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Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1633 days
Last activity: 1450 days
Posted on 11-23-07 01:03 AM Link | Quote
When Nina's alarm sounded, she did not stir. Ever since she could remember, Nina always awoke a minute or so before her alarm went off. The sound never woke her, but rather it reminded her that she was indeed alive and needed to move.

However, this time, Nina simply slammed the snooze button before rolling over and shoving her pillow over her head. I don't want to go to school... she thought grimly to herself. Shivering, she tugged the dark purple comforter to her neck, curled up into a little ball and did her best to keep herself warm.

Why is it so cold? She thought, as she was slowly drifting back to sleep.

As the moments passed, Nina became colder and colder, until finally, she couldn't feel it anymore. Her lungs were burning. The burning sensation was the only thing she could feel as she slowly drifted off into a deep slumber.

Suddenly, the alarm sounded again. This time Nina wasn't prepared for the sound. She jolted upright, her pillow flopping forward onto her lap. She propped herself upright, pulling her pillow and knees against her chest, shivering.

"Argh!!!" She shouted in frustration, wishing for the sound to cease. Something in her snapped as she snatched her clock from her night stand and threw it as hard as she possibly could at her wall before reverting back to her previous, shivering position.


When she made her way downstairs, she had regained her composure. She needed to keep that way for Eddie. The dreams...his home...and he isn't the only one with strange...powers... she thought to herself, running through her mind what Alyssa had mentioned to her the day before.

Nina sighed. She decided that she would find the teacher and talk to her about the issue at hand. The shock of the day before distracted Nina from asking questions...

She knew she was running late, so there was no time for breakfast. Instead, she made her way to the foyer, and waited. She could already hear everyone picking up from the kitchen to leave anyway, and Gianni said that he would take Nina and Eddie into school with him that day.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4927 days
Last activity: 4550 days
Posted on 11-23-07 01:26 AM Link | Quote
Gianni walked out into the foyer, swinging the keys around his index finger. He looked at Nina with a passing glance, the kind of one that transmitted a warning. In this case, his eyes seemed to foretell seriousness. Eddie walked out soon after, carrying a tray. He seemed as drained and emotionless as he did when he woke up in the morning.

"Here, Nina, you can eat this in the car." He handed her the tray and walked straight out to the car. Gianni waited a moment, turning to her.

"He got that ready for you. I don't know what's going on with his head. Alex told me he was up for hours before dawn." Gianni sighed, looking out at Eddie, who was now just standing by the car, staring off into space. "I don't know what to say to him."

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1633 days
Last activity: 1450 days
Posted on 11-23-07 01:51 AM Link | Quote
Nina looked up at her brother with a shrug. She looked down at the platter and grinned. "He still remembered I hate passing up a meal...that's a good sign." She says as she made her way back to the kitchen. She placed the tray on the table and snatched up several containers, putting something from the tray in each. She then slipped the tray beside the sink, while reaching under the sink for a plastic bag to put the containers.

When she went to place the containers into the bag, one of them opened and some of the food spilled onto her hand.

"Shit." She mumbled as she made her way over to the sink to wash her hands.

The second she touched the silver faucet, she let out a yelp. Instinctively, Nina's hand flew to her mouth. It was throbbing.

Why is it so cold?! she thought to herself, frantically looking around to make sure no one heard her scream.

The house was empty. Gianni had already left and was starting the car. Nina let out a sigh of relief and slowly reached out for the sink once more. The silver handle was no longer cold. Tentatively, Nina turned on the water, allowing the temperature to grow warm before putting her hands under the running water.

While she waited, she reached for the dish soap and poured a small amount into her hands. By the time she finished rubbing the soap in, the water was warm enough.

Nina placed her hands under the water, rubbing them together vigorously. A few seconds later, when all the soap had rinsed from her hands, Nina motioned to pull her hand away from the water, but as she did, the water did something strange.

