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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Answer one, Ask one | | | |
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True Flight The One Since: 08-21-04 Since last post: 161 days Last activity: 161 days |
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I'd rather die...
Have you roomed with your ex boyfriend/girlfriend? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 695 days Last activity: 504 days |
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Well I'm rooming with my boyfriend, but no, I've never roomed with an ex.
Hmm, then again, there was this time when my ex from Texas stayed at my house for a week and we shared a room, but that's the extent of it. Do you have a nemesis? |
Cairoi This isn't about you and your loud mouth, This is about me and my fucking beard. Since: 08-29-04 From: PA Since last post: 4910 days Last activity: 4533 days |
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Nicolas Cage. When it comes to us, either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives.
What is your LEAST favorite movie? |
Kyoku kun Phan Phan Where in the world in Aurora the Explora? Currently California! Since: 06-19-06 From: Northern California Since last post: 4831 days Last activity: 4458 days |
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Saw, any of them. I haven't actually seen any of them, and most horror movies (other then anime's of course!) bring me quite a lot of displeasure. But even the thought of Saw, or any of the parodies scare the crap out of me.
What's your favorite meme? |
Stitch Roy Koopa Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie! Since: 08-20-04 From: California Since last post: 995 days Last activity: 995 days |
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This one.
Have you ever debated sleeping or getting up to pee? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 695 days Last activity: 504 days |
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YES. And most of the time, I do eventually get up (which I probably should have done sooner so I could back to sleep rather than laying there arguing with myself).
How many people do you know named Ashley? |
Kyoku kun Phan Phan Where in the world in Aurora the Explora? Currently California! Since: 06-19-06 From: Northern California Since last post: 4831 days Last activity: 4458 days |
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Actually only three. My best friends friend, a previous schoolmate and a previous neighbor.
How many people do you know by the name Sarah (or Sara)?! |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 695 days Last activity: 504 days |
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I know a few, but as per close acquaintances maybe only 3.
What's the background on your cell phone? |
Kyoku kun Phan Phan Where in the world in Aurora the Explora? Currently California! Since: 06-19-06 From: Northern California Since last post: 4831 days Last activity: 4458 days |
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An awesome picture that I've had for years on my computer, but just recently moved to my NEW BLACKBERRY. It's a picture from Bleach.
What's the closest useless thing near you? |
Stitch Roy Koopa Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie! Since: 08-20-04 From: California Since last post: 995 days Last activity: 995 days |
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Student Loan Bills.
Bath or shower or both? |
Katana Dark Wizard \"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\" Since: 08-15-04 From: Philadelphia, P.A. Since last post: 1616 days Last activity: 1433 days |
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Baths. Wish I had time to take them, but alas, I must stick with showers for the most part.
Cats or dogs and why? |
Stitch Roy Koopa Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie! Since: 08-20-04 From: California Since last post: 995 days Last activity: 995 days |
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I love them both for different reasons.
Kitties because they're awesomely lovable and independent and great for LOLcat pictures. Doggies because they'll unconditionally love you forever, and they're fuzzy, chase their tails, and play with you, and do stuff, and rub their fur off on you when you're dressed all nice... Mac or World-Domination? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 695 days Last activity: 504 days |
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Well were one to take over the world, they'd most likely have assassination attempts on their life, have people try to overthrow them, and you'd end up living in fear for what's left of your life.
Therefore I think I'll take the Mac. What did you eat for lunch yesterday? |
Stitch Roy Koopa Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie! Since: 08-20-04 From: California Since last post: 995 days Last activity: 995 days |
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It was either some kind of egg, potatoes and veggies concoction or something else. I actually don't remember.
Flapjack or Pancake? |
True Flight The One Since: 08-21-04 Since last post: 161 days Last activity: 161 days |
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Are you a sheep or a wolf? |
Stitch Roy Koopa Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie! Since: 08-20-04 From: California Since last post: 995 days Last activity: 995 days |
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Tea straight or with milk? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 695 days Last activity: 504 days |
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Straight usually. Sometimes with honey and milk. Sometimes just with lemon. But usually with nothing in it at all.
How long are you supposed to wait before calling someone who just gave you their number so you don't seem desperate? |
True Flight The One Since: 08-21-04 Since last post: 161 days Last activity: 161 days |
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three days.... >.>
People are meant to love right... so why do people hate so much? |
Ryan Ptooie Is back! Since: 10-01-04 From: Stafford, UK Since last post: 4705 days Last activity: 4666 days |
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Because humans are fucked up creatures of the night who only fend for themselves in the whole end of things.
What media player do you use, which media player do you hate the most, and why to both things? |
Stitch Roy Koopa Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie! Since: 08-20-04 From: California Since last post: 995 days Last activity: 995 days |
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WinAmp because it's compact and awesome.
Windows Media Player because it's stupid, large, hogs memory, and not really all that intuitive. Your mom because she just nags. If you're stinky and lazy, how long do you wait before taking a shower? |
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Answer one, Ask one | | |