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Lord Vulkas Mormonus Vile High Xeodent of Xeomerica. Since: 10-29-04 From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way Since last post: 158 days Last activity: 158 days |
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Well, my family is working through 24 right now, we started it on I think Tuesday and we're almost done with the first season now already.
What's the hardest video game you've played? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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I haven't played many, but of those which I have, the hardest would have been Shadow of the Colossus.
Were you to be forced from your home, what's the bare minimum you need to feel comfortable somewhere else? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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Besides the obvious food and shelter?
My phone, an internet connection, my purse (meaning my wallet and things), and a week's worth of clothes. That friend we all have that kinda annoys us... what is the most annoying thing about yours? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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Going off the one friend I have that I don't even see in person that often these days, I guess the thing that irks me the most is how often she flip-flops on different things. Most particularly whenever I disagree. She'll suddenly change her opinion (or at least what she says it is).
She's a huge hypocrite. She's gone on about being a communist for years, hating white people and the rich. Since she started dating a Russian with a BMW, she's ranted about how people with expensive, luxury cars are better people and the cops let them run red lights and speed because they have more respect for people who drive these sorts of cars. Have you ever won money gambling? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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No offense, your friend kinda sickens me.
Not a whole lot, but I have won like $80 once playing craps. Good times. Do you have a preference for flavor of chewing gum? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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I don't really chew gum. Seems like whenever it's offered and I take it, it's mint and I'm okay with that.
I'd heard on a talk show Diane Sawyer was hosting, once, that each gum means something. Like if you chew fruit-flavored it's that you're immature, mint means you're tech-savvy, and cinnamon means you're adventurous. This was, of course, on a show which had a topic like, "What The Contents of Your Purse Says About You." Describe the last time you fell down. |
Katana Dark Wizard \"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\" Since: 08-15-04 From: Philadelphia, P.A. Since last post: 1618 days Last activity: 1435 days |
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Originally posted by Rogue Ahahaha! Side note, I always ask myself this, what with the large amounts of candy/food I have with me all the time. One time, I legit pulled out a bag of poptarts. Still ate them. Aaaannnnyyywhoooo.... I slid down my steps a couple of days ago. I have issues with low blood pressure lately, which led to the fall, but the fall itself couldn't be more perfect. I'm usually pretty klutzy anyway, so my falls are pretty disastrous, but this particular time, I literally just slid one hand down the wall, the other along the railing, and just floated into a sitting position after quite a but of a drop. Like, I literally fell without hitting things, did that thing with the wall, and next thing I knew, I was sitting on the step like nothing happened. **cough** So what IS in your purse? O_o |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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Going through the bag that I've been carrying around lately (which is leather with a Dia de los Muertos-like skull design embossed on the flap):
- Notebooks (my Book of Days, another I keep filled with addresses of locals sights to see and places to try that I've maintained, and a couple notebooks that are just for random notes and sketching) - Pens, pencils, Sharpies - Native American leather hair wraps - My pewter octopus pin - Packets of Arby's Horsey Sauce - $12 worth of Israeli New Sheqels, map of Israel, and recipes and tickets stubs from the cruise I took a couple years ago - A string of rainbow beads from San Francisco Gay Pride a couple years ago. - A bag of chocolate limes - My Anime L.A. badge from this past weekend - Wristband from the Nottingham Renaissance Faire - The latest book I've been reading: "Gadaffi's Harem." - My wallet. In that are: --- ID, debit card, library cards, old university ID, L.A. Metro TAP card, etc --- Eclipse glasses --- 3D glasses --- Nuka Cola cap --- San Francisco BART card with $4 still on it --- Gambling card for the pinball bingo place --- Stickers from all the excursions we went on in the Mediterranean --- Ticket for "The Merchant of Venice" from San Diego's Globe Theater What's a movie that you thoroughly expected to hate and were surprised to discover you liked once you saw it? (Last edited by Rogue on 01-21-14 01:32 PM) |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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Honestly? Thor
I had heard so many bad reviews that I expected it to be utter shit. Was it the greatest Marvel movie ever? No, but it was entertaining. What is your Go-To snack when you are feeling a bit hungry? |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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Been hooked on yogurt covered raisins thesedays. I hate raisins alone though.
Wouldn't you agree tentacle hentai is the best hentai? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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I haven't watched enough hentai to really know.
Seriously. You have a very important meeting within the hour. You haven't had time to run out and buy new clothes. Describe the clothes from your own closet and drawers that you would be wearing for the occasion? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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Black slacks, long sleeve green thermal, green wool sweater.
