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Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 05-10-09 02:57 PM Link | Quote
Crystle jotted down all of the information on the map in a few seconds, she had memorized it last year for fun... they'd just say Katie looked it up.

"There, now she won't be wrong," she said as she sat the map aside and looked at the note.

"This... this is Atlantian... so that is where she went...." Crystle went silent for a moment, then shook her head. Taking a deep breath she continued.

"Well... it is all a bit crazy sounding to be honest, but I am sure you will be able to tell that I am being truthful. There is a place called the Underworld, and while similar to here it is also different... magic, kings, queens, vampires, elves, that kinda stuff; it's all there. We are all part of that world, at least our souls are. We exist there, all of us. However, some of us are aware of that other world and can communicate with our souls... this gives us some power. You... you're an empath, that much I can tell, but you haven't really made the connection yet. All I can really say to help you there is pay attention when you dream, because when you are dreaming, you're in the Underworld. Once you make that connection with your Soul, I'm sure she can fill you in on a lot of things."

Crystle looked around, no one was paying attention to them and the teacher was at her desk reading a book.

"As for Sarah and John, they will be okay. I'm not sure what John is up to but I think that part of why he bolted last night is because it was a full moon... his Soul does not react well to it in the company of others. As for Sarah... her Soul is... complicated. We share a history, and her true Soul is much like her, but it was tampered with and became Sync... I am not sure if you two met or not. Sync seems to be the dominate one now, when Sarah isn't in control, and she is a very bitter person who lost a lot... and she does not like my Soul very much...."

Crystle trailed off into silence again, the sadness of those memories that Raven had shared with her coming back.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 05-11-09 01:05 PM Link | Quote
Sync looked around, this was the other half of the class where everyone stands around and does motivation speeches. I'm no good at this, it's your turn Sarah.

Sarah blinked looking around. "Okay everyone gather around!"

All the cadets gathered around Sarah.

Sarah's nostrils flared, "Ooooh... You all stink."

Everyone laughed, because that was the normal introduction to a Ranger Challenge speech.

"Okay guys, every year, we've been getting up in the ranks as far as placing. This year we're going to be first! I'm tired of losing to Spencer! It's time we put our strengths together and ignore the pain. We're going to do everything we can to beat this high school full of idiots, nerds, and jocks."

"Hey Cadet Kolb, I think they say the same thing like that too. Maybe we should say something else for a motivational speech."

Sarah looked over and saw Michelle. She blinked.

She walked up. "I have done a lot of thinking Sarah," the injured cadet smiled. "It's time we should all stop depending on Kolb to bring us through this challenge. Yeah she's a great leader, but it's not just her that is working for us."

Sarah's eyes widened. What's this?

"Sarah needs us. So we have to work for ourselves. Just why are we on this team anyway?"

"Bragging Rights!" a voice shouted.

"Better health!" Another one sounded.

"Something to do that's fun!" a third one shouted.

"Okay then have we gained bragging rights, better health, and fun?" the injured cadet asked.

"NO!" everyone shouted together.

Sarah smirked. "Then what are we going to do?!"

"Win Ranger Challenge!"



Everyone was excited. They all ran a lap around the basketball court then ran to their locker rooms. Sarah looked at the cadet. Seems like you broke Smithers...

I didn't break her... She doesn't fear me... What the hell!!!

Cadet Smithers walked up. "I'm sorry, for taking my anger out on you Kolb. You're right, what you said was correct, I am a peice of trash. I only depend on you for everything as far as studying." She smiled and took the bandage off her hand. "So as of today, I'm quitting the Study Squad. Or what you would call the Bimbo Squad. I've already stopped hanging out with Shorter after what she did. That was the main reason she hung out with me. To get closer to my ex boyfriend." She walked away. "Oh Kolb, just so you know, if I ask if we can study, let's meet up in the library or something. Somewhere NORMAL to study for a change."

Sarah stood there shocked. Your argument with her caused a huge change in perception Sync...

A large sigh was heard in the back of Sarah's head. What kind of crap is that?... She doesn't know to fear me. I'll show her.

No.. it's not her you want to get to. Who is it?

Shorter.... Shorter's next on my list today. She's going to see pain beyond her belief.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1633 days
Last activity: 1450 days
Posted on 05-11-09 09:26 PM Link | Quote
Katie sighed and shook her head. She glanced over her map and quickly filled out the answers she knew right off the top of her head.

"I don't want to say I don't believe you. Afterall, I was there in the woods last night with Cody. Another boy form this school, Evan was there also, and Sarah...or Sync...showed up at a point. I was looking for John...It was all so...surreal...but, it happened none the less."

