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If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 604 days
Last activity: 412 days
Posted on 04-05-07 12:29 AM Link | Quote
This sort of belongs with the meme/survey thread, but since it's its own thing and is constantly changing, I'm posting it separate.

Feel free to add your answers whenever they change and so on. Hell, add questions if you want. This was pretty much copy/pasted from LJ and it's not like it's set in stone.

What was the last...

...thing you ate?
- Cheesy mashed potatoes I made.

...person you talked to on the phone?
- A lady calling from Japan for my dad.

...person you e-mailed?
- A club booking agent named Kevin.

...person you hugged?
- Zoso.

...person you kissed?
- Zoso.

...time you laughed?
- Five minutes ago, watching Star Trek: Voyager.

...time you cried?
- It's been a while. I don't quite recall the exact last time. you watched in a theater?
- 300 in the IMAX.

...DVD you watched?
- Stan Lee's "Mosaic." Guh. tape you watched?
- The Lion King. you listened to?
- The love ballad Stu of the Boggards wrote with a chorus that goes, "Please have intercourse with me. Oh, please have intercourse with meeeeee!" you finished?
- Lady Snow Blood Vol. 4.

...heart-to-heart you had with someone?
- It was with Kittybob about something personal for her.

...person you met?
- Most of the members from this sci-fi society Zoso and I visited.

...person who died in your life?
- My cat, Fappy Tuxedo. Human-wise: my dad's mother, several years ago. food you tried?
- A garlic dog at Skooby's on Sunday. thing you tried (event, action)?
- Went to an Indian casino. It was for a Voidcrush gig.

...time you went around the house in just your underwear?
- Last week. No one was home and I forgot to get a towel before getting in the shower.

...time you weren't fully sober?
- Some time last month at a Voidcrush show. Was a little buzzed on the cheap Jager shots. Never done anything more than alcohol. "geeked" out?
- Talking with a bunch of people about "Heroes" and then a guy who guested in the second episode popping up to say Hello.

...thing you read in the bathroom?
- Spiderman: Blue (written by Jeph Loeb and drawn by Tim Sale).

...bargain you made?
- Yesterday. Asked my mom to take me to the grocery store and I'd make dinner.

...thing you planned?
- I'm in the middle of planning a LARP with kittybob and a gaming club in Irvine and planning this upcoming weekend's schedule.

...award you won?
- Apparently I won 4th place in some magazine writing contest last week. My teacher submitted one of my articles and I didn't know.

...piece of toast you had?
- A couple slices of sourdough on Sunday.

...present you gave?
- I don't quite remember in the way of presents, but the last thing I gave someone was a Heroes button and the guy I gave it to promised he would name his firstborn after me (as soon as he found a woman who would bear a child for him ).

...porno you saw?
- Pirates, but only because I recently got a new copy and I wanted to make fun of it with kittybob. you sang in the shower?
- I don't sing in the shower. you had stuck in your head?
- I've had Godsmack's "I Fucking Hate You" stuck in there for a week. And it's really only the first couple lines.

...thing you marked on your calendar?
- A gig Voidcrush just got for next week.

...errand you ran?
- Went to the grocery store for things to make dinner with.

...drink you had?
- Mountain Dew. thing you found?
- A few buttons and pins that I had gotten at cons, but forgot about.

...time you brushed your hair?
- With an actual brush? A few days ago.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4422 days
Last activity: 5125 days
Posted on 04-05-07 01:23 AM Link | Quote
What was the last...

...thing you ate?
- BBQ Pork Steamed Bun

...person you talked to on the phone?
- Elara

...person you e-mailed?
- My DM Charley

...person you hugged?
- GuardianOni

...person you kissed?
- GuardianOni

...time you laughed?
- Just now at what my friend said over an IM

...time you cried?
- was a stressful day you watched in a theater?
- Tortilla Heaven

...DVD you watched?
- Sailor Moon SuperS Disc 2 tape you watched?
- O_o Video Tape?....hmmm, I think it was my Quinsenera Video Tape a few years back you listened to?
- Carnaval of Rust by Poets of the Fall you finished?
- I think it was Polagara the Sorceress

...heart-to-heart you had with someone?
- GuardianOni

...person you met?
- The members of the Pagan Alliance (of which I'm a member of)

...person who died in your life?
- My grandfather (Mother's father) food you tried?
- Dim Sum at Famima thing you tried (event, action)?
- A new move called the Camel in my bellydance class

...time you went around the house in just your underwear?
- Yesterday morning

...time you weren't fully sober?
- That had to be gaming at my friend's house where I had a little too much Rum and Coke and got a little tipsy "geeked" out?
- Today when GuardianOni and I were talking about different organization and deciding what was their D&D allaingment

...thing you read in the bathroom?
- A catalog for garden statues

...bargain you made?
-um....can't really say

...thing you planned?
- Helping the Pagan Alliance plan a small Mayday Fair at the college

...award you won?
- I think it was a Senate Star at LBCC a while back

...piece of toast you had?
- Over a year ago

...present you gave?
- A ring to my mom that she wanted from Pyramid Collection as a late birthday present

...porno you saw?
- Pirates, same as, I love the wardrobe mafunction when Jewels hits the skeleton towards the end. Endless chezzyness! you sang in the shower?
- Two Witches by Gypsy you had stuck in your head?
- Locking Up the Sun by Poets of the Fall

...thing you marked on your calendar?

...errand you ran?
- Took some letter to the post office

...drink you had?
- Leninaid! Get Hammered and Sickled! thing you found?
- Some extra cash I had forgot I set aside

...time you brushed your hair?
- This morning

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 04-05-07 02:08 AM Link | Quote
...thing you ate?
- Zebra cakes.

...person you talked to on the phone?
- random friend.

...person you e-mailed?
- Erkdog.

...person you hugged?
- No idea.

...person you kissed?
- Yeah.

...time you laughed?
- few hours ago during Lost.

