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Xeogaming Forums - Character Profiles - Omega -- The Android | |
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Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1752 days
Last activity: 939 days
Posted on 08-08-05 01:11 AM Link | Quote
Name: Omega
Race: Android
Eyes: Peircing blue
Hair: Black
Complextion: white
Apperance: He wears a blue armor, from head to toe. The blue armor is lined in a purple, and he wears a black undersuit. His helmet is a full face mask, and only has two purple tinted eyeholes to see through.
Equipment: Masamune - A blade with magical enchantments augmenting it's power. The blade has the power to slice through the very fabric of atoms, and the magical powers allow it the ability to pop barriers like ballons.
Omega Buster - The arm cannon that he can make on his left hand controls raw energy that is collected from air molecules. When fully charged, and depending on the charage, powerful varible sized energy blasts, waves, or concentrated beams will fire out. Due to it's raw power, barriers cannon stop the blast, both physical, and magical.
Omega Armor - Cybernetic armor that is created from Adamantine, allow, and titanium. The armor is made from the finest metals ever created, and has been reenforced 10,000 fold, making it indestructible to physical attacks.
Magics: Omega dosn't have the means for spells.
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Xeogaming Forums - Character Profiles - Omega -- The Android |

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