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Xeogaming Forums - Sim-Battle Arena - Character test | |
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Female Zombie

Since: 08-14-04
From: Passing through the stars

Since last post: 6003 days
Last activity: 5211 days
Posted on 03-13-05 09:27 AM Link | Quote
=Scy Stands in an open desert that stretches for miles no life seems to reside here. Scy slowly adjusts his armor and katana making sure they are tight at his belt.=

It's to hot out here, I hope they get here soon...

(Last edited by Genocyber on 03-13-05 12:27 PM)
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1753 days
Last activity: 940 days
Posted on 03-14-05 07:01 AM Link | Quote
He smirked as he stood paced himself. His blood boots crushing the sand underhim as he paced... He mused to himself at the heat, for it didn't bother him... Never bothered him. His Heat resistances made sure to that.

Finally, he stopped within 30 feet of his opponent... He wore a blackscale trenchcoat, clipped together at the waist, and torn so it seems to be an invisible X accross the middle of the front. He wore a bullet proof vest, a black chocker, and black pants. Blood Red plated boots strapped around his legs, as high as his knees... His face seemed to be that of a normal human pink color. A Massive scar from his upper right forehead, to his lower left jaw scars his face, along with a scar from his lower right jaw, just up to his right,cheek is placed. His black hair was slicked back, and he wore a black earring... His right shoulder held a Blood Red metal Shoulder Armor, and his right forearm held a blood red armguard, with a spike leaving his elbow, jetting backwards.

What really set him apart was his peircing green Cat-like eyes.

"Well now..." He mused, his vampiric fang flashing in a small grin. "A new fighter I see..." He chuckled outly, the oddity of a Vampire in the sunlight...

Female Zombie

Since: 08-14-04
From: Passing through the stars

Since last post: 6003 days
Last activity: 5211 days
Posted on 03-14-05 03:05 PM Link | Quote
=Scy turned to face his opponent, shufling his feet slightly on the uneven ground, Scy drew his celestial sword with his right hand slowly pulling it from the jewel encrusted sheath.=

Shall we start?

Celestial sword: Scy's main and favorite weapon is a katana its simplistic design gives him optimal speed and power alowing for quick precise strikes its blade was meant for his hands only enabling the blade to be indestructible the downfall for anyone who wants to try and use this blade besides Scy INSTANT DEATH.

(Last edited by Genocyber on 03-14-05 06:05 PM)
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1753 days
Last activity: 940 days
Posted on 03-14-05 06:40 PM Link | Quote
A slight chuckle sliped through the lips of Kaijin with even breaths. He waved his hand passed his faced, while closing his eyes, and pulled his right arm back.

"Well then... Lets see what you can do." He said, in an even tone. Still musing to himself.

Female Zombie

Since: 08-14-04
From: Passing through the stars

Since last post: 6003 days
Last activity: 5211 days
Posted on 03-14-05 09:09 PM Link | Quote
=Scy slowly raised his blade vertical with his body for optimal speed and efficiency, scy took a single step twords Kaijin then stops. Scy waves two fingers in the air and a black portal seems to open in front of him, and opens a small pouch on his belt then pulls out a small handfull of poisoned knives (about 6 knives each about 3in long 1/2in in dia.) and throws them through the portal. Six portals form around Kaijin one in front one in back and then on all sides and the Six of knives comes pouring out of each on of the portals in random order making it very difficlut to dodge the attack.=

Knives in the Darkness: A portal made of black magic forms in-front of Scy alowing him to put something into another dimension paneki grabs a handfull of poisoned daggers and throws them into the portal and closes it and opens SIX portals about 10ft away form his opponent and then the knives that he threw in quickly race twords the enemy at random making it very difficult to deflect the daggers.
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1753 days
Last activity: 940 days
Posted on 03-14-05 09:21 PM Link | Quote
Kaijin mused at the portals... He hopend his arms out to the side, and allowed the daggers to fly directly at him. As he closed his eyes, the daggers immediattly stopped in mid-air... Every dagger began to spin rapidly, as if they were mini-fans.

Only in a matter of seconds, did each dagger stop, and launch themselves back at Scy, all of this happening with Kaijin's Telekenisis

Female Zombie

Since: 08-14-04
From: Passing through the stars

Since last post: 6003 days
Last activity: 5211 days
Posted on 03-14-05 09:34 PM Link | Quote
=Scy saw the knives easily, Scy waiting to the point where the knives were almost about to hit him he swung his sword in a downward arc letting the handle rest right in his palm, blocked the first knife coming at him and let the blade follow through and using his right hand to keep spining the sword very quickly using the blade the knock the knives away from him. Scy regripped the handle of his sword as all the knives were knocked away. Scy pulled his right arm and in the middle of his palm began to form an ethreal skull the size of his palm. Scy quickly let the screaming thing fly form his hand and twords Kaijin.=

Soul Shatter: Scy Generates a large skull in the palm of his hand and shoots it at great speed at the enemy if the opponent comes into contact at all with the skull it will steal their soul sending it into another plane of exsistence killing the target almost instantly.
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1753 days
Last activity: 940 days
Posted on 03-17-05 12:01 PM Link | Quote
Kaijin mused to himself as he saw the flying skull. He held out his left hand, anf formed the Black Matter Orb. He let fly the ball of darkness, as he flew straight forward, and negeted both attacks completly.

Quickly, he held his right hand up to his face, and closed his eyes. A Black flaming pentagram formed under Kaijin's feet.

Black matter orb - A magic attacked formed form the darkness of one's souls. The middle fo dthe orb seems to have a star. The attack itself will crush anything to it's core, both physical, magical, or spirital. Nothing is immune to the effects of the Black matter orb.
Side Effect - ?

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Xeogaming Forums - Sim-Battle Arena - Character test |

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