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The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1768 days
Last activity: 1768 days
Posted on 06-13-10 11:04 PM Link
My goddamn creative writing teacher might fucking fail me now because ive been dealing with shit all weekend. Ive been trying to write and do the makeup work, but its a bit hard when youre household is in disarray because youre parents are getting divorced. Ive been working my ass off all day writing so she can grade it, and now she doesnt care.

Fucking. Bitch.

Im so fucking pissed off right now.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 172 days
Last activity: 172 days
Posted on 06-14-10 05:07 AM Link
*hugs* You know there's always going elsewhere to do your homework. I remember when I was in school my mother would let me stay after school, or I would work on everything on the bus because well... The bus ride was an hour and half long. But there are other places to do your homework. If you feel like you can't type anywhere else you can always go to a library.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1768 days
Last activity: 1768 days
Posted on 06-14-10 03:23 PM Link
I can't go anywhere else because of my family. They dislike me, but wont let me leave. And it doesnt even matter anymore--she failed me. She said that its not her fault. Im shit out of luck. I just failed my senior year because of her. What the fuck am I going to do now?

*shoots self*

I'm not a dumb kid. I consider myself very intelligent. I am by no means deserving of the F that she is giving me. I cannot control what happens in my life--and I really dont think she understands that. So now I just got screwed over.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 1006 days
Last activity: 1006 days
Posted on 06-14-10 08:29 PM Link
Yeah, I can't feel bad for you. Excuses are just that. Excuses.

Take responsibility, do your shit, and take whatever outcome you sow.

Because, that's how life works.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 172 days
Last activity: 172 days
Posted on 06-14-10 08:41 PM Link
If you feel that you did not deserve the grade you can take it up with the department head. Is she refusing to grade it? Or what exactly is she doing? Honestly though, take the class over in summer if all else fails, you will just graduate a bit late.

Might I ask just how you got so far behind?

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1768 days
Last activity: 1768 days
Posted on 06-15-10 12:50 AM Link
Originally posted by Stitch
Yeah, I can't feel bad for you. Excuses are just that. Excuses.

Take responsibility, do your shit, and take whatever outcome you sow.

Because, that's how life works.

You know, Stitch. At forst I thought you were just very blunt and, well, 'jerky'. No offense. But I've been lying here thinking, and youre right. I need to take responsibility. Shit happens. That's just life. We can't control things that happen to us, and sometimes you just need to get through it and do whatever you have to do anyway. Am I still pissed off about it? Yeah, because she went back on her word. But at the same time, I never should have let myself get that far behind in the first place.

Elara, I could probably take it up with the Dept head, but I dont know what it would do. I know her and have had her for class before, but there isn't that much she can do. Yes, my teacher went back on her word, but people do that. She has all of my work in her hands right now (not literally, of course), and just decided that she didn't think it was good enough. So she's not grading it, but I also have no proof of any of this, either. If I accuse her of this, I don't have anything to back it up. And ultimately, it is the teachers decision.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1627 days
Last activity: 1444 days
Posted on 06-15-10 02:08 PM Link
Didn't you say in another thread somewhere that you didn't do the work during the year like you were supposed to? I'm really glad you see Stitch's point, because, yes, while he is blunt, I'm pretty much in the same boat as him. ESPECIALLY when it comes to school.

School isn't THAT difficult. You just need to know to speak up for yourself. For instance, if there's an issue at home and it's distracting you from your work, talk to a teacher, WHILE the distraction is happening, don't pull the "I had problems" card at the last minute when the grades are due. And yes, I call it a card. I had PLENTY of problems throughout high school, and I did just what others have said, found another place to DO the work, and there were times in which I would flat out tell my teacher the things that were going on. Sure, not all of it was their business, but when I had trouble in calc, and my family didn't give a damn, they just wanted me home right after school to watch my nieces and nephews, damn skippy I got my teacher involved so she could help make sure I was able to stay after school for her to help me with the work.

