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Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 161 days
Last activity: 161 days
Posted on 06-15-16 10:15 PM Link | Quote
That trip down memory lane is just... wow. And your response is heart warming.

Pros and Cons of Butler, PA... hmn...

Well... pros would be a relatively low cost of living, thunderstorms, and a real autumn.

Cons... isolation, heavily right-wing Christian population, heavily entitled population,, humidity, winter, and Pennsylvania having backwards as fuck laws. That and, you know, being 5000 miles away from most of my family and friends.

So, E3 just happened... what caught your eye the most?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 695 days
Last activity: 504 days
Posted on 06-18-16 05:20 PM Link | Quote
While I should be in the camp all excited about Bethesda, I guess Kratos still oddly has my heart. I dug the trailer of him running around with his son in what appears to be Scandinavia. The voice is a bit off, though. Sounds like T.C. Carson isn't voicing him any more.

Are there any songs with lyrics you completely had wrong in your head for years? Example: Most people think the lyrics to Toto's "Africa" are "I guess it rains down in Africa," etc.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 161 days
Last activity: 161 days
Posted on 06-23-16 01:06 PM Link | Quote
For the longest time I thought "Panama" was "cannonball"

For those that do not live alone, how do you divide chores?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Last activity: 504 days
Posted on 06-24-16 12:27 AM Link | Quote
Brandon does laundry and any IT stuff that needs doing. I occasionally clean... something. Usually some fixture in the bathroom.

I don't really spend much of my not-a-work time doing chores. Our room very much reflects this.

Favorite coffee place?

Since: 08-15-15
From: England

Since last post: 1446 days
Last activity: 1446 days
Posted on 06-25-16 11:03 AM Link | Quote
I don't drink coffee. ^^; but I've been a few places made to mostly sell coffee and there nice, mostly ones when on holiday that I don't remember the name of, nothing massive tho!

What would you have voted if you were in the UK: stay or leave in the EU?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Last activity: 504 days
Posted on 06-29-16 12:34 PM Link | Quote
Not having lived there and experienced the day-to-day, I don't know where I would have personally stood, but I suppose I would have voted to remain.

What's your favorite movie that most people think is terrible?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 149 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-07-16 07:17 PM Link | Quote
Super Mario Bros

Oh yes... I went there.

It's not Mario, but whatever it is, is kind of awesome. Like a PG Blade Runner. I rewatched it last year and it just flew by, it was a breeze and thoroughly entertaining. I'm still a big fan.

Have you cut your Cable?
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Since: 08-17-04

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Last activity: 504 days
Posted on 07-07-16 09:07 PM Link | Quote
Still have FiOs, even though it's been taken over by Frontier now.

What fictional character could be based on your life?
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Since: 08-17-04

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Last activity: 504 days
Posted on 08-20-16 05:54 PM Link | Quote
Except for the fact that I have no magical powers, I always thought Hermione was a lot like me when I was reading the books as an early teenager, pretty much around her age. She had frizzy brown hair, was the class know-it-all, and got bullied for it as well as for her heritage. Being biracial, I've heard insults similar to "mudblood" throughout my life.

What smells do you find comforting?

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 161 days
Last activity: 161 days
Posted on 08-20-16 09:58 PM Link | Quote
Hmn... comforting smells... spice racks and fresh coffee. And warm blankets.

If you could only eat one thing for dinner for a week, what would it be?
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Since: 08-17-04

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Last activity: 504 days
Posted on 08-21-16 10:21 AM Link | Quote
Tonkotsu ramen with a giant piece of chashu and a flavored hard boiled with a soft yolk. Yup, would never get tired of it and I'm sure my sodium and cholesterol levels would be through the roof.

What sorts of things are you guilty of buying on impulse?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 149 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 08-22-16 01:18 PM Link | Quote
Chocolate almond milk. With acid reflux I need to stay away from chocolate and such, but it's definitely my krytopnite. I buy coconut milk for cereal/oat meal, then right above that I'll see Hyvee's chocolate almond milk... and then it's always on sale for 2 cartons for $5. lol

Have you ever built a PC?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 695 days
Last activity: 504 days
Posted on 08-23-16 09:50 AM Link | Quote
Nope, but I've bought the expensive parts to make mine run faster to play "Fallout 4."

My cousin built one for me, which Brandon later referred to as a complete Frankenstein with the most RAM he'd ever seen, when I was in middle school.

What's something or someone that you miss dearly?
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Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 695 days
Last activity: 504 days
Posted on 09-23-16 10:32 PM Link | Quote
While the easy answer would be my grandparents, I miss having more of a social life wherein I saw friends every day and we hung out and wandered when the mood struck. These days I'm lucky if I see anyone other than Brandon on the weekend.

So, I guess I miss my college days. Late high school too.

What less-than-mainstream TV show would you recommend?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 149 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 09-24-16 07:10 PM Link | Quote
Farscape. Maybe not obscure back in the day, but I don't see it talked about much nowadays. Maybe for reason as it is not perfect and the plot progression isn't always great, but it holds up pretty well if you don't mind some dose of camp and there's really not much sci-fi like it nowadays. The props and practical effects are truly amazing though.

What's the oldest movie you've seen?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 695 days
Last activity: 504 days
Posted on 09-26-16 09:59 AM Link | Quote
I might have seen older, but the first one I can think of is the silent film, "A Trip To The Moon," which came out in 1902. You know the one. Moon with a human face gets hit in the eye with the capsule. It's on Netflix, but it's hand-colorized and plays bizarre, modern music along with it.

But now that I've looked it up to be sure, I've now seen the oldest film in the world: Roundhay Garden Scene from 1888:

View on YouTube

Wanna see it again? Yeah, apparently it holds the world record for oldest movie.

How much bullshit is in your wallet?

Since: 08-15-15
From: England

Since last post: 1446 days
Last activity: 1446 days
Posted on 09-26-16 11:58 AM Link | Quote
I don't have a wallet.

Did anyone here save any pages of Acmlm I1?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 695 days
Last activity: 504 days
Posted on 09-28-16 10:02 AM Link | Quote
I definitely did not.

What's something that comes only at a certain time of year that you look forward to (specific seasonal fruits, beverages, events, etc)?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 149 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 09-28-16 08:51 PM Link | Quote
Oh that's a good one... Count Chocula. The box art sucks this year but I'm so happy they still keep coming every October-ish. But back in the day growing up it was all year round and my favorite. 20 some years later and chocolate cereal is still my weakness. In fact... think I'll have a bowl now.

What is your favorite video game controller?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 695 days
Last activity: 504 days
Posted on 09-29-16 09:45 AM Link | Quote
Keyboard and mouse.

I have only had one console in my life, and that was the PS2. I do use the Wii and XBox 360 at work and have played on other consoles like the PS3 at others' homes. I still think I prefer the tried-and-true Sony Playstation controller.

What's your just-got-home-from-work routine, all the way up to falling asleep?
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