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02-05-25 11:54 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Jobes
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User Post

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 07-02-05 06:58 PM, in End of Earth Link
OOC: Sorry I was on Vacation and had no computer.

Jobes looks at Chris and sakes his head remembering the good old times. "Yes Yes. Stealing Government funds was always fun." Jobes goes back to watching the Phillies. "Ariya, what was that you wanted to tell me. Lets take a walk."

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 07-05-05 03:18 PM, in End of Earth Link
Jobes handed Chris the remote. He walked over to Ariya and started to walk down the hall. "So what is it you need to speak to me about?" Jobes was a little nervous because he had an idea what she was going to say, but his nervousness never shows.

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 07-05-05 06:19 PM, in Endless Days: A Zombie RPG Link
Name: Lt. Col. Rico Jobes
Age: 29
Sex: Male

Occupation: Ex-Marine in the United States Marine Corp
Clothing: Army Uniform
Gun/Weapon: M-16, Glock 9mm. 4 clips for each weapon
Transport: Taxi Cab which stole after killing the Cab Driver was bitten

Bio: Rico has lived in NFC all his life. He joined the United States Marine when he was 18. He fought in the Iraq War getting 56 confirmed kills. He was a key sniper. After all the killing he was done he decided to retire from the marines and go back to living in NFC.

Jobes while landing at the airport notices that four people are bitting people outside of the airport. He pulls out his 9mm and kills two of the closest people near him and steals the taxi cab. He pulls up to where a man in riot wear is standing and is followed by a girl who seems to be bitten. He points his 9mm at her while walking over to the guy. The name is Rico. What the hell happened here?"

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 07-05-05 06:42 PM, in System of a down fantic Link
I have every System of a Down cd and has listened to alot of metal. . I personally think they are still the same old SOAD and you can head bang to them still. I mean there is a little difference but not a major one. The best song on the cd is either B.Y.O.B. or Violent Pornography

(Last edited by Jobes on 07-05-05 09:44 PM)

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 07-05-05 07:58 PM, in The Tag Team thread Link
Spartan sure why not it seems that not alot of people like fighting you but hey what the heck I will be you partner

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 07-06-05 09:28 AM, in 1942: The Longest Year Link
Rico noticed that the man who stormed the bunker isn't moving anymore. "First Squad guard this area. Don't let anybody in or out. We need this area to ensure that we get a foothold here. Second Squad you are with me. You three go that way, you two come with me." As Rico started to move his men out two Germans popped Rico shoot the first on in the head and the second was killed by the sniper with first squad. They finally reach the man that is laying down. "Medic get your ass over here."
The Medic can running over to Alex, pulling out clean bandages. "Alright Son, where have you been hit?

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 07-06-05 09:33 AM, in Venus: Humanity's last stand Link
Rico walks over to the Sage Walker undetected by anyone on it. He taps on the it and the two Yerk Fa troopers turn and Sanchez and Jackson stab the two in the back when they turned to face Rico. " Alright, Sir it is captured. Now lets move out." Rico turns towards the nearest gunship and opens fire on it from the walker destroying it after four rocket hits.

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 07-06-05 10:23 AM, in End of Earth Link
Jobes stands there not knowing what to do or say. He looks at her with astonishment."Wow, I didn't see that coming. Um I don't know what to say except that let me think it and tomorrow in my office we will talk about it." Jobes gives Ariya a hug and kisses her cheek and walks back into the room and takes the remote from Chris.

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 07-06-05 11:15 AM, in Endless Days: A Zombie RPG Link
Rico followed Jason and the person who hit Chris in the head outside the church. He drew his 9mm and held it at his side.

"So what gives you the right to take his gun. His isn't dead you know. I will take my own group and search for survivors. I got two walkie talkies your group take one and my group will that the other one. I got training in warfare so I know what I am doing. I will take Chris Taro Asuka and anyone else who wishes to join me."

Rico pulls out the Walkie Talkie and throws it to Jason and walks back into the church but before he goes in he turns around to Jason.

