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12-26-24 11:27 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Astrophel
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User Post
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
Last activity: 1365 days
Posted on 05-11-05 04:04 PM, in Submit to the Force ... *waves hand* You will. Link
Submit, damnit. Submerge is to be fully underwater.

I am a neutral wielder of the Force, one allied with neither Jedi nor Sith. I take the title 'Grey Jedi' as it's the closest one that fits.

(hint, hint)
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
Last activity: 1365 days
Posted on 05-11-05 06:05 PM, in The shape of time. Link
Isn't a continuum essentially a fancy word for a straight line, or am I wrong about that? I probably am.

Hm. I have a possibility. Similar to Vulkar's idea, but more the shape of a funnel, the narrow end being the past and the open end the future, with the present being at the junction of the two. What happened in the past has happened, and at this time cannot be changed. However, the future is not set in stone.
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
Last activity: 1365 days
Posted on 05-11-05 10:10 PM, in Which comes first? Link
Originally posted by Makura
So I've been doing a lot of thinking. Can you smell the smoke?
Yup. I can. And DAMN, that's some strong shit.

Which comes first, in your opinion, knowing everything about a person or, loving them?

Loving them, easily. Love is, simplified massively, an emotion. Emotions are not often influenced by knowledge. But, on a less cold and rational note, there are many things that people in love with each other just don't know about the other. They might not know about their past, their plans for the future, their favorite food... well, you did say everything.
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
Last activity: 1365 days
Posted on 05-12-05 11:21 AM, in Mountain Dew ... Sucks? Link
Originally posted by venomouslobster
i dont drink moutain dew because it tastes like lime ass, but i agree that caffine speeds up your heart, this is very very very very bad possibly because everyone should live to be 108 so they can win the prize!!!! the prize is riding around in a wheelchair muttering at people and smelling funny! YAY!!!!! and it would be awful to lower my sperm count cause then i coulnt ensure that my genes are passed on and that my podlings have podlings of their own! nobody should ever do anything that is dangerous. we should all live in padded concrete bunkers, eating celery, wheat toast and raw bran! because caffine, smoking, using cellphones, driving, touching other people, drinking milk and saturated fats, unsaturated fats, alchohol in exess, alcohol in moderation, any drug at all, red meat, any meat! touching public phones could kill you, not just maybe if you wash your hands NO it could kill you that day of any number of diseases, so could touching almost anything else!!!!!....

Funniest thing I've read all day!

As for things lowering sperm count... the world's overpopulated as it is. =/

Mountain Dew... eh, it's alright. I've had worse. Much, much worse.
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
Last activity: 1365 days
Posted on 05-12-05 11:26 AM, in A sickness poll Link
Queasyness. That feeling that you're gonna hurl, but you don't know when.

Second place has sore throat, followed closely by lightheadedness.
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
Last activity: 1365 days
Posted on 05-12-05 05:19 PM, in Are you sure you want to delete this PM? Link
Since Reply and Delete are so close together, I felt that the addition of an "Are you sure you want to delete this PM?" box would be helpful. I'm sure the code is already in the ABoard, it was in older versions, all you'd have to do is stick it in the PM box.

And if you're wondering, yes, I accidentally deleted a PM I was trying to reply to.
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
Last activity: 1365 days
Posted on 05-12-05 05:21 PM, in More advanced "lucre" Link
Well, here's the thing. It's possible to make long, meaningless posts. And it's possible to make short, meaningful posts. I've seen both extremes here numerous times. Also, what about the many times when Rogue copy-pastes an article into her posts in Current Events/Debate? She'd get more lucre for something that wasn't her work to begin with.

Note: I am not trying to say Rogue would abuse this, I'm merely pointing out a flaw in the idea.

(Last edited by Tamarin Calanis on 05-12-05 08:22 PM)
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
Last activity: 1365 days
Posted on 05-12-05 05:25 PM, in Submit to the Force ... *waves hand* You will. Link
lol @ TP

Fool, don't you know that trust in the Dark Side is horribly misguided? Every Sith will try to stab you in the back sooner or later.
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
Last activity: 1365 days
Posted on 05-12-05 05:31 PM, in Do you know me? Link
No. No, I don't know you. No one scored lower than me, I am one of the three 20s. =/
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
Last activity: 1365 days
Posted on 05-12-05 05:32 PM, in A sickness poll Link
I wouldn't have voted headache anyway. I have them almost constantly. Blasted allergies...
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
Last activity: 1365 days
Posted on 05-12-05 07:51 PM, in Submit to the Force ... *waves hand* You will. Link
So I'm alone as a neutral Force wielder who seeks only to halt the infighting amongst these Jedi religious branches?

