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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - yeah i hate myself | | Thread closed
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kyle s kenedy


Since: 01-14-06
From: petaluma california

Since last post: 6417 days
Last activity: 6256 days
Posted on 03-13-07 01:09 PM Link
so basically i hate my fat ugly stupid slow did i say fat horrid self. i fail at everything i ever attempt no matter what it is name it school martial arts sports getting a Girlfriend i mean dude XMtS got one and i dont i am a usless waste of human excrement. i should die but im too much of a cowerd to do that. ive had knives to my wrists and i couldnt cut. nothing matters i suck no one will ever love me who could yeah i dont know if this counts as a flame thread or not.

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4568 days
Last activity: 4562 days
Posted on 03-13-07 03:53 PM Link
If you hate yourself so much, then change yourself.

Seriously, complaining and bitching about it here isnt going to do that. Its something you have to do on your own life.

Also, quit beating yourself up...its so fucking pointless. And in case no one has the balls to slap you in the face here, Ill be happy to do it.

Grow the fuck up.

How? For starters, get something to motivate yourself. Find a goal, DO SOMETHING that will MAKE something out of your life...instead of having to rely on others and whine about yourself...fuck make something of yourself with YOUR NAME on it.

And quit assuming the board members hate you, we dont, and its the truth. The only thing we prolly hate are threads saying we dont care...

Kyle, if you want help, first you have to help yourself. Dont do this because you want attention, if you want to be a fit Xeogamer or whatever, you already are d00d. Just blend in and chill my man.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 106 days
Last activity: 106 days
Posted on 03-13-07 04:54 PM Link
School: Study more, study harder, and try and research whatever subject you're studying on your own. Don't rely on your teacher, or your book, just go out and research it.

Martial arts: I've never really done martial arts, so no tips from me.

Getting a girlfriend: No shame in not having a girlfriend, I haven't yet, despite having opportunities, and having a desire to do so. I'm not ashamed of it at the moment, and I honestly don't think that there would be a point for several years, seeing as how much high school relationships don't last longer than a few months.

Comparing yourself to XMtS: Don't ever compare yourself to anyone. You can always find someone who is better than you, better to the amount that you feel terrible about yourself. Comparing yourself to anyone else is never a good idea, it's merely a box which will either give you unneeded pride, or make you feel bad.

Couldn't cut yourself: Good, you don't want to, it's a bad habit, and won't do anything for you other than give you scars you have to live with for the rest of your life.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5085 days
Last activity: 1395 days
Posted on 03-13-07 10:06 PM Link
Don't feel sorry for yourself. It's a waste of energy. Energy that can be best put to doing anything else, like not hating yourself, finding a girlfriend, studying, doing martial arts, whatever.

You're not the only coward here who has thought of suicide and could not go through with it. I have thought of it, and I couldn't do it, because I wouldn't be able to face my family members, and I couldn't stand hurting them like that.

Don't be so emo kid. Cheer up.

Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 1557 days
Last activity: 1557 days
Posted on 03-13-07 10:21 PM Link
School: Whatever Vulkar said.

Martial arts: I used to join Martial arts until I quitted. If anything you should know, you should learn that martial arts is not always about being aggressive, they want you to control your temper and mind. What you are having here is a massive breakdown. Don't, just calm down and control your chi.

Getting a girlfriend: Wow, look at XmtS. He's banned, you're not. He is likely to be an idiot to have a girlfriend in a first place. Oh yeah, here is an excellent choice of movie to work with: 40 Years Old Virgin.

Comparing yourself to XMtS: Fuck him. You're not even banned, for crying sake. That's even better than XMtS.

Couldn't cut yourself: If you didn't cut yourself, there is always a reason why you DIDN'T. That means there is something that prevent you from doing so.

nothing matters i suck no one will ever love me.

Stop being an ass! TALK TO SOMEONE! I DON'T FUCKING CARE. JUST... TALK TO... SOMEONE! Try to start a new relationship. I did it with Kyoku-kun and that work out. You should to. Try to step up for once, instead of cowarding away like I did.

EDIT: It seem that some member here think I am having a relationship with Kyoku-kun (as in girlfriend and boyfriend.) and NO, we are not having THAT type of relationship... NO stereotyping either, and none of those "oh, he'll get that relationship" either.