...time you cried?
- Not sure. you watched in a theater?

...DVD you watched?
- BladeRunner. tape you watched?
- Yikes, probably Jurassic Park. you listened to?
- As of now, Flotsam and Jetsam's "Hammerhead". you finished?
- haha, maybe one of the Halo books.

...heart-to-heart you had with someone?
- no idea.

...person you met?
- this random guy at a friends party I went too. He was weird.

...person who died in your life?
- Not sure. food you tried?
- Mixed gatorade with applejuice today, yeah don't do that. thing you tried (event, action)?
- Well, I will be going to the Nelson in KC this Friday for art (Humanities class).

...time you went around the house in just your underwear?
- Only in my room, always. Or the bathroom getting dressed.

...time you weren't fully sober?
- At work a few weeks ago with the help of saki. "geeked" out?
- Few nights ago my friends and I were talking about Dragonball Z at i-Hop.

...thing you read in the bathroom?
- Probably some random videogame manual.

...bargain you made?
- Not sure.

...thing you planned?
- Not sure.

...award you won?
- Nothing since High School. Endoresment in Animation. Ouch?

...piece of toast you had?
- Wow, I have no idea. I'm 99% cereal.

...present you gave?
- Probably will buy a movie tommorow for my sisters birthday.

...porno you saw?
- lol. you sang in the shower?
- Never. you had stuck in your head?
- Too much metal.

...thing you marked on your calendar?
- Calendar!? =P

...errand you ran?
- Fast food trips.

...drink you had?
- Water. thing you found?
- A bunch of empty bottles at work that we could use for the cleaner spray (for the windows). Yeah it was like finding treasure.

...time you brushed your hair?
- This morning (combing).
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 64 days
Last activity: 64 days
Posted on 04-05-07 10:57 AM Link | Quote
...thing you ate?
- Quinoa, a type of hot cereal

...person you talked to on the phone?
A friend o mine, called Devin.

...person you e-mailed?
No idea.

...person you hugged?
- Again, no idea.

...time you laughed?
About half an hour ago, at som guys AIM message.

...time you cried?
- ...I cry? you watched in a theater?
- The Last Mimzy.

...DVD you watched?
- Pursuit of Happiness tape you watched?
- ...It's been years. you finished?
- Next, by Michael Crichton "geeked" out?
- Argued about whether or not the prequals were better than the originals with STar Wars.

...thing you planned?
- Going bowling with some friends.

...award you won?
- Ultimate Halo 2 champion.

...piece of toast you had?
- Yesterday, rice bread.

...porno you saw?
- ...I got the award for most religious here, I don't apply.

...drink you had?
- Water

...time you brushed your hair?
- A couple hours ago.

I don't apply to most of these...
kyle s kenedy


Since: 01-14-06
From: petaluma california

Since last post: 6375 days
Last activity: 6215 days
Posted on 04-05-07 12:40 PM Link | Quote
What was the last...

...thing you ate?
- carremell muffin.

...person you talked to on the phone?
- Chris.

...person you e-mailed?
- i dont.

...person you hugged?
- Darkness.

...person you kissed?
- none.

...time you laughed?
- ten minutes ago .

...time you cried?
- last night. you watched in a theater?
- 300.

...DVD you watched?
- blood dimond. tape you watched?
- Titan AE. you listened to?
- i dont know the name but the chours goes "I wish that I knew what I know now when I was younger I wish that I knew what I know now when I was stronger." you finished?
- Circle of magic Tiris's book.

...heart-to-heart you had with someone?
- a while ago it was with Chris.

...person you met?
- This guy that works at Petaluma market.

...person who died in your life?
- My father. food you tried?
- greek food didnt like it. thing you tried (event, action)?
- i tryed and succeded at beating god of war two on titan mode.

...time you went around the house in just your underwear?
- this morning every morning.

...time you weren't fully sober?
- i have never been nor will i ever be drunk. "geeked" out?
- i never stoped.

...thing you read in the bathroom?
- circle of magic Tiris's book

...bargain you made?
- two weeks ago i bet a kid in science and he owes me five bucks.

...thing you planned?
- i am always planing somthing.

...award you won?
- dont have any.

...piece of toast you had?
- last night i had sour dough.

...present you gave?
- i have no idea.

...porno you saw?
- Alabama jones and the busty crusade the funneist excuse for a pron. you sang in the shower?
- ill be by edwin mckane. you had stuck in your head?
- defaults i hate everything .

...thing you marked on your calendar?
- that it is today.

...errand you ran?
- went to albersons to get grocerys .

...drink you had?
- half pint chocolate milk. thing you found?
- my knife no i lost it and found it in the back yard.

...time you brushed your hair?
- i dont ever

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4584 days
Last activity: 3556 days
Posted on 04-05-07 03:25 PM Link | Quote
...thing you ate?
- Pizza

...person you talked to on the phone?
- My Friend

...person you e-mailed?
- My Cousin

...person you hugged?
- My Sister

...person you kissed?
- Don't Remeber

...time you laughed?
- 9:34 A.M.

...time you cried?
- Don't No you watched in a theater?
- Dolphins in IMAX..

...DVD you watched?
- New and Improved DX tape you watched?
- Taping of RAW you listened to?
- Cupid's Chokehold - Gym Class Heroes you finished?
- Angels & Demons

...heart-to-heart you had with someone?
- Don't Know.

...person you met?
- Rey Mysterio

...person who died in your life?
- Great Uncle few years back. food you tried?
- Monster thing you tried (event, action)?
- I went to Wrestlemania on Sunday

...time you went around the house in just your underwear?
- Never

...time you weren't fully sober?
- I can't drink. "geeked" out?
- Talked about weird people online in games.

...thing you read in the bathroom?
- Never

...bargain you made?
- Get someone a drink if they gave me a dollar.

