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Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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Oh that is hard... at least it is just the room... as it stands right now, I would grab my little box that Rosy gave me... it has my concert tickets and Sidney Crosby's autograph in it.
How do you express your happiness for friend without it sounding corny? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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Difficult to say. I don't usually go out of my way to talk about how great I think a friend is until I feel the need to make them feel better when they're sad. What's more, it's impossible for me to not cornball it all up.
I guess I'm also more into doing things than saying them. If I'm willing to share things and new experiences with you, help with something, and so on, it sort of translates to a person meaning more to me than just being an acquaintance. This sort of goes both ways, since I'm usually not one to tell someone they're pissing me off, I'll freeze them out. The life of an introvert. What's one of your weirdest turn-ons? (Last edited by Rogue on 12-10-15 02:10 AM) |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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Sky blue nails. I mean, I can't make that up. So weird but it is what it is.
What's your favorite Fallout and why? |
Lord Vulkas Mormonus Vile High Xeodent of Xeomerica. Since: 10-29-04 From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way Since last post: 158 days Last activity: 158 days |
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Probably Fallout New Vegas, but I haven't started Fallout 4 yet (my PC can't run it). I didn't really like Fallout 3, but I felt like New Vegas had just the right tone and story to keep me happy.
In the event of a zombie apocalypse, how long would you think you could survive? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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Um... honestly... probably not that long. Though, I do have ample access to shotguns around here, so maybe better than I thought.
What, if anything, do you like to have in your chicken noodle soup? (Last edited by Elara on 12-10-15 10:27 PM) |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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A bit of lemon, these days. And basil. Mmmmm...
What's the worst bruise you ever had? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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Oh wow, that IS a hard question... I've had so many. Um... the worst one I remember was when I slammed into a stone bench and flipped over it while trying to jump on top of it. I not only bruised the shin, I bruised the bone itself. Oh that hurt.
Did you ever expect the board to be spammed by people advertising for movers? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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Is that what those threads were for? I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of looking at it.
No, I didn't think we'd get that. But we're getting old and the ads and spam are now less about getting laid than they are slightly more practical things? I don't know. Have you ever become addicted to shopping at a particular store? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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The Harry & David store and G.H. Bass store at the outlet mall... more the latter though because of really nice socks.
... and, you know, Amazon. Are there any businesses/corporations that you are currently boycotting? |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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I bought Phantom Pain, I know a lot of Kojima Productions blood and tears went into that... but I don't see myself buy another Konami game ever again. Do you shower in the morning or at night? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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Both, but I don't do full showers (washing and conditioning my hair, etc) that often, to save water. I get everything below the neck before I leave for work and whenever necessary at night.
Since it's been freezing in the mornings and nights, lately, I've been going way longer without washing my hair. What's been your most life-altering experience this year? |
Lord Vulkas Mormonus Vile High Xeodent of Xeomerica. Since: 10-29-04 From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way Since last post: 158 days Last activity: 158 days |
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Getting married.
How long can you hold your breath? |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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Rogue I've heard it's good to not wash your hair, at least with shampoo daily? I think I've noticed a difference myself over the last few years. I still use conditioner (is that weird for a guy?) but probably only shampoo a few times a week, same with facial cleansers which I used to use daily as well. I also used to use hairspray for my hair which was horrible. My whole head was dry as heck basically. Now I use pomade or wax and it seems way better on the hair and does the job.
Vulkar: 10 seconds is hard. Asthma! Do you like the high dives at pools? (Last edited by Xeoman on 12-16-15 10:27 AM) |
Lord Vulkas Mormonus Vile High Xeodent of Xeomerica. Since: 10-29-04 From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way Since last post: 158 days Last activity: 158 days |
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Heck. No. I am terrified of heights like you wouldn't believe.
What's your favorite type of oreo? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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Honestly, classic or double stuffed.
What is your opinion on white chocolate? |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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Never been a fan. It's like the opposite direction of the awesomeness that is chocolate. I can't even explain it, but it's never made sense.
How big is your main TV? |
Lord Vulkas Mormonus Vile High Xeodent of Xeomerica. Since: 10-29-04 From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way Since last post: 158 days Last activity: 158 days |
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I have a projector, so I'd say about 100 inches, depending on how far back I set it.
Trivia: I learned that projectors are usually about the same price as a TV, and if you get a good one, have the same capabilities. Like my projector is HD and can do 3D and all that. What's the worst thing you've ever eaten? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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Worst for me would be any sort of Indian food, because my body can't handle it at all. Seems like no matter what I eat, I'll have to go to the bathroom really badly within the next half hour.
It's easy to avoid since I don't like a lot of the flavor palette, to begin with. What movies would you recommend for a group to watch that is not too violent, has no nudity, not too much swearing, and is NOT a kids movie? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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Depends on if you see The Hobbit as violent. If not... the Hobbit. Otherwise... Mel Brooks movies?
When was the last time you colored? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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I know everyone's all hot for adult coloring books these days, but for the past year I've been finding myself drawing flowers and butterflies and coloring them in on a semi-weekly basis since one of the clients is a walking time-bomb who completely loses her shit if I don't. I mean, shit, she will tear someone a new asshole, spitting, kicking, and screaming at the other personalities in her head if I don't do my go out of my way to make her happy.
How good are you at remembering names these days? (Last edited by Rogue on 12-23-15 09:09 AM) |
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Answer one, Ask one | | |