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Posted on 09-28-06 01:35 PM, in Family Guy question: Why does everyone hate Meg? Link
Yeah, come to think of it, she is somewhat obnoxious on that front. I guess I don't watch enough to notice. Meh.

The whole angsty teenage girl is pretty annoying.
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Posted on 09-28-06 02:55 PM, in Thong-wearing man gets owned Link

ANOTHER DUMB CRIMINAL: Burglar videotapes crime -- and leaves tape behind

FORT MITCHELL, Ky. (AP) -- A northern Kentucky man wearing only a thong and carrying a knife videotaped himself attempting a burglary, then left the tape behind, police said.

The evidence led to his arrest, Fort Mitchell Police Chief Steve Hensley said.

Rodney McMillen, 36, of Covington was charged over the weekend with first-degree burglary.

"This is a very, very bizarre case, to say the least," Hensley said.

McMillen allegedly broke into a woman's apartment about 3 a.m. on Sept. 20, clad in only thong underwear and carrying a knife, Hensley said. The woman fended off the attacker, who left the apartment and fled into a stand of trees near the apartment complex.

Investigators found a video camera the burglar left in the apartment, Hensley said. The end of the videotape featured images of McMillen's family.

Investigators were able to identify some of them and tracked down McMillen at his mother's house in Norwood, Ohio, Hensley said.

McMillen was being held in a Cincinnati jail on $50,000 bond, awaiting extradition to Kentucky.
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Posted on 09-28-06 06:10 PM, in Copyright Issues, Cosplayers, and Photographers Link
Heh, kinda reminds me of the stipulations they place on Anime Expo.

Since AX is held at the Anaheim Convention Center (VERY close to Disneyland), they require that cosplayers, in costume of course, are not allowed to venture near the Disneyland Resort areas that include Disneyland, Disney's California Adventure, and Downtown Disney or they will be thrown off the premises because they only want their employees in costume.

Also, in past years, if anyone went to AX as a Disney character or as a Kingdom Hearts character, they had to be checked out by a Disney employee in the registration hall and issued a special ribbon that had to be visible at all times. Anyone caught without the ribbon, was to have their con badge revoked.

Some rules are more ridiculous than others when it comes to cosplay and copyright at conventions.

Personally, I agree that the photos are yours if you took them and any company that feels it should be theirs can piss up a rope.
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Posted on 09-28-06 08:05 PM, in I want to throw this out there Link
In converse of this, at AX, I've watched female sign-carriers be removed from the con for carrying signs that read, "Will glomp you for money" or "Will yuri for $$$$" because their signs were considered soliciting. All this while you'll see about twice as many guys walking around with signs that have the exact same gist. Go figure.

Again, I say the rules should be enforced all the way around. Then no one can have fun.
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Posted on 09-29-06 01:06 PM, in Heroes Link
I finally got a chance to watch my tape of it, last night.

It's all about Hiro. "Yatta!!" "Just like Spock!" I love him. And to think, the actor playing him is only moonlighting as an actor right now and is really a designer of cinematic effects with Industrial Light and Magic, and he designed much of "A Perfect Storm."

I love the show, but I was wanting to see more than Ali Larter's character's problems. There's a lot that can be done with it and I look forward to the next installment.
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Posted on 09-29-06 03:24 PM, in *Gasps* Link
I think a better name for General, over "The Couch," would be the "Kitchen Table." Then we could change Entertainment to "The Water Cooler," Sunset to "The Women's Room" or "The Tampon Closet," and the porn forum to "That box you have in your closet or under your bed."
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Posted on 09-29-06 04:39 PM, in *Gasps* Link
Heh, and that drawer's empty except for a few winter scarves. I don't have anything deemed "stroke material."
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Posted on 09-29-06 04:48 PM, in Procrastination in the name of "Just because..." Link
I have an analytical essay for English, an analysis of Indian philosophy paper for Non-Western Philosophy, and an insect-collection project for wildlife bio all due on Monday and a 2,000-word article for the magazine and a critical thinking paper due for history on Tuesday.

What am I doing right now? Nothing. What do I plan to do tomorrow? Quite a few things, but nothing to do with doing my homework.

I procrastinate on just about everything that has to do with school. I dunno, I've just always been lucky with it. I used to bullshit my way through essays and projects all the time and still get favorable grades.

With all of these deadlines staring me in the face, I think I'll go out and get some lunch and do them Monday morning.

Anyone else procrastinate or do you actually try to get things done well before you "have to"?

(Last edited by Rogue on 09-30-06 06:12 AM)
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Posted on 09-30-06 04:14 PM, in Happy Birthday, FX. Link
Happy birthday, comrade in geekiness.
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Posted on 09-30-06 05:17 PM, in "Stick magnetic ribbons on your SUV" Link
To the tune of "Tie a Yellow Ribbon 'Round the Old Oak Tree."

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Posted on 09-30-06 10:09 PM, in New techology proves Neil Armstrong was misquoted Link
Sure it's not that big a deal, but it does make it more grammatically correct. It does change history, in a sense.

Software Reveals Armstrong's Moon Quote

HOUSTON (Sept. 30) - That's one small word for astronaut Neil Armstrong, one giant revision for grammar sticklers everywhere.

An Australian computer programmer says he found the missing "a" from Armstrong's famous first words from the moon in 1969, when the world heard the phrase, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

The story was reported in Saturday's editions of the Houston Chronicle.

Some historians and critics have dogged Armstrong for not saying the more dramatic and grammatically correct, "One small step for a man ..." in the version he transmitted to NASA's Mission Control. Without the missing "a," Armstrong essentially said, "One small step for mankind, one giant leap for mankind."

