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User Post
Kyoku kun

Phan Phan
Where in the world in Aurora the Explora? Currently California!

Since: 06-19-06
From: Northern California

Since last post: 4833 days
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Posted on 08-26-08 02:42 AM Link | Quote
Today, my parents make me take out the trash and recycling at least daily.

Have you ever been in a store and felt depressed because you wanted everything?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 08-26-08 02:49 AM Link | Quote
You bet. Happened a lot when I was a kid in the Natural Wonders store which sold all sorts of scientific equipment and oddities, as well as many other places.

Happens to me at conventions sometimes.

What are 10 things you love that start with letter H?

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 997 days
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Posted on 08-26-08 12:41 PM Link | Quote
2. HTC
3. Haircuts
4. Happy Tree Friends
5. Homestar Runner
6. Home
7. Hairy Dog (I wanted to include whitey).
8. Happy Cats (and kitties).
9. History Channel
10. Happy?

Most favorite show on Cartoon Network?
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

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Posted on 08-26-08 04:40 PM Link | Quote
Dexter's Laborartory, the only one I've seen on there that I've laughed at. Oh, Johnny Bravo is pretty good too. But I rarely even go to Cartoon Network.


Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 997 days
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Posted on 08-26-08 04:59 PM Link | Quote
ABC is the spawn child of Evil.

But, I don't like NBC either. But....


Taco Salad or Build-Your-Own Salad?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 08-26-08 06:37 PM Link | Quote
Build-Your-Own. I've never really been into tostadas or anything like that.

When was the last time you ate off a paper plate?

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 997 days
Last activity: 997 days
Posted on 08-26-08 06:45 PM Link | Quote
Today, lunch.

When was the last time a paper plate ate you?
Kyoku kun

Phan Phan
Where in the world in Aurora the Explora? Currently California!

Since: 06-19-06
From: Northern California

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Posted on 08-26-08 07:08 PM Link | Quote
It's happening as we speak.

Do you ever put a single song on repeat and listen to it over a long period of time?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 08-26-08 07:42 PM Link | Quote
I used to do that all the time, but now it seems to happen mostly on road trips with BREW Ninja.

Marriage before 30? Y/N?

(Last edited by Rogue on 08-26-08 07:43 PM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 997 days
Last activity: 997 days
Posted on 08-26-08 09:22 PM Link | Quote
Yes, if I find my sugar daddy Asian man.

And the only two instances was the 17 times we played "Rollercoaster of Love" on that road trip with Alan, and this year's Comic Con when I looped "Cartoon Heroes". I still do that here.

But, I've been guilty of looping songs. According to iTunes, it's "Cartoon Heroes" and a few others right now.

Have you ever had a coffee crash?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 08-27-08 12:57 AM Link | Quote
None that I've ever noticed.

The only thing I go through regarding caffeinated drinks are the occasional withdrawal symptoms when I haven't had a Coke in a while.

How long can you sit in the sun before either the heat or possibility of a sunburn make you move?
Kyoku kun

Phan Phan
Where in the world in Aurora the Explora? Currently California!

Since: 06-19-06
From: Northern California

Since last post: 4833 days
Last activity: 4460 days
Posted on 08-27-08 01:03 AM Link | Quote
I seem to sunburn in about 30 seconds. But in reality it seems about 15 minutes or so. But that's not a typical bad sunburn, just when my arms start to get really hot and pink.

I tend to move away from the sun after less then five minutes though, unless I need to stay in one spot or I'm swimming.

Do you tend to remain friends with your ex's?

Edit: I am adding my answer, I didn't read the question well enough. Sorry.

(Last edited by Kyoku kun on 08-27-08 01:05 AM)
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 08-27-08 01:16 AM Link | Quote
Yeah, I guess. I mean I've only got three official exes. One I dated for 4 years. And two I dated for a month each. The 4-year guy calls me every now and then to update me on his life and to say hi.

The only one I don't get along with is one of the one-month guys, but that's because he has some serious issues stemming from abuse by his mother.

The guy I'm dating now for almost 5 years--I'm sure if he and I broke up we'd still be best friends.

If you were offered the choice of a salad with no dressing of any kind or a REALLY greasy hamburger that's dripping oils and such all over the place, which would you pick for your meal?

(Last edited by Rogue on 08-27-08 01:36 AM)
Kyoku kun

Phan Phan
Where in the world in Aurora the Explora? Currently California!

Since: 06-19-06
From: Northern California

Since last post: 4833 days
Last activity: 4460 days
Posted on 08-27-08 01:27 AM Link | Quote
Salad. I am currently a vegetarian, (only the second month, I did it previously as well for two years). Even if I wasn't a vegetarian I would probably eat the salad. Though I don't tend to like Salads, things dripping with fat disgust me.

Here's a simple one, do you know anyone famous or moderately famous?
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

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Posted on 08-27-08 07:54 AM Link | Quote
yeah... I met General Casey. He is the army chief of staff...

Do you think transparent is a color?

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

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Posted on 08-27-08 12:01 PM Link | Quote
Difficult question, but I believe it is due to it being visible by light. Anything light shows is a color. Even if our eyes cant see it.

Where did you get your name on Xeogaming from?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 08-27-08 01:59 PM Link | Quote
It's a shorter version of the name I joined Vizzed with: RogueTheFallen.

Rogue being my favorite X-woman and also referring to deviant behavior and such. Multiple reasons I guess.

Can you change the flat tire by yourself?

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 997 days
Last activity: 997 days
Posted on 08-27-08 02:26 PM Link | Quote
Since my lay-off left me without AAA, I learned how. But, no, I can't because they over-torque the damned thing. Otherwise, yes I can.

Gotta get AAA again.

Damn it, forgot my question. was something stupid...fuckin' A!

Fine, something I'm staring at: Travel with Doctor Who or the Stargate Team?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 697 days
Last activity: 506 days
Posted on 08-28-08 03:48 AM Link | Quote
Dr. Who, I guess. I'd probably get really bored with the Stargate folks.

You have a tire blow out. While changing the tire, all of your nuts (which you need to attach the fresh tire) roll down a sewer drain. What do you do now?


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4428 days
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Posted on 08-28-08 04:40 AM Link | Quote
That would suck ass. I would call AAA. DONE. lol.

What's you favorite type and brand of liqour?

I'm going to answer my own question: vodka; Russian Standard
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