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Elyk X

Bee Bot

Since: 07-25-05

Since last post: 7072 days
Last activity: 7064 days
Posted on 07-25-05 07:17 PM Link | Quote
Basic Information

First Name: Elyk
Last Name: X
Race: Human
Age: 6029 (appears 29)
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 185 lbs
Blood Type: A
Hometown: Midgar, ShinRa Building
Date of Birth: May 11th
Class: Judgement Knight
Elemental Stats:
Absorb: Holy, Darkness
Normal: Everything else.



Stamina- Extreem
Speed- above average
Evade- High
Attack- Very Extreme
Defense- extreme
Magic attack - Very Extreme
Magic defense - High

Judgement Knight

Stamina- Unmesurable
Speed- Extreme
Evade- extreme
Attack- Unmesurable
Defense- unmesurable
Magic attack - Unmesurable
Magic defense - Extreme

Niflhem Wings

Stamina- extream
Speed- Unmesurable
Evade- Unmesurable
Attack- Extream (With Judgement day*Unmesurable*)
Defense- Extream (With Judgement Day *unmesurable*)
Magic attack - ?????????
Magic defense - Unmesurable

Metaria Connection (DES Connection)

Stamina- ???
Speed- ???
Evade- ???
Attack- ???
Defense- ???
Magic attack - ???
Magic defense - ???

Weapons: Judgement Day (Splits to Hope and death.) A great sword thats a clear metal with black and white angel wings engraved on it. When hope and death, hope has the white, and death the black wings. But due to the recent "unlocking" of the god fears, the apperance of Judgement Day is the same...but some rather "strange" things happen when Elyk Holds it. But when hope and Death are apart their apperace is drastically diffrent. Death now has a firey shadow with demon eyes that float around the blade, where as Hope has 3 celestial holy balls of light that circle the blade at random areas.

Armor: Mystile X - Elyks upgraded mystile. the Mystile X, but Elyk created a materia holder to house the other materia on him and use it in battle.

Materia: *= Master

Bracer: Mystile X (8 slots)

Final attack*(Revive*)
HP plus*(Destruct*)
Mystify*(Magic plus*)

Materia Holder(8 slots):

lightning* (HP plus*)
Barier*( All*),
HP plus*(Fire*)
comet* (added cut*)

Weapon: Judgement Day

double cut*(Restore*)
Gravity*(Magic plus*)
Final attack(Altima)

Fighting Style:

Great Blade: Basically not really a particular style, but lets just say that at this point, not even the master of the "great blade" cloud himself could go up agaisnt Elyk. As elyk has perfected the art of weild 2 great blades at once.

Skills: *NOTE*.(im still working on yeah..ill edit every once in a while as he learns more.)

Basic Moves

Aura Slash: Elyk takes his sword and Quickly slashes sending a small wave of holy energy. Its said to damge ones soul.

Holy Cross: Elyk Draws an X in the air, almost like a cross with his sword. The glowing X is really higly focused energy from his Aura Slash skill. this more focused attack can home in on its target. and is more powerful than Aura Slash.

Dark Aura Slash: The sword sends out an arc of eminse negetive energy. A dark holy slash could also be its name.

Shadow Dodge: invoked only once and almost always used in times where the oponet is rapidly attacking. A shadowed essance of Elyk flows behind him as he doges.

Dark days: The sword draws the darkness from within itself and projects it at the target, engulfing it in the darkness, inflicting spiritual damage and causeing blindness.

Seperate: Literally what its name means. The sword seperates into two. The sword glows red with a black hue to it as Elyk moves his hands apart making the sword now two swords(equal size though).

Astral Burst: Requires "seperate" skill first. While in his normal stance Elyk takes Death and slashes cross wise, then takes hope and slashes up making a cross. then takes death slashing diagonal, then with hope doing the same. Ripping into the air and opening up the astral plane. Elyk then holds up both swords and starts to twirl the * looking formation in a circle, gaining more and more speed till it looks like a Disk in the air. A light shines from it targeting the area its about to burst out to. The disk then bursts out at the opponet. The disk is made of pure astral energy, manipulated by the dark and light powers of the seperated swords. When crushing into a target its almost like all reality is crashing down on them, making their bodys crumble on the molecular and even atomic level.


Judgement Day: ultimate sword skill that requires the "Seperate" skill first. elyk holds the tips of the swords tword the opponet( tired) and a translucent image of each sword moves out and into the opponet. This causes quite a stirr in the targets soul, as the dualing swords bring out the evils and good in the soul, forcing the two sides to fight till a victor is met. The battle itself does not kill the target, but when a victor is met, the target dies. if the target lives, the battle inside of their soul does damage to them physically, almost making it so they cannot fight.