Nina's eyes widened in shock as she watched the water leaving the faucet stream outward toward her hands as she was pulling them away. Slowly, Nina moved her hands about, but the water still followed. Then, it suddenly became ice cold. Once again shocked by the cold, Nina pulled her hands away quickly, only to be splashed by some of the water. Once again, Nina yelped. She closed her eyes and shook her head. When she opened her eyes, the water was back to normal, still running from the faucet.

"Sonuvabitch." Nina mumbled as she quickly turned off the water, scooped up the bag with the containers, and bolted out the door.

Alessandro stepped out from the laundry room, which was only accessible by going throught he kitchen, and stood in the middle of the kitchen, the moment he heard Nina slam the door behind her.

Shaking his head, he walked over to the sink. There was water everywhere on the counter surrounding it as well as the floor...


Nina was still running until she got to Gianni's car.

"I'm going to kick your ass..." Gianni groaned as Nina jumped into the back seat beside Eddie. Nina ignored her brother's threat, however, and looked over at Eddie.

"Thank you for the breakfast. If I don't finish it before we get there, I can still pick on it in Homeroom." She said, lifting the bag with the containers, to show Eddie why she had switched the tray for them.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 11-23-07 07:10 PM Link | Quote
Alyssa's eyes softened as she looked around. The coast seemed to be clear. So she took her journal back out and began to look through it to see if there was some sort of pattern as to why she gets these visions. She began to open to the first page which was ten years ago when she was at her grandmother's will reading. She looked at the page which had more details on that day.

November 25th, 1999.

Dear Journal,

I don't know where to start. I guess I'll start when I was with mom at my grandmother's will reading three days ago. My grandmother died of a disease, I know because my grandmother told me. My mother told me that she died of old age. I was left the beautiful quilt that she and I had made together with the help of some of her friends. It was made out of many of our old clothes and we spent so much time making it. In the middle of the quilt is a heart where my grandmother's disease started to cause her to stop sewing half way through. She smiled and told me to sew the last part while she sat on the couch. She said that she was having trouble keeping her heart in shape. I didn't know what she meant by that but I was 5 at the time. I figured it out today when I touched the quilt I was placed back to that day. I was there but I couldn't touch her. I was shouting ever minute that there are surgeries for that and we could afford it, but she never heard me. I only remember the quote. "I hope you know, I'll be with you when ever you see this quilt, even if you touch it, you'll see me alive and happy."

I didn't know what she meant by that, but it was true. I keep touching the quilt and I don't see anything. I touched one more thing and I moved in with my mother after that. I touched my mother and father's bed. Where I began to see my father hugging and kissing someone and that someone wasn't my mother. I told my mother about this and she said something about Gramma. She never told me but to keep record of all this happening to me. Three days later my mother left my father and I never saw him again.

This journal is to keep up to date information of all the things I touched and later I can see what is going on with me. I feel like a total freak now.

Alyssa Isiadore

PS: Journal... I really don't want to be sent to the circus. Mom told me about twenty times today to keep this a secret or that would happen.

(Last edited by One Shot One Kill on 11-23-07 11:02 PM)

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3908 days
Last activity: 3804 days
Posted on 11-23-07 07:25 PM Link | Quote
"Working on anything interesting?"

Mr. Nathaniel stood before Alyssa. After a moment he sat down next to her.

"Never expected a math teacher to be a closet novelist."
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 11-23-07 07:30 PM Link | Quote
Alyssa slammed the journal and looked up at Mr. Nathaniel. Alyssa was surprised. "Oh this?" She stammered getting up to speak with her superior. It was how she was raised. "Why do you say that? I'm not a math teacher yet. Heck..." She crossed her arms with her hand on the journal. "Mr. Smith doesn't even think so."

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3908 days
Last activity: 3804 days
Posted on 11-23-07 07:40 PM Link | Quote
Nathaniel stood, next to Alyssa.

