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01-13-25 04:24 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Rogue
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If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 01-02-07 01:39 AM, in Phil has left Sound & Fury (And other Southern faire updates) Link
This is more of an announcement to the Long Beach/Paramount, CA members who also religiously go to the Southern California Pleasure Faire, but...

Phil Van Hest, also known as the "third guy" from Sound & Fury, has left to pursue his solo career and Shannon, a former "third guy" will be coming in to temporarily take his place. Some of you might remember Shannon as the other half of Shelby's brief two-man show, Pyramus and Thisby, as seen here:

Shelby had told me a few months ago that he and Shannon were planning on putting together a faire act (like Danse Macabre and the Puritans) where they were both wandering lepers.

Well, guess that'll be put off for the sake of the troupe, unless like several members of Boggards, Merry Wives, and even Marlowe's Shadowe, they manage to multi-task and play not just for their main guild group, but other characters in the faire (example: John Breen of the Boggards is the Lord Mayor, Jenny of Merry Wives is the Mistress of Misrule, etc).

So just passing the news along. If I could send out a mass PM to the group, I would, but I'm too lazy for single PMs.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 01-02-07 02:46 AM, in Phil has left Sound & Fury (And other Southern faire updates) Link
I'm not sure if Southern is going to invite S&F back or not, but I know there's been a demand for them. Hell, when I got the survey at this last year's faire and they wanted to know what new acts they should bring in, I wrote in bold, capitalized letters, "BRING BACK SOUND AND FURY!!!" Sure, it's just one person, but people were really mad about their rejection.

They are, however, planning a new indoor show called "Cyranose," based on Cyrano de Bergerac, of course. Hopefully this won't be affected by Phil's leaving since they were putting it together before his decision. At least so I've been informed.

(Last edited by Rogue on 04-21-07 05:07 PM)
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 01-02-07 02:59 AM, in Browncoat Cruise Link
So in place of Flanvention, the stars of Firefly and Serenity did a "Backup Bash" and came to hang out with fans, give autographs, and in the case of Nathan Fillion, give away things from his closet.


Apparently the stars who came included Nathan Fillion, Alan Tudyk, Mark Sheppard, Jonathan Woodward, Christina Hendricks and Adam Baldwin.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 01-02-07 03:16 AM, in I've made it! I've finally made it! Link
Go you. The 1000 is always a pretty special milestone. Shame I didn't notice when I'd hit it. >.<
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 01-02-07 04:45 AM, in How was your 2006? Link
Yup, it's ANOTHER of these surveys. This is somewhat more interesting than watching my boyfriend's brother pace around on the phone trying to console his insane girlfriend.

1. What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done before?
Zombie-walked, wore my own homemade garb to faires (real stuff, not just a corset and skirts I threw together the night before and not my middle/high school drama teacher's stuff like I used to wear for years), drank legally, larp'd, wrote all over the walls of a museum, discovered a waterfall, played Gaia Online, hit my head on a grizzly bear's jaw, shaved a heart into someone's back hair, was hit on by a girl wearing nothing but chainmail, saw Hedwig performed and not shadow-casted, held a cat just before it was put to sleep, stood in as a judge for a wet T-shirt contest and shouted out things like, "That shirt doesn't do her justice!!," volunteered at Anime Expo, beat a Final Fantasy game, was blessed by a Mexican woman with an urn, went to Lebowski Fest, Oktoberfest, an oxygen bar, and several museums I hadn't been to before.

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Did keep most of my resolutions (my 2006 list in the resolutions thread), and more than likely I'll pretty much just keep to the same list.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
YES! Christina (Kittybob on the board) unexpectedly had Jayne.

4. Did anyone close to you die?
Willie, but he wasn't my cat.

5. What countries did you visit?

6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?
More time and money for everything, but we'll have to see how '07 unfurls.

7. What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
There really wasn't a single day that just stands out so much that only that day sticks in my memory. I'd say St. Patrick's Day (as well as most of March), July, September, and December stick out pretty nicely.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Getting my journalism certificate and passing my math assessments. There were many, smaller but no less important victories throughout the year, though.

9. What was your biggest failure?
No real failures. If there was anything, it was small like, "Awww. The line to get an autograph from that artist was a ticketed event and I didn't get one."

