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Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3906 days
Last activity: 3802 days
Posted on 12-27-07 02:43 AM Link | Quote
"I may have just found a way to locate Eddie."

He took the gun from Nina and checked to make sure it was loaded. He approached one of the unconscious men and aimed at his head.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1631 days
Last activity: 1448 days
Posted on 12-27-07 02:46 AM Link | Quote
"Stop!" She shouted.

Her voice trembled. She bolted for Nathaniel, and without thinking, hugged onto the arm he was aiming with, in an attempt to stop him.

"You can't kill him..." she whispered.

She tilted her head, leaning it on his arm, as she looked up at him.

"Let's just...go get the others and find Eddie...Please."

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3906 days
Last activity: 3802 days
Posted on 12-27-07 02:51 AM Link | Quote
"Don't worry, he's not dead."

He fired the gun, and the body became vapor again. It floated in place for a moment before flying over to the nearest unconscious body and being absorbed into it.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1631 days
Last activity: 1448 days
Posted on 12-27-07 02:55 AM Link | Quote
She gripped his arm as he fired the gun. She flinched as the vapor flew over them and to the unconscious body.

She shook her head.

"You knew him..." She says, letting go of Nathaniel's arm. She made her way to his desk chair and sat herself down.

"Pardon my nosiness if you must...but I'd appreciate an explanation."

Her head was swimming. She wanted to get her friend back. However, this time it was serious, and she was trying as best as she could to try and be rational, so as not to walk into a mine, as usual, and make things worse. It was important that she took the time to learn and think.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3906 days
Last activity: 3802 days
Posted on 12-27-07 02:58 AM Link | Quote
"I wasn't always a teacher."

He approached two of the other bodies and repeated the process, until one remained.

"This is what we need to find Eddie."

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1631 days
Last activity: 1448 days
Posted on 12-27-07 03:01 AM Link | Quote
Nina sighed, the patience she had tried her damndest to build was quickly fading.

"Stop being so short with me!" She exclaimed. "Who is this guy? How do you know him? What did you do before teaching? How do we get Eddie? When can we go find him?" She lept to her feet as she fired question after question at her teacher. She was ready to get Eddie at this very moment.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 710 days
Last activity: 519 days
Posted on 12-27-07 11:48 AM Link | Quote
((OOC: Sorry, gang, I'm stuck celebrating Christmas II for the better part of the day today and tomorrow with my boyfriend's family so while I can visit the board to see what's going on with the RP, I can't post anything very long. For the moment, just assume that Cally is out with her Company compadres fighting the good fight to the best of her ability.

As for my other guy...))

As Eddie grabbed the stranger, pulling him into the light, the man's features were more revealed--shoulder-length blond hair that was mostly tied back, though much of his hair had come free of its holder, green eyes, very fair skin, a weak chin, and an otherwise unremarkable nose. He didn't have any visible scars, blemishes, tattoos, piercings, or even any marks on his arms from IVs or injections.

The man had something of a confused, if not concerned look about everything, which had certainly not been remedied by Eddie grabbing him.

Though after Eddie said what he had, he felt a little more at ease. A little less lost even.

As the other man charged their party, the emotion was wiped from the mysterious "Dark Ages" man's face as though he were just dealt a hand for poker. He pulled himself from Eddie's grasp as he went for the pistol.

Without a word he turned toward the oncoming brute, putting himself between him and Eddie.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3906 days
Last activity: 3802 days
Posted on 12-27-07 03:33 PM Link | Quote
Nathaniel turned on Nina.

"You want answers? This, is one of the Company's top operatives. He does what I wasn't willing to. He took my place when I left the Company! And why did I leave the Company? Because they went to far. They stepped out of what they call the 'moral grey zone.' They took my daughter from me."

He turned back to Tom and began to move the body.

"Now go get Alyssa and Koan while I tie him up."
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4925 days
Last activity: 4548 days
Posted on 01-29-08 05:36 PM Link | Quote
OOC: Ok guys, I'm gonna revive this, but I'd like to see as much activity as possible. I'm gonna do a bit of a God-move and control all of your characters to get it moving. Here we go!!