Limit Break

Soul Beam: Ultimate non sword attack, Elyk rises off the ground and energy from deep within him concentrates at his chest. In an almost painful move he releases it, the forward beam of swirling dark and white light engulf the target. This attack does maximun damage, plus whatever HP Elyk has left. Only used as a last ditch effort and usually Elyk tries to cure himself before hand to make the damage greater. After this is used Elyk is at one HP left. basically his limit break inherited from his father.

Niflhem Wings

Etheral pain: Lifestream forms as giant peircing spikes that shoot out from the ground everywhere and at random angles.

Energy Rain: Elyk sends out needle like projections of energy ment to directly peirce through.

Materia Manipulation: The strongest ability is to manipulate materia into its "true" form. This is either for destructive purposes due to Elyk's nature, or to form the materia true beings.

Planetary Magics: The use of whole planets as materia. The effects are diffrent for each planet, and even differ greatly depending on the individual using it.

Metaria Connection (DES Connection)- Becoming directly connected to the DES...Elyk becomes the second most powerful being ever created by the DES. The first.. Judas(Krelian) himself. The various abilitys are unknown at this time except to a certian Wolfgang, who has the memories of the only man to have seen some of these abilites...Reno himself.


To understand the history of Elyk, you must first understand the world that he comes from.

25,000 Years Ago: The original U-TIC Organization was founded, and was closely connected with the "Miltian Conflict". It was an organization not associated with the Galaxy Federation, yet boasted a level of technology and military force that far surpassed those of the Federation government or military. U-TIC's leader at that time was a mysterious man known as "Margulis". The origins of the organization can be traced back to the Mizrahi Neuro-science Institute, which in effect means that Joachim Mizrahi was the U-TIC's original founder.

20,000 Years Ago: The Philadelphia Class Interstellar Starship, Eldridge, which was transporting the mobile biological weapon, -Deus-, crashed on an unknown and seemingly uninhabited planet when -Deus-, which was supposed to have been in stasis, unexpectedly started up, and hacked into -Razael-, the main computer core of the Eldridge. -Deus- forcibly changed the ship's course towards "the main planet", or Lost Jerusalem. Having no other options, the captain of the Eldridge, "Shigeyoshi Inoue", ordered the evacuation of the ship, and then forced it to crash on a nearby planet.

10,000 Years Ago: The -Contact- "Fei Fong Wong" fought against the newly formed -Deus- weapon system to save his love, "Elly", who also happened to be a key component of the Core System of -Deus-. He succeeded in defeating the physical aspect of -Deus-; however, the "core" of -Deus- lived on, only partially defeated. The remaining -Deus System- sank down into the planet itself, retreating from the battle in defeat. Fei, content with having Elly back and knowing that he could not himself go after -Deus- inside the planet itself, lived on...believing -Deus- to be in containment.

9,998 Years Ago: In a "mix-up" of sorts, the "Humans" of the Planet took up arms against an unidentified vessel in orbit, believing it to be part of the Galaxy Federation that abandoned Deus some 10,000 years prior. The result was the crash landing of the -Cetra- Space Colony. The -Cetra- Space Colony was a deep space expedition, intended to find planets that were suitable to cultivate life for future Human settlement, using "natural" methods. The majority of survivors of the crash told of how the universe was in shambles due to Human civil war. Some even some joked about the fact that they were often referred to as "space hippies", due to their somewhat bizarre views concerning the nature of "planets", being "one" with them.

Over the many years, -Deus- lived alongside the unique and highly mysterious Lifestream inside the planet, which had come to be known as Gaia. -Deus-, after a time, had even evolved into a state similar to that of the Lifestream. However, with -Deus- being "broken", in a manner of speaking...a "will" inside of -Deus- began to influance it. It was none other than the will of the man known as "Krelian". He had no desire to simply remain and stagnate inside the planet, and thus, inserted enough of his "will" to more or less "force" -Deus- into action, a virtual "war" agaisnt the Lifestream. Meanwhile, the -Cetra-, and the Humans, lived on the planet, largely oblivious. The Humans consumed vast amounts of resources, while the -Cetra- attempted to cultivate and preserve them.