...thing you planned?
- Not Sure

...award you won?
- 3 on 3 basketball champs

...piece of toast you had?
- Saturday, Peanut Butter

...present you gave?
- $15 iTunes card

...porno you saw?
- Don't watch it you sang in the shower?
- Cupid's Chokehold - Gym Class Heroes you had stuck in your head?
- Cupid's Chokehold - Gym Class Heroes

...thing you marked on your calendar?
- Wrestlemania

...errand you ran?
- Can't run errands

...drink you had?
- Mountain Dew Icee thing you found?
- Rims on the side of the sidewalk

...time you brushed your hair?
- This morning

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4526 days
Last activity: 4520 days
Posted on 04-05-07 06:51 PM Link | Quote
...thing you ate?
- Chicken

...person you talked to on the phone?
- My Dad

...person you e-mailed?
- Not sure...

...person you hugged?
- My Aunt Kathy

...person you kissed?

...time you laughed?
- 5 minutes ago

...time you cried?
- At the airport you watched in a theater?
- The Last Mimzy

...DVD you watched?
- Akira tape you watched?
- Not sure... you listened to?
- Vespian Sorrow~ The Exiled you finished?
- Japanese for dummies

...heart-to-heart you had with someone?
- a few days ago.

...person you met?
- My mom's new Boyfriend

...person who died in your life?
- Nanny. food you tried?
- Lobster! thing you tried (event, action)?
- I tried out Para Para Paradice...and cried

...time you went around the house in just your underwear?
- Oh I do this all the time when im alone

...time you weren't fully sober?
- one month ago. I was pretty damn drunk XD "geeked" out?

...thing you read in the bathroom?
- Animorphs #16

...bargain you made?
- I saved 145 dollars by switching my car insurance to Geico

...thing you planned?
- Coming home, 2 weeks ago

...award you won?
- "Goofiest Cast member" Frontierland

...piece of toast you had?
- Not sure...

...present you gave?
- like a free donation letter from gaia

...porno you saw?
- Damn, there were so many... you sang in the shower?
- Tenacious D- Kickapoo you had stuck in your head?

...thing you marked on your calendar?
- I never look at one

...errand you ran?
- I had to tell someone in Tomorrowland to quit being a douche

...drink you had?
- RC Cola...yum thing you found?
- Glow in the Dark condom

...time you brushed your hair?
- Im brushing it now


Since: 01-27-07

Since last post: 6230 days
Last activity: 5922 days
Posted on 04-06-07 01:08 AM Link | Quote
What was the last...

...thing you ate?
- Chicken leftovers from the freezer.

...person you talked to on the phone?
- My dad.

...person you e-mailed?
- Golden Yoshi.

...person you hugged?
- Can't remember.

...person you kissed?
- Can't remember.

...time you laughed?
- How badly I got pwned at Bowser's Castle in Mario Kart DS when I was playing against my friends.

...time you cried?
- When my grandma died last year. you watched in a theater?
- Borat.

...DVD you watched?
- Bruce Almighty. tape you watched?
- Don't remember because I use DVDs more often. you listened to?
- Spark Mandrill's stage from Mega Man X. It's awesome. you finished?
- Can't remember.

...heart-to-heart you had with someone?
- Nobody.

...person you met?
- All of my friends at school.

...person who died in your life?
- My grandma as mentioned earlier. food you tried?
- I rarely try new foods so I don't remember. thing you tried (event, action)?
- Can't remember.

...time you went around the house in just your underwear?
- None of your business.

...time you weren't fully sober?
- I don't drink. "geeked" out?
- wtf.

...thing you read in the bathroom?
- I don't read in the bathroom. I use it and leave when I'm through.

...bargain you made?
- When I bought Ocarina of Time, Star Fox 64, and Super Mario 64 for $15 altogether.

...thing you planned?
- I planned on accomplishing nothing this weekend.

...award you won?
- 3rd place in Map, Charts, and Graphs for UIL during 8th grade.

...piece of toast you had?
- When I went to Luby's last week.

...present you gave?
- Can't remember.

...porno you saw?
- Uh, no. you sang in the shower?
- I whistled Spark Mandrill's stage. Can't really sing the song since it has no lyrics. you had stuck in your head?
- Magna Centipede's stage from Mega Man X2.

...thing you marked on your calendar?
- Don't have a calendar.

...errand you ran?
- Can't remember.

...drink you had?
- Pepsi One. thing you found?
- Can't remember.

...time you brushed your hair?
- I don't brush. I comb my hair instead.

Phew, took about 15 minutes to answer all of them.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 604 days
Last activity: 412 days
Posted on 04-10-07 04:58 PM Link | Quote
Filling this out again since I'm bored and my answers have changed. I'm also adding random questions just because.

What was the last...

...thing you ate?
- Steak and mushroom quesadilla.

...person you talked to on the phone?
- Christina (kittybob).

...person you e-mailed/PM'd?
- Xeo (I threw in PMing since it seems we do that more than e-mailing).

...person you hugged?
- Miko (my cat).

...person you kissed?
- Zoso.

...time you laughed?
- Just now watching a random commercial.

...time you cried?
- I shed a few tears watching the end of "American Beauty" a couple days ago. Not because it's a sad movie or anything, but because I suddenly understood the message it was trying to put out and I could relate to it. you watched in a theater?
- Grindhouse at the drive-in.

...DVD you watched?
- Hedwig and the Angry Inch. tape you watched?
- The Goonies. Am I the only person who still uses their VCR on a regular basis? you listened to?
- Reel Big Fish's "Beer" you finished?
- 100 Bullets Vol. 2.

...heart-to-heart you had with someone?
- Christina (kittybob) last night about a situation she's in.

...person you met?
- Some guy who calls himself Z.

...person who died in your life?
- My friend's mother, who was also something of a mother figure to me. food you tried?
- Right now I'm baking Pierogi when you're supposed to fry it. thing you tried (event, action)?
- Listening to a drive-in movie through the speakers of a car as opposed to hitching the listen speaker to the window.

...time you went around the house in just your underwear?
- Same as the last time I mentioned.

