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03-12-25 12:23 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Elara
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User Post

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 03-15-05 02:44 PM, in Stupid pictures thread... Link
Oh, the one with the special kids is so wrong. Otherwise, my gods those are funny!!

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 03-15-05 02:45 PM, in comment box Link
Who made it originally? If you can contact them perhaps they could help you out.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 03-15-05 03:38 PM, in Metallica Link
My brother got me into Metallica actually, when I was like 12 or so... first rock song I ever heard actually. It was One, I remember that... cool video. I like most of their stuff, not too fond of the St. Anger album, but it's okay.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 03-16-05 11:15 PM, in Hello Link
*Glares at Cryus*

You stole my gift... punk.

Anywho, hello and welcome to the insane asylum that we call XGF, just read the FAQs and you should be fine. Post lots, go crazy, pledge servitude to the Cult of the Dark Goddess (ie Me), and have a great time!

*hands newbie a pair of steel-toed boots*

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 03-16-05 11:25 PM, in Behind the Mask Link
*Elara nodded and made her way to what the servants said was her room. It was comfortable and had a balcony overlooking the gardens, which was rather large. She sat her pack down and looked down at the pathways and open spaces of the garden below*

"It should do as a suitable training area for the night."

*As it grew darker outside, Elara climbed down the balcony to the garden, landing silently on her feet. Shadow had curled up on the grass beneath the balcony and quietly watched her elven companion as she practiced with her swords, manuvering and dodging, trying to perfect her technique. It was a nightly ritual with her, practicing in a secluded natural area... and in a place such as this a large garden was the closest thing*

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 03-16-05 11:40 PM, in How experienced are you sexually? Link
A Tad Inexperienced
You are 61% pure

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender
You scored higher than 38% on purity
Link: The 100 Point Sexual Purity Test written by ocicat on Ok Cupid

Wow... I am actually shocked at that... purer than 38%, how the hell am I more pure than Cryus?

(Last edited by Elara on 03-17-05 02:41 AM)

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 03-17-05 12:13 AM, in Somethings bugging me about my religion Link
Also notice Van that SOAD does not mention religion in that song at all.

As for the Luther thing, I don't think it was half... Calvin took many with him as well years later... maybe between them and Henry VIII it was half. Other than that, yeah I get what you mean.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 03-17-05 12:14 AM, in [Action - Sync Board ... Done] Link
Easter vacation = spring break

That should clear that up for the most part. Of course I didn't get that til high school myself.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 03-17-05 12:27 AM, in Sexual Preferences Link
Well, I myself am bisexual, but I tend towards the straight side for the most part. I tend to see the issue like Rogue and Tamarin: 'They're gay? Oh I forgot... why are you bitching about them? They're human just like you."

Oh, and Van, just so you know homosexuality used to be considered an mental illness, but after extensive research they discovered that it was not and thus removed it from the list of mental illnesses, that was back before 2000, I forget what year.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 03-17-05 06:07 PM, in Domain Link
Wow... that is just really interesting... must go post in discussion so that I can ask a question.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 03-17-05 06:08 PM, in Paradox Island Discussion Link
Okay, a question has come to mind that I thought I would get cleared up... what races are there and could you give some defining features of each? Like the blue-grey blood... which one has that?

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 03-17-05 06:10 PM, in The Bath (Short Story) Link
The crimson liquid spilled from the wound again. Sarah stared at it in wonder, amazed that she had done it. The knife blade was still in her hand, dripping with her own blood. The pain coursed through her body, its loving sting… how she longed for more.

“Sarah, honey? Are you in there,” her mother called from the other side of the bathroom door, interrupting her thoughts.

“Yeah! I’m taking a bath, do you mind?!”

“Well sorry... I just wondered where you were.”

Sarah sighed quietly, “It’s okay mom, I’ll be out in a bit.”