(Last edited by Seticus on 03-14-07 03:47 AM)

Red Paragoomba

Since: 02-15-07
From: Boston

Since last post: 6274 days
Last activity: 5315 days
Posted on 03-13-07 11:21 PM Link
what provoked you to make this post? most people don't just say such horrible things about themselves for no reason. did something happen?

btw, i can guarentee my life is crappier than yours right now. just think positive it works for me!


Since: 08-16-04
From: New York

Since last post: 4949 days
Last activity: 937 days
Posted on 03-13-07 11:43 PM Link
Originally posted by kyle s kenedy
so basically i hate my fat ugly stupid slow did i say fat horrid self. i fail at everything i ever attempt no matter what it is name it school martial arts sports getting a Girlfriend i mean dude XMtS got one and i dont i am a usless waste of human excrement. i should die but im too much of a cowerd to do that. ive had knives to my wrists and i couldnt cut. nothing matters i suck no one will ever love me who could yeah i dont know if this counts as a flame thread or not.

no it's not a flame.

oh yeah, and your attitude's pretty pathetic. you should take care of that before you figure out how to actually cut yourself. but then again, this world doesn't need people with your kind of attitude...

oh yeah and guys
saying that he's better because he's not banned but XMtS is isn't a very convincing argument seeing as how this is just a casual online message board, not life.

Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 100 days
Last activity: 89 days
Posted on 03-14-07 12:29 AM Link
Originally posted by kyle s kenedy
so basically i hate my fat ugly stupid slow did i say fat horrid self. i fail at everything i ever attempt no matter what it is name it school martial arts sports getting a Girlfriend i mean dude XMtS got one and i dont i am a usless waste of human excrement. i should die but im too much of a cowerd to do that. ive had knives to my wrists and i couldnt cut. nothing matters i suck no one will ever love me who could yeah i dont know if this counts as a flame thread or not.


Dude we have been here so many fucking times...IRL

I tryed at first to be supportive. but there is nothing I nor anyone else here in petaluma can do to help have yourself locked into this victim mindset...

Oh yeah and need I remind you that lying to your friends on a constant basis is really noway to treat us...I am not patrick...I dont accept that bullshit from anyone...we try so fucking hard to make you understand that the way you see yourself..

When I first met you I went out of my way to try and boost your self esteem...but really its your you treat yourself, how you veiw yourself...

I have taken the blunt point from now on...You will either fix it on your own time...I hate to say that I have wasted my time trying to make you see yourself in another light but the way you treat us yoru friends with the constant lying...especially about STUPID SHIT!

You dont need to make up some story so you think you will fit in better...Kyle you fit in with the rest of us misfits quite well thank you...

Hell look at the rest of us sad sacks in our group...

We have myself the Arrogant Asshole
Max The Violent Artist
XMtS the Passive Agressive
Patrick the To Fucking Happy about Everything Mathmatician

I could go on but really I am done...

ON the topic of XMtS's girlfriend...She is a fucking whore...I dont hate her as much as I used to...I dont wish her dead...but I really wish she would GTFO our fucking group...

(Last edited by Chris on 03-14-07 03:31 AM)

Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

Since last post: 5898 days
Last activity: 5163 days
Posted on 03-14-07 02:18 AM Link
A few words from FX
Originally posted by FX
Kyle, breathe, and relax. Instead of looking at what you don't have, look at what you do. Just take out a piece of paper, and start writing positive things about your life. Just do it for three minutes, and don't stop. I'm sure you'll be able to come up with some stuff that will help. I'll even help you start:

You have a group of good friends who try to help you through anything.

I've been in a situation like that too. I've failed at things, but then I just ignore them and focus on the things I've have succeeded on. I don't have a girlfriend either, but I know that at this stage of my life, it's not the most important thing for me. At least you've actually asked a girl out, I haven't even done that.

So just focus on the good stuff, and get the fuck away from the bad.