...time you weren't fully sober?
- Also the same as the last time I mentioned. "geeked" out?
- Talking about plans for faire this weekend with kittybob over dinner/breakfast around 3 a.m. last night.

...thing you read in the bathroom?
- Does graffiti on the wall in a public restroom count?

...bargain you made?
- Zoso paid for my dinner since I paid for his movie ticket.

...thing you planned?
- Am planning out the weekend right now.

...award you won?
- Same as last time I mentioned.

...piece of toast you had?
- A couple slices of sourdough on Sunday.

...present you gave?
- Some tickets to Zoso's band's next show to Christina.

...porno you saw?
- Same as the last I'd mentioned. you sang in the shower?
- Still don't sing in the shower. you had stuck in your head?
- Some of the background music in "Shadow of the Colossus." Usually the music that comes on when you get on top of certain colossi.

...thing you marked on your calendar?
- The next Voidcrush gigs.

...errand you ran?
- Picking up the tickets for the next show from the venue.

...drink you had?
- Just had a can of Pepsi. thing you found?
- Some Forge graphic novels I forgot I'd bought.

...time you brushed your hair?
- Yesterday, I think.

Now the questions I'm throwing in just because:

...person you talked to over AIM, YIM, etc?
- Christina (kittybob).

...thing you bought?
- Movie tickets. you played?
- Nanaca Crash!! place you visited?
- A drive-in in City of Industry.

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4584 days
Last activity: 3556 days
Posted on 04-10-07 06:05 PM Link | Quote
What was the last...

...thing you ate?
- 2 double cheeseburgers plain, large fry, large coke.

...person you talked to on the phone?
- My friend, Chad.

...person you e-mailed/PM'd?
- Don't e-mail

...person you hugged?
- My dog, Lily.

...person you kissed?
- My dog, Lily.

...time you laughed?
- With my friend over XBL

...time you cried?
- I laughed so hard I cried two days ago. you watched in a theater?
- Shooter

...DVD you watched?
- Royal Rumble 2007 tape you watched?
- Taping of RAW you listened to?
- Eve 6 - Beautiful Oblivion you finished?
- Angels & Demons - Dan Brown

...heart-to-heart you had with someone?
- My dog, Lily

...person you met?
- Rey Mysterio

...person who died in your life?
- My great Uncle. food you tried?
- Eggrolls thing you tried (event, action)?
- Picking to born under The Steed sign in Oblivion.

...time you went around the house in just your underwear?
- Never did.

...time you weren't fully sober?
- Can't drink. "geeked" out?
- Talking with my friends about weird videos and game glitches.

...thing you read in the bathroom?
- Don't read in the bathroom

...bargain you made?
- Forgot

...thing you planned?
- Forgot.

...award you won?
- Bowling champions.

...piece of toast you had?
- This morning

...present you gave?
- Royal Rumble DVD

...porno you saw?
- Don't watch it.. you sang in the shower?
- Makes me Wonder - Maroon 5 you had stuck in your head?
- Makes me Wonder - Maroon 5

...thing you marked on your calendar?
- Forgot

...errand you ran?
- Getting baseball shoes for my little brother.

...drink you had?
- Mountain Dew thing you found?
- NBA Street Homecourt sitting in the parking lot of my Gamestop.

...time you brushed your hair?
- Today

Now the questions I'm throwing in just because:

...person you talked to over AIM, YIM, etc?
- My friend, Dominic

...thing you bought?
- Royal Rumble Anthology you played?
- Oblivion place you visited?
- Boston's Pizza in front of Meijer's


Since: 08-25-06
From: Aberdeen, Scotland

Since last post: 6367 days
Last activity: 6305 days
Posted on 04-11-07 05:11 AM Link | Quote
What was the last...

...thing you ate?
- Special K and blackberrys.

...person you talked to on the phone?
- A person advertising washing machine insurance.

...person you e-mailed?
- A friend called Derek.

...person you hugged?
- My girlfriend, Ellen

...person you kissed?
- Ellen

...time you laughed?
- Last night, watching Peter Kay's stand up.

...time you cried?
- 2 months ago, when I got bit in the balls by my cat. you watched in a theater?
- Mr. Beans holiday.

...DVD you watched?
- Peter Kay's greatest moments. tape you watched?
- Teletubbies with my little cousin who's 2 years old. you listened to?
- F.c.s - You make me crazy. you finished?
- Wrong about Japan.

...heart-to-heart you had with someone?
- Probaly my mother. xD

...person you met?
- My sister who just got home from Tomsk in russia.

...person who died in your life?
- My babysitter, Hazel, from when I was 2-8, who died from several heart attacks. food you tried?
- Prawn flavoured instant noodles. thing you tried (event, action)?
- Went to Free at the Dee 2 years ago.

...time you went around the house in just your underwear?
- Just now.

...time you weren't fully sober?
- I don't drink. "geeked" out?
- Talking about games and cheats and that.

...thing you read in the bathroom?
- The Simpsons Comics.

...bargain you made?
- Today. I clean the kitchen and my dad cleans the rest of the house.

...thing you planned?
- Going to meet my Step-brothers friend and children for a day out tomorrow.

...award you won?
- Bowling perfect game award. (Bumpers were up, though. Still counts)

...piece of toast you had?
- Seeded with butter.

...present you gave?
- A cloth, soap and shampoo to my step-brother. (As a joke, he just smells bad after work)

...porno you saw?
- Browsing through sky and my mom stopped on "backyard adventures" and then she found out it was a porno and changed it. you sang in the shower?
- I don't sing in the shower. you had stuck in your head?
- Probaly "Waiting for a star" by The Cabin Crew.

...thing you marked on your calendar?
- A day out with my step-brother tomorrow.

...errand you ran?
- Can't do errands, in a wheelchair.

...drink you had?
- Fanta orange. thing you found?
- £200 in a money clip.

...time you brushed your hair?
- I don't brush my hair.