She watched as the blood slowly trickled down her leg and into the water. She hadn’t lied, she had been taking a bath… but now she just sat on the edge of the tub, feet in the water, watching as the blood made a beautiful swirling red pattern. It always amazed her, how the blood stayed suspended in the water, swirling into a pattern. It only happened if there was a small amount of blood; it would sink quickly if there was too much.

I wish I had my sketchpad... it looks so pretty... almost like an abstract painting.

But the sketchpad had been taken from her, by her own best friend no less. Parker knew about her habit and her problems… he had taken the book from her in hopes that the getting rid of the disturbing images of mutilation and blood would help her to stop. The loss of her artwork hurt Sarah deeply, and that was what brought her here.

Thinking about Parker and her sketchbook brought the pain back again, so she set the sharp blade against the milky white skin on her leg again and braced herself. Quickly she jerked the knife, pressing down at the same time. The steel bit into her flesh, severing skin and muscle tissue as well as a few blood vessels. Again the sting came upon her and the painful thoughts were pushed aside as the ecstasy of release overtook her. Her leg felt a little sticky, but it was warm… and the blood tickled as it ran down to the water.

The pattern it made was beautiful, and the effect was enhanced by the blood that had already sank to the bottom of the white tub. It swirled in two different directions at once. She moved her foot ever so slightly and the blood began to dance. She watched, fascinated, until the pain began to recede again.

I should probably clean up and get out of here.

Sarah scooped up a few handfuls of water and poured them onto her wounded leg, washing off all of the blood. She could now see the two long gashes that she had made, and how well they contrasted with her white skin and the even whiter scars from before. It formed a cute little crisscrossing pattern like what a snowflake must look like under a microscope. She reminded herself to draw it later.

Slowly she lifted her leg out of the tub and dried it off, the blood staining the cloth. She picked up a roll of bandages and wrapped her bleeding limb so that she could get dressed. The crimson stain started to show itself right away, and it made Sarah smile… she loved that color so.

After a few moments, she was dressed and ready to go. The water had been drained, and the knife wiped clean and stashed in her jacket pocket. She walked out of the bathroom and into her room. Her mother came in a minute later.

“What took you so long Sarah? I was beginning to think that you had drowned,” she said with a chuckle.

Sarah looked at her mother, wishing that she wouldn’t come bug her all of the time. She gave a small smile as she picked up her bag and headed for the door.

“I cut myself shaving… it took a bit to stop the bleeding,” she answered as she opened the front door to leave.

“Oh, I see,” her mother replied with a small frown on her face. “ Well, I see you are off to Parker’s… don’t be home late.”

“Alright mom, see ya later!”

Sarah closed the door behind her and began her walk to her best friend’s house to get her artwork back. She kept that picture of the blood and the wounds in her mind as she walked. She also had the image of her mother’s frown in her head.

Clueless... utterly clueless....

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 03-17-05 06:11 PM, in Ghost in the Wind Link
She stood silently looking at me, the wind blowing gently through her dark hair. The paleness of her skin in the moonlight made her seem to glow. Her eyes were pools of sorrow when I looked into them, it made me want to cry as I stood there. I loved her... and I was losing her.

"Nicky, why did you bring me here," she asked quietly. Her voice was so soft and quiet that I barely heard her.

"Because I wanted you to see the view before you went away, that's all."

"Oh... okay." She seemed sadder for some reason, turning her face from me to look out over the city, at the swimming sea of twinkling lights under the stars. I loved to come up here alone and think sometimes... I found it so peaceful. I always told her I'd take her up here sometime... I planned to bring her here to tell her how I felt. She was going from me soon, I didn't know if I should now or not.

We sat on the hood of my car, the old beat up Mustang I used to drive back then. I could feel the cold metal through my jeans. She looked so cold... I debated on putting my arms around her, but she looked so beautiful in that moment that I didn't want to do anything to ruin it. Instead I ran a hand through my newly short hair, I got tired of it being down to my shoulders, so I went back to my old hair cut.


"Yes, Jodie?"

