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12-04-24 02:11 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by MisturMoogle
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User Post


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6498 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 09-01-05 02:40 PM, in New Game Trivia Link
lol ok Vulkar did name 4, and Sparda named 2 more. So I'll give both of yall the points. good job u 2
No one answered the bonus though...

Point Board:
Tamarin - 2
Jedi - 3
Shaddow - 3
Vulkar - 1
Sparda - 1

Question 5: On Super Smash Bros Melee what did you have to do on the last stage of the Event mode. Worth: 1 point

Bonus: What char has a 1 hit KO. ((Meaning: You can hit somone with a 0% damage and ko them. Only one char can do this. Who is it??) Worth: 1 point


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6498 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 09-01-05 02:44 PM, in Your favorite fighting RPG 'style' Link
I myself like Turn based, because yea its not as challenging as real time, but it does give you a chance to work up a good stratedgy against fighting battles. Look at FF7 for example, when fighting Ruby Weapon, TB(turned based) is really helpful because it took me a while to find a good stratedgy to beating it. And with it being TB it gave me the time to think through my actions to find a good way to attack as well as defend and heal at the appropriate times.


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6498 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 09-01-05 04:04 PM, in GC Memory Card 1012 Link
I wouldn't be surprised if they have an entire line of stuff ready for all the systems. They are just bringing things out slowly so they can make money. It really makes me mad though, cause they are like, "this is the best out on the market and will be for a while." 2 days later something better comes out for the same price if not cheaper. That really makes me mad though you know? But anywho, thats all they are out for, is to make bloody money! lol


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6498 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 09-01-05 04:06 PM, in Mario Anyone? Link
why are you yelling at me for.. thats hurt's my feelings. And another thing I've never heard of Super Mario RPG.. so don't yell at me plz...


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6498 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 09-01-05 04:12 PM, in Games That Steal Your Life Link
OMG I have dungeon siege on my comp, I saw it and wanted to get it so I did. Anyway one game that took me away for many months and I still have and play, is Harvest Moon 64. That game is awsome, it sux at first but after you start growing and marring and getting extensions things really start to pick up. I've already had kids and they've grown up. It is a really addicting game. I suggest it to everyone to at least try once.


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6498 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 09-01-05 04:17 PM, in World of Warcraft Link
I just started playing WoW the other day at my friend house, I have a lvl 4 warrior nightelf i think. Newayz yea im in a guild already and such, so it's cool. But I play D2:LoD more. If yer ever on whisper me. My accnt is: DarkestHour


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6498 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 09-02-05 01:41 PM, in High chance of me being on BBC Link
Congats alot Spartan, I may have to go to my friend house to get the channel though. He's got like a satelite dish. So im sure he has it. But I'll definatly watch it.


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6498 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 09-02-05 01:43 PM, in Movies everybody likes... BUT YOU. Link
I second Rogue with Napoleon Dynamite. There are some movie that are so stupid they are funny.. This movie was beyond that and was just stupid. I felt like I lost brain power watching it. A complete waste of time and money in my opinion.


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6498 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 09-02-05 01:48 PM, in Resident Evil - A new outbreak Link
((all right guys chris and winters already left and are heading to the site, yall 3 need to hurry and get into the cars and go))


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6498 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 09-02-05 01:51 PM, in w00t a chance to get a free post (let alone, new thread!) for nothing! Link
Hey congrats on 100, I'll be there eventually. ive gotten over 150 in the last few days so im doing good i think, for only posting an hour a day. Congrats again!! *hands him a random pokemon trading card* keep it up!!


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6498 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 09-02-05 02:00 PM, in Halo:The Final Call Link
Its pretty god except for the fact that, there is to much "ammo clips" for the weapons. You figure and sniper rifle with a small reactor in it, and 5 clips along with his 2 magnums fully loaded and with 4 additional clips for each gun. That makes a total of 15 clips for all the weps he carries. Thats alot of weight to be carrying. reactors aren't exactlly some light things. good stoy but weight problems come in to play. Also how can an energy weapon fire shells...??


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6498 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 09-02-05 02:12 PM, in New Game Trivia Link
Ok, I was talking in general. Roy is the only char that has a potential to do a 1 hit KO move if given the circumstances. The situation you presented Shanan just happens to also be on the largest level on the game. It is hard to KO somone if you are completely on 1 side of the stage. But also consider, who else do you know that could get close to it? No one so Roy is the correct answer for that question and Jedi did get it. As for the event thing Vulkar got it.

Point Board:
Tamarin - 2
Jedi - 4
Shaddow - 3
Vulkar - 2
Sparda - 1

Question 6: On Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty name the 4 main people in the group "Dead Cell" Worth: 1 point for each correct answer, Total of 4.


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6498 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 09-02-05 02:20 PM, in X-box Live (Gamer Tags) Link
mine is Diablos69, just to let you know.


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6498 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 09-02-05 02:23 PM, in Avatars Link
Umm, something with hot anime girls in it, lol you pick the one.


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6498 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 09-02-05 02:40 PM, in New Game Trivia Link
You got 2 of them good job, you get 2 points. There are only 2 left so if you have to name them all.. ill give you 3 points not the full 4.

Point Board:
Tamarin - 2
Jedi - 4
Shaddow - 3
Vulkar - 2
Sparda - 1
X - 2


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6498 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 09-03-05 08:26 PM, in help me guys.. Link
Guys I need help really bad, My g/f just broke up with me after 15 months, because she said she wanted a break. I can't take not being with her. Me and her have a long distance relationship, and it's hard enough already. I love her with all my heart and I know she is the one for me. But she says she wants a break because she can only see me like 2 times a year. And I feel like shes holding that against me, and its not my fault about that. Also she told me she wont get mad if I wanna date other people. I told her that she knows I wouldn't so that. and I think that she said that, because she is in fact doing that herself. I just don't know what to do guys.. I mean I am crying like a little 5 year old girl right now because of this. I dont know what to do. You guys plz help me..


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6498 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 09-04-05 08:50 AM, in help me guys.. Link
Yea, I guess.. but it really hurts you know.. its like I lost a part of me. It makes me so mad and pissed and sad all at the same time... makes me wanna kill someone.. but thanx for the advice and helping Elara.


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6498 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 09-07-05 01:39 PM, in New Game Trivia Link
Congratulations to Spardahe got them all right, so he did own this question.

P.S. SSBM question has been closed already.

Point Board:
Tamarin - 2
Jedi - 4
Shaddow - 6
Vulkar - 4
Sparda - 5
X - 2

Question: 7 On Pokemon Red and Blue how, where, and from who do you get the master ball?? Worth: 2 points


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6498 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 09-07-05 01:43 PM, in Technical Drumming Link
A group named RUSH has a drummer named Niel Pert(sp), but everyone refers to him as "The Professor". Ad he lays down some sick drum playing. For a band of only 3 ppl.


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6498 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 09-07-05 01:46 PM, in Avatars Link
try and get me something from Record of Lodoss war or The Slayers. if possible, and if not jsut some random female anime person. lol
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by MisturMoogle

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