's just there's something about him that sort speaks out." Alyssa put a hand on her head. "I'm new here. First day working out of the college with a bunch of kids at the age of a little sister or brother." Alyssa sighed she just spilled out her guts to someone she hasn't even received a name from. Alyssa sat back down.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1633 days
Last activity: 1450 days
Posted on 11-19-07 01:21 AM Link | Quote
Nina caught the janitor's comment just before she and Eddie entered their nearby classroom. "What happened to the other guy?" She asked, slipping Eddie's bookbag from his shoulders and dropping it into one of the desks in back. "Ehh, he was a crotchety old guy anyway." She muttered, refering to their old janitor. She sighed as she tossed her bag to the side and dropped herself into the desk next to Eddie's.

Gingerly, she ran her olive-colored fingers through her hair, pulliing it up off her neck. She wrapped the elastic band around her hair three times before leaving it alone, her long hair now a narrow trail down to her waist. She leaned in closely, surveying Eddie with an intent stare.

"I'll ask my brother to drive you to your place to get your crap and tell your folks before we go to my house." Her eyes shifted suspiciously around the classroom. "Then you can tell me what the hell is going on. It's too crowded here..."


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5152 days
Last activity: 1462 days
Posted on 11-19-07 01:21 AM Link | Quote
"I see..." Koan paused on his thoughts, "I am new here as well, my name is Koan, trust your feeling, a man's true nature is usually disguised."

Koan appeared to be very wise, something clearly brought from anomaly, not age. Or an understanding of the world, perhaps he had achieved 'enlightenment.' Koan smiled peacefully.

"I wish you great luck in your endeavors, and that your instincts serve you well."

(Last edited by White on 11-19-07 04:33 AM)
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 11-19-07 01:26 AM Link | Quote
"Koan..." She said with a smile. "Thank you very much," she smiled. "I feel much better now that I've spoken with you." Alyssa pointed to herself. "I'm Alyssa," Alyssa's tone moved from nervous to more relaxed. "Don't call me Miss Isiadore, I get it enough from kids and teachers here." Alyssa laughed a bit. "You're a bit of an ironic person," she said. "You've got a lot to say for just being a janitor." Alyssa smiled. "I can trust you then. Right?"

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3908 days
Last activity: 3804 days
Posted on 11-19-07 03:07 AM Link | Quote
James Nathaniel followed the two students with his eyes as they walked away. After a moment he walked across the campus and into his classroom. Locking the door, he pulled out a cell phone and opened the back. He took out the SIM card and replaced it with one in his wallet. After booting up the phone, he dialed the only number in the phone book.

"It's Nathaniel. Everything is going to plan... Yes Costa did her job perfectly, the boy's going to her house... Yes, tonight. Yes, sir... Of course."

Marika awoke as the lights slammed on. She couldn't make out the man through the glass, but she could hear his voice through the intercom.

"Morning, Miss Ferencz. I hope the accommodations aren't too inconvenient."

Marika looked around her cell. She was suspended five feet in the air, her arms stretched above her. She tried to struggle, but the cords around her ankles and wrists only chafed her. She attempted to scream out to the man before her, but could barely breathe enough to form words.

"No complaints? All right, then I'll see you tomorrow. Good evening."

The lights slammed off, and Marika was left alone with her thoughts.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 712 days
Last activity: 521 days
Posted on 11-19-07 08:43 PM Link | Quote
((Don't mind the break in the currently consistent story going on. I assume that if this is anything like the show, many of the characters aren't in the same place and by means of fate all become tied together eventually, so here goes the start of Cally's story))

Las Vegas, Nevada

Lina fondled her drink tray as she waited for the bartender to fulfill the order she put in. While Jared prepared the Amaretto sour and two martinis, Lina placed her tray on the bar and adjusted her uniform, pulling her skirt up a bit and yanking down the front of her top.

Jared winked at her as he poured the gin.

"Working on those big tips, are ya, Lina?" he jested, grinning to the patrons at the bar as they chuckled and momentarily glanced in her direction.

"High rollers," she smirked. "Gotta give 'em what they paid for."

The bar patrons nodded their silent understanding, as she continued to tug at her low-cut bodice-like, black, suede vest the Montecito designated the official uniform for the cocktail waitresses who exclusively served the high rollers. Her matching skirt, already scandalously short, had a slit over her left thigh. A name tag reading, "Montecito Resort and Casino," with "LINA" below that, was pinned to the vest, hovering over her left breast. Her longish dark brown hair, pinned out of her face, otherwise hung freely down her back.

"Boom goes the dynamite," Jared joked, loading Lina's tray with the mixed drinks.

She looked down to check how much her cleavage stuck out, picked up her tray and turned to leave, just as Jared called her back. Whispering a few things to her, out of earshot of the men at the bar, Lina giggled loudly, held her tray high, turned, and headed to the private VIP lounge.

"What gives?" one of the barflies asked, elbowing the guys next to him.

"Just thanking her for last night," Jared said slyly, with a devil-may-care smile, as the guys at the bar hooted and high-fived.


Lina made her way to the closed off lounge after going through a labyrinth of hallways with the occasional security check. Upon finally arriving in the secret high-roller area, she swiped a security card on a panel on the door, causing it to beep and swing open.

The dimly-lit room, completely clouded with cigar smoke, held three gamblers immersed in a game of high stakes Texas hold 'em. The other men in the room consisted of two security guards and the dealer.

As Lina entered the room, the guards waved a metal detector over her. Though casino and resort staff were usually not checked, it was the importance on the men in the room that were cause for the extra precautions.

"Goddamn it, just let her through before my drink warms up!" one of the gamblers shouted.

"She's clean, anyway, boss." One of the guards confirmed.