"What are you thinking about?" She had to ask that, didn't she... I sighed a bit as I turned to look into those beautiful eyes of hers, the stormy gray looking silver in the moonlight.

"About you...." She seemed a bit stunned by that reply, and confused. I decided to continue, and to tell her everything inside of my heart before it was too late.

"I love you, Jodie."

"What? You love me?" Her eyes were as wide as dinner plates, and for a brief moment I saw the saddness in her eyes gone... something else was there, but I wasn't sure what.

"Yes... I've loved you for so long... but I was always afraid to tell you. You're my best friend, Jodie... I didn't want to ruin that if something went wrong. You mean too much to me... but I had to tell you before... before...." I couldn't bring myself to say it. I felt tears starting to well up, but I couldn't let her see me cry, I couldn't.

"Before I died," she finished for me. "I see. Nicky...."

"Yeah," I said, choking back the tears.

"I love you, too."

I looked at her in disbelief. Her eyes were sad still, and there were tears as well... but I knew what the other thing I saw in them was now... it was love. She stared at me for what seemed like hours, the tears falling down from those eyes, down her pale cheeks to her chin. I couldn't stand it anymore... I put my arms around her and drew her close to me. We both cried, cried because we had found love only to have it taken from us so soon. I leaned back after awhile to look down at her, her tragic face. I kissed her for the first time, her lips were so soft and warm... the tears had made them salty as well. We sat there like that, kissing on the hood of my old Mustang, for what seemed like eternity... yet when we pulled away finally it seemed too short.

"I need to get home soon, Nicky... I have surgery at 8," she whispered sadly. Neither of us wanted to go, but I knew we had to.

"Alright... lets go." I kissed her again, shorter this time; and I squeezed her tight one last time.

Jodie died a few days later after her surgery, her body rejected the new heart and they couldn't get a new one in time. I locked myself in my room for a month and cried. After awhile I managed to come to terms with her death, but I have never loved anyone since then.

I still go up to that spot on the full moon, and sit on the hood of my car, my new car. And I see her there as she was that night, staring at me as the breeze blows gently through her dark hair... a ghost in the wind.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 03-17-05 06:11 PM, in Shattered Memories Link
"Every time I'm in your arms I feel that I could die happy," she had whispered softly as she gazed up into his eyes.

"Oh don't talk like that, darling. I don't want you to die"

"Aww, I know Richard... but it's true. It's like the world stops when we're together, nothing else matters."

"I feel the same way, Clair," Richard said as he brushed a strand of her black hair out of her face, his hand lingering on her soft cheek, "but I still don't like it when you talk about death like that."

"Don't worry silly, it's not like I am going to die anytime soon. We still have our whole lives together."

Richard wiped the tears out of his eyes as he looked down at the grave. His memories echoing in his mind as he traced the letters that spelled out her name, Clair Marsden, on the granite headstone. She had been his world since the day he first met her, his little ray of dark sunshine, and now she was gone. Her words echoed in his mind... it had only been a year ago that she had spoken them.

They had met in a college lecture on literature. He had gone to it because it was mandatory to pass his class, even though he hated the subject. The only seat available by the time he got there was one next to a girl dressed in all black, almost goth but not quite. As he walked toward her, she tucked a strand of her long black hair behind her ear, revealing her pale face and a pair of glasses slowly sliding down her nose. The girl glanced at him as he had sat down, but went back to writing in her little notebook in a messy little script.

"Excuse me," he had said, "do you know how long this lecture is going to be?"

"Two hours, like it said on the flyer," she replied without looking up. He groaned quietly.

Shortly after, the lecture began. The goth girl next to him sat up straight, closing her little notebook and slipping the pen into her pocket. For the first hour Richard had to fight the urge to fall asleep while the speaker (he hadn't caught his name, but the guy was an author) talked about some weird novel that he had never read. The girl stayed silent, but he could tell that she was not truly interested in it either, but she paid attention at least. He was tempted to leave, but he had to stay for the whole thing if he wanted to pass that damn class.

