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Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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To answer my own question, I'm not sure. It's difficult to remember the last time I went a from waking to sleeping without a meal.
The answer would probably be something like 24 hours, in the sense that I used to only eat dinner. Have you ever liked a movie or TV show better than the book? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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I think 24 hours is about the same max for me with the not eating thing.
Technically, I think I can say that I enjoyed Frankenstein and Dracula better as a movie/tv show than as a book... I've never been able to finish the books. What is your opinion on Jamaican food? (Last edited by Elara on 03-25-14 01:34 PM) |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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I haven't had enough of it to really give a sophisticated opinion. I had a meat dish where there was more bone than meat (I think it was goat), and yeah I've had insanely spicy jerk chicken.
This one episode of "Kitchen Nightmares" I saw, Chef Ramsay went to a Jamaican restaurant in Pasadena. When he complained that they would make food days in advance and keep serving from that rather than make things fresh, the owner (who was a doctor) kept saying that's how ALL Jamaican food is. It's always meant to be sitting around for a while and then eaten as is. This would explain some things. What movie would you like to have seen a sequel to? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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Oh that is hard... it's much easier to name movies that should not have had sequels.
If they hadn't horribly ruined the plot of the book by making The Relic I would have loved to see it's sequel, Reliquary made into a film... but they kinda screwed that one. Hey, where is a reboot when you need it? On the same page... if you could erase from history one movie sequel, which would it be? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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Difficult to say. There's tons of terrible sequels and frankly, I think geeks love having them to bitch about. So, no, I wouldn't be erasing any of the "Star Wars" prequels or "Star Trek," "X-Men," "Batman," "Matrix," "Terminator," "Ocean's," "Rocky," "Mad Max" or "Jurassic Park" sequels. Not even the dreaded pieces of shit like "Staying Alive."
BUT I will save "Indiana Jones," my most beloved of all the franchises. My earliest memories were of watching it as a small child and Indy was my first love. I would strike "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" from all memory everywhere. Holy fuck. EVERYTHING is worse with that in existence. It was so unnecessary and so fucking horrible. What fandom do you have difficulty understanding? (Last edited by Rogue on 03-28-14 11:27 AM) |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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That had to be the BEST reply I could have ever hoped for.
Oh there are so many fandoms that confuse the hell out of me. But I think I will have to with the Star Wars fandom because I honestly don't think the universe is that great to begin with... and I know some really freaking strange fanboys. What is your favorite way to make and then consume a peanut butter sandwich? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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I really don't know. I don't have peanut butter sandwiches all that often. I guess my ideal sandwich of that sort would be almond butter with honey on wheat bread eaten the usual way a sandwich is consumed -- thereby swallowing it whole and getting the nut butter and stickiness all over one's face.
Not sure if that answered your question all that well. Of all of the infomercials you've seen on TV for some new invention or whatever, which one have you been the most tempted to order (especially after hearing the "but wait, there's more!" offer)? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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I think it was one of the knife ones or that spray sealant.
What is the most hilarious thing your pets have done this year? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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Nothing particularly interesting has happened with Miko and Tiki this year. Miko's a little, old lady (at 10 years old) and Tiki's still all about spending her days on the roof under her little cabana that is an overhanging money tree.
Perhaps them at their most amusing would be when I gave them baths a month or so ago. I have to bring them into the shower with me and then bring the showerhead down to get them wet with warm water, soap them off and rinse. They cry like I'm attempting to drown them as they scratch at the door and slide down upset. It's funny because Tiki was a fucking terror when we used to bathe her in the sink or bathtub, but with this method she doesn't know to scratch or bite me. What's your favorite old movie that you watch to feel comforted? |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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Hmm, maybe cliche' for me but Star Wars. They just have this amazing down to Earth feel to them for me, while still being epic and interesting enough for an awesome experience.
Jurassic Park is one too. What's your favorite breakfast meal? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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Oh man, I've really come to love breakfast these days. I didn't used to, but now it's my favorite meal, especially if we go out for it and it's "brunch."
