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Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 142 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 03-09-08 04:11 AM Link | Quote
Forum needs some love!

I just finished Ergo Proxy.

Right now, kind of watching Gunbuster and Magical Shopping Arcade Abenaboshi. Monster here and there too.

(Last edited by Kamina on 03-09-08 07:13 AM)


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

Since last post: 4080 days
Last activity: 3445 days
Posted on 03-09-08 01:20 PM Link | Quote
I'm currently watching three ongoing series, so I wait a week for each episode.

Bleach - It's super awesome at the moment.
Gundam 00 - Sweet series. It's like a mix of FMP! and Gundam.
Clannad - It's okay, it has it's cute moments. A little too "our friends are here for you" kind of stuff going on. But it has good animation, and I like most of the characters.


Myself; Yourself - Almost over. The soap opera is almost over.
Hidamari Sketch - A cute show done in a neat style. I can't really explain it, but it has good backgrounds with angles, certain shots, etc. Plus sometimes little things you gotta keep your eye out for in the background that are funny to watch. Plus the character expressions are funny.

Still Got To One Day Finish:

Samurai Champloo - I only have like, 4 more episodes or so to go. I don't know why I didn't finish it, it's good.
Trigun - Will finish in 2010.


Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 142 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 03-09-08 05:17 PM Link | Quote
Can't finish Trigun?

Sounds like me with Maison Ikkoku and Monster.

I download Code Geass last night, it sounds really awesome from what I hear. I'll probably look into Dark Than Black soon too. Both seem fast paced and action based.

The Empire of Britannia has invaded Japan using giant robot weapons called Knightmare Frames. Japan is now referred to as Area 11, and its people the 11's. A Britannian who was living in Japan at the time, Lelouch, vowed to his Japanese friend Suzaku that he'd destroy Britannia. Years later, Lelouch is in high school, but regularly skips out of school to go play chess and gamble on himself. One day, he stumbles on terrorists 11's who've stolen a military secret and is caught by a member of the Britannian task force sent after them, who is Suzaku. As the rest of the squad arrives, Suzaku is shot for disobeying orders, while the military secret, a young girl, gives Lelouch the power of Geass, which makes anyone obey any order. While Suzaku is secretly made the pilot of Britannia's brand new prototype Knightmare, Lancelot, Lelouch becomes the masked Zero to lead the rebellion to destroy Britannia once and for all.



Since: 04-24-07
From: Canada

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Posted on 03-11-08 02:31 AM Link | Quote
Finished School Rumble Ni Gakki recently, loved it. Just got back in to anime again, so I started Lucky Star, where I've stopped at number 6 for now, it's pretty good. I've also kind of started Trigun, and it's pretty awesome, but I'm unsure as to whether it's better in english dubbed, or Japanese subbed. I've seen mixed answers, so I just downloaded the first healthy torrent I could find, which was in english. I don't care either way, I just want to know which sounds better.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 142 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 03-11-08 04:13 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Genome
Finished School Rumble Ni Gakki recently, loved it. Just got back in to anime again, so I started Lucky Star, where I've stopped at number 6 for now, it's pretty good. I've also kind of started Trigun, and it's pretty awesome, but I'm unsure as to whether it's better in english dubbed, or Japanese subbed. I've seen mixed answers, so I just downloaded the first healthy torrent I could find, which was in english. I don't care either way, I just want to know which sounds better.

For nostalgic sake, Trigun's English dub is one of my favorites actually. But that could be because I watched most of it dubbed on Adult Swim years ago when it was first being shown, Vash's voice seems pretty perfect though and the rest of the characters don't seem too out of place either.

Thesedays I'm honestly 95% for subs, but Trigun's dub is one of the few I'd actually probably prefer over subs.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 03-13-08 02:35 PM Link | Quote
As I'd mentioned in the Elfen Lied thread, I haven't really had the opportunity to watch much anime in the last few years. I'm just not a downloader, I don't feel like paying an unholy amount to rent it (the place I used to do that closed down anyway), and it's gotten too absurdly expensive to buy it.

Anyway, I've been watching what I could find in their entirety on YouTube.

Went through Elfen Lied last night and finally started Death Note shortly thereafter.

I'd seen the Death Note live action movies and read a good chunk of the manga, but hadn't actually watched the anime series itself.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 142 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 03-15-08 09:42 PM Link | Quote
Full Metal Panic Fumoffu!

Love it.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 142 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 03-18-08 06:00 AM Link | Quote

Code Geass - I finished this awhile ago but didn't post about it I guess. Simply put this is probably my current favorite anime next to Gurren Lagann. It's first season is 25 episodes and the next one is set for April, so it could be a longer series. It's like Suikoden with Mech's. It seriously has some of the best character development I've ever seen in awhile and some of the most intense plot twists in any anime, I mean this series has balls. There's a lot of stuff that happens that literally made me say "holy shit" to myself. The music ... I can't even begin to stress how incredible it is, it sounds like The Matrix meets Metal Gear Solid and stuff. For the most part it's a serious series, with some comedy thrown in and romances, but nothing feels forced or out of place. 100 thumbs up, seriously folks, check this one out!