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Didn't suffer, but my right knee's starting to creak when I walk up steps.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
Cheap CDs and DVDs at the Tower that's closing.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Not sure. Mewes for being sober over 3 years and winning that bet with Kevin, thus making Clerks 2.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
The perpetual media circus, but that doesn't depress me or appall me so much.

14. Where did most of your money go?
Conventions, concert tickets, food.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Comic-Con, Lebowski Fest, Dead Walk L.A., faire season.

16. What song will always remind you of 2006?
"Danse Macabre" since it perpetually reminds me of Dia de los Muertos this year after going to all those festivals for it.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder?
About the same, but possibly more content.

ii. thinner or fatter?
Also about the same, if not fatter.

iii. richer or poorer?
Richer in some ways, but not in those concerning money. About the same in that I'm consistently broke, but able to manage.

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Kept up more with things going on in other places and gone to more cons. I probably should have eaten healthier and meditated more, but that's something to work on in '07.

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Spending so much time on the computer doing nothing of consequence when I should be doing more important things. Oops.

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
Christmas eve was spent with my mom's family coming over to my house. Went to Las Posadas with Zabuza and Zoso in the old Mexican part of town. Christmas was a dinner party with my Zoso's family.

22. Did you fall in love in 2006?
Was already in love.

23. How many one-night stands?

24. What was your favorite TV program?
Heroes, My Name is Earl, Mythbusters, and Firefly.

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Nope. And questions like these are self-destructive.

26. What was the best book you read?
Hardcore Zen (by Brad Warner), Brave New World (by Aldous Huxley), The Heart of Understanding (by Thich Nhat Hanh), Geek Love (by Katherine Dunn).

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Dog Faced Gods. Only because Voidcrush had been performing with them a few times near the end of '06 and they're pretty metal.

28. What concerts did you go to in 2006?
Flogging Molly, Poxy Boggards a few times, Gwar, Bad Religion, Scotch Greens, Municipal Waste, Voidcrush many times, Dog Faced Gods, All Else Fails, Costanza, and a bunch of other bands I don't really remember like those who played conventions and festivals.

30. What was your favorite films of this year?
Assuming we're only talking the new ones of this year: Adam & Steve, Densha Otoko, Clerks 2, Renaissance, A Scanner Darkly, Fuck, Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny.

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 21 and had a midnight pub crawl with a few friends the moment the clock hit 12 the night before my birthday. Got a whole lot of free booze. On my birthday, went to pole dancing club with friends just for shits.

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Probably being able to drive or get out of transfer out of LBCC (I have the credits to do it, just gotta get that math). More cons.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006?
Ragged and comfortable.

34. What kept you sane?
Getting out of the house to run off to strange places on a whim and having Zoso by my side to help me along in my crazy adventures.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Jason Lee, Masi Oka, Adam Baldwin, Trey Parker.

36. What political issue stirred you the most?
Ralph Horowitz foreclosing on the South Central Farm to build a Wal*Mart warehouse over the land that was allotted to feed 350 poor families in L.A. Raised money to try and save the farm, but we still came up $5 million short. Fucking Horowitz.

37. Who did you miss?
I still sort of miss my old friend, James, whom I haven't seen since high school.

38. Who was the best new person you met?
Best new person? I'm going with Dragonfly's friend Sarah. Although I'd met her before, re-meeting her and getting to talk with her one night was pretty great. Also Xenocanon, I don't quite remember his real name, but he's this spiffy person whom I geek out with through PMs on a couple boards.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006:
There's a massive difference between being a person who sits and listens and one who listens, but more concentrates on what to say next.
No matter what the movie's always going to be worse, so stop sweating it.
Read the directions.
Don't live in a world of "If only..."
Oxygen is your friend.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
"... But trust me on the sunscreen."

(Last edited by Rogue on 01-02-07 04:03 PM)
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 01-02-07 03:28 PM, in Board member's got a gig tomorrow night Link
Yes, this is a bump. I'm aware of that.

Just putting out the announcement of the next gig. There were a couple other gigs since the last post, but this is the first time in a while I've had a flier.

So yeah. We don't quite know who the other bands are, but supposedly it's a night of metal bands.