"Jonathan Smith is an incompetent ass. It's a miracle that he hasn't lost his job. The only he's still here is because he hasn't done anything wrong yet."
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 11-23-07 07:46 PM Link | Quote
Alyssa laughed. "Incompetent ass is just a fraction of what he is," she smiled. "Right now I'm supposed to be getting ready to watch him teach a remedial math class which I believe I can handle..." She looked to the side. "He passed off my actions yesterday as nervous... but I have a weird feeling about him." Alyssa saw this moment as a way to see if the vision she had seen from the board as true.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3908 days
Last activity: 3804 days
Posted on 11-23-07 07:58 PM Link | Quote
"I've never been one to ignore women's intuition, and this case is no different. Jonathan is definately someone you don't want to be closely associated with, Miss Isiadore."
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 11-23-07 08:07 PM Link | Quote
Alyssa looked at Mr. Nathaniel. Intuition is not a way to explain it, She thought looking at Mr. Nathaniel. Then she looked down as she started to flash back to when she touched the picture. Alyssa started gaining a face of aggravation with herself. "I should just..." she looked at the ground. "Request for a change of teachers..." She tried to change the subject but the memories kept coming in her vision. The smell of the fumes and everything. Alyssa's grip around her journal loosened as she dropped her journal.

But if I do that... She began thinking. I can't do a part in keeping Eddie safe...

(Last edited by One Shot One Kill on 11-23-07 11:08 PM)

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3908 days
Last activity: 3804 days
Posted on 11-23-07 08:16 PM Link | Quote
"Well, if you feel uncomfortable with your teacher, I'm sure a transfer could be arranged."

The bell rang, signaling a swarm of students escaping their last class.

"I've got a U.S. History class to prepare for. Feel free to join me."
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 11-23-07 08:21 PM Link | Quote
Alyssa blinked as the vision of orange, red, and yellow left her eyesight. Alyssa nodded. "Okay thanks... I don't think history has anything to do with math, but I'll definitely join in." Alyssa sighed. "I can't transfer..." She said.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4927 days
Last activity: 4550 days
Posted on 11-24-07 12:42 AM Link | Quote
Eddie sat silently in the back of the car, staring out at the road. He really didn't want to go to school today, but he knew it would be better than staying at Nina's house and letting everything he should be sad about bring him down. His parents would have wanted him...Eddie's eyes started to water but he stopped them before they could be seen. He wiped them from his eyes and drifted his mind to other things.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1633 days
Last activity: 1450 days
Posted on 11-24-07 02:53 AM Link | Quote
(Gah, and I are behind. XD)

Nina placed a hand on Eddie's shoulder, but did nothing more. She never did think pushing oneself on someone could possibly help them, however, she did her part to remind them of her presence.

When they arrived at the school, Nina jumped out of the car and waved lazily to Gianni. Gianni nodded to both Nina and Eddie and headed toward his locker.

"Alright Eddie..." Nina said, deciding to get right to the point. "We don't have some of our classes together....never...and I mean never allow yourself to be alone..." She said, with the most serious expression as possible.

"And when we ARE together, if you aren't lodged up my ass, I'm going to be the biggest threat you're going to face, alright?"

Nina offered her friend a halfhearted smile. She trusted that he understood her seriousness and didn't take her comments with ill meaning.

The day seemed to drag on, and it was still morning! Nina gazed out the window through the entire class period of her first and second classes. As the third bell rang, Nina remained in her seat for a moment. She didn't feel like moving. She was worried about Eddie...and yet her mind was set on Alyssa and Koan as well. The events that morning still freaked her out, but as more time passed, the cloudier the event became in her mind and the more she was able to rationalize things.

By the time she was heading to her History class, she was at least able to ignore what happened to her sink and keep her attention to the other events.

What can I do for him? she thought to herself as she found her usual spot in the back of the classroom.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 712 days
Last activity: 521 days
Posted on 11-24-07 05:29 PM Link | Quote
((OOC: Playing catch-up))

Costa Verde, California

The next morning, after Cally spent the night driving back from the funeral near Las Vegas, she trodded up the stairs of her Costa Verde apartment building. She hadn't bothered to let herself cry. She didn't see any point in letting the dam burst after 20-some-odd-years and it would NOT be to please George Wilford.

She unlocked the door, let herself in, slammed the door behind her, turned around and latched it. Her living space was rather sparse and she didn't bother keeping animals. Though she would have appreciated the company it wouldn't have been fair to a dog or cat to be left alone for weeks on end sometimes.