She paused. "But, if what you say is true, about this underworld, and some here being aware, well own unawareness must be for a reason, and treading into water that I have no business being in would be highly disrespectful. If I am involved somehow, well, I'm sure something will make it clearer if its ever necessary."

Skimming over her paper once more, she recalled several more answers and jotted them down. Looking ruefully at her sheet, she knew they were all she would accurately answer without looking anything up.

"Now that I have that off my chest." She announced with a smile. "I do believe you." She glanced around the class for a moment before returning her attention to Crystle. "About this underworld shit at least...but it's going to take some convincing to get me to believe that you can actually turn someone into a toad."
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 05-12-09 01:10 AM Link | Quote
Sync sighed. Dreck... can I test you?

Sarah blinked as she came into the locker room. Test me?

I want to see if you can do something and keep it anonymous...

Sarah blinked again. "What?" She said aloud.

All the girls turned around and stared at Sarah.


"Sorry..." Sarah said.

Sarah walked into the shower room then took out her shower bag putting her flip flops on. What?

Hack into the grid like I did last night. I want to see if you can do it. Since you learned some characters in Atlantean.

Sarah blinked. I don't know the code you put in. I have to watch you... I wasn't paying attention. Sarah sighed and put a hand on her neck. I wanted to confront you on something...Sync. She blushed a bit as she turned the shower on then started bathing.

Oookay... Go ahead Dreck..

Just WHY did you offer me up Cody? and WHY did you mimic my thoughts into saying what I said!!!

Okay... 1. It was and EXPERIMENT. I wanted to see what would happen, because it looked fun. and 2. YOU said the stuff you said in the car. Not me, Dreck. Get you're thoughts together. You have this disorder, just like Bronwyn did. She would say EVERYTHING on her heart when she felt something and I mean EVERYTHING. That's how she found her elven love........ And how I found...

Found who Sync?

Shut up Dreck...

Okay... What ever.

Tell me.. what did you dream about Dreck?

Hmm... I was at home. I put a message on an RC car and drove it to Crystle. For some odd reason she wasn't happy with the message I sent her. Then I got out of my house. When I left the house I was walking on the road and this guy came out to see me and he stole my wallet. So I broke his hand... Wait a second...

You need to pay more attention.. For this to work Dreck...

Sync... Why do you want us to work together? I'm not used to this...

I have my own goals Dreck... I want to go through with them.

Sarah looked to the side. She closed her eyes. Are you seriously trying to find a way to bring everything back?

I told you have my own goals...

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 05-12-09 08:57 PM Link | Quote
Crystle tried to suppress a giggle, and it came out more as a snort as a result.

"Oh, I can't do anything like that. The talents I have are more... well, earth-based. Only a little bit trickles through when I am on my own, my Soul is the one with the real power. Her name's Raven."

Don't push her too hard, Crystle. It's a lot to take in all at once.

She looked at the nearest group, they had their eyes on their books and were not paying attention still, good.

"I can show you what I can do though. Watch."

Crystle indicated a flowering tree just outside the window that had not blossomed yet. She closed her eyes for a moment and sent her own energy out to the tree.

"Lokte," she whispered softly. Suddenly the blossoms on the tree began opening up. The flowers were a brilliant white, just like all of the other trees in the yard below.


Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1633 days
Last activity: 1450 days
Posted on 05-13-09 11:24 PM Link | Quote
Katie's eyes lit up and she almost couldn't believe what she saw. But, she did.

maybe this empath thing isn't too far off? she thought to herself, realizing that while she acted out in the way she decided, emotionally, she tended to conform to the general consensus around her.

This, however, was the most wonderful feeling of all. Despite the tough girl act, there were several things she wa sa sucker for. Nature being one of them.

"This is my favorite time of year..." she mused, gazing longingly outside toward the newly blossomed tree. "The toad thing would have been much more useful though." She added with a smirk.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 05-13-09 11:41 PM Link | Quote
Sarah finished running the soap up and down her sweaty teenage body. So if Crystle can use magic here.... What elven things can I do?

She's not like you. Dreck you haven't even come close to unlocking your potential powers. It's not like I don't know how to use elven magic, it's just that I chose not to from day one of my birth. I chose alchemy over magic. Why? Because just like Bronwyn, it was more interesting to do a give and take relationship, than a take take take when you give give give.

What do you mean?