8,000 Years Ago: -Deus-, under the influence of Krelian's "will", used the newly evolved form of the -Deus- System itself to generate a "body" for the Central -Deus- Programming Core. The plan was to move beyond its boundaries, and take over the planet in a physical, humanoid form. Strangely, it took on a more feminine appearance as it appeared to the world. As -Desu- directly moved against the Lifestream, the -Cetra-, led by a reincarnation of the offspring of the -Contact- (Fei Fong Wong) and the -Antitype- (Elly), known then as "Zahn Geister", moved to stop it. -Deus- or "JENOVA", as it was called, used its most powerful "Terminal Interface Weapons", which were referred to as "WEAPON", literally creating the infamous "Northern Crater" with its newly focused powers through the mysterious artifact weapon, known as Doombringer. Powers that krelian discovered, cultivated himself for -Deus-, or JENOVA to use. However, as with all things Krelian was involved with, he had a superior follow-up plan already devised. The Doombringer was just one component to Krelian's..."revised" Anima/Animus System. Using the Doombringer as a model, Krelian developed fourteen other "weapons", which acted as the "power cores" of the new -Deus- "Energy System". The weapons, dubbed "God Fears", were the fourteen -Anima- that would bind to the twelve -Animus-. According to his design, there was an "Alpha", and an "Omega" -Animus-, who would wield two of the -Anima- as one. The system was designed for diffrent funtions, but for this "event" in history, one of its major purposes came to light. When all the -Anima- combined to their -Animus-, it was the only way to gather enough power to halt that of Doombringer, and destroy the -Deus- Programming Core inside JENOVA.

With the orginal -Deus- programming effectively erased, Krelian then had full control of the entire -Deus- System. Krelian, like unto a "god", wanted to spread his "religion" across and throughout the cosmos, but also realized that would have to come only in due time. Also, some very interesting things began to occur, which he had not anticipated. The Lifestream had begun to react agaisnt him. He was fully aware that it was a "natural lifegiving entity", but by the same token, so was he. Over a 2,000 year period, he studied and learned about the stream, and its various reactions. In a "test" of sorts, he released the information on how to form Meteor, which was originally an "doomsday attack" that he had discovered to be "infused" into Doombringer. Much to Krelian's delight, the Lifestream took the knowledge, and crystalized it into what would come to be known as the "Black Materia". This series of event confirmed his theory that he could take his -Zohar- energized designs, and occurances, and have the "Stream" copy the knowledge, forming it into "Materia", which could then be used by almost anyone, using the energy of the Lifestream, instead of the -Zohar Modifier-.

6,003 Years Ago: The culmination of experiments gone wrong, and the subsequent reactions of the Lifestream, and the planet itself. The entity known as Sephiroth reacted to the JENOVA, or -Deus- cells that were infused into him, causing him to desire to become "one" with the planet, or rather, one with -Deus-, order to go back to the way it was before Krelian imposed his will. But he was stopped by the "revolutionary" group known as AVALANCHE, with the help of their former enemies, the "Turks", from the defunct mega-conglomerate Shin-Ra Inc.

"Reno Cascade", the then leader of the Turks, claimed the Doombringer, but in his possession, it assumed the form of Kijinjiraden. To this day, it is still unknown what the cause of this phenomenon was, although a number of theories have been postulated. After claiming the Kijinjiraden, he, and his fellow Turks, aided AVALANCHE in their fight against Sephiroth, since Shin-Ra Inc. had already been defeated. During the final battle, Reno sacrificed his own life to save that of the young Ninja, "Yuffie Kisaragi". After his death, Reno ended up in the "otherworld", where he was allowed to keep his physical body as a reward for his final act of selflessness. He spent the equivalent of several years (from his own point of view) in the otherworld, during which time he received special training from "North Kai" and "Elder Kai". After some time, he was granted life once again in order to fulfill a specific purpose...

When he came back, only a short time had passed, a few months at the most. He assumed control of Shin-Ra Inc. after his return. However, something inside Kijinjiraden was odd, and the Doombringer had begun to re-emerge. Reno's intrinsic mental instability had somehow been made to draw out Doombringer. The appearance of the Doombringer, and that of Reno's psychotic alter ego, "Id", affected the direction of the company. Around this time is when the "General of SOLDIER", one "Elyk X", comes into the big picture. He himself, much like his predecessor, General Sephiroth, was in the SOLDIER Program, albeit an altered version of it. Elyk was stationed away from Midgar when the attacks hit, at a highly classified excavation site, where Shin-Ra discoved the first set of God Fears. Shortly afterward, Reno promoted Elyk to General of SOLDIER, and he quickly became an important figure within the company.