Now the questions I'm throwing in just because:

...person you talked to over AIM, YIM, etc?
- Err. Paragon.

...thing you bought?
- 6 butterys (we had people at our house) you played?
- Chu Chu Rocket! place you visited?
- Isle of sky.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 70 days
Last activity: 70 days
Posted on 04-19-07 09:48 PM Link | Quote
What was the last...

...thing you ate?
- Chocolate truffle

...person you talked to on the phone?
- James

...person you e-mailed?
- Um, I think Charlie.

...person you hugged?
- WhiteRose

...person you kissed?
- Venomouslobster

...time you laughed?
- A few minutes ago, watching the Austrailian "Thank God You're Here" clip.

...time you cried?
- A few days ago I think. you watched in a theater?
- Grindhouse, it was awesome

...DVD you watched?
- Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny tape you watched?
- Oh dear gods, I have no freaking idea! you listened to?
- Something off of the Disturbed "Believe" album, don't remember which one. you finished?
- The Dragon Below, Book 1: The Binding Stone D&D novel based in Eberron.

...heart-to-heart you had with someone?
- Venomouslobster I think... or possibly my sister.

...person you met?
- Eva, the housekeeper at venomoulobster's house.

...person who died in your life?
- Don't remember, I think it was one of my dad's uncles or something. food you tried?
- Some variety of Thai food, I think. thing you tried (event, action)?
- Hooka... not all that bad.

...time you went around the house in just your underwear?
- Never, someone is always home.

...time you weren't fully sober?
- Last night for like 30 minutes. "geeked" out?
- Posting in the sex thread in discussion.

...thing you read in the bathroom?
- The Viking newspaper

...bargain you made?
- Today. I take my nephew to school tomorrow for gas money.

...thing you planned?
- Going to James' house with venomouslobster for hooka, movies, and pizza

...award you won?
- Honors when I graduated from LBCC. Otherwise it was the Staff Awards last year.

...piece of toast you had?
- A few days ago, plain.

...present you gave?
- Either a book or coffee, not sure.

...porno you saw?
- Don't remember, I stick to hentai manga lately. you sang in the shower?
- I don't sing in the shower. I talk to myself. you had stuck in your head?
- Beelzeboss by Tenacious D

...thing you marked on your calendar?
- Not my calander (it is unmarked), but venomouslobster's work schedule on his.

...errand you ran?
- Giving Justin a ride home

...drink you had?
- Water thing you found?
- venomouslobster's chainmail keychain

...time you brushed your hair?
- This morning... I need to do it again

Now the questions I'm throwing in just because:

...person you talked to over AIM, YIM, etc?
- I don't use those programs anymore... last person was Makura I think.

...thing you bought?
- chili cheese fries and a bottle of water you played?
- Oblivion place you visited?
- James' house.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 604 days
Last activity: 412 days
Posted on 04-20-07 02:40 AM Link | Quote
What was the last...

...thing you ate?
- Half a turkey sandwich.

...person you talked to on the phone?
- A bartender at Anarchy.

...person you e-mailed/private messaged?
- One of the GMs asking them to wipe my character's history so I could start over.

...person you hugged?
- Zoso.

...person you kissed?
- Zoso.

...time you laughed?
- Just now watching "Trading Spouses." Just killing time before the shows I actually want to watch come on.

...time you cried?
- I shed a few tears today out of joy. you watched in a theater?
- Grindhouse at the drive-in. Saw it again there with different people.

...DVD you watched?
- Cocaine Fiends. Terrible exploitation film from the '30s. tape you watched?
- The latest episode of "Thank God You're Here." I taped it. you listened to?
- "I Stand Alone" -- Godsmack you finished?
- Some random manga I picked up. Seriously, can't remember. One of those magical girl stories.

...heart-to-heart you had with someone?
- More than likely Zoso since I just talk about things with him, no matter their severity, like they're nothing.

...person you met?
- Vinny, the new third guy for Sound & Fury.

...person who died in your life?
- Celesta, my friend's mother. food you tried?
- Some kind of cheese. It was strong, yet creamy. thing you tried (event, action)?
- Wandered around Hollywood alone, at night, then took a couple buses and trains home (I've done this before in downtown San Diego in the middle of the night a few times before, though). There's more stuff, but this was "the last."

...time you went around the house in just your underwear?
- Last night, covered with a towel too, after taking a shower and running back to my room.

...time you weren't fully sober?
- Some months ago, though the last time I actually drank was maybe a week ago. "geeked" out?
- Yesterday at the Star Wars experience.

...thing you read in the bathroom?
- A issue of The District.

...bargain you made?
- Can't remember the most recent.

...thing you planned?
- Going to the metal music jam in a week.

...award you won?
- Same as before.

...piece of toast you had?
- Not quite sure when, but I had it as a toasted tuna sandwich.

...present you gave?
- A ticket to the Millennium Falcon experience.

...porno you saw?
- I suppose it would be that furry thing that Sagin/Nagis posted. you sang in the shower?
- Still not singing in the shower. you had stuck in your head?
- The beginning line of "Stick Magnetic Ribbons on Your SUV" because I was making fun of this guy driving a Hummer, whom we were sitting behind at a red light, with magnetic ribbons all over the back.

...thing you marked on your calendar?
- The metal jam next weekend.

...errand you ran?
- Picking up food before going to faire.

...drink you had?
- Mountain Dew. thing you found?
- Hmmm. Probably some videos on YouTube for shows I used to love.

...time you brushed your hair?
- Last night.

...person you talked to over AIM, YIM, etc?
- It was either Christina or Pat just before we went to the movies.

...thing you bought?
- Bus ride from downtown Long Beach to Zoso's place. you played?
- Lingo. Otherwise Dominoes with someone I'd just met. place you visited?
- Actually went to the Long Beach Grand Prix instead of just using the tickets to go to the concert before the race.

New questions:

...thing you celebrated?
- Three-year anniversary with Zoso, yesterday.