The famous astronaut has maintained he intended to say it properly and believes he did. Thanks to some high-tech sound-editing software, computer programmer Peter Shann Ford might have proved Armstrong right.

Ford said he downloaded the audio recording of Armstrong's words from a NASA Web site and analyzed the statement with software that allows disabled people to communicate through computers using their nerve impulses.

In a graphical representation of the famous phrase, Ford said he found evidence that the missing "a" was spoken and transmitted to NASA.

"I have reviewed the data and Peter Ford's analysis of it, and I find the technology interesting and useful," Armstrong said in a statement. "I also find his conclusion persuasive. Persuasive is the appropriate word."

(Last edited by Rogue on 10-01-06 02:29 PM)
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Posted on 10-01-06 08:57 PM, in Meat Spin Link

Just keep watching.
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Posted on 10-02-06 09:05 PM, in Can you find.... Link

Find a Gambit cosplayer holding a random playing card.
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Posted on 10-03-06 11:07 AM, in PMs Link
Is it possible to make them like e-mail, where you click on the ones you want deleted and then delete mass specific ones?

Also, because I've had to do mass PMs to certain people, would it also be possible to, like e-mail, write in more than one name in the "Send to:" box rather than having to copy and paste multiple PMs?
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Posted on 10-03-06 11:17 AM, in Meat Spin Link
It's funny that the view count has already passed 200 in less than 2 days and surprisingly no one's posted.

Tee. Hee.
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Posted on 10-03-06 11:51 AM, in Cat chases bear up a tree Link
You can see an actual picture of this behind the link.

June 13, 2006—Perhaps not since the Cowardly Lion has an animal's appearance been so at odds with its attitude.

On June 4 a black bear wandered into a West Milford, New Jersey, back yard, was confronted by a 15-pound (7-kilogram) tabby cat … and fled up a neighbor's tree. Hissing at the base of the tree, Jack the clawless cat kept the bear at bay for about 15 minutes, then ran him up another tree after an attempted escape.

Finally, Jack's owner, Donna Dickey, called the cat inside, and the timorous trespasser disappeared back into the woods.

"He doesn't want anybody in his yard," Dickey said of Jack in an interview with the Newark Star Ledger.

Unlike cats, bears aren't typically territorial, roaming instead over vast areas that would be impossible to patrol for intruders. With a habitat that includes much of North America, black bears are seen fairly often in this region of New Jersey.

Full-grown black bears weigh between 200 and 600 pounds (90 and 270 kilograms) and measure as much as 6 feet (1.8 meters) long. Their diets can include fruits, honey, insects, acorns and animals as big as moose calves—a fact apparently lost on Jack.

—Ted Chamberlain

I was reading a blurb on Greebo, a cat in the Discworld books, and the webmaster provided a link to this article saying, "A real life example of Greebo." (Greebo is one of those cats that'll fight and rape anything and never stand down. Dogs, foxes, and wolves go out of their ways to avoid him.)
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Posted on 10-03-06 12:06 PM, in Death Clock Link
Friday, May 7, 2077
Seconds left to live...

Dying at 92. I'll be sure to mark my calendar.

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Posted on 10-03-06 03:48 PM, in If you looked up irony in the dictionary... Link'd see this product.

Note before you start asking me what's so funny: The product itself is not what's funny. Just read the description.
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Posted on 10-03-06 04:32 PM, in Nonsense you see everyday Link
I don't know if there's been lead in the water lately, but it just seems like all around me someone's doing something ridiculously stupid or at least claiming to.

Incident 1:

At the magazine staff meeting today, which was supposed to be when everyone would bring the rough drafts for their articles. As always, on any due date for a class at my college, about half the class was missing.

One student called in the middle of class to say she wouldn't be in today. It wasn't really a surprise since the photographers that she was partnered with were calling us to say that she didn't seem interested in writing her story and she had been coming to class about every third meeting.

So what was her excuse for her absense? She ran over her foot, with her own car, while driving it.


Incident 2:

I'm standing in the school's bookstore, looking over a textbook that I have to buy sometime later in the semester and this couple stands next to me talking about comics.

The girl picks up one of the comics on display (one of the English classes uses comic books as textbooks) and then says, "You know, I know everything there is to know about comics. I've read everything."

The guy goes, "Heh, I really like X-Men. Who was that one guy who controls metal again?"

She replies immediately with, "Magnet Man."

"Oh. And who's that guy with the cards?"

She says, "Gambit, and they were bombs."

"I'm pretty sure, they were cards that he charged somehow."

"No, they were BOMBS!! Oh who cares, comics are for dumbasses anyway."

Incident 3:

While I was in the food court with kittybob eating some soup, I went back into the area where you get food to grab a couple more packets of crackers. As I'm walking out, three different employees start yelling, "She's got crackers! She's got crackers!" as though I was stealing and trying to make off with their salad bar on wheels. An older woman comes up to me, glares at me, then grabs my arm and takes me over to the clerk who stares me down and bursts out with, "How many did you take?" I put down the packets, and she in a bitter voice says, "20 cents."

I didn't realize a packet of crackers was that ridiculously valuable. What the hell?

Anyone got stories of things that you've heard or seen lately?

(Last edited by Rogue on 10-04-06 12:00 AM)
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 10-03-06 05:03 PM, in What's stuck in your head now? Link
Lately it's been going between "We Are the Pirates (That Don't Do Anthing)" and the "Stick Magnetic Ribbons on Your SUV" song. Usually I don't get songs I like stuck in my head, but then I've also been singing those and Merry Wives' "Twiddles" song lately, as well.
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