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Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 06-11-06 09:02 AM Link
The interview hall was full, and there was the constant buzz of the audeince speaking loudly as to be able to be heard over the rest of the crowd.

Suddenly, up on the stage, a small crack in the curtain opened, revealing an orange haired man in a dress suit. The crowd clapped at his appearance, as was tradition. He liftedup his hands, and they silenced. He spoke.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, for the begining of my first full interview, I present to you a veteran member of this board. A great debator, though Icommonly disagree with her, a heavyweight in simbattling, a common roleplayer, I present to you...ELARA!"

The curtain opened the rest of the way, revealing two wooden chairs with a microphone in front of each.

"And Elara, sticky this when you come in please."

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 212 days
Last activity: 212 days
Posted on 06-11-06 02:47 PM Link
*uses magickal mod powers to sticky*

*A woman walks in wearing black pants and a simple green blouse. She looks around at the crowd and smiles, her light brown hair shining under all the spot likes along with her glasses. She takes a seat and looks at Vulkar*

"Hello, thank you for having me here today."
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 06-12-06 02:59 PM Link
"And thanks for coming." Vulkar replied, "And now for the questions. First off, as is the standard first question, tell us about how you came to this board, who recruited you, what made you decide to stay, and about your experiences since you joined up. Ordinarily I wouldn't ask this, but due to at least two post wipes, it was inevitable."

Vulkar straightened his collar as he said this.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 212 days
Last activity: 212 days
Posted on 06-15-06 04:17 AM Link
"It's understandable. Xeo actually brought me here after the board that I used to post on, Vizzed, went down. I wasn't too active at first, until after Vizzed came back and just wasn't the same. I checked back in here and was amazed at how it had grown and how much more friendly it was, so I made this my home and never looked back. We've had our ups and downs... even changed the name, but I'm glad that I've been apart of it. I was first to 1000 posts twice, first to 2000 once... though I wish that those post wipes had never happened... I would be unpassable in posts by now, lol."
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 06-16-06 03:46 PM Link
"You still have three times most users."

Vulkar cleared his throat. "Now, I've heard you refer to writing a book several times. However, not once have I heard you say what this book was. So, I'm curious, what is this book, what's it about, and what your plans for it are."

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 212 days
Last activity: 212 days
Posted on 06-18-06 08:15 PM Link
*Elara smiles an takes a sip of water from a cup that just happened to be next to her*

"Heh... actually I'm planning on more than one novel. The one that I have the most done on is called Darkfang, which is set in Los Angeles 30 years in the future. From what I've been told it's rather 1984ish with the US government becoming totalitarian control freaks and rebels are fighting against them. Part of it is up in Story, but it's on the second page since it's been so long.

My other novels are based on Dungeons & Dragons and set in a campaign world that I created myself. There are going to be two trilogies based on two characters of mine (Elara and Morwen), and a stand alone novel about Jade ascending to godhood and heralding the start of the Fourth Age of the world. I'm trying to work all the kinks out of the world before I really get to work on the novels though... with luck I will be testing it out this summer.

I plan on getting Darkfang done and published, then trying to get Wizards of the Coast to pick up Marocia (my world) so I can publish my novels through them and get better publicity. Of course I'm hoping on my last name giving me an extra edge to get Darkfang published. I'm related to Robert Louis Stevenson, and I'm hoping publishing companies see that as a way to advertise my works.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 06-21-06 07:26 AM Link
"Related to him? Interesting..."

Vulkar thought for a few seconds, then asked another question, "I've noticed a lot of inconsistancies with your opinions when it comes to politics. At times, you sound extremely liberal, but at times, somewhat conservative. Tell us your opinions on politics, more specifically, the immigration issue, which party you are in, and abortion. Those, as far as I know, are the only things I haven't heard from you about."

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 212 days
Last activity: 212 days
Posted on 06-30-06 01:22 AM Link
*Elara blinked for a moment and chuckled*

"Wow, those are things I rant about a lot actually. I don't know what issues I sound conservative on, but I am sure there are a few... I mean, everyone has a few issues like that. Now, as for the three you mentioned, I've ranted about the immigration issue a lot in the debate thread recently. I think that the idea of putting up a wall is the dumbest thing in the world. It won't work, it will just waste our money... if they made it a felony to hire illegal immigrants and pay less than minumum wage corporations would not hire them and thus the huge lure for people to come here illegally would disappear! There is a more in-depth rant somewhere in the debate forum."

*She takes a moment to crack her neck and sip from a mug of ice cold punch that sits next to her*

"As for my political party, I'm registered as a proud member of the Green Party. I just like their platform better than the rest, even if they are not the most powerful. However, I vote for who I think is the best candidate, so there have been times when I vote for an Independant or a Democrat rather than my own party... I'm sure that, if one came along that was truly awesome in my eyes, I might even vote for a Republican for something, though I kinda doubt such an event would occur."

