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Xeogaming Forums - Interviews - Interview with Seticus | | Thread closed
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Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 10-11-06 06:29 PM Link
Vulkar didn't bow to the crowd this time. in fact, when the curtains opened, he was curantly whispering furiously with a stage hand. It sounded like it was over...a chair. Finally he looked at the crowd, and his eyes widened in shock. Quickly pushing away the stage hand, he tunred to the crowd and said, "Erm, sorry about that. It was nothing. However, I'd like to present a special guest.

"I would like to present the biggest fan of Fire Emblem I know of, someone who knows a little japanese, and artist, and last but not least, once a local mod! I presnt to you...Seticus!"

He waved towards Seticus to come in, and took a seat in his own chair. It was of a different type from Seticus', at his request. There were currently three pressured springs around Seticus' chair, they should go off, and throw him into the air if he steps on one of them, which he would be forced to do, if he were to sit in his chair.

Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 1657 days
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Posted on 10-13-06 09:11 AM Link
(My computer is down now so expect me to reply slowly or not so often.)

Seticus waved to the crowd and made his way over to Vulkar. He gave a quick greeting and offered Vulkar a handshake, to give the feeling of the late night show. Examining his seat, he was not aware of traps to himself, it would be wrong for him to test it out. Seticus turned over to his guest seat and sat on it, facing at the audience.

“Konnichiwa.” Seticus looked at Vulkar and gave a little smile. “How are you doing today?”
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 10-16-06 06:26 PM Link
"I'm doing fair enough...But I'm the one asking the questions!" He was silent for a moment... "You are going to be a hard case, seeing as how I can't ask about any of your personal life. This may be difficult.

"However, for now I have the standard. Tell us how you got here, what you've enjoyed doing since you got here, and some interesting(good, hopefully) experiences."

Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 1657 days
Last activity: 1657 days
Posted on 10-16-06 08:46 PM Link
Seticus made himself comfortable in the guest seat, being laid back. He looked at Vulcan as he mention about personal life and questions for him. "It is okay to ask me anything now, but I'll start off with the questions you asked."

Seticus took a deep sigh. "It all started with Dark Ninja of Sycthe (whom we now know is Desroth) was talking to me about some Role-playing forum. This was Anime-US and Seto was the main administrator there. Well, almost everything went okay until it was hacked (rumors was Erkdog but the past is in the past.) and Xeogred made his little forum going on.

Sparda, as I exactly remembered, gave me a quick IM to join Xeogaming which I eventually did. Thing went too fast since I figures people are people so I didn't mind at all. So I gave Xeogred his sprite set (I can't remembers) and suddenly he promoted me. This pissed my friend off. Worse became better as he soon realized was foolish so thing became better. Even this day, we often fight then socialize like friend. I guess this make us pretty weird example for being best friends.

When the board was hacked or attacked several time, I waited until it came back and acted like I was the only insane person here due to the fact people went on spamming spree. I told them that small size post doesn't help and larger descriptive with the detail but they told me that I was overreacting. Then again, everything I do is always overreacting.

I was demoted shortly and somewhat became a "bad influence" for a time being. It might be my habit or something but majority of time, people really hold grudges for me and few somewhat admires of what I did.

I was guess it is hard for me to make up my mind but usually, Xeogaming was somewhat a minor helpful changes in my life. Although I feel it could still use some works, I would settle something less."
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 10-17-06 03:30 PM Link
"Heh," Vulkar said, "You have the most complicated history on Xeogaming, as far as I know. Now, the next question! If There was suddenly a great revolution on this board, it was turned into a democracy, Xeo was overthrown, and then it was suddenly turned into another monarchy, with you at the top, what would you alter, what would you add, and how would you do it all?"

Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 1657 days
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Posted on 10-17-06 03:44 PM Link
Seticus was somewhat shocked by this blunt question. Of course, this might be something entirely different for him... "First, I would have to find more suitable staff, the one who can enforces the rules and also have their way with members as well. They can (or most likely) be humor and know when to be serious, also carefree but strict when it come to lawbreaking, not too bias for themselves and how they feel against someone...