The speaker chose that moment to switch to a different book he had written. It was a sci-fi/fantasy book that he had actually read and liked, which got him to pay a lot more attention. The discussion was interesting, and he found himself raising his hand and getting involved in it. To his surprise, the girl next to him was doing the same. Soon the hour was up and Richard was actually glad that he had come. As he had started to walk out, he heard a voice behind him.

"Hey, do you wanna go get some coffee?" It was the goth girl. She was standing now, her bag hanging off her right shoulder. She was tall for a girl, but he was still almost a foot taller than her. He found her interesting... and she was kinda cute.

"Ok, sure. What's your name?"

"Clair, Clair Dupree. What's yours?"

"Richard Marsden. Nice to meet you."

From that day they had been inseparable. Clair had a personality that just drew you to her, with her laugh and her smile. He had never known a goth to be so cheery. Sure, she listened to metal and read lots of books... but she liked to have fun as well. They had loved each other deeply... everyone had thought it was so cute, the campus goofball and the nerdy goth. He had proposed to her on the beach at sunset on the second anniversary of their first date. As Richard kneeled by her headstone he recalled the moment vividly in his mind again. He could almost feel her in his arms again.

"Oh Richard... isn't the sky beautiful tonight?"

"Yeah... but I've see something even more beautiful right here."

"Oh shut up, I'm not that pretty," she said with a slight laugh.

"To me you are!"

"You're crazy!"

"Yeah... but that is why you love me," he said with a smile as he wrapped his arms around her tighter.

She sighed as she leaned back against his chest, her head tilted to the left. "Yeah, I know."

Now was the moment, he knew it. His mouth was dry as he started to turn her around to face him.


"Yes, Richard," she asked, a curious look on her face.

"Darling, I... I love you. You mean more to me than anything in this world." He slowly reached into his pocket, grabbing the small black box inside and began to pull it out and open it. "And... well, I never want to be apart from you, so... I was wondering...." He began to go to one knee and raise his hand with the box, her eyes widening as she realized what was happening. "Clair Dupree, will you marry me?"

She stood there for a moment, wide-eyed and staring at the ring in the box. It was white gold, because she hated yellow, etched with ivy and had a blood red garnet between two small diamonds. He could see her eyes filling with tears as she finally opened her mouth to speak.

"Oh... oh, Richard! Of course I'll marry you!"

"Didn't last too long, did it, darling?" Richard placed his hands on the fresh dirt, wishing that he could feel her silken hair once more. "You said that night we had the rest of our lives... I guess you were right. You just didn't know how short a time that was."

They had gotten married 6 months ago, it had been so beautiful. Clair had looked so lovely that he had felt he had to be dreaming... but it had been real. Their live was so happy together... until the night she died. It had been stormy that night, the rain came down in a deluge, and lightning had lit the sky like fire. Clair had been driving home from work at the bookstore downtown when it happened. Lightning struck a tree by the road and caused it to split... part of it falling onto the road right as she was passing. She had swerved to avoid it, but she ended up losing control of the car. She veered off the road, the car flipping as it hit the ditch, crushing Clair inside. She died before help could arrive, all alone... her greatest fear.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't there with you, love... if I had known... I would have made you stay home. Then you would still be here!"

Richard had gotten the phone call from the police at midnight. He had been sitting up all night, waiting for her to come home. She hadn't been answering her cell phone, and he had been worried sick. After he hung up the phone, he had collapsed... his wife was dead. It wasn't until the next day that he learned even more heartbreaking news from her best friend... Clair had been pregnant.

"Didn't you notice that she was throwing up a lot," Rachel asked.

"She said she had the flu, that it was nothing."

"She was planning on surprising you for your 6 month anniversary... oh Richard, I'm so sorry!"

"Pregnant... oh God, why? Why did you do this? My wife, my world... and my child too?" He fell to the ground in tears, Rachel holding him as he sobbed.

