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Xeogaming Forums - Role Play - Resident Evil - Purification | | Thread closed
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Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6566 days
Last activity: 6188 days
Posted on 02-01-07 10:40 PM Link
It has been several years since the first outbreak of the lethal corpse reanimating
T-Virus.Created by the Umbrela Corporation. A cororaton the deals with, everday things such as phone, Televisions and such, all the way up to medical supplies. With the help of Racoon Cities Police Departents finest officers from a special division kown as S.T.A.R.S., The first outbreak was able to be contained and neuatralized to a quarantined area. The area known as Racoon City no longer exists, the president ordered its destruction 1 year ago. A young scientist by the name of Hiero Seskumy, was a briliant biologist and chemist. He was fasinated with the T-virus and how Umbrella had made something that could do the unthinkable. He began doing research trying to find and learn everything he could about the T-virus. Upon his research he disovered that one of the sample cases never came up in Umbrellas stock, when R.C.P.D. took inventory of the corporation. This bit of information intrigued Hiero. If he could get his hands on some live samples of the virus he could see how it was created and what made it go wrong. He shivered at the idea of it. Afew days later Hiero got a tip from some annyomus person telling him where he could start his search for this missing case. He booked himself a flight ticket online and headed out 2 days later. That was a week ago today. **TV turns on as channel 5 news at 5 begins** We have gotten bizzare reports of what officials are calling, "Racoon City 2" on the outskirts of the city. Mostly animals and no humnas at this time, This is Toyota Kawsaki saying goodbye, from Seltin's city limits.

::Cheif Barkley shakes his head as he closes the file and turns off the TV and ejects the tape, setting them both on his desk. He didnt like the orders that where put under his jurisdiction but they had to be done..::

"Sherry please come in here"

::A few seconds later a slender blonde headed women about her mid 20's walks into Barkley's office"

"Yes sir..?"

"We got to open up a case.. remember the Seltin case a month or so ago?"

:: Sherry thinks for a moment then looks at the chief::

"Yes sir, that the one they called Racoon City 2"

::Barkely's expression become serious::

"As you know, the seltin's police task force was dispatched to take care of the situation.. well everyone dissapeared without a trace.. we've been comissioned to finish what they started.. make an annoucement.. any officer wanting to participate please report at 0900 hrs. in the briefing room."

"Ye..yes sir.. right away"

:: She hurries out the door"

::Barkely walks to the window and looks out it at the setting sun..::

"Tomorrow morning... God be with us.."

::he says quietly to himself::

This is what you will need

Primary Weapon:
Secondary Weapon:


You can either start off with a SMG and a combat knife, A 12-Gauge and a combat Knife, or a 9mm Pistol and combt knife. (you can exchange the combat knife for the given amount of extra rounds for your gun)

SMG: Rapid fire, medium range and low accuracy. Reload time: Medium
Damage: low. Holds 30 rounds. and 3 extra clips.

12-Gauge: Spread or Concentrated Shot, low range, medium accuracy.
Reload Time: Slow,Damage: High. Holds 6 rounds. 10 bird shots, 10 buck shots.

9mm: Medium Rate of fire, Medium to long range, high accuracy.
Reload time: Fast. Damage: Low. Holds 8 rounds. 4 extra clips.

Combat Knife: Standard Police Issue, 8" stainless steel blade and a 4" handle.

((will get other weapons as you progress, same goes for items and armor))

for protection you have standard Polive Dept. Body armor.
Items: Choose some kind of key item you keep on yerself.. EX: Lighter, or a lockpick.. ect..

RPG will start when we have at least 4 players. Everything will be discussed in the briefing.