The fluctuating man lifted the blonde and slammed him against the wall, twitching as his muscles moved like waves of water under his skin. His head flickered around as he laughed more and more, pushing the blond man deeper into the wall.

He grew silent when four bullets pierced his back. His muscles slowly calmed their raging fury, flowing like water as he fell to the ground, dead. Eddie panted as he reloaded the gun and looked around.

"Are you alright, man? We have to get out of here."

The battle raged on outside the Company compound. The mindless hordes were falling much faster than the General had wished, so he had left. The mission was a success, anyway. Eddie had escaped, and Cally had been properly tagged.

Nathaniel, Alyssa, Koan, and Nina drove up to the Company compound, following the blue wisp of smoke Tom's duplicate left behind, returning to its owner. They stopped a block away to avoid the chaos unfurled in front of them. Fires were everywhere, as were corpses.

"Oh my lord." Nathaniel said, completely surprised.

A Tomplicate walked over to Felicia and Cally, who were standing next to each other under cover of a flipped car.

"Word from Shermann. Torch the joint, leave no evidence behind. Make sure the patients below can't be dug up."
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 710 days
Last activity: 519 days
Posted on 01-31-08 12:56 AM Link | Quote
"Understood," Cally answered with unhindered militaristic-coldness.

Turning to Felicia, she asked,
"Can you put a shield around us? This is going to be pretty big?"

Cally closed her eyes, remembering the exact layout of every room in the building as quickly as she could, picturing places where there wasn't a lot of furniture.

While the thought was still fresh, she began to mentally thumb through explosives recipes she'd hoarded in her mind over the years.

Moments later, blocks of plastic explosive gently settled themselves on the floor of every office and room Cally could think to place it in.

Once it was all settled, unpinned grenades began hovering above the blocks.

The lanky, blond picked himself up, brushed the debris from his shoulders and stood as straight as he did before. Not a scratch on him.

He looked down at the bloodied heap of now completely limp muscle. This place was just getting stranger and stranger.

"Mayhaps 'tis time we depart."

(Last edited by Rogue on 02-03-08 06:47 PM)

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3906 days
Last activity: 3802 days
Posted on 01-31-08 11:20 PM Link | Quote
"I'll try."

Felicia closed her eyes, dropped her hands to her sides, and let her body go loose. She pictured herself and Cally, then pictured the space around them. She mentally reached out and focused on the air, until it felt tangible; she then focused her energy into the small space of tangible air until it started to solidify. She continued applying energy into it, as layers were added on.

She opened her eyes, and the space before them had a slight curve to it.

Nathaniel was in shock. He had expected-- well, he hadn't expected this. He started to run towards the compound.

"We can try and find Eddie, he's probably--"

The ground beneath them shook as rolls of fire burst from the windows. The shock wave hit Nathaniel full on and launched him backwards. The explosion died down, leaving the burning remains of the building.

Marika's eyes gently opened, just in time to see a wave of rubble pouring down on her. She let out a reflexive gasp. The rubble instantly shifted direction and started sailing up, along with Marika and her unwitting companions.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5150 days
Last activity: 1460 days
Posted on 01-31-08 11:41 PM Link | Quote
Koan's eyes widened at the sight of the flames. A stern look came across his face, this destruction was of that man whom he met before, Or those like him. He knew that there was some evil force that was here, he could feel it in the air.

"Eddie must've gotten away..."

Koan saw many bodies, but none belonged to the young Eddie.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4925 days
Last activity: 4548 days
Posted on 02-01-08 06:48 PM Link | Quote
Eddie stood, confused beyond comprehension. Well, not really. He floated, not stood. Everyone in the hallway did. The rubble seemed to sift away from above them, like floating leaves. They rose up floor after floor until light broke upon them.

Eddie climbed out of the hole and looked around. There was fire and bodies everywhere. Smoke was rising from all around him. It really hit him how different his world had become. Two weeks ago, he'd been a likable kid with nothing to worry about but how he looked. Now, he was surrounded by people who could do things he couldn't understand, couldn't comprehend in the slightest, and he was escaping the burned wreckage of what was for some time his prison.