"Why didn't you tell me? You knew how I hated surprises... you could have told me early."

Richard reached into his coat, as he ran his free hand along her name again.

"You died alone... no one there to hold your hand. But I'm gonna fix that now," he whispered as he slowly pulled out a gun. "I love you too much to live without you, Clair. I'll be there soon... then we can be together again, all of us... you, me, and our baby."

He put the gun to his temple, the tears blinding him. Slowly he squeezed the trigger as he heard her voice in his mind once more before it all shattered.

"...We still have our whole lives together."

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 03-17-05 06:17 PM, in Darkfang Link
Okay, I am going to post the story, but only what I have so far and one part at a time, so you better post. Criticism, praise, or just feedback in general is highly encouraged.

Prologue: The Rally

The air was heavy with the smell of sweat in the small dark chamber underneath the Los Angeles streets. There must have been at least a thousand people in the chamber and the surrounding tunnels of the now abandoned part of the sewer system, all crowded together yet no one was complaining. There was excited talk of the rebellion everywhere, people exchanging information and grieving for those lost. However, in that sea of enthusiasm and camaraderie, there was one person who was alone, and very unhappy to be there.

Laurana looked around at the people, the enemies of the government. Her dark eyes held no hint of her thoughts, of her fear. She did not want to be in this crowed underground room, she did not want to be underground at all. She was terribly afraid of closed in places... it took all of her strength just to keep from screaming as she felt the walls of the chamber pushing in on her.

But she had been assigned to come here, to gather information on the rebels for the Los Angeles Star, the government owned newspaper that now employed her. She was only a 16 year old intern, but a good number of people here appeared to be around her age, some younger, so she did not stick out much. She had only been there ten minutes and already she had collected a bit of information: the rebellion was not doing that well, that much she knew, but the rebel's spirits were not dampened by this... in fact seemed as strong and as hopeful as ever. Hope had come for them in the form of the success of a recent raid by the rebel cell known as Green Wolf on the Seal Beach naval base. It had been so long since such a victory had been achieved, and it stirred the passion of the rebels. For the most part people where not reveling the hiding places of the rebel cells, nor their plans of attack. No one was using their real names either, they all used code names. The rebels were smart, they knew that their were spies in their midst... and they were very careful not to reveal their secrets.

"General Rock is going to speak," cried the girl next to Laurana. A slender Hispanic girl, dressed in tight clothes... maybe only a year or two older than her. She seemed horribly out of place, even more than Laurana did.

She looked up at the wooden platform that stood less than five feet from her as the rebels grew silent to hear the speech from this General Rock. This was the makeshift stage that they had built for the rally. A man was standing upon it now, he was dressed in black pants and a dark gray shirt and his hair was a dirty blonde. He had a beat up bullhorn in his hands and he stood looking out over the now silent crowd. Laurana slipped her hand into her pocket and flipped on the switch of her tape recorder.

The speech was moving, and truly inspiring. She had grown up on a military base, but never had she heard such a moving speech from the Generals there as from this rebel leader. He was good, that was for sure... easily he stirred up the hatred for the government, saying it was totalitarian and that we had to rise up and end the rule of the corrupt politicians that were in control. The more she listen to him though, the more she agreed with what she was hearing. After a time, she even ceased to feel claustrophobic as the words sank in.

No... this can't be right... why am I agreeing with him? He's the enemy, isn't he? But I know the incidents that he is talking about are true... but why? Why is the government doing this?

The crowd had begun to react to the speech, calling out encouragements and answering questions he asked. Slowly Laurana found herself joining in. The Hispanic girl next to her, who had announced Rock's readiness to speak, was encouraging her now to join in. All around her she heard the cries for action.

"Aye, Rocky boy... ye tell 'em what's what! We'll get them bastards if'n it's the last thing we do," cried a boy with a distinct Irish accent on her right. He turned and flashed her a wicked smile before he went back to cheering.