She tiredly walked into her living room, taking off her coat, dropping a prayer card for the late Donnie Rosenburg on a side table with the others, kissing the tips of her fingers and placing them to a picture of her dead parents.

Noticing a red light blinking on the answering machine, she walked over to it, pressed the button and paused to listen.

"You have 2 new messages. Message 1 received today at 8:11 a.m."

"Callisto? Hi, it's Karina! I just wanted to call and thank you so ... so ..." Karina's voice audibly gave away that she was beginning to cry if she wasn't already. "so... VERY MUCH for all the help you've given me. I can't express my ..." She choked on her words. "... my unbelievable gratitude. You're an angel. I know this will never bring Richard back, but Erin and I feel so much safer now. She's getting taller, Cally, you should come visit again soon. And she hasn't had any nightmares or wet her bed since she heard about Talos. If there's anything ... ANYTHING we can do, just call us. OK? I'll talk to you later."

Cally smiled a little more contentedly. It was things like this that were thousands of times sweeter than any pay-off for a job.

"Next message. Message 2 received today at 9:28 a.m."

"Callllllllllllisto. Cally. Miss Roxton? If you're there, pick up the phone."

Cally sighed. Fucking George.

"Look, I want to apologize for confronting you yesterday. I know there's only so much you can do when the chips are down..." He paused. "Heh sorry, bad pun." He cleared his throat. "When you're in the business, you have to lose a few pawns here and there to win the game."

She rolled her eyes and walked into her bedroom, where she could still hear the recording, to change clothes.

"We have to talk," George continued. "I need your help for something big. It's not a job, just an assignment. You're the only one I can trust with this. You know the number." Click.

Down to a bra and underwear and looking for something else to put on, she heard a floorboard creak. Standing perfectly straight, with her back to the approaching body, she continued to give the impression that she was still looking through her wardrobe. As she felt the presence closing in behind her, she closed her eyes and tried to sense where they were in the room and in relation to her.

At about 4 feet away, when she could hear the other person breathing, noting that they were a bit taller than she, Cally turned quickly delivering a roundhouse kick directly to the other person's face, knocking him face down to the ground.

"You're not going to call me back right away, Roxton?" The body, George obviously, said. "I said I was sorry. What more do you want?" He let out a chuckle.

"Goddamn it, George!" She put her hand out to help him up. "What the fuck are you doing sneaking around here?"

He looked at her hand and back up at her. "I dunno, the vista point is pretty scenic from down here." His eyes settled on her chest, barely covered by the scant, lacy garment.

She took her hand away, but didn't bother covering up. Shame, like tears, was something she gave up many years ago. And besides, in his mid-30s, she was sure it wasn't something he hadn't seen before anyway.

"I wanted to fill you in more on the assignment," George began, rising up from the floor.

"You couldn't just call me or something?"

"Didn't want to seem desperate leaving multiple messages," he jested.

A bit exasperated she turned back to her wardrobe, unclasping her bra, and dropping it, by the strap, onto the wardrobe's door.

He continued, never taking his eyes off her now-bare back,
"You're going to need to go by another pseudonym for this caper. It's of the utmost importance that you be very thorough in your fake persona as well."

Cally reached into her wardrobe, pulled out a fluffy, light green bathrobe and draped it over her shoulders, not bothering to tie it shut as she whirled around to face him, looking him in the eye though she noticed his gaze continued to drift low for a bit before wandering back to her face.

"It's another pick-up job. Meet me at this address in an hour," He handed her a scrap of paper.

"Put everything together, IDs, birth certificates, childhood toys, everything. Here's a file to give you an idea of someone who might have been distantly associated with our target. Callisto, you're the only person I know who can get this done right," he reassured her and further handing her the papers gathered together in a folder.


An hour gone by Cally was sitting in a beat-up silver '86 240 DL Volvo in a parking lot near the address George gave her. She'd mentally detailed everything about it from the broken speedometer to the faded pink, strawberry-scented evergreen tree-shaped air freshener hanging from the rearview mirror and even to the clunking sounds in the drive line from the male and female splines rubbing each other the wrong way. Machines were always easy for her. As were documents.