*She smirks for a moment, then takes a breath and continues*

"And, lastly, the abortion issue. I'm pro-choice... though like most people, I am against having an abortion after the third trimester. Women should have the right to choose what happens to their body, and they should have the right to go to a clinic for an abortion because the alternative is a coat hanger. People try to say that it's stupid to say that argument, but if you look at history you see that when there are no clinics the rate of death, infection, and hospitalization of young girls from 'do-it-yourself abortions' goes up."
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 07-08-06 10:24 AM Link
(I'm really back this time.)

Vulkar blinked his eyes tiredly, he was exhausted, but would recover in the next few posts. "Tell us about your family life, how many siblings you have, how often you all meet up, and how many of the extended family you know."

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 212 days
Last activity: 212 days
Posted on 07-10-06 04:05 PM Link
*Elara tried not to laugh at the question, though she did give her host a concerned look and offered him a energy bar*

"My family life? Let's see... parents are cheap urban rednecks, and my mom turns 67 this coming Friday so I have that to deal with as well. I have four siblings, two brothers and two sisters... though I've never met my oldest sister, she was given up for adoption when she was born. My sister Cindy is the second youngest and she was 15 when I was born. I have, counting the sister-I've-never-met's kids, 4 nephews and 4 nieces. The oldest nephews both just graduated high school and all but one of my nieces are the exact same age.

I know a good deal of my extended family. On my mom's side I have an aunt that lives in Missouri (her home town) with her twin sons and their kids... which are around my age and two have already had kids of their own though I am older than all of them. I also have an uncle that lives in San Francisco, who has an estranged daughter somewhere around there. As for my dad's side... I have two aunts, both are dumb. The younger one has two kids that I get along with, the other one has three kids that are so-so. And out of the five cousins from there I have 5 third cousins. I've met one 4th cousins and so many 3rd cousins and great uncles/ aunts, ect that it makes my head spin. My great grandmother lives in a nursing home out near Palmdale where my grandfather and aunts live, my great grandfather recently passed away but he lived in San Pedro."

*Elara pauses so that her rambling would not put everyone to sleep*

"As for meeting up... my uncle comes down to visit every so often. We go to Missouri every five years for my mom's high school reunion so that is when I normally can see my aunt and everyone out there (unless they get the money to come out here, which is rare). My dad's side of the family we mainly see at funerals or weddings, more the former though. Aunts, grandparents and cousins (the more immediate family on my dad's side) we also see at Christmas and camping trips that I try like hell to get out of. My siblings we generally see around holidays, some birthdays, graduations, and other rare occations. We aren't really a close family... rather disfunctional to be honest, and once I can get out on my own it will be a rare thing for them to ever see me again."
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 07-14-06 09:05 PM Link
Tell us about you and Tabletop gaming. You enjoy D&D you already said, so tell us your favorite calss, maybe a few good experiences, and all the other tabletop games you enjoy.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 212 days
Last activity: 212 days
Posted on 07-17-06 06:20 PM Link
"Hmn... well, I have a few favorites class wise, but over all my favorite has to be the ranger. Good base attack bonus, decent hit points, and good skill points. Spell casting could be a bit better, but I'm not that picky. I like playing archers for the most part, even though they don't do as much damage as that guy with the greatsword up front... though with the right bow and the right feats I can be just as scary if the dice roll right.

Once I was in a campaign once where we were bored and used a paladin as a holy weapon against an undead creature. Our fighter tossed him and he attacked with his sword and killed the thing, it was awesome! There are so many good times, I lose track of them."

*She chuckled for a moment thinking about the paladin incident and continued*

"As for other tabletop games, I play Midnight, which is pretty much D&D but classes are limited and different and it's basically like Lord of the Rings if Sauron had won... very fun. I have also played Vampire and Werewolf, though in both cases I didn't get to play much due to flakey storytellers and players. Tried Rifts as a one-shot as well as Spycraft... both were fun but I wish I could have played more. Played a Wolfsister in a Wheel Of Time RP once, and soon to be again and I cannot wait. Then there was an RP based off of Pockets's novel where I played an assassin, it was so much fun!

My first game was almost Changeling though, but my friend never ran it which made me sad. Same thing happened with a Star Wars campaign I was going to be in. A friend of mine also has his own take on D&D which he's ran before, though I only got to play it once before the game ended... I had the ability to summon anything from D&D books I wanted.

As much fun as the normal D&D games are, I also find that the 'off-the-top-of-my-head' games that my boyfriend or our friend comes up with are so much fun to play as well because you don't have to worry about rules and it's more about the story than it is about anything else and that makes it truly enjoyable.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 07-20-06 08:25 AM Link
"Paladin incident?"

Vulkar tapped his head thoughtfully. "I'm told that you have a slight interest in certain video games. Tell us of your favorites, your current consoles, your first video game, and your favorite console."

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 212 days
Last activity: 212 days
Posted on 07-21-06 05:56 PM Link
"I love RPG games, and some fighting games... but mostly RPGs. My first game was the original Mario Bros. on the NES back when I was 4. I had Duck Hunt as well... I hated that damn dog! One of my all time favorite games though is the Raiden series that you find in arcades... never had it for a console sadly. Currently I own a Gamecube, a PS2, and an Xbox 360.