...dream you had?
- That I was a guy and having a threesome with two women. I don't know. I don't secretly wish I was a man, nor do I have penis envy or am in the closet. Usually dreams means something completely different than what you think, and I really have no idea what that means.

...thing you dressed up for (costume/formal/etc)?
- The Renaissance faire last Saturday. you visited outside of the board?
- LiveJournal.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 604 days
Last activity: 412 days
Posted on 05-06-07 07:42 PM Link | Quote
It's been a while. Figured it was time for an update:

What was the last...

...thing you ate?
- A tuna melt I made.

...person you talked to on the phone?
- Kittybob, I think.

...person you e-mailed/private messaged?
- My magazine adviser about a photo cutline I had to write.

...person you hugged?
- Zoso.

...person you kissed?
- Zoso.

...time you laughed?
- A few minutes ago watching this documentary on comic books on the the History Channel. I've never felt so proud, I'm chuckling about all sorts of things that strike a familiarity with me.

...time you cried?
- I nearly cried today watching a Heroes music video to "I'm Holding Out for a Hero" out of extreme pride. you watched in a theater?
- Grindhouse at the drive-in. Apparently it's been shocking people that I haven't seen Spider-man 3 yet.

...DVD you watched?
- I can't quite remember exactly. I think it was the trailer preview DVD Bandai put out a couple Anime Expos ago. tape you watched?
- Being John Malkovich. you listened to?
- Jennifer Saunders' version of "I'm Holding Out for a Hero." you finished?
- I'm not quite sure. I've been reading a few comics at the same time.

...heart-to-heart you had with someone?
- Zoso, probably.

...person you met?
- WhiteRose's friends, Erin and Megan, at the Renaissance faire.

...person who died in your life?
- Celesta, my friend's mother. food you tried?
- The dim sum at Famima. Dim sum's always been a favorite food of mine, but I've never had it there. thing you tried (event, action)?
- Smoking one of the cigars the men at faire make.

...time you went around the house in just your underwear?
- Don't quite remember a time since the last I'd mentioned.

...time you weren't fully sober?
- The last time I drank was this past Monday, but I wasn't even near tipsy. "geeked" out?
- Just now watching the documentary on comic books.

...thing you read in the bathroom?
- Spiderman comic book.

...bargain you made?
- Bought a bunch of comics at a convention two weeks ago for 50 cents a piece.

...thing you planned?
- Going to Free Comic Book Day yesterday.

...award you won?
- Same as before.

...piece of toast you had?
- Had a couple for my sandwich earlier.

...present you gave?
- Not really a present, but I told WhiteRose I'm paying her volunteer deposit for AX since I owe her for my masquerade ticket.

...porno you saw?
- I suppose it would be that furry thing that Sagin/Nagis posted. you sang in the shower?
- I more think in the shower than sing. you had stuck in your head?
- It's been going back and forth between Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire" and Godsmack's "I Fucking Hate You."

...thing you marked on your calendar?
- My dentist appointment for tomorrow.

...errand you ran?
- Heading down to the store to buy soda.

...drink you had?
- Coke Zero Cherry. EWWW!! thing you found?
- A picture I had of Zachary Quinto and James Kyson Lee at last Wizard World that I re-discovered.

...time you brushed your hair?
- It's been a while. I've sort of been combing out any tangles with my fingers.

...person you talked to over AIM, YIM, etc?
- Kittybob.

...thing you bought?
- Soda. you played?
- Final Fantasy XII. I've been obsessed. place you visited?
- This bar in Huntington Beach that was hosting a metal show.

...thing you celebrated?
- My mom having her surgery.

...dream you had?
- I can't remember exactly what last night's was about, but lately I've been having nightmares about missing out on conventions.

...thing you dressed up for (costume/formal/etc)?
- The Renaissance faire last Sunday. you visited outside of the board?
- AOL.


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

Since last post: 3995 days
Last activity: 3360 days
Posted on 05-06-07 08:28 PM Link | Quote

What was the last...

...thing you ate?
- Chow Mein and Egg Foo Yun

...person you talked to on the phone?
- Genome, I needed his poetry book for an essay (I forgot mine...)

...person you e-mailed?
- dad, like, 2 weeks ago.

...person you hugged?
- I dunno. I know it was one of two people, but they were one after the other.

...person you kissed?

...time you laughed?
- About an hour ago, something about Pokemon.

...time you cried?
- Don't remember. you watched in a theater?
- 300.

...DVD you watched?
- Princess Mononoke (sp?) tape you watched?
- How To: Never watch video tapes. you listened to?
- Forget. Probably Jrock. you finished?
- Oh jeez. Learning Japanese book doesn't count?

...heart-to-heart you had with someone?
- Depends on what exactly how "heart-to-heart" is.

...person you met?
- My cousin. Or if it's for the first time kinda meet, I dunno.

...person who died in your life?
- My grandpa. Quite a while ago. food you tried?
- Forget. =/ thing you tried (event, action)?
- Skipping class?

...time you went around the house in just your underwear?
- Long time ago.

...time you weren't fully sober?
- Never. "geeked" out?
- Today. Talking about Pokemon, what if our sun absorbed lots of planets to become a humanoid giant of flame, fighting humanoid giant of flames from other universes, Spider-Man, game stuff.

...thing you read in the bathroom?
- Japanese Langauge Book

...bargain you made?
- A while ago. Getting a NES for $20 less than the lady wanted.

...thing you planned?
- Getting a friend to proof read the essay. Hasn't worked out.

...award you won?
- Too long ago. Unless Honor Roll counts? Then a couple months.

...piece of toast you had?
- Last week.

...present you gave?
- Don't remember. So by what I do remember, a book to z33r0.

...porno you saw?
- I don't remember names. you sang in the shower?
- Made-up song. you had stuck in your head?
- Ending theme to Bleach.

...thing you marked on your calendar?
- Calendar doesn't exist.

...errand you ran?
- Went to the corner store for Nachos.