Fine by me. I still need my name change! Grey Jedi Cheveyo, Xeo. Like at Acmlm's.
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
Last activity: 1365 days
Posted on 05-12-05 08:17 PM, in X-box 360 Link
Worst. Name. Ever.

That obvious point aside, looks pretty good. Looks can be deceiving, though; the Xbox looks like a freaking boat. But it doesn't float.
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
Last activity: 1365 days
Posted on 05-13-05 01:03 PM, in Submit to the Force ... *waves hand* You will. Link
We all know that the SIth can't cook. Force Storm just doesn't do the job as well as a traditional oven or flamethrower. =/
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
Last activity: 1365 days
Posted on 05-13-05 03:17 PM, in Submit to the Force ... *waves hand* You will. Link
Originally posted by Darth Xeodious
Originally posted by Tamarin Calanis
Submit, damnit. Submerge is to be fully underwater.

I am a neutral wielder of the Force, one allied with neither Jedi nor Sith. I take the title 'Grey Jedi' as it's the closest one that fits.

(hint, hint)

Meh, be "drowned in the darkness".

*Force Kicks Xeodious*

You wanna make this worse on yourself? Jedi Watchman Tamarin, then. The longer you wait, the further to the Light I go. Just remember, I'm not afraid to use your powers against you.

Cairoi: Who needs a medical plan when you've got Force Heal?
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
Last activity: 1365 days
Posted on 05-13-05 03:19 PM, in Another growth spirt? I surely hope so ... Link
You don't like people physically looking down on you because it makes you feel like they look down on you in other ways, too. Makes sense, I guess.

*looks down at Xeodious* Unfortunately, short of wearing high heels, there isn't much you can do.
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
Last activity: 1365 days
Posted on 05-13-05 03:21 PM, in Submit to the Force ... *waves hand* You will. Link
You really wanna turn this into a war? *Force Regenerates leg*

Never saw that one in the book, did ya?

Change my name or I get another admin to do it. Either way works.

(Last edited by Tamarin Calanis on 05-13-05 06:21 PM)
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
Last activity: 1365 days
Posted on 05-13-05 09:10 PM, in Submit to the Force ... *waves hand* You will. Link
*Force Persuades everyone to let Tamarin win at Risk*

Wha? Why am I glowing red? What does that box that says "Dark Side Points Gained" mean? Hey, I suck at Risk, I gotta use what advantages I can.
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
Last activity: 1365 days
Posted on 05-13-05 09:57 PM, in More advanced "lucre" Link
Originally posted by Ford Prefect
Considering the fact that I don't even use or care about our fake money system, would you rather I just delete all of my lucre to be fair?

No really, I don't care about this stuff (as I don't even sim battle) and hell, being an admin and can give or take it away, I don't really see a point in my having any.
Touchy today?

I was using you as an example, I'm sure others have copy-pasted articles into their posts before. That would lengthen the post, and under the proposed system that would get more money.

Sheesh. Sorry.
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
Last activity: 1365 days
Posted on 05-14-05 10:09 AM, in Happy B-day Katana Link
NO! Don't eat anything TP makes. If you do, you'll regret it later. The food's one of the reasons I avoid the Dark Side.

As for your gift, today I will stand back and allow you to Force Lightning any Jedi or Sith that you want to. Uh, except me, of course. And why would you want to, when I'm also giving you a shiny new lightsaber? *hands Katana lightsaber, runs before Force Storms commence* Happy birthday!
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
Last activity: 1365 days
Posted on 05-15-05 09:59 AM, in Submit to the Force ... *waves hand* You will. Link
Originally posted by Darth Politiques
Originally posted by Ford Prefect
many people are suddenly Star Wars fans that weren't years ago.

No me. Star Wars was always a passion of mine ever since I first watched "A New Hope".

It may not be in full fanboy gear all of the time, but I have ALWAYS loved that series.

*nods in agreement*

I just don't watch the movies much because currently we only have the original trilogy, and only on videotape... the only VCRs are one in the living room and one in my mom's room. And to make it worse, mom's not a big fan of Star Wars... at all.

(Last edited by Tamarin Calanis on 05-15-05 01:00 PM)
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Astrophel

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