Fable: The Lost Chapters is currently taking up most of my time, it's a great game. Other favorites of mine are the Zelda games, Mario games, and Phantasy Star Online, which is the game I've spent the most time playing EVER. I game on the PC a lot too, games like Diablo, Warcraft, Neverwinter Nights, Baldur's Gate, Bejewled, and Oblivion. I also love Soul Calibur 2, it's such a fun game!

I don't really know if I can choose a favorite console. I missed out on so many of them! Of the three I have now, obviously I've had the Gamecube the longest and most of my games are for that system. It's small, has a lot of classics and recent good games, and didn't cost a fortune. The slim PS2 I got is awesome as well, plus it plays DVDs. It easily lets me play old PS games with no problems, and because I have the slim one it makes it easily portable. The 360 has the wireless controller and Xbox live features, which I like... but you need the remote to use it as a DVD player and that sucks... though you can rip songs onto it and that is nice... the main problems that I have with the console are that there is no memory card so you can't transfer your save file from one system to another, also running an Xbox game on the 360 seems to make it laggy... so I guess, of the three, my current favorite would be the PS2."
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 07-25-06 08:27 PM Link
Vulakr blinked, he hoped that someone here would actually go for the xbox, but then, this wasn't his interview, and he still had several queestions to ask.

"Now tell us about ordinary roleplaying. I have observed you participate in the role playing area on this board, and I have even tried to fight an unfinished simbattle with you." He paused, "Tell us about your most interesting experiences, how you've done in recent tournaments, your characters, and some of the RPs you've been in or have run."

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 212 days
Last activity: 212 days
Posted on 07-27-06 05:18 PM Link
*Elara grinned sheepishly*

"Heh heh, sorry about that battle by the way, I got busy and kinda forgot about it."

*Once sure he wasn't going to get mad at her, she went on*

"Um, well my most interesting experience would probably have to be my first tournament... it was long ago and I'm not even sure which one it was. Sparda ran it, I know that much. First fight was against Leon, which I somehow managed to win... and not just by time being up, I actually beat him. Second fight was against Sparda himself... I lost that battle but it went on longer than I thought it would, and I learned a new technique from it. As for recent tournaments, I've been sorta half and half... either I go down in the second round or I make it to the semi-finals. In the current tournament I've apparently made it to the finals and it's with a new character that Cairoi helped make.

Speaking of which, I guess there is a basic info section in order. My main simbattle character is Jade Shar, who is a shaman warrior turned goddess of chaos. She's a "heavyweight" that uses a lot of negative energy and lightning spells and has two forms, mortal and divine, and I have won fights without going to divine form before. I've used her in an RP once, but it didn't last long. Then there is Elara Siannodel, my main RP character though I also use her for lower powered simbattles. Elara is an elven archer with a dark past, and she works well in RPs for it, sadly most RPs she has been in have been lost in post wipes. My newest sim character is Ravenna Odinse, a spear-weilding decendant of Valkyries who can channel souls of dead warriors. My other RP character, who doesn't get a lot of use, is Morwen... my crossbread Drow who weilds two swords. The only RP that I've ever run had her in it, the RP turned into a real life RP since the people that joined it where people I knew in real life. It was fun, though like most RPs it never got finished. I've run more RPs in real life than on the board since I find it easier that way."
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 08-02-06 02:38 PM Link
"Yeah, RPs are easier to run in real life." Vulkar agreed, "but on to the next question."

He suddenly realized dsomething, "I could swear I asked this, but I don't see it on any of the posts. Tell us of your plans carreerwise, what you have, are, or plan to take at college, and of what you want to do when you're done with that."

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 212 days
Last activity: 212 days
Posted on 08-03-06 02:35 PM Link
Well, I just got an AA degree in Liberal Arts from the community college I was going to (LBCC) and I start at California State University Long Beach on the 28th where I will be majoring in History. I'm not sure if I will minor in Biology or Biological Anthropology... depends on if I need to take calculus or not. Originally I was going to be a biology major but I didn't want to deal with having to take a bunch of classes that I would never need. I want to teach high school biology, you don't need physics and calculus to do that... only if you plan on doing serious research in the field... so I have settled for history teacher. I need to get my BA in History and then get my credentials.

All of this is my back up/subsidizing plan in case the writing thing doesn't prove successful.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 08-07-06 07:38 PM Link
"Excellent." said Vulkar, "And now we are to present the special guest. Ladies and gentlemen, I present the last interviewee, Whiterose!"

The hammer was already in place, would it catch whiterose throwing he into the audeince?

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
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Posted on 08-07-06 09:38 PM Link
WhiteRose pokes her head out and looks around nervously "...I'm just gonna ask my question from back here, this stage doesn't seem to like me at times. Anywho, Elara, if you had the power to change one thing in the world and one thing alone, what would it be?"
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Xeogaming Forums - Interviews - Interview with Elara. | Thread closed

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