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User Post
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

Since last post: 5010 days
Last activity: 4984 days
Posted on 08-22-10 08:57 PM Link | Quote
To die in a cloud of gunfire while saving hostages from a bank.

Which would you rather, having a large unruly beard that covers your body or losing all of the hair on your body?

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1757 days
Last activity: 1757 days
Posted on 08-23-10 02:05 AM Link | Quote
Losing all of the hair on my body. Beards are not important.

How likely is it that Xeogaming is a government run website to track our every thought?
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

Since last post: 5010 days
Last activity: 4984 days
Posted on 08-23-10 02:10 AM Link | Quote
Not very likely they'd see your spam and tune out :p

Would you save the world at the cost of your family and friends? All of them including aquaintances.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1757 days
Last activity: 1757 days
Posted on 08-26-10 03:29 PM Link | Quote
If you mean something along the lines of 'if you save the world, everyone you know dies', then yes. Otherwise, everyone else would be dead. Common sense.

If you were arrested by the police, what is the most likely reason as to why they were chasing you?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 695 days
Last activity: 504 days
Posted on 08-26-10 03:42 PM Link | Quote
Trespassing. A lot of California is now owned by someone else, and even if you just want to look up at the stars in a darkened area, you can't be in those areas from certain hours or what have you. You can't just wander (legally) any more.

If you were somehow able, would you attend your own funeral (you really are dead, you're just able to see and hear everything that's going on like you're a fly on the wall)?
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 156 days
Last activity: 156 days
Posted on 08-26-10 05:38 PM Link | Quote
Depends on which attendees are carrying a flyswatter.

Can you crack your thumb knuckle?

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1757 days
Last activity: 1757 days
Posted on 08-26-10 05:40 PM Link | Quote
In both joints

Are you double-jointed anywhere?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 695 days
Last activity: 504 days
Posted on 08-26-10 08:48 PM Link | Quote

What would be your own personal hell?


Since: 08-16-04

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Posted on 08-26-10 09:49 PM Link | Quote
Ke$ha of course.

What sort of man kills his own mother with a broken lawn chair?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 695 days
Last activity: 504 days
Posted on 08-26-10 10:41 PM Link | Quote
Why Dr. Tran, of course. He's off to eat hickory smoked horse buttholes... from a cup.

Would you rather live in paradise, but you have to work every day of your life OR live in a cave with no light in a wasteland but you don't have to work ever?
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

Since last post: 5010 days
Last activity: 4984 days
Posted on 08-27-10 12:16 AM Link | Quote
Paradise, hands down

Would you change your name given the oppoutunity?
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 156 days
Last activity: 156 days
Posted on 08-27-10 12:37 AM Link | Quote
I changed it from Vulkar to Stinky Underpants, didn't I? xD.

Why haven't you voted yet in the awards?

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1757 days
Last activity: 1757 days
Posted on 08-27-10 01:40 AM Link | Quote
Oh, but I have. Fufufufu!

Do you think I can get the shredder syndrome without spamming?
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

Since last post: 5010 days
Last activity: 4984 days
Posted on 08-27-10 01:54 AM Link | Quote
Nope but you're trying.

Why must a twister be born to walk alone?

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1757 days
Last activity: 1757 days
Posted on 08-27-10 01:59 AM Link | Quote
They aren't; they're born to steal people and their cows. Doesn't sound lonely to me.

On an average day, list every piece of technology that you use and how often you use it.
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

Since last post: 5010 days
Last activity: 4984 days
Posted on 08-27-10 02:19 AM Link | Quote
*cracks knuckles* Okay, alarm clock, to check the time, used sparingly. Phone, used A LOT!! Ipod also used a lot, I use a register for work, and my laptop a lot! and tv, a lot.

Is the Strangers an awful movie or what?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 695 days
Last activity: 504 days
Posted on 08-28-10 07:27 PM Link | Quote
I really wouldn't know. Never seen it.

Why does everyone act as though the Internet guarantees Freedom of Speech (the Internet isn't exclusively American after all)?
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

Since last post: 5010 days
Last activity: 4984 days
Posted on 08-28-10 07:41 PM Link | Quote
Because those people tend to be short minded clinging to one aspect of the law to govern every part of their lives. They tend to be the same people who think that since its their property they can set fire to their lawns if they wanted.

Why am I listening to DMX? XD
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 695 days
Last activity: 504 days
Posted on 08-28-10 09:09 PM Link | Quote
You've got a soft spot for late '90s professional wrestling.

What fictitious world would you choose to live in?
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

Since last post: 5010 days
Last activity: 4984 days
Posted on 08-28-10 09:19 PM Link | Quote
The world of Transmetropolitan, or The Boys, but only the latter if i had superpowers.

If you could trade places with one fictious character who would you choose? Remember you don't just go there they come here.
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