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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Discord Server? | |
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The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1292 days
Last activity: 1292 days
Posted on 12-08-20 10:30 PM Link | Quote
It seems that activity is at an all time low, which is to be expected for a board over 14 years old. We all had some good times here. But what if we just started a discord server? I'm sure most of us are familiar with it, and it would be a neat way to maybe even have a little reunion session.

Just a thought.
Lord Alexandor

Discord Manager

Since: 10-15-06
From: Dayton, OH

Since last post: 44 days
Last activity: 44 days
Posted on 12-13-20 10:30 PM Link | Quote
I would 100% be on-board with this idea! I vote we do this!
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1292 days
Last activity: 1292 days
Posted on 12-20-20 11:07 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Mei Koyoki
It's a nice gesture/idea, I guess. My only concern is that the board would just flat out completely become unused by anyone who used to use it due to Discord mitigating a lot of communities to it that used to be on forums and IRC.

I dunno if it's just me that feels like I'm in two minds about this - I wouldn't want to see the board completely disused like what's happened to basically every single one that migrated over to Discord; at the same time, given the amount of older folk, and the possibility of reunition, it might do the opposite.

Xeo himself once said something along the lines of not being much into IM back in the day in a previous discussion about this topic, I believe.

I don't disagree. But the board can still exist; probably as more of a monument to the good ol' days. We gotta face the facts; almost no one shows up here anymore. We're all adults now, and have lives outside of message boards. That, and the board has been taken over spam bots with waves of phishing attempts every several days.

I just think it makes sense to have a more centralized, light weight community at this point. I don't want us to all to drift apart forever, to be honest. Hell, I can't even reach out to Cairoi, Xeios, Astrophel, or anyone else at this point, just because we all drifted apart. With Discord, if we ever do decide to dissipate for good, at least we can still have points of contact for any non-communal contact to keep friends close by. Face it; without a Discord, once people tell themselves they're done with Xeogaming or Acmlmboards forever, that's it. I just don't want to see that happen.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1292 days
Last activity: 1292 days
Posted on 12-21-20 02:39 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Mei Koyoki
Yeah, I suppose I see your point here - heck, in cases like these, sometimes it can actually bring the opposite and help activity happen on the boards again! So why don't we go for it (as long as DarkSlaya is able to configure a webhook to sort out a forum-Discord bridge/report)?

To be fair, at this point, why not just disable registrations given the only ones have been spam for the most part for the past few years now? I doubt the Indian 'packers and movers' spammers and the likes can fathom how to bypass a move like that - and it forces anyone who genuinely wishes to register to directly ask an administrator.

On a side note - I'd apply for mod (mostly for cleaning up the spam issues and nuking every single account in the memberlist that is a spammer regardless of their post history) if it weren't for mental instability.

The fact I have about five accounts lying around that I scrambled the password on not too long ago due to somewhat recent drama which is totally irrelevant to here should prove the previous paragraph enough... there's also the fact I tend to have a habit of messing up everything I touch.

That said, I could easily sort out a quick-fix Discord server configuration and transfer the ownership to one of you if you're too busy right now, I never do anything useful with my time, me being a NEET so... yeah

Safe to assume you're an old timer or OG? Might I ask who? I don't recognize your name

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 52 days
Last activity: 43 days
Posted on 01-08-21 04:49 PM Link | Quote
I've talked about this with a few others now and am maybe becoming open to the idea. I'm moving this thread to the General forum in case it maybe gets a little more exposure. I'd like to see others chime in on it.

I don't like using FB thesedays but one thing keeping me from deleting it off my phone is that it's still one of the only channels I have to still communicate with some members here. I have a few of you on Steam and whatnot spread out. So centralizing all this on Discord could probably be cool.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 226 days
Last activity: 226 days
Posted on 01-14-21 10:55 PM Link | Quote
I am not on discord super often but I am definitely open to the idea.
Lord Alexandor

Discord Manager

Since: 10-15-06
From: Dayton, OH

Since last post: 44 days
Last activity: 44 days
Posted on 01-17-21 02:19 PM Link | Quote
The nice thing with Discord is that it is fairly light-weight, so it can just be running in the background. You can easily mute channels and servers, too, so it won't pester you if a channel is very active. Game integration means we can invite each other to games or just see what everyone is playing. It can be as public (or private) as we want it to be. We could even have similar colors for the roles (admin, mod, etc)!