Gunbuster - Has connections to Gurren Lagann, it's one of Gainax (sp?) first anime titles, from the 80's. Only 6 episodes long. It was okay, kind of shows it's age or maybe it was the low quality videos I had with the sound, the characters were decent. Was cool to see the Gunbuster mech pull off some moves you end up seeing in Gurren Lagann.

Full Metal Panic! - My friends told me to stay away from this series, but said watch Fumoffu. So I did and well, I just liked the romance between Sousuke and Chidori so much that I wanted to watch the real series too. I finished it in about three days and it was prett good. It wasn't anything I'd call insanely epic, the music wasn't too great, needed some deaths and stuff, lame villian, but all in all I thought it was enjoyable and I'm downloading TSR now. Finished Fumoffu also and that spin off is just plain awesome.


Diebuster (Gunbuster 2) - Came out a few years ago and it looks pretty much exactly like Gurren Lagann, the style and animation is seriously dead on similar. This is another short OVA at about 6 episodes and takes place during a time leap in the original Gunbuster series from the 80's. I'm a few episodes in and it seems pretty fun so far, you definitely need to watch Gunbuster to really appreciate it though. But yeah, these go hand in hand with what Gurren Lagann became.

Baccano! - This is like, Pulp Fiction meets The Godfather. It's set in the 1930's with a huge cast of characters and so far it seems amazing.

I am downloading Darker Than Black, Death Note, Full Metal Panic The Second Raid, and Toward The Terra at the moment. I plan on picking up Berserk again too, since I never really watched that and well I've just been blasting through anime lately.

Seriously, I think I've got the DarkSlaya syndrome or something. I can't just watch a few episodes here and there, I finished Code Geass, Ergo Proxy, FMP! all in like three days, and that's on top of watching other stuff in between. It's craaazy, but hey I've got a lot of catching up to do anyways.

(Last edited by Kamina on 03-18-08 12:09 PM)


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

Since last post: 4080 days
Last activity: 3445 days
Posted on 03-19-08 03:25 AM Link | Quote
...that's it.

*throws Smash Bros to the ground* Time to get-a watchin'! Fumoffu here I come! Been putting it off for like, ever.

I finished Myself; Yourself. It at least had a pretty good end to it. Though I am suspicious of a couple and sister holding hands at 26 or so? Um...

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 142 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 03-19-08 04:09 AM Link | Quote
Yeah, Fumoffu is epic.

I started up Tower The Terra. Seems interesting so far, it's supposed to be a space opera/adventure kind of series with a good amount of action.
Kyoku kun

Phan Phan
Where in the world in Aurora the Explora? Currently California!

Since: 06-19-06
From: Northern California

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Posted on 03-19-08 04:44 AM Link | Quote
Bamboo Blade, I actually just started this, so I'm only on the first episode. But I am liking it so far, it's pretty funny.

Bleach, I've been watching Bleach for years now, it's gone from really exciting to downright BORING... but I really feel it getting more and more exciting, I am looking forward to the episodes now.

Clannad, It's an overall pretty good series. It has amazing animation like Kanon (2006) and you get attached to most of the characters. The last episode is next week though, so we'll see how it ends.

Gundam 00, I was really hesitant to watch this for some reason. I really liked Gundam Seed awhile back, but for some reason I watched the first episode of this and stopped. I started again though and watched episodes 2-23 in one day... I.. Love..This...Series..

H20 ~ Footprints in the Sand, I have no idea if I love this series or if it's just okay. I don't think I will be able to tell until it ends. I love the characters.

Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de (They are my Noble Masters), Hahaha... This is so ecchi at points. I find myself laughing out loud at parts of it, especially newer episodes.

Kimikiss, I needed a good romance where there is no chance of anyone dying. It's pretty good.

Naruto, Oh god this is going slow. I've read into the manga now and now I feel like taking a two year break and then watching all of the episodes.

Shakugan no Shana Second, Just like Shakugan no shana, I love this sequel. It got boring to be at points, but it's back to exciting.

True Tears, Some of the episodes are so amazing, the characters are all so great..

Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei It's Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei sequel! What more can I say!! I seriously suggestion SZS to everyone, but Zoku is not only subbing REALLY slow (it's subbed till episode 4, and 11 should be out now), but it's not quite as good yet.

Recently completed:
Final Approach, It was a pretty good for a 12 episode 12 minutes each romantic comedy..

Full Metal Panic:Fumoffu, OMG I LOVE IT !

Neon Genesis Evangelion, Don't... get me started... This series was amazing on so many levels I felt like curling up in a ball and crying (alright, not quite THAT much..)

REC I liked it, it was short and about a japanese voice actress. ;-)

EDIT: And yes, I watch all of the on-goings every week (except Bamboo Blade) and I finished all of the recently completed within the last two or three weeks.

(Last edited by Kyoku kun on 03-19-08 07:45 AM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 142 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 03-19-08 05:20 AM Link | Quote
Yeah I hear a lot of mixed things about Gundam 00.