"On Channel 4 there has been chatter it sounds like Morse Code. It is saying that there are survivors and there are under attack of the undead on the other side of the city. I will take the Humvee and go see if there are any survivors left there. Remember if you need our help we will be coming to you. So don't be a hero and and get yourself killed.

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 07-06-05 11:21 AM, in End of Earth Link
Jobes sits in the lazy boy he has next to the couch. " Man Chris what do guys get ourselves into. Lets play XBOX. You will not beat me in halo this time. I call Ascendtion(I think that is how you spell it) and snipers. Plus we can play on XBOX Live and kick other peoples butts. Are you up for the challenge."

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 07-06-05 05:57 PM, in Endless Days: A Zombie RPG Link
Rico pulls out his M-16 and has Jason and Kyle in his sights but decides to not fire upon them.
" Yo, Asshole we need all the survivors we can get so don't fucking go around killing the people you hate. Alright lets move out the humvee. Someone take gunner and the rest hop in and get ready for the ride of your life. We are going to stop by Taro's house and possible crash the night there. Then we will move out in the morning."
Rico jumps into the drivers seat and notices 20 or so undead coming from behind them.
"Alright lets get this thing moving. Hurry Hurry lets go lets go. Don't shot at what you can't hit."

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 07-06-05 06:01 PM, in Prison Vampire Link
OOC: I will continue with it but it seems noone else likes to post.

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 07-06-05 06:25 PM, in Endless Days: A Zombie RPG Link
"Alright we will use the humvee to get the Dojo then we ditch it and go by foot the rest of the way. Taro, how far is the Dojo? Asuka, Jason is no leader he is just a asshole who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. Are you any good with a gun?" Rico handing her his spare 9mm. " So who is coming with me to find more survivors and who is staying here?"

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 07-06-05 08:11 PM, in Endless Days: A Zombie RPG Link
"We shoud move to the armory by foot. The Humvee will attract the jackass undead. I want to get to the Dojo to rearm and spend the night then move out during the day. Alright I am leaving in 10 minutes with or without you guys." Rico runs over and loads all the ammo they need to get the Dojo with. "Chris don't kill them unless you have too. We need to save all the ammo we can get."

(Last edited by Jobes on 07-06-05 11:25 PM)

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 07-06-05 08:13 PM, in XGf College Years Link
"I been waiting for this moment all day. Hey I can teach that damn class to if I wanted too but I am just lazy and don't feel like showing him off. I already emailed him." Sean pulls out the xbox controller and plugs it in the console. "Alright we are playing with snipers."

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 07-06-05 08:29 PM, in Gamer girl Link
Welcome to our famous Gaming your posting entertainment as you can read in the banner. Well anyways here is a bag. you will need it and have fun

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 07-06-05 08:38 PM, in Endless Days: A Zombie RPG Link
Rico turned to Taro and then back to the front of the car. Rico looked like he was pondering this but he really wasn't he knew what he wanted to do and how he was going to get it done, just like how he did it back during the Iraqi War. "Taro I see your point but if they are getting that smarter they are coming out to feed now so what stops them from swarming the car now and getting to us now. If we can take the gun shop at night and look for grenades or rpgs then we have a greater chance of making it alive."

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 07-07-05 06:04 PM, in Chaos Hunters Clan!!! Link
we should I am up for the bout with someone

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 07-07-05 06:09 PM, in London... Link
This is an update from the original maker of the post. There were only 4 bombs three in the subway and one in a double decker bus and 37 killed 700+ wounded.

Now that is just sad. I know what I would do with the little people who hid behind terrorist and fight like cowards but it wouldn't be nice to post it here.

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 07-07-05 07:50 PM, in Endless Days: A Zombie RPG Link
"Alright you heard the lady lets get our asses out of this place and get to the Dojo."

Rico hits the gas and the humvee goes flying down the road. About four minutes later they arrive at the Dojo of Taro. Rico hops out of the car standing guard. Incase any undead come scrolling down the road and threaten anyone.

"Alright lets get these weapons and hit the food store then we will leave the humvee and go the rest of the way by foot."
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Jobes

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