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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by WhiteRose
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User Post

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 05-11-05 10:49 PM, in Behind the Mask Link
*The succubi looks at him and smiles as once gets on each side of him* "Very well my dark magi. Let us start."

OOC: I already talked to you about the information, so lets fast forward to it

Raven looks at him "Now that we told you the information, tis' time for out payment."

The night for Cryus seems to pass as a blur of passion, frenzy and lust. You cannot recal exactly all details of the encouter, but you do know one thing, you really really enjoyed it. Due to the fact of the are taking energy from you, you sleep in very late the next morning.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 05-11-05 10:58 PM, in Welcome to 1984 Link
I honestly don't see this being as affective as they plan it to be if they realy do this. People loose ids all the time. Not to mentione tracking all this and putting it together requires major orginization and personally, I don't always see our government have that great organizations skills in news task, especially if they haven't really done anything like it before.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 05-11-05 11:03 PM, in Another birthday thread... I had to do it. Link
Late happy birthe to both of you.

Cryus, you already got a hug from me, but I give another *hugs Cryus*

And one for you two Tai *hugs Tai*

*skips off sining the smurfs theme song*

(Last edited by WhiteRose on 05-12-05 02:03 AM)

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 05-11-05 11:18 PM, in Do you know me? Link
30 is what I scored. Honestly, I did better than I thought I would. Guess that means I need to get to know you better.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 05-12-05 10:22 PM, in XGf College Years Link
*Rosy parried the opponates attack and then thrusted forward with her rapier, touching the area of the hear. The buzzard went off indicating her victory* Nice match, but you need to work on moving out of the way after having an attacked parried. Well, I need to get going. See everyone at next practice.

*she grabs her stuff and goes inton the locker room and puts her regular clothing on, a pair og dark blue jeans, her brown Lugz boots and her blue peaset girl shirt. She picks up the her phone. She needed food and she knew who to call* "Hey Chris, it's Rosy."

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 05-12-05 10:33 PM, in Stalkers? Link
As far as I've known I've only had one and I've shared him with two other friends, thought I just found out he stalks just about anyone. Elara knows who I'm talking about. I was getting so paranoid that I had like five of my guy friends pretending to be my b/f when he was around, one of which was gay (really funny that one). It got to the point where he would just circle around us, so Elara and I would sing the Jaws song and pretty much nicked named him that. He doesn't do it anymore thought, thank the gods!

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 05-12-05 10:38 PM, in Holy crap a noobie! Link
wow, that is like one of the longets noobie threads I've ever seen...anyways. Welcome to our insane, yet friendly little community. Follow the rules, post a lot and have fun. Here *reaches into her bag of random things and pulls out socks for your rubber chicken and hands it to you* Enjoy!

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 05-12-05 10:42 PM, in Behind the Mask Link
*Artemis stopped and looked back at Avron* "Yes, was there something I can help you after all?" *she turns and faces him, walking back to him*

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 05-12-05 10:57 PM, in Final Fantasy: Advent Children Link
I've wanted to see this movie so badly, but never knew when it's was comming out. My oni and me get joaking about how there was no movie and some person just made all these mini scenes, but nothing else.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 05-12-05 11:14 PM, in Behind the Mask Link
*Artemis grabs his arm before he can walk away& "Well, you've already taken the first steps, which is actually wanting to. Aside from that, you need to folow your heart, not your nature. Eventually thw two will become the same. You can be brave in battle, that is easy enough, but you must braver still in making friends. Don't be afraid to go out on a limb."

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 05-13-05 12:00 AM, in Behind the Mask Link
*artemis smiles* I was very shy myself at first. However, soon I saw virtue to making friends and getting to know people. Yes, I've been hurt before, but in the end it's all worth it Avron. You just have to push yourself and don't allow yourself to be shy. Work on one person at a time. As you have with me for example. Don't be afraid to talk to me any time you need to. Now, go get some rest my friend. We have a long day ahead of us." *she smiles once more and turns and continues to walk to her room, this time to actually sleep*

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 05-13-05 12:55 AM, in Behind the Mask Link
OOC: Yay! We're done with another day.

*Well people sleep (or meditate), For those who rose early, there was already a brekfast of fruits and hot cereal and oats set up. Artemis arrives in the dinning area about four hours after sunrise*

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 05-13-05 10:40 PM, in XGf College Years Link
"Lunch that sounds great. Where do you want to meet?" She then hears her phone beep "Hey Chris, I have another call, hold on a minute."

She swaps calls "Hello?...Garrett, you over slept again didn't you. You missed quite a bit, but we'll go over it on our free time, we worked on defense today mainly. Hey, why don't you join me and Chris for lunch. I'll give you a call back when I get the details. Till then."

She hangs up with Garret as she switches back to Chris. "Hey do you mind if Garret comes along, need to review some fencing with him?" She then spots Crystle and smiles at her question. "Hey Crystle, yes, it's Chris, want to join us? As for Garrett, he slept in again."

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 05-13-05 10:45 PM, in Guardians of the Underdark- Take two Link
*as one creatures charged towards her, she swung her bastard sword, cutting it across his mid section making him drop. Before she could swing to another, another one get her from behind, luckly, her armor too most of the damage* Ah! You'll pay for that! *shw swings around to defend herself from the one who attacked her from behind*

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 05-13-05 10:49 PM, in Behind the Mask Link
OOC: Elara, I'm assuming your cha is already there since you were the first one up.

As Artemis enters the dinning hall she spots Elara. "Good morning Elara, did you rest well? I hope you find breakfast alright."

She takes a seat at the side, next to Elara and serves herself some fresh fruit, among them rasberries, as well as a bowl of warm oatmeal. She looks up as she sees Avron enter the room. She looks at Elara and then back at him and smiles.

"Good morning Avron. I hope you slept well. Please, take a seat next to the lovely Elara and join us in breakfast."

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 05-16-05 09:43 PM, in XGf College Years Link
*On her phone with Chris* Honestly, Del Taco sounds good right now. I'll meet you there with Crystle. I'll Garrett and let him know, he wants to meet us there. See you in a bit"

*she hangs up with Chris and looks at Crystle* "We're going to Del Taco, let me call Garrett and gives him a heads up* "Hey Garrett...did you go back to sleep? Well get up, we're going to Del Taco, We'll meet you there. Bye."

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 05-16-05 09:52 PM, in Behind the Mask Link
*Artemis laughs lightly* "Well, as long as no serioud damage was done, it's fine. I think it would be best if I tell the rest to keep away from him just to be on the safe side thought."

*She looks at him sitting a seat away from Elara* "Don't be shy Avron, I'm sure Elara doesn't bite, or unless you want her to." *She smiles as she bites into a rasberry* "As for me sleeping well, yes. I generally sleep well after feeding."

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 05-16-05 09:55 PM, in Guardians of the Underdark- Take two Link
"Holy Goddess that spear was a little too close for comfort." *She then cringes as she sees it hit Drance's helmet. As she is about to inquire if he's ok, another creature charges at her, catching her off guard and making her fall back. She struggles with it and pushes it back and quickly rolls to her feet as it lunges at her again. She sides stesp and turns slashing at it*

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 05-16-05 10:00 PM, in Literary Trivia Link
She had the ability to erase with the front of her hand and put it back with the back of her hand.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 05-16-05 10:04 PM, in Stephen Lynch - For The Ladies Link
Oh gods this song is so wrong. I've heard it before and at first I was like "OMG he did not jsut sing that" but then I started laughing so hard. I defently enjoy hearing his songs, thought some of them do catch me off guard at times. I especially enjoy the D&D one.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by WhiteRose

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