After a time Alex, Elyk's son, appeared, supposedly from the future. This was a trigger of many events. Firstly, Krelian started to move, influencing events with the God Fears, and manipulating Elyk directly, eventually breaking Elyk down in order for the General to be his -Merkava-. However, the Lifestream countered, with Elyk's own son, Alex, the Stream placing its bid for survival with him. Eventually Elyk "fused" with Alex in order to fully construct -Merkava-...but the Stream was too strong in Alex, and took his father out of -Merkava- with him. Elyk, seeing how he was fooled, gave up his own life to Alex...his very life's energy, so Alex could stop -Merkava-, which he did.

It was right around this time when Reno came to his senses, though not before his alter ego, "Id", in a last ditch effort, completely annihilated the entirety of Neo-Midgar. In reality, "Reno", as he was then named, was actually a reincarnation of Fei and Ellys' child...the -Neo-Contact". Reno was the third "incarnation, after "Zhan Geister", and "Erich Wong", although Reno was actually the first to actually make "contact" with the -Zohar Modifier-, and subsequently, the -Wave Existence-. In the wake of the destruction of Neo-Midgar, he left Shin-Ra, and formed the "Yggdrasil Crew", which was a small organization, consisting mostly of Reno's closest friends and allies, in addition to a number of former Shin-Ra employees who were loyal to Reno.

A year of so went by, and the undead corpse of Elyk had risen up with malicious intentions to simply "destroy everything". Alex, with along Killiak and Reno, led the charge against this apparent "Leech". When all was said and done, and with the Leech destroyed, Elyk's "will" within the Lifestream created a new body for himself, but in reality, Krelian helped him accomplish this feat. As soon as Alex saw his father again, he returned the God Fear "Judgement Day" to him. This seemingly simple act set in motion yet another of Krelian's plans...

6,000 Years Ago: Elyk X, alive and well, began to build an empire in secret. Under the wisdon and guidance of Krelian, Elyk re-established the Holy Empire of Solaris, and hid it away from the rest of the world utilizing the ancient -Gate- technology. Elyk was by that time working for the benifit of Krelian, not by force or through trickery, but by choice, after having been let in on the plan. Solaris was to spread the "Energy System" all across the any and all means necessary. This also meant getting his son, Alex, to help. Bringing "Sky Strife", Alex's love, back to life, was the key to getting Alex's loyalty, and to that end, Alex had to change his name in order to conceal his identy. Calling himself "Good Reverend", he also began to pilot the "Omnigear" Fenrir.

With the stage set, what was presumed to be the "final battle", was about to take place. When all the -Anima Relics- of the Omnigears were aligned, and all the energy -Anima- from the God Fears where aligned as well, Elyk prepared his daughter. His daughter, Theresa, who had been missing for three years, was in fact pregnant the entire time, but never gave birth. She was to bear the physical form of the -Deus- Energy System. With all the the pieces being in place, Elyk peformed the unholy process of focusing all the -Anima Relics-, and Energy -Anima-, into the womb of Theresa. Thousands of years of planning was coming to a close as Krelian was reborn out of the womb of Theresa, the -Anima- strengthening the body, as the Energy -Anima- give him all the energy and power possessed when he was within the Energy System. When he emerged, he informed Elyk that his name from then on would be "Judas". Judas took the God Fear "Essence Fracture", as his own personal weapon.

Of course, all that occuring inside of -Merkava- was not to go untested. Outside, the Yggdrasil Crew led by Reno, and a new ally in Good Reverend/Alex, worked to fight their way inside. Reverend held off the -Seraph Angels- outside, taking control of the situation, in order to allow Reno and some of his crew to enter into -Merkava-. Inside, Reno and his crew, consisting of a number of highly skilled warriors such as "Raven" and "Hotaru", in addition to several former members of the group known as "AVALANCHE", met with many challanges, but ultimately made it to the chamber where "Judas" was born, only to find the dead body of Theresa, and and also...Elyk X himself. The battle, was furious and Elyk soundly defeated the Yggdrasil Crew and AVALANCHE members, even killing some of them outright, leaving just Reno and himself. The two fought furiously, until they crashed through to the center of -Merkava-, revealing the replica of the old Shin-Ra Building, and Elyk's wife, "Angel", who had been living there in "ignorance", as if the past several years had never happened. The fight between Elyk and Reno could have continued for a while longer, but Reno didn't have time for it. He knew...he could feel "Judas". So, in what may not be one of themost "clean" victories, Reno used Elyks one and only true weakness...his wife. It tore Reno up inside to have to do it, especially in such a way...but with Elyk defeated...and dead, Reno, in his severely injured state, looked up to see "Judas".