...drink you had?
- Coca Cola thing you found?
- Pokemon Pearl

...time you brushed your hair?
- Ages ago.

Meh. Less interesting that I was hoping. My memory is shittles right now.

Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

Since last post: 5857 days
Last activity: 5122 days
Posted on 05-06-07 09:59 PM Link | Quote

What was the last...

...thing you ate?
- Double Decker Taco

...person you talked to on the phone?
- My mom

...person you e-mailed?
- Myself

...person you hugged?
- Pockets

...person you kissed?
- My grandmother

...time you laughed?
- Last night, I was....happy

...time you cried?
- Few hours ago you watched in a theater?
- Fracture, it was pretty damn good

...DVD you watched?
Dog Soldier sort of tape you watched?
- Something about the Nazi Party you listened to?
- Currently listening to: Incubus- Blood on the Ground you finished?
- Lost Souls by Poppy Z. Brite

...heart-to-heart you had with someone?
- I guess with Pockets, I dunno

...person you met?
- Gary

...person who died in your life?
- My aunt food you tried?
- No clue thing you tried (event, action)?
- Stone Rituals

...time you went around the house in just your underwear?
- I don't wear underwear

...time you weren't fully sober?
- Last night "geeked" out?
- Typing and revising my Dad's resume for him.

...thing you read in the bathroom?
- I never understood that.

...bargain you made?
- Weed.

...thing you planned?
- My day yesterday.

...award you won?
- Female Writer's Guild National Writer's recognition through my school.

...piece of toast you had?
- Been a while.

...present you gave?
- Strawberry flavored condom blown up with a face sharpied on it. I named him Dick.

...porno you saw?
- Whatever is in my laptop. you sang in the shower?
- Fried is a four letter word- Cake you had stuck in your head?
- I will follow you into the dark. " THe time for weed is now." lol [/insider]

...thing you marked on your calendar?
- Calendar doesn't exist.

...errand you ran?
- I went to the grocery store

...drink you had?
- Sunkist thing you found?
- That strawberry condom

...time you brushed your hair?
- YEsterday.

Well that was fun.

Continued Harassment.

Since: 03-07-05
From: In pieces

Since last post: 6254 days
Last activity: 6225 days
Posted on 05-17-07 04:23 PM Link | Quote

What was the last...

...thing you ate?
- A wrap

...person you talked to on the phone?
- My sister

...person you e-mailed?
- Good question O_o

...person you hugged?
- Little brother

...person you kissed?
- my friend Jenna on the cheek

...time you laughed?
- earlier today

...time you cried?
- .. you watched in a theater?
- 300

...DVD you watched?
- part of Black Hawk Down tape you watched?
- Hell if I remember you listened to?
- whatever was on the radio on the way home you finished?
- Flight of the Eisenstien

...heart-to-heart you had with someone?
- Jenna when I was home

...person you met?
- And actually became friends with: Stephany, my buddie's roomate

...person who died in your life?
- Let's not go there food you tried?
- I try so many things, I don't remember. thing you tried (event, action)?
- Dancing at a theme-dance at the college with stephany

...time you went around the house in just your underwear?
- last week?

...time you weren't fully sober?
- couple of months ago "geeked" out?
- a month ago?

...thing you read in the bathroom?
- too long ago to remember

...bargain you made?
- Last night

...thing you planned?
- trip home?

...award you won?
- No clue

...piece of toast you had?
- last week

...present you gave?
- my little bro's bday presents

...porno you saw?
- actually watched on TV: Probably almost 3 years ago you sang in the shower?
- Dunno the name you had stuck in your head?
- mario cave music

...thing you marked on your calendar?
- my four day coming up

...errand you ran?
- cashed some coins last night

...drink you had?
- Mt. Dew thing you found?
- no clue

...time you brushed your hair?
- couple days ago

Well that was fun.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 64 days
Last activity: 64 days
Posted on 05-17-07 04:37 PM Link | Quote
I guess I'll do this again, out of boredom.

...thing you ate?
- Nachos.

...person you talked to on the phone?
- One of the members of my family, not sure which.

...person you e-mailed?
- A place for service opportunities.

...person you hugged?
- My mom.

...person you kissed?
- It's been a few years.

...time you laughed?
- About half an hour ago, watching something online.

...time you cried?
- Ages ago. you watched in a theater?
- Spiderman 3

...DVD you watched?
- Dejavu, a great movie. tape you watched?
- What is this thing you tapes? you listened to?
- Some bluegrass song on the radio. My dad was controlling it. you finished?
- Fires of Heaven.

...heart-to-heart you had with someone?
- Again, it's been a while.

...person you met?
- My new neighbors.

...person who died in your life?
- No idea, it's been a while. food you tried?
- A sort of strogonough chicken. I cooked it. thing you tried (event, action)?
- Ice skating, a while ago.

...time you went around the house in just your underwear?
- I never have.

...time you weren't fully sober?
- Mormon + below 21 = no drinking x2. "geeked" out?
- No idea.

...thing you read in the bathroom?
- ...I'd got nothing.

...bargain you made?
- I feed the dogs, my brother and sister walk them.

...thing you planned?
- I'm still planning a service project for my scout troop.

...award you won?
- A merit badge for scouts.

...piece of toast you had?
- This morning, rice bread.

...present you gave?
- It's been a while, but I'm giving one to a friend this weekend.

...porno you saw?
- No comment. you sang in the shower?
- I don't sing out, much less in. you had stuck in your head?
- Some song one of my siblings randomly kept singing.

...thing you marked on your calendar?
- My next orthodontist appointment.

...errand you ran?
- I have other people run errands for me, not the other way around.

...drink you had?
- Water. thing you found?
- Cool things fail. It was probably a pen.

...time you brushed your hair?
- A couple hours ago.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 604 days
Last activity: 412 days
Posted on 06-07-07 01:15 AM Link | Quote
Because I am so ridiculously bored right now:

What was the last...