After a few minutes the speech was over. This man, who they called General Rock, stood on the stage looking out at the people, sweat pouring off of him.

"And now, I'd like to introduce the one who planned our last mission. She's most likely going to be very successful in the coming years... I give you Psycho!

At last... this was the main reason that Laurana had been sent here, to find out what she could about this mysterious tactician called Psycho. The raid on the naval base had been devastating, the route used unheard of... it had been a massacre. She was prepared to see a woman the age of Rock step up and speak, but no such thing happened. A girl, no more than a year older than Laurana herself, climbed onto the stage to address the rebels. Her hair was raven black, tied back in a long ponytail; her black jeans were loose, and her tank top clung to the lightly muscled curves of her upper body. Laurana thought that she was rather striking, her features marred only by a long scar on her left check. She did not look like she was much of a threat, but looks could be deciving... especially if all that she heard of the raid was true.

The crowd cheered the girl on the stage, there were calls for a speech. After a few minutes of persuasion, Rock got her to take the bullhorn. She looked at the crowd. Laurana waited, dying to know what this supposed master tactician had to say.

"The rebellion lives, and we are coming back stronger than ever," she began. "They thought that they had ran us down, that we would give up, but they were wrong! We are stronger now than we ever were before, and that power shall only grow. The government will fall by our hands, and then we can rebuild this country the way it was meant to be... free!"

The crowd cheered madly, even Laurana did. She saw Psycho take another breath and prepare to continue.


The sound of gunfire rang through the chamber from the surrounding tunnels, followed by screams and a stampede of people as they tried to get out of the way. Laurana knew what was happening... it was a raid by the military police - they had discovered where the rebel were meeting and now they were here to kill them all.

"Run for it," Psycho screamed from the stage. She jumped down, a few feet from where Laurana stood in shock at the horror she was seeing. The rebels were running and the military police were attacking them like dogs. She had never seen a real gun fight before, and the horror of it rendered her unable to move.

"C'mon girl, do ya wanna be killed," the Irish boy said as he took her arm and pulled her along after the retreating figure of Psycho. She was dimly aware that three others were doing the same.

They ran through the scattering crowd and into one of the tunnels. Psycho seemed to be running as fast as her legs could carry her, and it was all she and the others that followed her could do to keep up. Finally she stopped after rounding a corner... the sounds of fighting echoed off the walls, but still sounded far away now. Psycho turned to face her and the other four who had followed. Her eyes moved quickly, her body tensed up... but it relaxed when she determined that they were not police. Laurana looked at the others besides her and the Irish boy who had ran after the tactician. The Hispanic girl had followed, and so had two other boys.

One of them seemed to be part Asian, like herself... but he appeared Japanese instead of Filipino... he was taller with messy-looking short black hair and an angry look on his face that was only enhanced by the gun that he carried in his hand. The other boy looked older, maybe 22 or so. He was built like a Viking, his long brown hair tied back in a long narrow braid like a Samurai. He carried two large guns in his lands, and had many more strapped about his waist. She remembered these two from the rally... they had been 3 people over from her on the right, and they had been mostly silent through the whole speech by General Rock.

"How do we get outta here now," the Hispanic girl asked.

"We might have to fight our way out... unless we can find another opening nearby," replied Psycho. She had looked like she was going to say something else at first, but the sounds of fighting were coming closer.

"But how are we going to find a new way out without a map, " Laurana asked.

"We get one, duh," snapped the Japanese boy as he stared to tinker with his watch. Before Laurana could open her mouth to deliver a scathing retort, however an electronic beep was heard and the boy smiled. "Got it," he said.

"Got what?"

"The location of the closest alternative exist. There is a tunnel up ahead than connects to the main storm drains leading to the LA river... we can get out there."

"How do you know that," Psycho and the other girl asked in unison.

The boy pointed to a screen on the watch, displaying a map of the sewer system and a route to the closest exit.