The joys of having the "teacher wardrobe". If you won a free smoothie everyday for a month, but it could only be one type... what you you choose? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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If it were Jamba Juice, it's be one of those chocolate or peanut butter Moo'ds, but one of those every day for a month would probably lead to intense weight gain. Otherwise, I'm not much of a smoothie drinker. Who is your least favorite Shakespearean character and why? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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Hard to pick, actually. I HATED most of the characters in A Merchant of Venice. I mean, Skylock is this Jewish money lender. He loans money to this guy, whose friend runs off with Shylock's daughter along with a lot of Shylock's money. The guy can't pay Shylock back, even when he agreed to give up a pound of flesh.
So what happens? Everyone turns on Shylock, spouting heinously antisemitic things and Shylock is out his money, his daughter, and his culture and community because they decree that he must cease to be a Jew. It's so fucked up. And the production I saw in San Diego at their Globe got soooo many cheers from the crowd during the courtroom scene. What was your most treasured possession as a child? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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Least favorite Shakespearean character is hard for me as well... though I do like your assessment of the characters in A Merchant of Venice... assholes. Also, Lady Macbeth... she's just an evil, conniving bitch.
My most treasured possession as a child was probably my doll, Mary. It was a hand-me-down from my sister... one of those ones with a plastic head and yarn-like hair on a rag doll body... but she was my constant companion from my earliest memories. I didn't have a whole lot of friends when I was a kid, but I had Mary and a good imagination. I don't honestly know where she is now other than in the back room of my parent's house somewhere. Now I kinda wish that I had her still. How often do you back up your computer? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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I don't even know how to do that. Seriously.
Not sure how often Brandon does. What's your favorite fictitious alien species? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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Oh that is a hard choice!
In the Pathfinder RPG, Elves are actually alien... but that one aside... I have a hard time choosing. There are so many just from Star Trek! Um... let us see... Star Trek: It's honestly a hard choice, but I think the Trill beat out the Klingons by a smidge. The ability to be a host to a being that has witnessed countless moments of history over several lifetimes! It's just amazing to me. Star Wars: NOT GUNGANS! Otherwise, the Miraluka... I just think the idea is neat. Video Games: The Elcor from the Mass Effect series. Just google Elcor Hamlet and you will understand why. Professionally published books: The Ashiyyur from Jack McDevitt's series about Alex Benedict. They are very mysterious but so very intriguing. Ebooks: The Kreelans from Michael Hicks' In Her Name series. Perhaps some of the best developed aliens I have come across in epublished sci/fi. Quick! It's cold and rainy outside and you are craving a hot bowl of soup... what kind do you want? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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Broccoli cheddar, always. I'd be happier if it had potato too.
What awards (Oscars, Grammys, Hugo, Saturn, etc) do you care about? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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None of them really... considering that I didn't even know they were today until someone told me.
I guess Best Picture... but that's it really. Most difficult video game decision that you have ever made? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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I don't play many games, but I am obsessed with Fallout 3 and keep trying to finish New Vegas (it keeps crashing and some of the bugs are insufferable).
I think of the decisions I've had to make in either, and the hardest ones were more the mediocre things. I tended to shoot for keeping my karma at Very Good, so things like blowing up Megaton weren't all that tempting. No, I would end up reloading over the stupid, small stuff. Like there's this teenager I had to guide to Big Town and he talks INCESSANTLY. His story was he lived with the children-led town called Little Lamplight (all those kids are total bratty shits). When the kids reach a certain age they have to live in this hellhole called Big Town (which is sold to them as a haven, so they'll leave). So you get to Little Lamplight to visit the Vault, but you meet Sticky and it's his birthday, so he's sad about having to leave Little Lamplight (the kids make fun of him), but REALLY excited to go to Big Town. So you have the option of guiding him, which I've always chosen to do. Along the way, he tells you all these random stories he's making up that go nowhere, he whistles, and bugs the hell out you with, "Are we there yet? Are we lost? I think we're lost! Why is this TAKING so long?" I tend to keep him around for a while because you can arm him and he'll help fight things along the way. In Fallout you're only allowed one companion at a time (alongside your dog), so it's nifty having Sticky as an extra gun to help with some things. So long as you don't go to Big Town, he'll keep with you unless you dismiss him or tell him to wait somewhere. Where the hard decision comes in -- you have the option of telling Sticky to shut up. I've taken that option and he always looks and sounds so goddamn heartbroken, and tells you he was just excited but he'll be quiet now. I know he's not real, but I HATE hurting people's feelings when they don't mean any harm. So I've just hit the point that I tend to just mentally tune him out. OK.. that was a really long answer... What's the longest you've gone without eating? (Last edited by Rogue on 03-06-14 03:52 PM) |
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