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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by X Marks the Spot
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User Post
X Marks the Spot
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-22-05 11:23 PM, in Evangelion Link
We had kinda already figured that out, thank you very much...

Nothing can be perfect in an absolute sense, but Eva is perfect to Jexim... But not everyone.

Heh, you've got 99 posts.
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-22-05 11:26 PM, in Rate my profile... Link

Your profile is a bad imitation of mine...

And to further my point, I made a thread just like this a while back, but my rating system was better.
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
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IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-22-05 11:30 PM, in How many people think that shadow flight is a ckick? Link
No, not the yellow text, anything but the yellow text!!!

Seriously though, I can't read your post.

Maybe Mark is a girl, I can't tell for sure... And if Mark says so...

I really just can't tell...
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-23-05 05:03 AM, in Rate my profile... Link
Originally posted by Darkness
X you cant say that mine it copying your's because about 90% of your bio is made up of every quiz know to this board... And mine doesnt have sayings that people have said, it has descriptions of what I think of the people I see a lot...And mine has more pictures than yours...all you have is banana phone...(even though its a good song...)

What do you mean, more pictures?

My profile has 61 pictures, 5 of which will not load, and that's not including Banana Phone, my avatar, or my minipic...

Your profile has 16 pictures, not including your avatar and minipic... Although all of your pics load, I will commend you on that.
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-23-05 09:45 PM, in All purpose -Rate My Profile Thread!- Link
My profile has 60+ quiz results...

That's the highest on this board.
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-26-05 02:51 PM, in Debate tournament: Johnny Literal vs X Marks the Spot Link
Wait, why do I have to disagree?

That seems pretty arbitrary...

Anyway, yeah, guns are ok for self-defence, but the idea there isn't really to actually fire the gun, it would be more of a deterrant... I mean, even if the gun isn't loaded, someone robbing you isn't going to know that, and chances are they aren't going to take that chance...

Which side am I debating for again?
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-26-05 03:07 PM, in All purpose -Rate My Profile Thread!- Link
My favourite profile is True Flight's...

It's awesome...

And yes quantity>quality in my mind.
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-26-05 03:55 PM, in Your Religion/Beliefs Link
Sheep are cool, they make cool sounds...

Anyway, yeah, I'm an atheist and I hope I spelled that right.
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-26-05 08:23 PM, in WOOT!... I Got's Me a GIRLFRIEND!!! Link
Originally posted by Darkness
*Looks around and waits for X Marks the spot to how up and say somthing around the lines of...It'll never last or Ha I bet she's lose...*

It'll never last...

I seriously have a bad feeling about it, and Jexim, my feelings are almost always right and you know it.

But, whatever, congrats, have fun while it lasts.
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-26-05 08:27 PM, in who would you go gay for? Link

Anime characters count... Right...?
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-26-05 08:54 PM, in Funny Come-On lines Link
1 of my favourites is...

"It looks like someone took a couple of fine hams and shoved them down the back of your pants."

I love that one.
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-26-05 09:12 PM, in Alphabet about you dealie Link
A - Never been kissed

B - Whoever did the music for .Hack//SIGN

C - None really

D - Real Dad: Jerry, Step-Dad: Adam

E - Jexim

F - Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

G - Gummy Worms

H - Petaluma, CA

I - Does humming count?

J - Petaluma Junior High School

K - No, and I hope never

L - I once went to Reno

M - Sonin

N - X, XMtS, Aviary, Ash, Oliver

O - Immortality

P - Arachnophobic, mildly claustrophobic

Q - "Your Mom's multiplayer!"

R - Music, funny things

S - Happy Material, the opening theme to Mahou Sensei Negima

T - 9:30 A.M.

U - If it's unknown then how would I know?

V - Broccoli

W - Biting my nails

X - I once had an MRI

Y - Anybody arrogant, and hypocrites...

Z - W00t!!! No Z!!!

(Last edited by X Marks the Spot on 07-27-05 12:20 AM)
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-26-05 09:15 PM, in Your Religion/Beliefs Link
I've read the bible before, although I wasn't raised in any religion...

Could you imagine me as a preacher...

"And then God said to Jesus, 'Your Mom'."
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-26-05 09:30 PM, in Look!! Link
*Points at the above post*

What he said!

adopt your own virtual pet!

X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-26-05 10:12 PM, in who would you go gay for? Link
Whew, somebody else said it first...

Now I can more comfortably say, Inuyasha is hot.
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-26-05 10:22 PM, in Funny Come-On lines Link
Oooh, here's one Jexim, and I came up with...

"I want to browse your goods."
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-26-05 10:30 PM, in News bit: Naked 'Tickler' Targeting Sleeping Elderly Women Link
That's funny... Sort of...

I mean, if he weren't naked...
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-26-05 11:23 PM, in ARRG...any drifters out there? Link
*Descends from the rafters and pelts new person with sunflower seeds*

Welcome [insert new users name here], to Xeogaming Forums, don't spill.
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-27-05 01:10 AM, in Create an online Pet! Link
W00t! Free post!

adopt your own virtual pet!
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-27-05 05:15 PM, in WOOT!... I Got's Me a GIRLFRIEND!!! Link
I feel insulted...

You wrote my name as "XMts", when it should be written "XMtS"...

See, you didn't capitalize the 'S'...

1) Read the above message

2) I am letting him be

3) I never said anything bad about them

4) Reread the last 3, just for good measure
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by X Marks the Spot

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