(let me now if I have forgot something)

(Last edited by MisturMoogle on 02-02-07 01:41 AM)

Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 170 days
Last activity: 158 days
Posted on 02-02-07 01:09 PM Link
Name: Chris Wistock
Rank Captain
Height: 6'1'
Weigh: 175
Age: 23
Team: Delta
Health: Full
Infection: None
Expertise: Hand to Hand, Marksmenship

Primary Weapon: 9MM Handgun x2 (if this is okay with you)
Secondary Weapon: Combat Knife
Protection: Standard Body Armor

Chris walks out of the locker room checking his pistols in his holster. He walks up to the cheif and salutes him. Standing at attention by the door.

Captain Chris Wistock, Reporting.


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6566 days
Last activity: 6188 days
Posted on 02-03-07 12:09 AM Link
OOC: Yea thats cool with 2 hand guns,, probablly only duel weld ill allow at beggining, but you gotta drop the combat knife and put the 2nd 9mm as the secondary wep. Also u got a full mag in each gun with 1 clip extra for each. thats a penalty for having 2 9mm's.

Is back!

Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4725 days
Last activity: 4685 days
Posted on 02-06-07 03:11 AM Link
Name: Alex Daniels (Nothing to do with my other sim character)
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 10 stone 5 pounds
Age: 31
Team: Gamma
Health: Full
Infection: None
Expertise: 12-Gauge mastery (Can fire, load and aim faster and better with the 12 Gauge, but finds it harder to use other weapons)

Primary Weapon: 12-Gauge (What do the different types of shell do?)
Secondary Weapon: Extra 12-Gauge ammo
Protection: Standard Body Armour

Items: Length of climbing rope

Is that teh okayz?!


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6566 days
Last activity: 6188 days
Posted on 02-07-07 05:05 PM Link
Originally posted by Danny Phantom
Name: Alex Daniels (Nothing to do with my other sim character)
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 10 stone 5 pounds
Age: 31
Team: Gamma
Health: Full
Infection: None
Expertise: 12-Gauge mastery (Can fire, load and aim faster and better with the 12 Gauge, but finds it harder to use other weapons)

Primary Weapon: 12-Gauge (What do the different types of shell do?)
Secondary Weapon: Extra 12-Gauge ammo
Protection: Standard Body Armour

Items: Length of climbing rope

Is that teh okayz?!

It its good for me, now remember you choose the "mastery" thing not me.. and the differnt shells are as follows.

Buck shot - spread blast blast spreads out in a wider range
Bird Shot - same thing but blast stays cocentrated longer before slowly starting to spread out.
Ok so make sure you list what shells are loaded in yer gun.. under secondary list 10 buck and 10 bird

Since: 08-28-06
From: Petaluma, Californa

Since last post: 6577 days
Last activity: 6575 days
Posted on 02-09-07 12:53 AM Link
Name: Patrick Foley
Height: 6'
Weight: 165
Age: 26
Team: Frost Wolf
Health: Full
Infection: None
Expertise: Stealth


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6566 days
Last activity: 6188 days
Posted on 02-09-07 01:03 PM Link
Originally posted by WhiteBloodCell
Name: Patrick Foley
Height: 6'
Weight: 165
Age: 26
Team: Frost Wolf
Health: Full
Infection: None
Expertise: Stealth

You forgot primary weapon, secondary weapon, protection, and yer item. might wanna edit it

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6090 days
Last activity: 5089 days
Posted on 03-20-07 01:26 AM Link
Name: Jobes Kennsing
Height: 6'3
Weigh: 230
Age: 23
Team: Delta
Health: Full
Infection: None
Expertise: Hand to Hand; Sniping

Primary Weapon: SMG
Secondary Weapon: extra ammo
Protection: Standard Body Armor

Jobes follows Chris out of the locker room. He stands next to Chris and salutes. He checks his weapon. Jobes surveys the room.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1247 days
Last activity: 1247 days
Posted on 03-26-07 12:08 AM Link
This is freakin' old, and none of the original members seem interested in playing anymore...
This thread gets the axe.

(Last edited by Clockworkz on 03-26-07 03:09 AM)
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Xeogaming Forums - Role Play - Resident Evil - Purification | Thread closed

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