"Ah, Miss Lina's return to grace us with her lovely presence once more," another gambler said as she bent over to place his martini in front of him, letting the men enjoy the view as she did so.

The third man remained silent and sternly kept his eyes on his cards.

"What do you think, Miss Lina? Should I fold or raise?" the second gambler asked pulling her into his lap revealing his hand of pocket 8s while caressing her thigh.

"That is a tough one, Mr. Talos. But I think..." Lina smirked and threw a few of Talos' chips in the pot. "...this does call for some action."

"Mr. Talos raises $900,000," the dealer announced.

"Oooh, luck be a lady tonight!" Talos jeered.

The other two men called, dropping what chips it took to even out the betting at which point the dealer laid down the first flop--Ace of Spades, 3 of Clubs, and the 9 of Diamonds.

Lina, never really being one for gambling or cards these days, let her mind drift to other things as Talos continued to run the tips of his fingers up and down her leg while he sipped his drink in his other hand and watching the other gamblers raise the stakes.

On the turn, the dealer put down an Ace of Clubs.

"What a shame, Mr. Talos," Lina said. "Dead man's hand."

Instantly, two uzis, with silencers attached, appeared in Lina's hands from under the table laying the two security guards, the dealer and the other two men to waste just as quickly. Springing from Talos' lap, Lina kicked him backwards to the ground while he still sat in his chair, resting the spiked heel of her boot on his right arm which seemed to be reaching for a gun.

With his left hand, he raised it in surrender, as both guns were aiming for the space between his eyes.

"Wait, wait, WAIT!" Talos protested. "Who sent you?!"

"Does the name 'Rawlins' ring any bells?"

"Rawlins? He's dead. What of it?"

"You have your answer."

"Your name. What is it?" Talos demanded nervously.

"Callisto Roxton. At your service." She nodded her head and dropped a mock curtsie.

Talos' eyes widened and he began to laugh as though the name tickled him.

"Somehow I knew you'd be coming if ever one was sent. I'm honored."

"That makes one of us." She shot, creating a spring of dark blood, leaving the marred flesh of what used to be a human face, at her feet.

(Last edited by Rogue on 11-20-07 05:27 AM)


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5152 days
Last activity: 1462 days
Posted on 11-20-07 12:35 AM Link | Quote
The Janitor smiled, his job was often looked down upon, and he as a consequence.

"My job leaves me much time for my meditation..." With a joyous fervor in his eyes Koan started, "Ahhh, now that is tricky part, if man's true nature is often hidden, then who can say what I am really like? For instance, who would've thought you'd find a friend in a Janitor, Miss Alyssa? In society, the intellectuals look down upon foreigners, and even more on janitors."

He thought for a moment.

"And who am I to judge if you can trust me, I will say yes no matter what. But I believe I am worth trust."
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 11-20-07 01:10 PM Link | Quote
Alyssa laughed a bit. "You are correct the irony is very perceptive." She looked at Koan and then looked at her watch. "I guess I'm just a bit stressed." She took out a pen and a sticky note. "Anytime you feel the need to talk again just call me," she said writing down her cellphone number. "I have to go to the principal's office to be briefed on the school here. Like I don't already know. It may be just a welcoming speech. That's what happened at the elementary school I was student teaching at last time." She walked out of the lounge and walked down the hall this time she passed by Mr. Nathaniel's room. Alyssa's shoes tapped as she walked down the hall. All the students must be in class right now, she thought. She walked up to the office and looked at the secretary. "I'm here to see the person in charge?"

"Oh he's right over there... Who are you again?"

"Miss Isiadore."

"Oh yes, he's been expecting you just walk through the door."

"Thank you," Alyssa said going through the door. She looked in to see the principal, she didn't know his name and didn't think he was all that important so she didn't read the name plate on the door. "You needed to speak with me?"
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 712 days
Last activity: 521 days
Posted on 11-20-07 02:41 PM Link | Quote
Las Vegas, Nevada

Cally walked with determination into the empty hallway, carrying her tray with the empty glasses in front of her, aware that someone was watching her around a corner. The door to the lounge, eased shut behind her. Continuing at her normal pace to prevent any conspicuousness, she turned a corner and doubled her pace, hearing the footsteps behind her quicken as well.


She stopped, recognizing the voice.

"Ag," She mumbled, then sighed in relief. "How much time do we have?" She asked turning to the one who called her.

((pronounced "Aug-way" in this story, though it may also be traditionally said as "Agg-way." More on him in the Discussion thread if necessary)), previously "Jared" the bartender, stood nearly a foot taller than Cally having dark skin and his head completely devoid of even the stubble of hair regrowing.

"Security changes shifts in 4 minutes," He informed.

"Did you have any trouble with the cameras?

"The system has been down for the last 20. We should be safe, but we gotta move."

They both began to walk at a very quickened pace, traversing the Montecito's hallway maze. A bartender and cocktail waitress walking together wouldn't be out of the ordinary, but with a few bodies discovered in a locked room, anyone with an entrance card would be called for questioning, especially one waitress who would normally solely serve the men in that room.

"Karina'll be pleased to know her husband's murderer is dead." Cally huffed.

Agwe nodded. "Didn't we take the job for his drug smuggling and weapon trafficking?"

Cally grinned. "You say tomato, I say cocksucking murderer."

(Last edited by Rogue on 11-21-07 02:06 PM)


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5152 days
Last activity: 1462 days
Posted on 11-20-07 11:32 PM Link | Quote
ooc- I love you rogue. You need to RP more. XD

Koan bowed appreciatively, and placed the piece of paper into his shirt pocket. He finished his rounds in the teacher's lounge and made his way up and down the halls, sweeping trash into a hand-carried trash holder. Kids made such messes, but Koan was good at his job, and kept everything nice and clean. Leave the kids to their fun and games, less than four years until real life smacks them in the face.
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