Voidcrush has another gig at Que Sera coming up on the 10th.

More to come.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 01-02-07 05:00 PM, in VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED: Saddam's hanging video Link
Apparently the video really was a hidden camera deal, and like many hidden camera videos this was shot with a cellphone.

Originally posted by Associated Press
Jan. 2, 2007, 1:25PM
Iraq PM orders probe into Saddam video
By LAUREN FRAYER Associated Press Writer
© 2007 The Associated Press

BAGHDAD, Iraq — The prime minister on Tuesday ordered an investigation into the conduct of Saddam Hussein's execution in a bid to learn who among the witnesses taunted the former Iraqi leader in the last minutes of his life and leaked a cell phone video.

The video contained audio of some witnesses taunting Saddam with chants of "Muqtada" and of the former leader responding that his tormentors were being unmanly. It surfaced on Al-Jazeera television and the Internet late Saturday, the day Saddam was hanged.

The taunts referred to Muqtada al-Sadr, the radical Shiite cleric who is a main backer of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, the Shiite leader who pushed for a quick execution of Saddam.

Al-Jazeera said when it broadcast the video that it was exclusive to them. The pictures appeared on the Web at about the same time.

Sami al-Askari, a close al-Maliki political adviser, told The Associated Press that the Iraqi leader had "ordered the formation of an investigative committee in the Interior Ministry to identify who chanted slogans inside the execution chamber and who filmed the execution and sent it to the media."

The video was particularly inflammatory not only because the disrespectful chanting was clearly audible, but also because it showed Saddam's death as he dropped through the gallows floor and then swung by his neck, his eyes open and neck twisted dramatically to his right.

The clandestine video portrayed a much different scene than the official tape of the execution, which was muted and did not show Saddam dropping to his death.

Al-Maliki adviser Sadiq al-Rikabi told the U.S.-financed Al-Hurra television that he does not know who leaked the video and that such an act "is wrong and should be investigated, and I agree that cellular telephones were taken from witnesses before they boarded the helicopter" for the execution site.

"I am full of hope that the results of the investigation will be announced, and the person who did this act should pay a price," he said.

Munqith al-Faroon, an Iraqi prosecutor whose job was to convict Saddam Hussein of genocide, was one of the small group of witnesses at the hanging and he defended Saddam's right to die in peace.

He said he knew that "two top officials ... had their mobile phones with them" at the execution, although other witnesses had their phones taken away beforehand.

"I am certain that the chanting at the moment of the execution was not organized, and that those chanting were not being ordered to do so," al-Faroon said. "The guards made a decision to do so by themselves. This is the truth. I shouted at them and ordered them to keep silent, my voice is very clear in the recording."

In the leaked video, which could not be independently verified by the AP, one voice called: "Allah, bless those who pray for Muhammad and his descendants. Allah, pray for Muhammad and his descendants and may they bring us their help soon and curse their enemies and back their son Muqtada, Muqtada, Muqtada."

Saddam then asked, "Is this manly?"

A voice responded, "To hell."

Another voice called out, "Long live Mohammed Baqir al-Sadr" _ a reference to the Dawa Party founder and Shiite cleric who was executed along with his sister by Saddam in 1980.

Then, a voice purportedly belonging to al-Faroon said: "Please no, this man is being executed, please no, I beg you no."

Saddam's execution and the way it was conducted have provoked anger among Sunni Muslims, who have taken to the streets in mainly peaceful demonstrations in Sunni enclaves across the country.

On Monday, a crowd of Sunni mourners in Samarra marched to a bomb-damaged Shiite shrine and were allowed by guards and police to enter the holy place carrying a mock coffin and photos of Saddam.

The protest took place at the Golden Dome, a Shiite shrine bombed by Sunni extremists 10 months ago. That attack triggered the current cycle of retaliatory attacks between Sunnis and Shiites in the form of daily bombings, kidnappings and murders.

Meanwhile, the military announced the death of a U.S. soldier by a roadside bomb southwest of Baghdad. The blast Monday wounded three others, including an interpreter, as they talked with residents about sectarian violence, the military said.