In addition, I might add up some games for free if they only can sign up for Xeogaming. They may downloads stuff provided they got a account for Xeogaming and I would also pools idea from several members to see what they wanted to change Xeogaming, and be serious on how we may or may not achieve the results of certain idea, although it may help in the future.

Also, given that most people normally would have gave only 1 sentence paragraph, I would also politely ask them to do more detail(s) or pointing out flaws in event of the uncertainty knowledge.

When staffs come to abusing their power, action will be taken seriously, unlike how people can get away with. However, if they used their power within the reason of rules-breaking and if it wasn't viewed as immortal or wrongdoings action, I would be gladly happy to know my staffs are working hard. If they abuse it whenever they like it, I'll gladly demote them without a problem and find someone else.

I don't mean to sound strict but if one person can get away with everything, they are bound to learn that they can't get away with life."
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 10-23-06 08:11 AM Link
"Heh, fear the law when Seticus controls." Vulkar said, "Anyway, now for another question. I am told by a seemingly complete unknown source from anywhere in this world, that you sometimes enjoy RPing. How about telling us some of your experiences with that, some RPs you might have run, characters you've made, reasons for making them, ect. Also, what do you sometimes enjoy about it?"

Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 1657 days
Last activity: 1657 days
Posted on 10-23-06 05:19 PM Link
Seticus gave a long thought about it, until he came with an answer. It feels as if he long forgotten about it. "Well... I never role-play on the average like everyone else. If these was a role-playing that captured my interests and making it feel more of a traditional style, I'll surely post in there. One of the good example of a roleplaying would Avalon since the majority of the posts are as least an essay paragraph. What I mean is that the posts has more details and thus would make up for more then common sentence. If you would set yourself in a feudal era, it would be wise to give details that capture the imagination of the setting, wouldn't you think?

My experience with role-playing is never too good, because I would get as least one person messing it up in the end. Either he or she takes control of my role-playing thread or kill it very fast by making up their rules. I am very sure that people want actions, and that's all they will ever need. In my type of role-playing, I would lean forward into how things got started, rather then how THEY start it so suddenly.

Along the way of role-playing, I had this mysterious dream one day. I died without knowing my cause of death and I saw several knives that can skewer me alive. It traveled quickly with one knife that stuck my heart. Feeling that burning pain throughout my body, I couldn’t last any long because I was held to one play with my body expanding out so that it would be a ritual or something. But what saved me was this mysterious person who I never saw, because the knives struck my senses out. I couldn’t see him or hear him, I couldn’t say a word either but he spoke in my mind. ‘Relax… I’m here.’

Shortly after I woke up, I felt a sharp pain in my heart but even now, I can still feel it. I don’t know this being name, but I simply called it Seticus because it just came to my mind for a while. I didn’t have any other name to call it so Seticus was its only name until it decides to reveal his or her name to me. Just once in a while, Seticus does pop out in my dream only to protect me or something. I did ask for his name but he never answered it. So I gave him a nickname instead.

Seticus is a symbol for me. I don’t know why but he’s there. Whether as the guardian of spiritual deity or being, or alter ego and persona of myself, or someone or something who vows to protect, he is often the first on my mind. I was hoping to spend some time with him if I want to know his intention but he only seem to appear whenever I am in critical danger.

Lately, I am planning to make another role-playing called: Angou: Akuma no kaisen. It translated to “Code: Devil’s Outbreak.” In this role-playing, it features of a teen, who had a fateful encounter with a monster, and a famous detective man (probably in his mid-30) who went to this illegal warehouse in 2056. The future has changed, similar to Ghost in the Shell. That’s when people come in; you can join the “Executor Monster Service” or E.M.S. for short, or join the Cult of Aku’s Minion (CoAM). In both side, one must stop the demon and monster from taking over the world and the other must prevent from E.M.S. from fulfilling their legend. How it began was mysteriously, until the teens found a old manuscript dated back to 100 A.D. That's will be top secret until then.”
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 10-24-06 03:18 PM Link
"I see." Vulkar said, "Next let us discuss your real life. I currently know nothing outside of your internet life except that you have a brother, and are hard of hearing. So, my next several questions will be related to your personal life.