He cocked the pistol in his hand to make sure he could fire. He wanted blood.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 710 days
Last activity: 519 days
Posted on 02-03-08 01:51 AM Link | Quote
As fire ravaged what was left of the Company's building and much of the office park, the explosion taking out the insurgents and reducing much of the area to rubble while Felicia and Cally stood safely within one of Felicia's forcefields, Cally surveyed her handy work.

Seeing no further threat, the shield dropped and Cally hurriedly wandered among the bodies of fallen comrades and interlopers.

Occasionally she stopped to poke and prod those who'd attacked the compound, finding no identification or anything that would discern them from common terrorists. As far as Cally could tell, there wasn't even an ounce of individuality between them. No rings, necklaces, watches, crucifixes, nothing.

Hearing sirens, undoubtedly of police, rescue and God knew what else. Cally straightened up and called to Felicia.

"We gotta move! We'll meet at the usual rendezvous."

They both ran in opposing directions.

Perhaps they'd get some answers from Shermann at their appointed meeting place.

Horribly confused to find himself floating in mid-air, Abel, who also was not one for heights or any motion outside of that created by one foot repeatedly being put before the other, lost his lunch--or at least the protein-supplements the Company had been feeding him.

Disgusted with himself and embarrassed before one of his hosts in this strange, new world that he'd been brought to, he hung his head in shame.

Abel was unimaginably lost. No matter how unwelcome he was there, he missed his home. His mother and sisters. His former place of respect in the town. Now if only he could explain how he got here, to this unfamiliar continent where people wore peculiar clothes and spoke with queer accents.

Had he reached a magical realm where everyone was a witch?

Was this Hell?

The fire and rubble around him made him wonder so.

Was he really dead? Was his curse finally over?

It didn't matter. He passed out.

(Last edited by Rogue on 02-03-08 04:08 PM)
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4925 days
Last activity: 4548 days
Posted on 02-03-08 01:56 AM Link | Quote
Eddie looked over to see Abel pass out as they slowly landed on the rubble. He looked over at Marika before he lifted Abel's arm over his shoulder and lifted the downed stranger up off the ground.

"Come on, Marika."

As Eddie walked out of the smoke and fire, he saw Nathaniel, Koan, Alyssa, and Nina standing beside a van. Somehow they'd found him. Good, he thought, as he continued forward. He didn't know how much longer he could stay awake.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3906 days
Last activity: 3802 days
Posted on 02-03-08 02:35 AM Link | Quote
Marika refrained from questioning how the boy knew her name, or how she got freed. She merely followed her rescuer to the group that stood before them. As soon as they got in proximity, Nathaniel grabbed Eddie by the shoulder, spun him around, and pulled down his collar, revealing the parallel black marks on the back of his shoulder.

"You guys wait here. I... have to make a call."

He quickly turned around and stormed away.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 176 days
Last activity: 176 days
Posted on 02-03-08 05:56 PM Link | Quote
Alyssa looked at Eddie. Her eyes softened. Thank heavens, she thought. "Eddie!!" She shouted to him.

((Sorry been so busy lately))

Alyssa ran up to the high school kid and stopped infront of him. "Come on we got to get out of here."
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4925 days
Last activity: 4548 days
Posted on 02-04-08 11:21 AM Link | Quote
"We're not leaving without these two. This is Abel," Eddie said, motioning to the man on his shoulder, "and over there is Marika."

He stopped for a moment. Both of them hadn't told him their names. His...power had given him that knowledge. Well, he thought, he could explain that later.

"Abel's got culture shock, and Marika's weak from being drugged. We can't leave them here."
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 176 days
Last activity: 176 days
Posted on 02-04-08 12:10 PM Link | Quote
Alyssa looked at Koan. "You agree to take them along? I don't see why not."
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 710 days
Last activity: 519 days
Posted on 02-04-08 02:03 PM Link | Quote
Abel finally stirred. His mouth still tasting the bile from his earlier transgression.

He slowly looked around him. He was returned, safely to the ground, and this time he was surrounded by people. Looking at their clothes and faces, he sorrowfully realized he was still here. Wherever here was for that matter.

Feeling he was strong enough to stand and walk on his own, he eased away from Eddie, at least that's what he heard the youth was called.

Wait a moment.

The boy knew his name.

Did he give it to him?

Abel's head hurt, and not due to that brute who'd been attacking him before.
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