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 52 days
Last activity: 43 days
Posted on 01-18-21 06:07 PM Link | Quote
Sounds like you're experienced with it LA?

Spread the word to others! Hopefully we get some more to chime in on this.
Lord Alexandor

Discord Manager

Since: 10-15-06
From: Dayton, OH

Since last post: 44 days
Last activity: 44 days
Posted on 01-18-21 11:52 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Xeoman
Sounds like you're experienced with it LA?

Yea, I've set up a handfull of servers on Discord and I currently run 2 of them for different groups of friends. It's really easy to setup one and then give full control over to someone else, too. If you're interested, I could make a quick mockup server for you to check out...
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1292 days
Last activity: 1292 days
Posted on 01-19-21 01:21 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Lord Alexandor
Originally posted by Xeoman
Sounds like you're experienced with it LA?

Yea, I've set up a handfull of servers on Discord and I currently run 2 of them for different groups of friends. It's really easy to setup one and then give full control over to someone else, too. If you're interested, I could make a quick mockup server for you to check out...

I think you should just do it, tbh. I was going to volunteer, but if you're already jumping on this, I think it would be best to just start getting it up and running.
Lord Alexandor

Discord Manager

Since: 10-15-06
From: Dayton, OH

Since last post: 44 days
Last activity: 44 days
Posted on 01-20-21 02:27 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by The Accidental Protege
I think you should just do it, tbh. I was going to volunteer, but if you're already jumping on this, I think it would be best to just start getting it up and running.

I just PM'd you and Xeo with links/info.
Lord Alexandor

Discord Manager

Since: 10-15-06
From: Dayton, OH

Since last post: 44 days
Last activity: 44 days
Posted on 02-04-21 08:32 PM Link | Quote
If I don't hear back from Xeo by Saturday (6 Feb 2021), I'll start sending invites to people who are still active here.

It would probably be best to not put the invite code anywhere public - keep the spammers and bots out.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1292 days
Last activity: 1292 days
Posted on 02-05-21 10:50 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Lord Alexandor
If I don't hear back from Xeo by Saturday (6 Feb 2021), I'll start sending invites to people who are still active here.

It would probably be best to not put the invite code anywhere public - keep the spammers and bots out.
I agree with this move. Looking forward to seeing some familiar faces again!
EDIT: I'm going to sticky this for the highest exposure (not that the board moves fast enough for it to really matter, look, let me just do some mod stuff KEKW)

(Last edited by The Accidental Protege on 02-05-21 01:50 PM)
Lord Alexandor

Discord Manager

Since: 10-15-06
From: Dayton, OH

Since last post: 44 days
Last activity: 44 days
Posted on 02-06-21 03:56 PM Link | Quote
So... After some chaos, the Discord is UP! If you are interested in joining, please PM any member of the staff. I'll be sure to check my PMs daily for the next few weeks. Once you have an invite, feel free to pass it on to other members as you see fit.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 52 days
Last activity: 43 days
Posted on 02-06-21 04:08 PM Link | Quote
I'm in! Hope to see others join up or invite some fresh members if you know of someone more into the Discord thing thesedas.

As LA said, you can probably PM him, Protege, or myself right now and we'll send you an invite!

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 52 days
Last activity: 43 days
Posted on 01-21-22 11:15 AM Link | Quote
Anyone else still out there that hasn't joined in yet?

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 1060 days
Last activity: 1060 days
Posted on 05-02-22 11:44 PM Link | Quote
I'm on Discord every day because it's replaced what I used to use and the Twitch gaming means I'm constantly checking a few Discords per day for random information. One more server isn't going to harm things. I don't know who's on staff anymore.


Since: 11-18-22
From: Dimension X Pipe

Since last post: 437 days
Last activity: 437 days
Posted on 02-07-23 12:35 AM Link | Quote
I'd be interesting in joining the Discord server, but I also understand any hesitation to hand out links to new users or people who aren't well known

Super Shotgun

Since: 01-11-05

Since last post: 218 days
Last activity: 216 days
Posted on 05-25-24 11:53 PM Link | Quote
I'd like a link -- I miss y'all something fierce.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 52 days
Last activity: 43 days
Posted on 08-18-24 01:06 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Cteno
I'd like a link -- I miss y'all something fierce.

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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Discord Server? |

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