...thing you ate?
- Some cottage cheese and something called chicken drumets.

...person you talked to on the phone?
- WhiteRose saying she finally got the tickets to Masquerade.

...person you e-mailed/private messaged?
- The Anime Expo volunteer webgroup asking a question.

...person you hugged?
- Miko, my cat.

...person you kissed?
- Zoso.

...time you laughed?
- Watching Proof with KittyBob not long ago.

...time you cried?
- A few days ago, it was just one of those days that was right for it. you watched in a theater?
- Grindhouse at the drive-in. I don't go to the movies near as much I used to. Partly because of money, but mostly because nothing really has inspired me to spend the money to see it.

...DVD you watched?
- Empire Records, I think. tape you watched?
- The Cutting Edge, but that was my dad who was watching it. you listened to?
- Asia -- Heat of the Moment you finished?
- I'm not sure since I'll occasionally read a few comic books here and there.

..heart-to-heart you had with someone?
- My parents, about life in general.

...person you met?
- Well, I technically just met my friend Gina and her son Connor, whom I've been talking to online for years, but finally got to see in person and hang out with a couple weeks ago.

...person who died in your life?
- Celesta, my friend's mother. food you tried?
- A whole lot of things from Trader Joe's. thing you tried (event, action)?
- Went to Celebration. Never been to a strictly Star Wars con. I'm sure there's something else I could write here, but I can't really think right now.

...time you went around the house in just your underwear?
- I haven't worn pants all day, but then again I'm wearing a nightshirt that goes down mid-thigh.

...time you weren't fully sober?
- Probably this last Monday drinking at Marty and Becky's house. I didn't even get buzzed, though. "geeked" out?
- Talking about British science fiction writers with Marty a couple days ago.

...thing you read in the bathroom?
- A movie schedule for a theater in Hollywood.

...bargain you made?
- Probably my making money from my parents if I were to cut down parts of this tree in the backyard.

...thing you planned?
- Going to see the Ask a Ninja ninja tomorrow night.

...award you won?
- Some stupid achievement award from City Magazine.

...piece of toast you had?
- Had a bagel on Sunday.

...present you gave?
- I gave Connor a box of Thomas the Tank engine trains. That made me happy.

...porno you saw?
- This really bad Chinese one where this guy has a horse penis transplanted in place of his own and goes to town on all of these married women. you sang in the shower?
- Still don't sing in the shower, although I've been humming Banana Phone occasionally. you had stuck in your head?
- After watching this video on Winnie the Pooh worshiping Satan and he sings, "Yak's blood, yak's blood, roley poley yak's blood," it's gotten stuck in my head, especially since "Fish Heads" the song on which it's based is a Dr. Demento favorite.

...thing you marked on your calendar?
- A few of the shows Zoso band is about to do.

...errand you ran?
- Went grocery shopping with my parents and later with KittyBob.

...drink you had?
- Strawberry kiwi juice that I had to filter. thing you found?
- .

...time you brushed your hair?
- Yesterday.

...person you talked to over AIM, YIM, etc?
- Zabuza.

...thing you bought?
- Tickets to see the Ask a Ninja ninja in Hollywood tomorrow night. you played?
- Final Fantasy XII. It's the only thing I've been playing for a month. place you visited?
- This bar near the Renaissance faire for Bogfest a few weeks ago.

...thing you celebrated?
- Probably Mother's Day, again there's probably something that happened more recently that I'm forgetting, but yeah.

...dream you had?
- It was something about these people and me trying to put on a play in a haunted house.

...thing you dressed up for (costume/formal/etc)?
- Faire, I think. . you visited outside of the board?
- Flickr.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3800 days
Last activity: 3695 days
Posted on 06-07-07 01:31 AM Link | Quote

What was the last...

...thing you ate?
- Mini Pizza.

...person you talked to on the phone?
- Someone calling for my mom.

...person you e-mailed/private messaged?
- Hunter Black, a guy who runs canoe trips up where my dad lives, about whether or not it's happening this summer (it's not).

...person you hugged?
- Sneakers, my cat.

...time you laughed?
- Watching XMtS's blooper reel and hearing EJ say in it, "You guys know you suck at making movies, right?"

...time you cried?
- During Jeremy's performance at the end of the class play. you watched in a theater?
- POTC 3.

...DVD you watched?
- My own movie during film class. tape you watched?
- What is this "tape" you speak of?. you listened to?
- Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up you finished?
- Book of Taltos.

..heart-to-heart you had with someone?
- Dad.

...person you met?
- Dunno.

...person who died in your life?
- Grandfather, a few years ago. food you tried?
- Sweete Potato French Fries. thing you tried (event, action)?
- Dunno.

...time you went around the house in just your underwear?
- Now.

...time you weren't fully sober?
- Never. "geeked" out?
- The Sarah Connor Chronicles thread.

...thing you read in the bathroom?
- Gaming Magazine.

...bargain you made?
- Dunno.

...thing you planned?
- Party after last day of school.

...piece of toast you had?
- Toast with soup the other day.

...present you gave?
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail that I gave a friend who had just seen it for the first time.

...porno you saw?
- Which one? you sang in the shower?
- Don't sing in the shower. I sing everywhere else though. you had stuck in your head?
- Aerosmith - Dream On.

...thing you marked on your calendar?
- Don't use one.

...errand you ran?
- I don't have a car so I don't do those things.

...drink you had?
- Half Vitamin Water, half fizzy peach juice. thing you found?
- Your FACE!

...time you brushed your hair?
- Never.

...person you talked to over AIM, YIM, etc?
- Jedi Master Desroth.

...thing you bought?
- Lunch. you played?
- Metal Fatigue. place you visited?
- Dunno.

...thing you celebrated?
- Your FACE!

...dream you had?
- I made Chiblet cry.

...thing you dressed up for (costume/formal/etc)?
- Sigmund Freud, for the school play. you visited outside of the board?
- YouTube.
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