"First, tell us of your personal friends, who you hang out with at school, who you know, and anything else related to your social activities."

Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 1657 days
Last activity: 1657 days
Posted on 10-24-06 03:43 PM Link

"Well... Aside that I have a brother; I was born perfectly normal until I suffered a fever that destroy my hearing. Or as least that is what I remember what my mother told me...

My life isn't too kind, I am often one who always attracts trouble and never get off too easy. For example, in my elementary year, there was as least 3 students who pointed me as the source of trouble when I never did them. I had a teacher who swears and never gave us proper education. By the time I was in 5th grade, I had decided to move out quickly until 6th so I would go to Seneca Middle School, I could not have survive another year with that rude teacher.

Going to middle school with hard of hearing issue, I generally got away from trouble and life was slightly easier. I suppose I blamed my elementary life for making the person who I am not supposed to be. My personality became screwed because people often tell me who I am supposed to be but I barely can maintain myself. Middle school nearly made me happy, I was making few friends and also I met Desroth.

My life was hard because I had several issue to deal with. My mother divorced when I was in 7th grade, and I still struggle because my mother often negatively degrade me so bad if I did something wrong. I couldn't understand because I blamed my parent for messing up my life. Even now, I still hate my mother for making me the person I don't want to be.

I never hang out with people at school but they aren't too interested in me after talking with them. And I tried attending some social activities like the Japanese Club one time but it doesn't make me any better. I suppose people don’t like how I am."
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 10-26-06 08:05 AM Link
"I was planning to divide up your personal life into several different questions, but that works.

"Next tell us about japanese. Why do you enjoy it, how much do you know, and are you good with its grammar?"

Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 1657 days
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Posted on 10-26-06 03:01 PM Link
“Ah… Japanese. I do enjoy it sometime, but the grammar can be hard to master. For example:

Watashi wa nihongo o hanashimasu.

Which mean: “I speak Japanese language.” Saying that sound easier then it is, but it is not. You need to think of every vocabulary to put in the sentence which is harder since you can’t think expected to say it in one time.

[topic] wa + [time (specific has ni)] + [place] de + [object] o + [verb] – masu or masen.

Doesn’t sound so easy since you have to tell every thing in that part of the sentence. You have to use different vocabulary to make the sentence clearly or otherwise, the teacher will mark you down for that (not by much through.) And as for the vocabulary I know now, is barely much since I still have a hard time for telling every verb and stuff.”
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 11-02-06 12:22 PM Link
"Sounds somewhat like latin, at least in its grammar." said Vulkar, "Now, you keep mentioning the type of person you would want to be. Tell us, what type of person is that?"

Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 1657 days
Last activity: 1657 days
Posted on 11-03-06 04:23 PM Link
“Well, who I am is who I am. But if I want to be different, I would act as least caring because the anger issue I am often seen as, but at the same time I do have my limit. So I will be blunt with people who don’t act kind to me but I know that I have to lower my standard to their way of personality.

When I said that, I meant that I want to help people or learn from them as long as they are within my standard, and if not, I will have to go into my risk and try something new. But if the people still continue to act this way for life, I’ll never bother them anymore. So people can tell me whatever I am, but I am what I believes, stubborn and sometime, I’ll even go berserk. But when it comes to being in a nice mood, I’ll act kindly and when I get confused, I’ll get somewhat mad or act likes someone who doesn’t know what the hell he is talking about.”
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 11-06-06 07:33 AM Link
"Well, I suppose that answers that.

"Next, how about you tell us about you and art. I know you're a decent artist, even if the heads are somewhat big, but tell us when you started, how you decide what to draw, and if you often get the artists version of 'writer's block'. If so, tell us how you deal with it, and also what you enjoy about drawing."

Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 1657 days
Last activity: 1657 days
Posted on 11-06-06 09:03 AM Link
“Well… Sometime, I draw stuff only to feel that I want to escape from reality. I never tends to like how school is going to turn out for me, and because how horrible I am in the term of education, I draw since I only want to think of my fantasy more then of reality. I supposed this happened when I was in 6th grade. I never took my education seriously and I supposed I still never do so now.

