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01-30-25 12:38 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Belial
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User Post


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 11-10-06 12:42 AM, in New banner? Link
Does it need a catch phrase? Why not do like Sparda did, and just put the website?


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 11-11-06 01:18 PM, in Happy Birthday GuardianOni! Link
Happy Birthday!!! Have fun! <3


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 11-11-06 02:56 PM, in Official Photo Album Thread Link
Originally posted by Katana
Originally posted by Seticus
Belial, don't kill me or hate me... but you remind me of Super Nanny or Nanny 911. Are you one of their organization? If so, DON'T PUNISH ME!

Hey, I can kinda see where you got that from. I looked at her pic again and was like wow! She kinda reminds me of that one really pretty one though. I forget which one it was. >.o

Yeah yeah yeah... my sister and her boyfriend said the same thing... it's not a horrible thing, is it?? lol


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 11-13-06 11:31 AM, in What do you want to be when you grow up!! Link
No, you're not the only one. I was in photography school for a little bit. Professors aren't that encouraging there, because most photographers don't make money until they're dead. I didn't want to be broke my entire life (that school was a crapload of money), so I dropped out. I still love photography. It'll always be a part of my life-- just not my career.

Though I owe a lot of money, and most people think I regret photography school, it was the best and my favorite experience of my life.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 11-13-06 03:53 PM, in Since no one else has done it yet.... Link
I don't usually look at the birthdates until someone posts something about them lol.

Happy Birthday, Zabuza, make the most of your day <3


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 11-14-06 12:47 AM, in Since no one else has done it yet.... Link
Lol. looks like everyone has an excuse.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 11-14-06 11:45 AM, in Favorite Movie Quotes Link
"Oh my-Lanta." -The Ringer


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 11-20-06 01:35 AM, in OJ Simpson To Discuss How He Would Have Committed the Murders Link
OJ's new book that's coming out, If I Did It, is sponsoring some hate to Barnes and Noble (where I work). People are getting overly angry at us that we will be selling this book. Like it's our decision that we're selling it. If you don't like it, don't buy it. heh


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 11-20-06 12:38 PM, in Re-institute the draft? Link
I'm probably the only person here who likes the idea of a draft. Yeah, I would go to war if I was drafted. Do you have any idea how good that experience would be?

But personally, I think that everyone needs to go through an extreme, physical course once they turn 18, just for survival. It would give everyone a sense of honor and loyalty, which is something most people in this day and age don't know of.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 11-21-06 11:37 AM, in Voting Link
I have to disagree with you.

Yeah, a lot of people get their information from biased TV channels, biased newspapers, etc etc. If you like what a person stands for, you vote for them

A lot of people of the democrat party like democrat ideals. That is why they vote for those who are democrats.

Who really cares what they did in the past?

I smoke pot, does that make me a bad person?


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 11-24-06 01:59 AM, in THANKSGIVING!!! Link
Thanksgiving is always a big family event at my house. And for the past couple years, a big booze day too. Lots and lots of food. I made the turkey. We lifted it out of the pan and the legs fell off it was sooo tender. mm mm mm. Turkey.

After I ate I passed out due to a full stomach.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 12-01-06 12:22 PM, in Problems with Elves Link
Happy Birthday!!! You're 22 years YOUNG. ^-^


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 12-10-06 01:57 AM, in Interesting night. Too much Drinking. Link
The last time I got drunk.... was probably last March. I drank about 5 or 6 ounces of Redrum then fell asleep.

My worst drunken time was when I was in college, we were drinking something. I don't even remember what it was... and I took a couple pills and whatever... and I don't even remember half of that night. But I do remember is that I had a good time.

Last New Years Eve was great fun. I had all sorts of people over. I was hammered.

Fortunately, no matter how much I drink, I have never had any form of hangover. =/


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 12-16-06 02:12 AM, in New banner? Link
I really like the randomness too.

I also really like the filmstrip banner. it's badass.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 12-17-06 01:04 PM, in DK means DRIFT KING, not Donkey Kong Link
ahhh... drifting... I've got some horrifying memories from drifting in an old friend's Iroc Camaro... long twisty mountain road + cliffs + drifting = BAD

*shudders* and also in his '93 Suburban. That was scary too. bleh



Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 12-18-06 02:38 AM, in DK means DRIFT KING, not Donkey Kong Link
I'm sorry, but when there's nothing but thin metal separating one from the ground at 80 miles per hour, the ground also being about 150 feet below you, it is not pleasant, and should not be made fun of. Don't be an ass.

Originally posted by DK
i love hearing of other peoples "drift" experiences, they always involve something scary, and most are just hilarious when they are told in their entirety.......

(Last edited by Belial on 12-18-06 05:39 AM)


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 12-20-06 03:22 AM, in I'm going home! Home.. Wow. [disclaimer] Link
Hey, nostalgia never hurt anyone. Take a deep breath, relax, and take as much scenery as there is around you, and focus.

I've experienced that too. When I moved away from everything I have ever known. I don't remember much of that year, but I remember what it was like before I moved, the time I was with a couple family members, and when I got back.

There's nothing too wrong about living in a dreamscape, so long as you have a goal and some optmism. You'll be fine.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 12-20-06 03:51 PM, in I'm going home! Home.. Wow. [disclaimer] Link
Home is never the same when you move out.

Quote from Garden State (best movie ever):

Andrew : You know that point in your life when you realize that the house that you grew up in isn't really your home anymore? All of the sudden even though you have some place where you can put your stuff that idea of home is gone.

Sam: I still feel at home in my house...

Andrew : You'll see when you move out it just sort of happens one day and it's just gone. And you can never get it back. It's like you get homesick for a place that doesn't exist. I mean it's like this rite of passage, you know. You won't have this feeling again until you create a new idea of home for yourself, you know, for you kids, for the family you start, it's like a cycle or something. I miss the idea of it. Maybe that's all family really is. A group of people who miss the same imaginary place.

A good quote for anyone, I suppose. Thinking about it made me feel a lot better for some reason. Hopefully it'll do the same for you, as it did for me.

There's always a change in goals. You have to set standards for yourself, whether they're challenging or not. If you don't, it will seem as if you're stuck in a rut, and that is a horrible, horrible place to be. I've felt the same way you explain yourself. You just have to strive to make yourself feel like you have accomplished something, anything.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 12-24-06 10:55 PM, in Happy Birthday, True Flight! Link
That absolutely sucks... >.< I can't do wide arm pushups. bleehh

Happy Birthday anyway.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 12-26-06 12:54 PM, in Brielle Nicole Link
That is so awesome! I'm glad everything turned out well in the end!
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Belial

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