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Xeogaming Forums - Muses' Sanctuary - Firefighter Boys | |
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Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 994 days
Last activity: 994 days
Posted on 02-03-10 07:46 AM Link | Quote
I'd say my coloring is getting better, but being a gay man, I knew that it would eventually lead to me sexifying my characters. These are low-res JPEG previews. Clicky on them (and clicky again at DA pages to see full size) to get to the high-res PNGs:

Ascension Firefighter Alex Wu

Anubis in Firefighter Gear

They took about two hours each to draw and color. All digital, using Art Rage to draw and Photoshop to color.

(Last edited by Stitch on 02-03-10 07:48 AM)

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1615 days
Last activity: 1432 days
Posted on 02-08-10 01:48 PM Link | Quote
Yeah yeah yeah...the work looks cool. But simply saying "cool" doesn't help.

So, Ima get right to the first thing I noticed...the hands. Hands could ALWAYS use some work, I don't care who you are....BUT...I recall in one of your other threads, you mentioning something about how difficult they are. Difficult they may be, but you have gotten SOOOOOOOO much better at them, and for that, I salute you.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 160 days
Last activity: 160 days
Posted on 02-08-10 02:35 PM Link | Quote
I assume that you spent long hours looking at a firefighter calendar to get the outfits right, and it shows. The coloring on it is awesome, looks nice and sooty. I agree with Katana on the hands but otherwise I must say I am very impressed with how much you've improved. Now if only I could learn how to draw. *sigh*

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 994 days
Last activity: 994 days
Posted on 02-08-10 06:51 PM Link | Quote
It's that whole bi-weekly webcomic thing. And hands are such a pain! But, I can't just hide them like I used to. Sometimes they need to be there because hands can be so expressive.

And depending on my ability, I tend to drop and add a finger as the comic goes. For a year, my people where four fingered and then I went back. There's always an explanation of random when it happens.
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Xeogaming Forums - Muses' Sanctuary - Firefighter Boys |

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