It's A LOT easier said than done, as most things are, but you need to get on the ball and get shit done. In today's society, I think the ones without problems are the abnormal ones, to tell you the truth. You're not alone. There are plenty of people to go to. Teachers. Other school officials. Family. Friends. You can draw a lot of ideas from a lot of people. That friend to give you advice on how they got out of a situation like your's, a teacher to step in and work with you when it comes to balancing school and your troubles, and that family member, even if they're part of the problem, they're the example of what you don't want to end up like. The example that fuels you to get off your butt and make things better for yourself. And you have to use these resources WHILE you're in the middle of the shit. If you didn't do your work, and never told your teacher why during the year, what CAN he/she do for you now, even if they ARE sympathetic to your cause? And even if the teacher is the problem, if the school sees that you have been trying to rectify this the whole time, instead of waiting until the last minute, then you have a stronger leg to stand on when you go to them in the end. No one is going to listen if you wait until the last minute.

You can get through this. It's going to be tough, but doable. Take this as a lesson. You did not fail your senior year because of her. It's not her senior year, it's your's.

Yeah, when it comes to school, I'm a total dick, so you may not like what I have to say, for the record.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 1006 days
Last activity: 1006 days
Posted on 06-15-10 03:03 PM Link
Because in the real world, you can't expect your boss to pay you to lolligag around and then turn in half-assed work. You know what that gets you? Fired. F grades, same thing.

Screw that, teachers aren't required to keep their word for anything. Point is, you should have taken care of it regardless. There are other hours in the day. You get your stuff done. I forgo sleep just to get my schoolwork done because I've been out with friends instead of doing my homework. I know that my teacher isn't going to care what I've been doing, because I'm paying for my education and I need to do my work. She may give me a little leniency, but probably not.

This whole thing is prep for the real world, because no matter what, the outside world never stops being high school and that's just sad.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 172 days
Last activity: 172 days
Posted on 06-15-10 06:56 PM Link
Exactly Stitch. The army is the same way as well. Sure you don't get fired, but it gives you things like loss of rank, or loss of pay. Now that the army's practically full you may even be kicked out with a dishonorable discharge. When it comes to things like this there are serious repercussions and it's just the way Generation Now works.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1768 days
Last activity: 1768 days
Posted on 06-15-10 11:20 PM Link
*Sigh* Yeah...I know, guys. I know its a short rsponse, but I know...

On a side note, I told my mother tonight, about a half hour ago, that I was not graduating.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 172 days
Last activity: 172 days
Posted on 06-16-10 11:58 AM Link
Honestly, it wouldn't hurt to talk to the dept head anyway, perhaps she could persuade your teacher to grade the papers. If not, then like I said before, just take the class over in summer school and graduate in summer. It may not be the best way, but it is certainly not the worst.

And to chime in on what Stitch said, I am glad that you got his point because it is so true. With this experience now though, it will hopefully dissuade you from shirking your work in college and in the long run that is a good thing. Also, that bit about the real world being high school, 100% spot on.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1768 days
Last activity: 1768 days
Posted on 06-16-10 12:39 PM Link
Originally posted by Elara
Honestly, it wouldn't hurt to talk to the dept head anyway, perhaps she could persuade your teacher to grade the papers. If not, then like I said before, just take the class over in summer school and graduate in summer. It may not be the best way, but it is certainly not the worst.

And to chime in on what Stitch said, I am glad that you got his point because it is so true. With this experience now though, it will hopefully dissuade you from shirking your work in college and in the long run that is a good thing. Also, that bit about the real world being high school, 100% spot on.

Yeah, I understand it all.. I learned a very valuable lesson.

But, my teacher gave me one last assignment to complete by tomorrow. It is a letter to ninth graders of what to expect in highschool. Nothing fancy, just a letter. She said she's going to use it every year, with my name disclosed. Its supposed to show that I understand everything, and that I gained a truly valuable experience from this. After I hand that in, she will give me my credit, and I will pass highschool.

Honestly, I really did learn a lesson from this. I always just thought everything was given to you, in a way. I understood that it wasnt completely true, but I thought it for most things, just because of all the reprieves. By her failing me and giving me time to dwell on it, it really showed me that I was wrong. I need to earn everything on my own, and I need to do it correctly, the first time around. Procrastination will get me nowhere in life.

I'm glad that she made another deal with me, but at the same time, I feel as though I am unworthy of it now, just because of how I acted. I am very grateful, and ecstatic that I learnt my lesson AND get to graduate. But never again will I let myself think the way I was before. I'd like to think that I've matured some from this event, and I won't let myself slip back into my old ways. Thanks for the advice, and I appreciate what you first said, Stitch. You may have meant it just to be completely unsincire, and that I do not know, but it helped, and I would like to thank you.