If there's any Gundam series I ever plan to watch, it'll probably be Gundam X. Just because I have it downloaded and some of my friends swear up and down it's incredibly underated and amazing.

I'm still not watching a lot of new stuff or anything on-going. I actually don't know if I can do that. In the past when I tried that with Death Note and other anime, I just ended up forgetting about them and eventually completely gave up on trying to keep up. A single episode a week just isn't enough for me I guess, I like watching a lot of anime in bulk.

Though Code Geass R2 will be a toughy. I loved Code Geass so much, I just don't know if I can wait half a year for the seconnd season to finish or whatnot to finally watch it. I'm thinking I might just keep up with this one, then rewatch it all quickly when it's finished.

Plus, I've never been too into anime like I have been recently, so maybe I can keep up with new on-going series?

Here's a list of some of my planned to watch. Feel free to comment on them if you've seen them or know anything about them:

Black Cat
Chrono Crusade
Dead Leaves
Devil May Cry
Fate/Stay Night
Hellsing and Ultimate
Infinite Ryvius
Project ARMS
Trinity Blood
Tsubasa Chronicle
Xenosaga: The Animation

Yeah I've got some catching up to do.
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Posted on 03-19-08 12:33 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Kamina

Black Cat - it's cool
Chrono Crusade - dunno
Claymore - good except the ending is a bit... crappy (the manga slaughters it)
Dead Leaves - dunno
Devil May Cry - people who've played the games didn't like it much
Escaflowne - dunno
Fate/Stay Night - good
Gantz - dunno
Hellsing and Ultimate - ultimate = win.
Infinite Ryvius - dunno
Project ARMS - dunno
Trinity Blood - dunno
Tsubasa Chronicle - meh, season 1 is good, season 2 is bleh. manga is much better
Utawarerumono - special, not bad
Witchblade - dunno
Xenosaga: The Animation - dunno

Yeah I've got some catching up to do.


Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 142 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 03-21-08 06:23 AM Link | Quote
Baccano! kicks ass. Great action (pretty brutal and violent at times), downright HILARIOUS comedy at times (one scene had me in tears from laughing), mystery, alchemy, etc. It was very fresh and extremely interesting how it was pulled off in a Pulp Fiction-esque manner, switching between ~20 some main characters and various events stretched out across different years that all came together in the end ... in 13 episodes!

Let me just post the opening, because it's awesome:

Watch it.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4019 days
Last activity: 3925 days
Posted on 03-21-08 03:08 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Kamina
Baccano! kicks ass. Great action (pretty brutal and violent at times), downright HILARIOUS comedy at times (one scene had me in tears from laughing), mystery, alchemy, etc. It was very fresh and extremely interesting how it was pulled off in a Pulp Fiction-esque manner, switching between ~20 some main characters and various events stretched out across different years that all came together in the end ... in 13 episodes!

Let me just post the opening, because it's awesome:

Watch it.

All this in 13 episodes? Now I'm intrigued. I've kind put Anime on the back burner the past year. I've kind of stayed exclusive to Manga. Except when I had my Death Note period, that was an amazing anime. Anyway, I think I might pick this one up.

I've had a tab of the first episode of Toppa chilling on my firefox. I've watched the opening but once I realized it has mechs I've kind of been turned off. I'll finish the episode and decide from there.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 142 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 03-21-08 09:22 PM Link | Quote
It's a pretty different mecha anime. Something I would not compare to Neon Genesis, Full Metal Panic, or anything like that at all. It's just really stylish ... and, yeah. Just check out the first episode.

Though the series progress extremely fast. Basically if you're on episode 5, you have no idea what happens in episode 10. If you're on 10, you have no idea what happens on 15. Etc. It's one of those you'd need to see completely I'd say, but that's me.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4019 days
Last activity: 3925 days
Posted on 03-21-08 09:38 PM Link | Quote
I watched the first episode and its not too bad. I'll be able to tolerate it til the 8th episode. I want to see what all this epicness is about. If I'm attached by then, I'll probably finish the series.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 142 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 03-21-08 11:44 PM Link | Quote
It just keeps getting better.

Just try not to be cynical about it.

(Last edited by Kamina on 03-22-08 02:45 AM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 142 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 03-22-08 05:00 PM Link | Quote
Toward the Terra is probably one of the most emotional/powerful anime's I've ever seen. I can't believe how teary it makes me sometimes. They've got some episodes up at youtube if you want to check them out. Episode 1 - Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

Jomy starts off a bit whiney, but he develops very quickly and ends up being really awesome. I'm almost finished with the series and I can easily see it becoming one of my top favorites, it's really like nothing I've ever seen before.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 142 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 03-23-08 01:20 AM Link | Quote
A day later, I've finished it.

Toward The Terra gets two thumbs up for me. By far one of the most emotional anime's I've ever seen, and it was just so original. My only complaint is the production on this one seemed a little low compared to other big budget releases, regardless, it delivers.
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