It's hard to pick a favorite, but it also depends on where we go. Were it Sunrise Cafe, we get biscuits, gravy, and sausage (the gravy on the home fries is sex). If we go to Off Street Cafe, it's the eggs benedict with one of their fresh baked muffins. When Honey's was still open, I'd get the Monte Cristo with fried zucchini. I was in heaven when we were driving up to Seattle and passed through Portland. They have AMAZING brunch places. I got a Scotch egg as a side order to a Dutch baby. Tits. I write all this after having just had one of my dad's homemade turkey sausage patties and overly bitter coffee. Now that's a boner deflater. What are the five closest things to you that you don't think anyone else on the board would own? |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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- Asagi figure, lol
- Rosie Jones calendar - A Wii U? haha... - An ancient, enormous brick sized 120GB Seagate external HDD that is immortal - New Blu Ray release of the classic 1970's Casshan series I like this question... how about you? Your 5 items? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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So how sticky is that figure?
Hm, I have my shelf of DVDs right next to me, but I'll just name the closest weird title to me, which is Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter. Other items would be: - Lawn gnome signed by the members of the League of STEAM. It's holding a radish, but they said it looked like an engorged testicle. - A bottle of apple pie-flavored moonshine. - Antique bedwarmer. It allegedly came out of the Chicken Ranch (the infamous "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas"). - Collection of comics that feature Obama as a character. "Barack the Barbarian" would probably be my favorite. One of the many things in the short boxes of comics I keep near the desk. - And, ah fuck it, here's a sixth thing... an Italian rapier. I write too much. But then again, I write how I talk and I can't shut up when I'm amongst friends. What are the strangest (to other people, I guess) things you keep in your wallet? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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I don't really keep strange things in my wallet... but I guess my Passport card. You know, just in case I must dash away to Canada, Mexico, or the Caribbean.
Are there any games on Facebook that you still play? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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I come back to You Don't Know Jack from time to time, but it's annoying as fuck that I'm playing against my friends' scores so I never get first place because I know they're exploiting holes in the game for higher scores.
Freaking tired of getting game notifications from other people to play these cutesy games about bugs and farming and... stuff. What's the worst mess you've ever had to clean up? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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Farmville needs to die. Just saying.
Worst mess... that would probably be the time that Ben was talked into mixing the following substances: Sailor Jerry's rum, ginger ale, and tapatio. The rest is kind gross, so I will be kind. Spoiler:
He was still in the RV at my folk's house at the time and he didn't understand how sinks in the RV work, so he threw up in the sink before I could redirect him to the toilet. I had to run water and stir it with a spoon to get it past the non-removable metal filter thing before sterilizing the whole thing. What is the most money you have personally spent on a piece of furniture? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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If it's any consolation, I've had to clean up much worse messes Brandon's created while drunk.
I've actually... never really spent money on furniture. Looking around our room, it's mostly curbside rescues and things we've just sort of inherited over the years. The desk I'm using Brandon's computer on was bought by his mom with embezzled money. Our bed used to be my parents'. My bookshelves were made by my mother's father, who's now deceased. I think the most "expensive" things would be my wall-mounted, metal DVD shelves from IKEA for $6 apiece and there's 5 of them up there. When it comes to shipping characters in fandoms, which pairing is your favorite (that you might call your OTP)? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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Oh... oh that is hard. Honestly, I am still waiting for the Dany/Jon Snow pairing to manifest in ASoIaF, but I doubt it ever will.
I was actually pretty strong on the Ron/Hermione shipping back in the day. Then there are the pairings in video games, but I don't really think those count since you are playing one of the characters involved. Side note: I wish I could find curb rescue stuff here that didn't utterly suck. My grandma had a talent for finding the best yard sales as well. I get none of the good family traits, lol. Given all the hype around him, what are your thoughts on Neil deGrasse Tyson? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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I don't really have an opinion on him, though watching the first episodes of Cosmos, I laughed a couple times at his overacting to some things. But, you know, science-y people tend to be bad actors.
Anyway, if the man makes science interesting for the average American, more power to him. What's something about yourself you could never reveal to your parents? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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What Elias did to me. It made explaining my behavior towards him afterwards a bit... difficult.
What is the longest period of time that a song has ever been stuck in your head. |
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Answer one, Ask one | | |