Drawing is one of my favorite, because when I draw, I become only interested into the person I am creating. I usually become so involves with the person or being I created that I rather lived with then instead of other people. That’s why I continue to draw, being something I want to be, as oppose to living this reality I hate so much.

When I get the similar case of a ‘writer’s block’ with my art, I might end up not doing anything for while before I get back into it. This usually take several days before I do anything but even by then, I would most likely to end up with another drawing. But sometime, I often ignore it just by looking some of the other art work and try to start from there.

Although it is a nasty habit for me to draw stuff, I only likes to feel secure with my art and actually want to… How should I put it easy to understand? I want to “live” with my art…”
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 11-14-06 08:09 AM Link
"That's...interesting," Alex said. "Now, you mentioned school and college, but you did not mention carreer. I don't think I'm alone when I say that I have no idea what carreer you plan on having when finished with college. So, how about telling us what jobws you might already have had, maybe what you do have now, and what you eventually plan to have in the future. Also, telling us your planned major and other classes in college would be good."

Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 1657 days
Last activity: 1657 days
Posted on 11-14-06 03:46 PM Link
“For career, my father told me that I should try engineering even through there are several other jobs I may like. So I took my father’s advices for now because I took engineering in high school and my teacher inspired me to take engineering during college. He also told me that engineering make a lot of money and the latest technology can further improve and shapes our world.

With that said, I decided to stay with engineering due to my high score in math and my mind tending to be creative and idealistic. In fact, he believes that my laziness may cost me some 5% of my grade but the idea causes me to be outstanding. The only person who is “better then me” was the person named John and he was in my group during the “robot” project.

The robot project was entertaining at most. Brandon and I worked so hard together (well, John too but he steal most of my grade by not giving me any tasks to do.) so our robot project was logically well-done. By logically well-done, I mean that we have the best robot object on the average of time-wise and ball gathering. We cooperated as team effectively since Brandon is good at driving and I was good at preventing the ball from getting out.

I believe that teacher mentioned that we might be in first place. The second place was close to us but lack in effective work.”

Seticus shrugs his head. “I used to work at Taco Hell. Well, if people want me to be specific on it, Taco Bell. The pay wasn’t much, I believe it was 6 or 7 dollars per hour and I worked on weekend until summer vacation began. My manager was rude as well as being less caring. My assistance manager tends to overdo with when I’m “slowing” the people down but it was her who kept the customer slows.

However, my shift leader, Mandy, was the best person for being manager-in-charge. She doesn’t bitch about everything. When I was low on ones, I ask her if she got any for 20’s and she gave me 20 1s then. When it comes to getting off early or not, she always ask early or on time (like 3 hours before your shift end), and she was definitely the best thing happened to me while working. The other doesn’t do much.”

Currently, I do not have any job.

Right now, I’m planning to take calculus, engineering class, another rhetoric class, and another Japanese class. I am already taking pre-calculus, rhetoric class, and a Japanese class.”
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 11-20-06 08:28 AM Link
"Well, I suppose only two questions remain." Vulkar said, "So, in your next post, I'd like to know who you want to be the special guest in your interview. If you don't pick anyone, then too bad.

"Moving on, tell us what you enjoy doing in your free time. I know you play video games, but what else? Everyone has more, tell us what you do!"

He paused.

"Or if you're extremely busy at this time of life, what you used to do, and what you do enjoy doing."

Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 1657 days
Last activity: 1657 days
Posted on 11-20-06 10:03 AM Link
"For special guest, either Clockworkz or Shaddow will be fine."

Seticus look at Vulkar coldly in odd way. "... Free time? Well, I tend to draw stuff and if I have homework, I do that too. Perhaps I spend too much time playing with video games and drawing, I rather have fun more then to do work. So whenever I have time, I try to draw whenever I get.

Of course, I hang out but more often in free time, I might end up getting bored. Sometime, I invited Desroth over (which is more of a bad habit since this causes to fuck up the sleeping and study pattern. T_T ) to either go out to get some food or to play around. Sadly, if I spend too much time in having fun, I'll end up doing worse on my homework. But then I being to think, no one is perfect, why study all of it if life wants you to have fun?

So I try to study as much as I can and have fun."
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