U.S. troops killed a suspected al-Qaida weapons dealer and two other people in Baghdad raids Tuesday, and Iraqi forces detained more than 60 suspects in the past week, the U.S. military said.

In Fallujah, a U.S. Marine fatally wounded an Iraqi soldier in an altercation at the guard post they shared, the U.S. military also said.

The confrontation took place Saturday between members of U.S. and Iraqi units assigned to combined security posts at the Fallujah Government Center. The Marine _ assigned to the 1st Battalion, 24th Marine Regiment, Regimental Combat Team 5 _ has been assigned to administrative duties pending an investigation.

"This will not impact our mission to continue the transition of the security responsibility to the Iraqi army," said Marine Lt. Col. Bryan Salas. "Marines and Iraqis from the two units continue to live, eat, and fight alongside each other."

Gunmen attacked the car of a provincial councilman northeast of Baghdad on Monday night, killing the official and three relatives, police said.

The shootings occurred on a road in Diyala province, a stronghold of Sunni Arab insurgents. Ali Majeed Salboukh, a member of the Diyala provincial council, was slain along with his brother and two other relatives, police said.

A roadside bomb killed three Iraqis and wounded seven in a neighborhood of eastern Baghdad, police said. Police said the bomb was hidden in a pile of garbage in Camp Sara, a mixed area of the city with a large Christian population.

A string of blasts in Camp Sara's shopping district in October killed 16, wounded 87, destroying cars and collapsing part of a building.

Five mortar shells hit residential areas of western Baghdad, wounding four civilians, police said.

In Britain, Prime Minister Tony Blair said his country must carry through its commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2007 while he continues a personal quest to revive the peace process in the Middle East.

"The threat of global terrorism menaces us as it does other nations," Blair said in his New Year's message, likely his last as prime minister. "That is one reason why it is so important that we see through the battles in Iraq and Afghanistan where the British forces show day after day why they are the finest in the world."

Hundreds of demonstrators Monday mourned Saddam in a Sunni neighborhood in northern Baghdad. Some praised the Baath Party, the outlawed nationalist group that under Saddam cemented Sunni Arab dominance of Iraq.

In Dor, 77 miles north of Baghdad, hundreds marched to a dedication of a giant mosaic of Saddam. Men fired weapons into the air and children carried toy guns.

Mourners at a mosque in Saddam's hometown of Tikrit slaughtered sheep as a sacrifice. The mosque's walls were lined with condolence cards from tribes in southern Iraq and Jordan who were unable to travel to the memorial.

The demonstrations came on a day that the U.S. military killed six Iraqis in a raid on the offices of a prominent Sunni political figure, where American forces believed al-Qaida fighters had taken refuge.

Iraqi authorities, meanwhile, reported that 16,273 Iraqis _ including 14,298 civilians, 1,348 police and 627 soldiers _ died violent deaths in 2006. The total exceeds the AP count by more than 2,500.

On Monday, police reported finding the 40 handcuffed, blindfolded and bullet-riddled bodies in northern Baghdad. A police official, who refused to be identified because of security fears, said 15 of the bodies were discovered in the mainly industrial Sheik Omar district.

Police said they found 15 more bodies in the north of the city Tuesday.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 01-02-07 05:38 PM, in Board member's got a gig tomorrow night Link
Originally posted by Katana
You should take pictures at these gigs! I can't go, cuz like Xeios, I am a bit of a walk away...but I'd like to see pics!

I've been taking pictures, but I have been neglecting to touch them up and post them. So my apologies for that.

A few of the pictures are on their Myspace:

They didn't use the great pictures, though, so I'll have to work on getting some better ones up here stat.

Originally posted by DragonShaddow
Better yet, record it, so we can watch it on Youtube!!!

Ha! We do have someone who tapes the shows, but she tends to gravitate all of the shots toward the bass player, who is her boyfriend. I just got done watching her video of the last show. She actually did a freeze-frame shot of him where this blue frame came around his head and stayed there for a couple minutes.

Nothing against her shooting style, but she also really needs a tri-pod.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 01-02-07 05:39 PM, in Leaving Again for 16 days Link
Best of luck, shugah.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 01-02-07 08:53 PM, in VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED: Saddam's hanging video Link
Originally posted by DragonShaddow
Damn you, Krusty the Clown!