Reno was injured and worn out from the fight with Elyk, but he knew he had to defeat Judas, the new -Deus-, in order to fullfill his "purpose", as -Neo-Contact-. Judas was easily a match for Reno, especially in his tired and injured state, combined with Judas' usage of the "Fracture Watou Jutsu", and his nature as the -Deus- Energy System with a physical body. Reno, despite a valiant effort, was defeated. However, before he died, he did one thing that would make him a worthy -Neo-Contact-. Even though Reno had figured out he couldn't "win", he knew that he would at least be able to cause enough damage to virtually paralyze Judas, sealing off almost all of Judas' power. But Judas, or "Krelian", was not one to give up. He absorbed the last bit of energy that was in the mobile weapon -Merkava-, and used it open a path to "Lost Jerusalem". Judas' last words were:

"Stupid Reno...I'll just improvise. I will go to the one place that is void of all time, and dimension. The place where I will gather back all of my energy, and power...and I shall devour everything from there."

As the powerless -Merkava- fell, Reverend/Alex sped frantically to escape with, along with Sky, from the crash. Over the course of the years, he gathered up all the God Fears that remained, and they left in search of "Judas".

5,000 Years Ago: After 1,000 years of searching with Reverend/Alex for Judas, Sky asked him to settle down on a planet, and for him to stop giving her treatments to keep her alive and young. She asked, because she could no longer handle living that long, for her mind was becoming lost to her. She understood that Alex could not die with her...but requested that he let himself get older with her. For 120 more years, they lived normal old, and when she passed away, he mourned for years after her death, as an old man. Eventually though, he remembered that he had a mission...and to that end, he regressed his age back down to "21", and left the planet. From that point on, Alex was never the same. He became much more focused, and consumed himself with his "work".

Present Time: A few years ago, Reverend came across the fourth incarnation of the -Neo-Contact-, known only as "Wolfgang", and both of them discovered that in their universe, the path to "Lost Jerusalem" was completly sealed off. Upon this discovery, they used a "forbidden" technology (that is, forbidden ever since Shin-Ra used it thousands of years ago), to leap across dimensionional boundaries into their current one, where they seek to find a yet unsealed path to Lost Jerusalem.

Reverend was keeping Elyks body in containment aboard the Asgard Mobile Fortress of U-TIC's. Elyk's body upon death reverts to the leech, and during a "Disagreement" with Killiak and Reverend, the containment ended. The leech escaped and landed on a planet with emerging Information technology, but nothing too advanced. The Leech having devoured the entire planet, was stopped by a small group of U-TIC led by Reverend and Killiak who defeated the Leech and thought it completly destroyed. Reverend...the son then left a monument to his father behind. He stabbed Judgement Day down into the ground as a headstone for his father.....

3 days later after the fighting was all over, the energies of the Sword stuck into the ground of the infested lair of the Leech have been altering it. You see...the Lair of the Leech is also a part of the Leech himself. The disgusting mucus, the black death that surrounds him, is himself. Even though the main body of the Leech was destroyed, the componets of the leech began to form again from the building blocks locked away in his lair. The Skeletal leech emerging from the mucus, his eyes glowing green. His body is not yet complete, but the Leech is being called...being summoned by the pulses of Judgement Day. When the leech wrapped his hands around the handle of the sword, Flesh began to spring onto the bones, and the Leech was no more. The Leech is gone...and Elyk is reborn. The soul of Elyk inside of the Judgement Day taking back his body.

Cold, and trying to hide his human side....doesnt do a bad job of it and can be quite the smartass.

Other Information:
Elyk's former experiments with creating a "Materia" from the DES instead of the lifestream resulted in "Metaria". The first metaria created, the prototype Elyk experimented with it personally. Being the firs to use it...But this Metaria was different from all the other Metaria created after it. Metaria are more unstable than Materia, and their powers are random for the most part, , not to mention that instead of being sloted to a sword or armor, the Metaria is directly bonded into the soul of the user, but every Metaria has a .001% chance of creating a link directly to the DES. A link that is stronger than the Energy Anima's link. But seeing that there were only 100 Metaria created Elyk's is the only one that gave this ability.

Elyks capablites when using the connection to the DES are largly unknown, but are know to rival and surpass the abilites of "Merkava", the DES's first "avatar". The only man to ever see the "connection" was Reno himself, and even then it was not for very long, as Reno discovered "Angel".

Needless to say, Even though Reno is dead, Wolfgang is the next best thing, and a Man who killed his Wife before his eyes....Elyk just wont take that very likely now will he?

Elyk is also the Pilot of Amphysvena.

Apperance: .
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