She's connected to the earth. So in order to be connected to the earth, you need to be devout to it. It was a concept I could not understand. Bronwyn... was balance. She understood everything there was about the magic an elf was capable of, but she was just like the Ile'Fange. When she was given the choice of staying with the elders and being an attendant for Raven or being the next in line to take charge of her house, she had to choose between alchemy or elven magic. Alchemy was only practiced for research and by the Ile'Fange house. Bronwyn loved her family and she really loved Raven. Bronwyn was weak. She followed Raven around like a little puppy. When she fixed her toys that was when Bronwyn was happiest. She understood elven magic, but she couldn't perform it to the nobles' expectations. So when she was looked down upon for being weak in the feild of magic. Raven came to Bronwyn's aid. Bronwyn didn't learn to stand up for herself. Just like you. She learned the hard way and stood up to Raven. Bronwyn loved Raven so much that she decided to choose to stay by her side as an aid and informant for her. Then her grandfather came in. That twisted old man knew that most of the elven brethren in the Ile'Fange house didn't get the choice to choose magic over alchemy a lot. So he felt that there was something special about her. He needed her to choose her family. So he explained the project. He disguised it as a cure for disease in the outside plants. He said that she was the key because her Alchemic potential was far greater than any of her brothers, sisters, and cousins. Bronwyn loved technology so much more than magic. On the night of her becoming of age ceremony. Instead of taking the royal name, she took the Ile'Fange name. So she chose her family above her friendship. Of course this upset Raven, being as they were friends since birth almost. She came to understand it... but part of me feels that Raven still has some upset feelings about her last minute change of heart. Raven should've felt betrayed... She should be over it...

Sync began to think back on that day. Sync wasn't in control though she witnessed it on all accounts. She closed her eyes.

You know if Bronwyn hadn't of joined with her house and stayed by Raven's side, you wouldn't be going through this Dreck.

Sarah blinked then laughed.

My thoughts exactly... It's all one fucked up soap opera to you isn't it.

No, this was spurred onto me as soon as the gargoyle came to the lockers. You set up a trap... and you found a vampire, yet he's not in school today.... Tell me more... What's alchemy and how can it be used here?

Alchemy is not your Full Metal Alchemist type alchemy. It was magic and science like. Here it's the art of transformation... Meaning to transform objects into other objects. Perhaps one day you could make the Panacea... That my grandfather looked so much into making...

Wrooong.... You're lying about that... it's just chemistry...

Sync laughed... So you really want to know your power... What you can really do with your smart mind...


Sarah walked out then got dried and dressed into her outfit again.

The cellphone now...

Sarah picked it up. What about it?

Listen to it... then hit what it tells you to hit...


It's whisper is small...

Sarah closed her eyes. She began to text on her phone. Her thumbs flew across the cellphone pressing random numbers. Then as a result the fire alarms went off in the school. Shit...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Who knew they had wireless fire alarms!!!!

Sarah sighed as she walked out of the school waiting on the rest of the classes with her ROTC group. Geoff was still in a towel. Slut... She thought walking by him.

Sync giggled.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1633 days
Last activity: 1450 days
Posted on 05-14-09 12:03 AM Link | Quote
Kate reached over and touched Crystle's arm lightly. She shook her head, as a signal as the other students filed out of the classroom.

"Usually they scheduel the drills..." One student said nonchalantly as they passed through the door.

"Maybe this isn't a drill...?" Another said, a hint of panick evident in her voice.

"No drill. No fire either." Katie whispered calmly to Crystle. As she rose to her feet, she took one final glance out the window. There were uniformed students directing the others as they made their way across the grass.

"We should be able to find her there..." She mumbled, gesturing toward the uniformed students with the tilt of her head. "She hasn't been good afterall..." Katie groaned as she recalled the studend limping toward the nurse's office just before class started.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 05-14-09 12:19 AM Link | Quote
Sarah stood there with her arms crossed. She was kind of placid, but there were no switches flipped, so maybe... They couldn't catch her.

Don't worry, it'll be written off as a malfunction, Dreck.

Sarah sighed. "Easy for you to say." She said to herself as she stood looking around. Suddenly she felt a chill behind her back. She turned around and saw Geoff looking her up and down. "Go... away...." She said aloud. Someone please save me from his learing eyes... I don't think I'll be able to last alone...

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 05-14-09 06:04 PM Link | Quote
Crystle jumped when the alarms went off.

"What the hell? I bet you the equipment malfunctioned. Happened at my cousin's work once, took hours to fix."

She followed Katie's gaze out the window and nodded. "I think you're right. I'll follow you're lead."
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 05-14-09 10:25 PM Link | Quote
Sarah looked over to see Crystle and Kate being directed out. Yes! She though. She ran over to them. "Weird days now, huh," she said sneaking up behind them.

Hey idiot, shut your cellphone...

Sarah looked at her hand then shut her cellphone. A program had been running on it. There was atlantian all over the screen. Sarah looked as she placed the cellphone in her pocket. She smiled happily. "How was Geography?"