Good grief, I'd forgotten about that episode. Well, he got a daughter out of it, voiced by Drew Barrymore, whom we never see any more.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 01-03-07 02:59 AM, in What Are You Watching? Link
Taking into account that not everyone's listening to music while surfing the board, let's have a thread for what you're watching.

So if there's anyone else out there who might have the TV on or have a DVD going, go ahead and post it.

Currently I'm watching Jackass: Number Two. Not by choice. The boyfriend's younger brother popped it into the DVD player in the room where I'm on the computer.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 01-03-07 03:02 AM, in I'm interested in meeting my birth father Link
Start with asking your mom and anyone else who might have an idea of where he is, get his full name (including any aliases he might have gone by) and check places like halls of records, see if you can find any of his old friends, anything can help.

God speed in your quest.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 01-03-07 03:12 AM, in I'm interested in meeting my birth father Link
You want to know your father, that's a very valid and worthy reason for talking to anyone you can who might be able to connect you with him. While I don't care for a lot of my dad's friends, if I were looking for him, I'd bite the bullet and ask them a few questions.

I've honestly never really gone looking for someone so intently before. A simple Google search might even help. You never know.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 01-04-07 02:05 AM, in What Are You Watching? Link
Just got back from my friend's house. We watched the first season of "Weeds." Not a bad series.

Am currently watching "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back."
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 01-04-07 02:24 PM, in Which Firefly Character are you? Link
Originally posted by GuardianOni
... I know very little about the show, but I find the three way tie interesting.

Actually based on that tie and your personality it makes A LOT of sense.

Mal: Fearless leader with a big heart.
Jayne: Hired gun who likes big guns.
Wash: Pilot with a silly side, very happily married to the second in command, likes to play with his toys.
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Posted on 01-04-07 03:18 PM, in Addictions Link
I'm apparently addicted to, as well. It seems whenever I have enough money in my bank account and I go to that site, I buy so much.

The other day, I bought $50 worth of books from the members selling their used copies.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 01-04-07 05:24 PM, in Addictions Link
Originally posted by DragonXeo
Yeah. I actually rarely buy stuff used from amazon, unless that's the only way I can get something, etc.

Most of the things I've bought used come looking new, but if Amazon has it for a reasonable price, I buy it new from them.

Buying things new/used from Amazon members has been much less of a gamble for me than buying things off eBay. I've never been stiffed for items on Amazon, and tend to get some really honest people selling for really cheap. With eBay, I've had people gut me for shipping on really cheap items and also send things that don't match their description at all.

I was addicted to eBay back in high school, but I grew out of it.

Into Amazon.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 01-04-07 06:56 PM, in The neighbor's dog keeps sh***ing on your lawn. What now? Link
A couple who live in an apartment across the street from Zoso's apartment building, everyday bring their dogs over to defecate on the lawn in front of his building. They pointedly do not pick up after the dogs and just walk back to their building like they did nothing wrong.

While we laugh and think the act is outwardly disrespectful (I sarcastically shouted, "Thank you!" at the girl when she came by the other day with the dogs and she didn't acknowledge either of us), the other tenants are getting pretty upset. The landscapers have stopped coming around as often because they are tired of mowing the lawn and treading in feces every time.

Now, while I'm sure the simplest answer would be to just talk with these people and try to get them to stop without going into any legal action, they don't seem the types to just cease their actions by request. I mean, they're pointedly doing this when apartment residents are watching and some of the tenants have supposedly approached them.

We don't know exactly what apartment they live in and it's the kind you need to be buzzed in to enter the complex (were it like Zoso's, where you could just walk up to the person's door, I would have gathered up the fecal matter and scattered it on their doorstep months ago).

Now this is in Debate and not Sunset, because I figure it would be a simple, yet amusing topic to discuss. I mean, are these people breaking the law? What would be the penalty?

What would you do if some person was outwardly having their animals shit all over your lawn and leave it?
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 01-05-07 08:48 PM, in What Are You Watching? Link
Watched a whole lot of M*A*S*H last night, including the series finale a couple times.

Am currently watching King of the Hill, which is on its third commercial break. What CURRENTLY on is an ad for American Idol.
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