A moment later, George was standing outside her car door, rapping on the glass.

She opened the door and stepped out.

"Nice ride," he said. "What do you get for MPG?"

She rolled her eyes mildly and closed the door. They both started to walk toward the building.

"You're his mother's second cousin, Andrew Graves, whom she hasn't seen in several years," Cally started. "You remember when he was born, being at his parents' wedding and so on, but haven't seen him since he was 3 due to a falling out you had with his father. You've seen the file, you know when this all was. I'm your girlfriend, Mia Bolanco. We've been seeing each other for 4 years and have thought about getting engaged on a few occasions, but due to a miscarriage we had a couple years ago, things haven't been the same, thus we fight continuously but still function well together."

"Well that certainly does explain a few things," George smirked.

"Anyway, here's the guardianship paperwork and all that," Cally said, handing off a peach folder with various papers stuffed in.

They got up to the door. George opened it, holding it open for Cally to walk through first and he followed her inside. A couple of secretaries were typing away in the front office. A mid-50s-looking woman with dyed red hair, horn-rimmed glasses with a beaded chain attached to the edges so that her glasses wouldn't fall too far should they slip off, a slightly wrinkled face, red lipstick, a pink cardigan hanging over her shoulders and homely grandmother smile looked up at the approaching couple.

"May I help you?" She queried. "SHIELA MORAN" appeared on a plastic faux-wooden desk name plate in front of her.

"Yes, Ms. Moran," George responded. "A Mr. Graves here to see Principal Hicks concerning a current student if he isn't too busy."

"Not at all. Right this way," Shiela said, standing and guiding George and Cally to the principal's office.

"Jim," she said knocking on Principal Hicks' door. "Someone here to see you about a student."

"Come in!" Was heard from inside the office.

"What's this all about?" Hicks asked as "Andrew" and "Mia" entered, Shiela closing the door behind them and leaving their meeting some privacy.

George took a seat.
"I'm afraid this concerns one of your students. Eddie Powter." He began.

(Last edited by Rogue on 12-20-07 04:23 PM)


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5152 days
Last activity: 1462 days
Posted on 11-25-07 01:11 AM Link | Quote
ooc--Me too.

The alarm went off, and Koan did not respond, he shrugged off the alarm, called work and told them he'd be late. He meditated on the night's events. Got dressed, and entered work a good hour late. He cleaned double-time to make up for this, and quickly caught up on his work.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4927 days
Last activity: 4550 days
Posted on 11-25-07 01:59 AM Link | Quote
Eddie sat quiet in his chair, staring ahead at the chalkboard. His friends in the Social Studies noticed the change in attitude. He was a pretty popular kid, despite his geekiness, and a lot of people liked him for his kindness and sense of humor. Jenny Connery, the girl who sat behind him, slid a note onto his shoulder that fell to his desk like an autumn leaf. He picked it up and read her handwriting.

You ok, honey? You're very quiet. Eddie picked up his pen and watched the teacher, waiting until the phone rang and he went to answer it before penning out an answer and throwing the note back at her.

Yeah, I'm fine. Jenny read as the teacher turned around, looking straight at Eddie.

"Eddie, you're wanted in the principal's office." Eddie looked around, nervous, as he rose and started to walk out of the room.

"Keep it fly, Powter!" Someone cheered as he walked out, followed by a string of laughter that grew quiet soon after he shut the door.

He walked quickly through the halls, Nina's words playing through his head. Never be alone, she'd said. Look at him following through with that. He stepped into the office, walking to the principals office, and opening the door. "Yes, Principal Hicks?"

Principal Hicks waved him in. "Come in, Eddie, have a seat. I've heard about the incident that happened yesterday-"

"What?" Eddie said, growing lightly paranoid, offput by the two strangers in the room. "How?!"

"Why, your mother's...second cousin, Mr. Graves here has informed me. He is your only living relative now, isn't that correct?"