"I-750 Watch PC with wireless internet and Linux 2 installed, no respectable hacker would be caught dead without one," he replied. A grin spread across his face, a truly wicked grin that reminded her of a goblin or something.

Laurana stared at the tiny screen to keep herself from staring at his smile. It was a truly remarkable piece of technology, a PC in a watch. It was also banned in this country as well as half the world... he must have had it imported from Japan.

A bullet whizzed past their heads on the right... they had been found.

"Which way is it," the Irish boy asked.

"The way they are," the Viking-like boy said motioning toward the approaching police. "We should circle around."

"No no no," Psycho began, "that is what they are expecting us to do, they'll have it blocked off. There is only one way out... we have to charge them head on. They'll scatter and we will be able to make a break for it."

"That's crazy," Laurana exclaimed. That was when she noticed that Psycho had a rather insane gleam in her eyes... Laurana felt sure that she was about to die... underground, where she hated it.

"Trust me," was all she said as she pulled out a small gun and a knife from her pockets. She noticed that everyone else was doing the same.

"Don't you have any weapons," the Hispanic girl asked.

"Not with me."

"Here, take this then... I don't need it right now," she said as she handed her one of the guns in her hand. "I'm Ivy, who are all of you?"

"Pockets," the Irish boy said with a small bow as he pulled out what looked like a grenade.

"Psycho, obviously," the tactician said.

"Goblin," said the Japanese boy with that grin of his that left no question as to why that was his name.

"I'm Oni," said the Vikingish boy. In the stance he was in, and with the look of anger on his face as he prepared to fight, she could start to see why he had his name, too.

They all looked at her, waiting for her to give her name. Her thoughts were racing... she didn't know what to do. They'd know she was a spy if she didn't give a name... but at the same time she didn't feel like a spy anymore, she felt like one of them. The speeches and the raid had opened her eyes... and she realized for the first time that she had been betrayed by the very government that she served. She was one of them, yet she wasn't... and that was when it came to her.

"I'm Rogue," she said with a smile.

"Well Rogue," Pockets said, "you an' the others had best cover yer ears... this is about ta get really loud." He pulled the pin and tossed the grenade into the tunnel where the police were.

A few moments later everything shook as the explosion went off. She thought she saw Psycho flinch, her hand moving to the scar on her face... but it must have been a trick of the light. Psycho was like stone at the moment, thinking of how to escape no doubt. They charged forward, weapons ready to shoot anyone remaining that blocked their path to freedom.

Darkfang was born.

(Last edited by Elara on 04-11-05 03:25 AM)

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 03-17-05 06:36 PM, in The Bath (Short Story) Link
Yeah I know... I'm tempted to actually expand this one of these days, but at the same time I like it how it is. I just had fun trying to describe the blood in the water... what do you think?

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 03-17-05 06:37 PM, in Shattered Memories Link
Wow... that actually makes me blush. I still find it funny that I was in a good mood when I wrote this. I will eventually put in more detail, since I remember Sparda saying it was lacking... but yeah, I am rather proud of this one.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 03-17-05 06:47 PM, in When do you shower? Link
Well I usually shower in the mornings, I have three reasons really. First, is the normal "it wakes me up", even though I have fallen asleep in the shower and once while drying off... it's an intereting experiance to sleep standing up. Second reason is that I stay up odd hours and go to bed when I am really tired so I don't want to take a shower and wake me up. Third reason is I have rather oily hair, and it drives me crazy to be sitting in class feeling self-concious about it, so I shower in the morning so that my hair will be cleaner throughout the day.

Under certain circumstances, like having to get up really early, or my hair being really oily or something, I will shower at night. When I was working Shipwreck (the thing with me dressing like the girl from The Ring, remember?) I had to drench my hair in baby oil to make it look wet all night, and it drove me fucking batty, so I would shower as soon as I got home even though that was typically 3-5 in the morning. All I will say is conditioner is my best friend, heh heh heh.
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