Thank you to everyone, really. Kat, don't beat me up please.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4921 days
Last activity: 4544 days
Posted on 06-16-10 12:44 PM Link
You are totally welcome, man. Glad I could've helped. I think my advice really sank in for you.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1768 days
Last activity: 1768 days
Posted on 06-16-10 12:47 PM Link
Originally posted by Cairoi
You are totally welcome, man. Glad I could've helped. I think my advice really sank in for you.

Your advice was definitely the best, Cairoi. I dont know how you came up with such awe-inspiring words, but they moved to tears that only a true poet could induce.

EDIT: fixed. Lol

(Last edited by Phoenix on 06-16-10 12:50 PM)
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4921 days
Last activity: 4544 days
Posted on 06-16-10 12:48 PM Link
Originally posted by Phoenix
Originally posted by Cairoi
You are totally welcome, man. Glad I could've helped. I think my advice really sank in for you.

Your advice was definitely the best, Cairoi. I dont know how you came up with such awe-inspiring words, but they moved to tears that only a true poet could iduce.


That one is a freebie. No but seriously, if you want me to read over the letter any give any advice and whatnot, I am here to assist.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1768 days
Last activity: 1768 days
Posted on 06-16-10 12:51 PM Link
Thanks, man. I'll send it your way as soon as it is completed. I appreciate it. I came way too close to failing for comfort.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 172 days
Last activity: 172 days
Posted on 06-18-10 03:31 PM Link
That is great, congrats.

Honestly, I think she taught you a really good lesson for life and it's something that most people don't get until their mid-twenties. Just make sure to write from the heart on this and I am sure the letter will help others for a long time.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1768 days
Last activity: 1768 days
Posted on 06-19-10 02:27 AM Link
Originally posted by Elara
That is great, congrats.

Honestly, I think she taught you a really good lesson for life and it's something that most people don't get until their mid-twenties. Just make sure to write from the heart on this and I am sure the letter will help others for a long time.

I did learn a great lesson, and I'm very happy that she gave me this chance.

But, a quick update (very quick, I'm exhausted and getting offline), my senior principal called a meeting, said I was not receiving a credit in AP physics and I was not graduating. Next morning my guidance counselor fought for me, and by noon they had a contract written up that I needed to have all of this work in by 7:35. Bad news is that they also took my book, so I was unable to complete one stinking problem. So, I am again not passing, and this time its final. I have a lesson in my back pocket, and my foot up my ass.

So yeah. Very brief, but thats what happened.

Posting Pig

Since: 10-12-06

Since last post: 4862 days
Last activity: 4853 days
Posted on 06-19-10 03:22 AM Link
Originally posted by Phoenix
I did learn a great lesson, and I'm very happy that she gave me this chance.

But, a quick update (very quick, I'm exhausted and getting offline), my senior principal called a meeting, said I was not receiving a credit in AP physics and I was not graduating. Next morning my guidance counselor fought for me, and by noon they had a contract written up that I needed to have all of this work in by 7:35. Bad news is that they also took my book, so I was unable to complete one stinking problem. So, I am again not passing, and this time its final. I have a lesson in my back pocket, and my foot up my ass.

So yeah. Very brief, but thats what happened.

Ouch that sucks. I must say i was in almost the same spot my Sr. year(that was 4 years ago but whatever) I had to work my ass off to graduate at all. I'm sure it had somethin to do with me skipping most of my freshman year, or maybe a school where the more homework(witch i had with a passion btw) you did the more credit you got. So in the last year and a half of school I did almost 3 year of classes to make up for what I was missin.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1768 days
Last activity: 1768 days
Posted on 06-19-10 01:22 PM Link
Originally posted by Yasu
Ouch that sucks. I must say i was in almost the same spot my Sr. year(that was 4 years ago but whatever) I had to work my ass off to graduate at all. I'm sure it had somethin to do with me skipping most of my freshman year, or maybe a school where the more homework(witch i had with a passion btw) you did the more credit you got. So in the last year and a half of school I did almost 3 year of classes to make up for what I was missin.

Jeez, Gaara. That's alot of work. They really let you make up three years worth of work?
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