Eddie sat thinking for a moment, until beads of sweat began to form on his face as he recollected his grandmother had been an orphan. There was no chance in hell these people were for real. He decided to play it cool for the moment, not attract any negative information.

"I think I remember my mother talking about you, yeah."

The principal nodded, happy to hear the conformation. "Well, Eddie, by law he is now your legal guardian, and he said he would like to take you to live at his house in Costa Verde, which I assume would mean you won't be attending here anymore, lad."

Eddie nodded, rubbing his palms together. "I guess I don't have a choice, huh? Hey, can I go to the bathroom before I'm dismissed?"

The principal passed a quick glance at the two before nodding, saying "Of course, lad, you know where the bathrooms are. Hurry up, then."

Eddie smiled. "Thanks." He started to get up and walked slowly out of the office, looking both ways before turning right and vanishing from view. The principal stood, shaking his head.

"Now that's queer," He said as he began walking out the office. "The men's bathroom is down the left-" He stopped as he saw Eddie bolting down the hallway, turning a corner sharply.

Eddie panicked, trying to remember where Nina's class was. He had to get to Nina. Shit! Shit! Eddie remembered her class was on the other side of the school! He went the wrong way! No matter, Eddie thought as he dashed up a set of stairs. He knew this school like the back of his thumb. He could evade these two until he got to her.

George growled. "Oh bloody hell. EDDIE!" He yelled as he started after the boy, knowing he was a little too old to keep up with the youth. "C'mon, Mia!"


Eddie bolted through the hallways, attracting surprisingly little attention. He made his way across the school on the second floor,then turning into another stairwell. He jumped a set of steps, landing hardly on the ground. He turned and found Nina's classroom and knocked on the door, catching the teacher's attention. "Umm, hello..." Eddie mouthed out through hard breaths. "Can I see Nina DeSantos in the hall for a moment? It's about SGA."

The teacher nodded, turning back to their chalkboard. "Make it quick, Nina."

(Last edited by Cairoi on 11-25-07 05:10 AM)

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1633 days
Last activity: 1450 days
Posted on 11-25-07 02:21 AM Link | Quote
Nina looked up, suprised to see Eddie in her classroom.

But I'll see him in the next class... she thought to herself, as she had to pull herself from the light nap she was taking in the class.

Then, as she rose to her feet, she was pulled back into reality. She looked at Eddie strangely as she walked to the front of the classroom. She looked up at her teacher and grinned sheepishly. "Thanks Mr. Nathaniel." she said softly as she exited the classroom with her friend.

"What in the hell is going on?" She said in a hushed voice the moment she closed the door and moved away from the teacher's sight.

"Are you alright?"
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4927 days
Last activity: 4550 days
Posted on 11-25-07 02:28 AM Link | Quote
"They're here! They convinced the principal they're my legal guardians. They said they were my mother's second cousins, but that's not true! They're here to bring me in, Nina!"

Eddie looked around and he had somewhat of a revelation. He was tired of running. He didn't want Nina to get hurt. He placed his hands on her cheeks and kissed her forehead.

"Tell your brothers thank you for me, alright?" He was breathing heavy, and was trying to think of an escape route. "Come find me, ok? As long as you're safe, don't stop looking for me."

He then turned her around and gently pushed her back into class. "Sorry for bothering you , ma'am." He then shut the door behind him and dashed down the hallway. He wasn't going to give his captors an easy time, that much was for sure.

The memory of his parents filled his heart with a fire. The will to survive was the kindle.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1633 days
Last activity: 1450 days
Posted on 11-25-07 02:44 AM Link | Quote
Nina's cheeks flushed when Eddie kissed her. His action threw her off a bit and put her in a stupor as he shoved her back into the classroom and took off.

"Shit..." she muttered as she came to again under the light of the classroom. Without a second thought, Nina turned toward the door again, and placed her hand on the knob to leave. Just as she did, the bell rang.

Sonuvabitch!!! she thought frantically, knowing the crowded halls would make it more difficult to catch up with Eddie. She didn't care, she opened the door to go after him anyway.
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