Really you shouldn't hate yourself. No one shoould hate themselves. YOu should stop caring about what people think so much. You have to figure out what's going to make YOU happy. Stop caring about what other's think of you because in the end that doesn't matter if you don't like yourself.
kyle s kenedy


Since: 01-14-06
From: petaluma california

Since last post: 6417 days
Last activity: 6256 days
Posted on 03-14-07 01:25 PM Link
Dude i didnt think for a second that this many people would care to post in here let alone fucking insult me chris not everything i say is a lie. i made this post because of a frustrating occurance. i have been working hard to not be emo and i am actually doing a lot better. chris refuses to see it and his constant badgering me calling me emo kid isnt helping telling me shit i already know is not helping either. i wont make a thread like this ever again sorry. i dont really hate myself anymore. btw i have cut myself many times just never fatal. ive just got out of a horrable slump and almost slipped back in but i held back because i realize my problems dont matter and now come to think of it why did i bother giving a shit about your oppions anyway. but thanks for trying and caring especially chris i know that despite your asshole bullshit you care just as much if not more than anyone else.

Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

Since last post: 5898 days
Last activity: 5163 days
Posted on 03-14-07 06:06 PM Link
Your right Chris does care a lot. We all care in our on little ways because, well I can't speak for everyone, but I've been there. I've been in that place where I didn't think much of myself. and it's okay to get likethat. And you're right you shouldn't care about our opinions. Anyways, I hope everything works out for you.

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4568 days
Last activity: 4562 days
Posted on 03-14-07 07:50 PM Link
No offence, and take this little bit of information lightly. but the next time you post something about yourself, make sure you are ready to hear everyone's opinions about you.

Its the internet, if you are going to be pathetic, people will do the same back at you.

About cutting yourself, seriously, I dont see the point of it. it hurts, it dosent solve problems, and it looks like shit on anyone.

Quit cutting yourself, if you are gonna cut something, cut a fucking Potato.

Joke intended there

Red Super Koopa
Watching you fall brings joy to my heart....

Since: 08-16-04
From: Oregon

Since last post: 6120 days
Last activity: 6060 days
Posted on 03-14-07 11:15 PM Link
Yeah, dude... I think it's because we've all heard so much about suicide lately, that we're just losing our sensitivity to the subject.

But that doesn't mean we don't care.

Seriously, dude. You'll go through ups and downs, but you'll pull out of it, ok? Things take time, but more than that, they take effort. You can do something, or at least make an improvement on it, if you try.

But hey, if you ever want to rant to someone that's kind of on the outside of everything, send me a PM and I'll listen to you and give some sort of advice, alright?

Take it easy.

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4568 days
Last activity: 4562 days
Posted on 03-15-07 01:35 AM Link
I dont mean to be a jerk, its just me to be harsh on these subjects...

Ive been through someone dear to me whom tried to attempt suicide.

Edit- Spelling errors

(Last edited by Mr. Club on 03-15-07 04:35 AM)

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 111 days
Last activity: 111 days
Posted on 03-15-07 03:27 AM Link
Next time you start feeling this way, just start doing positive self-talk. Look in the mirror and say "I am a good person, I like myself, and fuck what everyone else says."

You're in high school, you don't need a girlfriend... in fact in only serves to mess guys up at that age. Feel lucky. If you get one and can handle it and your studies, more power to you... but seriously, it's not that big a deal and don't let anyone convince you otherwise.

And like Mr. Club said, next time you're about to click that 'submit' button make sure that you really want to hear our opinion on the subject. We're bluntly honest and desensitized to a lot of shit, but we care about our fellow members in our own way. And again, quit saying that we don't care about what you post!
kyle s kenedy


Since: 01-14-06
From: petaluma california

Since last post: 6417 days
Last activity: 6256 days
Posted on 03-15-07 01:21 PM Link
yeah i wanted your opinions so of course that is why i posted this it was really a test no im kiding but the point of this was to get your opinions of me in a way but i really do fell this way a lots


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5085 days
Last activity: 1395 days
Posted on 03-23-07 11:32 PM Link
good, we've decided that this self-pity fest is done with.

*Closeration Domination*

EDIT:: Also, I don't take kindly to suicide threats as a "test." This will not happen again.

(Last edited by White on 03-24-07 02:41 AM)
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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - yeah i hate myself | Thread closed

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