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 05-15-09 12:18 AM Link | Quote
"History... though it might as well have been geography today. I assume one of the cadets told you about it? So, any idea what happened?"

Crystle looked around at the assembled students. No sign of Cody at all, and he said he would be here... bastard. Oh well, it was an hour left until lunch so maybe he would still make it. Pausing for a moment, she looked back at Sarah.

"You're in a really good mood compared to earlier."

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1633 days
Last activity: 1450 days
Posted on 05-15-09 12:39 AM Link | Quote
"If you don't back off, I'm sending you back inside with a busted face. Understand?" she announced to a wandering-eyed boy as they passed him to make their way to Sarah.

"Sync got her fill, I'm sure. Even if that gets her off Sarah's back for 10 minutes, her mood will improve." She says, appearing next to Crystle, grinning playfully at them both.

It was funny how easy all of this could just roll off her tongue.

Ehh...oh well... Katie thought to herself.


Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 05-16-09 05:38 PM Link | Quote
Crystle nodded in agreement.

"I wonder if this will keep up until lunch... it'd be nice to get a break from math for once."
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 05-18-09 02:59 PM Link | Quote
Sarah looked at Crystle and Kate. Her eyes sort of looked down at the ground. "She was SUPPOSED to relieve her anger during PT. That's what I usually do. Instead, one of Shorter's lackeys came and relieved some anger on me because she caught Shorter with her boyfriend. Synch didn't hurt her... a lot. She pretty much tripped her up and almost sent a flying kick to knock her out..."

Oh... throw me under the bus... I get it.

Sarah blushed. I didn't mean to throw you under the bus!!

Sarah kept her pause. "But I got a new person to be okay with out of it. She even said that she was going to quit the tutoring meetings to study on her own." Sarah smiled. "She even gave a motivation speech to everyone so we can win Ranger Challenge this year."

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1633 days
Last activity: 1450 days
Posted on 05-22-09 12:19 AM Link | Quote
Kate smiled. "I'm glad something ended up working out for you out of all of this." she says with a sheepish grin.

"I don't know about you guys, but...this "fire drill."" She drew out the words fire and drill and even added her own quotation marks with two fingers on each hand. "is a blessing in disguise..." She added.

Glancing about the growing gathering of students, she shrugged. "I'm skipping out on the day. Anyone wishing to join me is welcome to a ride anywhere." She announced.

If I haven't seen John by now... she thought to herself. then I won't see him here at all...I'll drive around town to find him if I have to... her thoughts continued ruefully.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 05-22-09 11:37 PM Link | Quote
Wolf boy... Where was he? Sync said.

Sarah smiled happily. "I have nothing important to do, and the teachers are stupid enough to believe me when I say I need extra training on my own today. I'm all for going out and about with you." She said quietly.



Wolf boy... What is he thinking... And the vampire... They have a connection here and I want to find it... If I find it out... I can figure out this huge puzzel. Maybe I might have the powers of a demi goddess, but I know that I want look into something...


Call it... Finding a guinea pig... He showed his powers more immensely than those around here. Even I have my limits... He's going to be interesting...

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 05-26-09 06:45 PM Link | Quote
Crystle shrugged.

'Honestly, I don't need to go to the rest of the classes I have. They are all just extra electives. Lead the way."

Crystle followed the other two girls as they slipped off campus. Raven chided her silently about skipping class but was also curious to see what further developments would occur.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 05-27-09 12:14 AM Link | Quote
Sarah finally got the gall to ask. "Sync told me something, " she looked at Crystle. "Sync made a last minute decision to run her own life... She felt that Raven didn't like the choice she was making. Do you think Raven wanted to keep... Bronwyn away from Alchemy?" Sarah put her index fingers together. "That's what I could tell from this side of the story."

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 05-30-09 06:06 PM Link | Quote
Crystle paused and looked away thoughtfully, recalling what Raven had told her.

"Personally, I don't know. From what I know, alchemy and magic were different. Raven appreciated alchemy, but the alchemists in Bronwyn's family tended to be very isolated. I think that, if anything, Raven feared being separated from her like that."

There was more than that, Raven said in her mind. Bronwyn's grandfather... something was strange about him. There were rumors about what he was working on... things that resulted in the creation of Sync... but we didn't know what to make of them at the time. On top of that, Bronwyn was very gifted and had a lot of potential... both in alchemical and magical practices. Usually an elf was gifted in only one path if any at all, and to have one talented in both was rare. Should she have been trained in both disciplines simultaneously she would have been very powerful and a great asset to the kingdom, but her family made her choose. I'm not even sure she knew what potential she really had.

Crystle blinked and then turned to stare at Sarah, stunned at this piece of news. Quietly, she relayed what Raven had just said.
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