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Xeogaming Forums - Character Profiles - Joseph Kramer | |
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Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

Since last post: 5021 days
Last activity: 4995 days
Posted on 07-26-10 01:37 AM Link | Quote
History: Joe is a mythological warrior, he is a fixer for the gods. His existance was only known to the three major gods. Bored with his peaceful life Joe killed Hercules to test his powers. His pride and disrespect forced the gods to plot against him. Zeus stripped him of his immortality, Poseidon took his control of water and Hades stripped his control of fire. Now left mortal with no powers Joe confronted the titans. Gaia granted him control of the ground and Lelantos gave him control of the air. But their gifts came with contracts. Joe must travel the world collecting the fighting spirit of the greatest warriors to give to the titans.

Appearance: Joe takes the shape of a 40 year old man. He is completely clean shaven, and he is covered tattoos (Greek Urn Style) that tell the story of his past. Joe often wears a jacket and tee shirt as well as jeans and sneakers.

Elemental Control: Joe has a master's control over the elements except fire and water. focusing mainly on earth and air.
Memoirs of a Warrior: Joe has every memory of his life thus allowing him to remember his former battles making him an expert with all forms of weaponry.
Elemental Weapons: Joe often uses the basic elements to make weapons or increase their leathality. ie. A bow and arrow made of "harened air" and a sword made of earth.

Weapons: Besides his elemental weapons Joe carries.
Trench Knives: Joe carries a pair of brass knuckles that have spikes erupting from the pinky finger side of the knuckles.
Two 9mm Pistols: Joe also carries two pistols in his jacket.

Joe's former immortality leaves him to still believe he is immortal thus causing him to take drastic and dramatic steps to win battles.
He also now has an incredible weakness against water and fire but has learned ways of getting around his weaknesses.

(Last edited by vince_rigle on 07-28-10 02:41 AM)
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Xeogaming Forums - Character Profiles - Joseph Kramer |

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