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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Elara
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User Post

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 08-15-06 07:04 PM, in 1st Annual XGF Story Competition! Link
No, only a banner for the winner... I didn't want to be too much of a bother.

I'm still waiting on the results from Zabuza. If I don't get them by tomorrow I will post what I have and be done with it.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 08-15-06 07:14 PM, in College classes and future plans Link
Originally posted by Rogue

  • Wildlife biology -- what I'm replacing the other bio class with once I drop it. Already enrolled, just gotta drop the other one.

  • Ah, taking a class with Claudia I see? That was a fun class, but I had to drop it because I fell behind (don't work with anyone on papers though... if it is even remotely the same she marks you down).

    I'm taking a basic class for intro to History majors... can't remember the name at the moment.

    (Last edited by Elara on 08-15-06 10:14 PM)

    Divine Mamkute
    Dark Elf Goddess
    Chaos Imp
    Penguins Fan

    Ms. Invisable

    Since: 08-15-04
    From: Ferelden

    Since last post: 210 days
    Last activity: 210 days
    Posted on 08-15-06 07:16 PM, in Rather depressing situation Link
    Again, I am really sorry to hear about this.

    I know that it feels odd, I've been there with that feeling. Not friends, but with family members. It passes in time, all you have to do is keep active.

    Divine Mamkute
    Dark Elf Goddess
    Chaos Imp
    Penguins Fan

    Ms. Invisable

    Since: 08-15-04
    From: Ferelden

    Since last post: 210 days
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    Posted on 08-15-06 07:25 PM, in Fake Serenity 2 teaser Link
    Gods I wish that they would make a sequal, but I don't think they can with how the original movie ended.

    But yes, get the DVD box set of the series, it is SO worth it! Venomouslobster has it, and it kicks ass.

    Divine Mamkute
    Dark Elf Goddess
    Chaos Imp
    Penguins Fan

    Ms. Invisable

    Since: 08-15-04
    From: Ferelden

    Since last post: 210 days
    Last activity: 210 days
    Posted on 08-17-06 05:17 PM, in 1st Annual XGF Story Competition! Link
    I understand you're busy and I appriciate your help. Well... since you only sent me some of the results I can't count them for the total results (since winner is based off highest score, and that would give the ones you did judge an unfair advantage), but I will post what you said in each of those threads.

    Anywho, so I guess these arre the point totals. I will be posting in each thread with the results for the judges, and the winner shall be PMed the banner as soon as I am done.

    Results are out of 120 points possible, since only two judges got results for all stories in:

    Resist by Makura
    Total points: 111

    Paying the Gallows by GuardianOni
    Total Points: 108

    Blood by Cairoi
    Total points: 95

    On the Moonlit Path by WhiteRose
    Total points: 88

    23 by X Marks the Spot
    Total Points: 88

    Caine by Vulkanlogic
    Total points: 86

    Orpheus Goes to Hades by FX
    Total points: 41

    So it seems that congratulations go out to Makura! I'll take a look at your layout and send the right sized banner.

    I hope you all enjoyed participating, I enjoyed running this (mishaps with lateness in results aside). I invite you all to submit an entry next year, and bring more people with you. Next year's competition shall have a limit of 2000 words I think, to make it easier for everyone... or harder. Anyway, I thank you all for participating.

    Also, thank to to my fellow judges and to TP for making the banner, as well as to Xeo for running this awesome board.

    (Last edited by Elara on 08-18-06 03:37 AM)

    Divine Mamkute
    Dark Elf Goddess
    Chaos Imp
    Penguins Fan

    Ms. Invisable

    Since: 08-15-04
    From: Ferelden

    Since last post: 210 days
    Last activity: 210 days
    Posted on 08-17-06 05:23 PM, in COMPETITION ENTRY: Orpheus Travels to Hades Link
    Here are your results from the judges. All scores are out of 10 points possible:

    Originally posted by venomouslobster

    Overall Creativity:0

    This was dryer than a mummy's ass. Most plagerism is at least as interesting of a read as the original. I have seen this myth adapted to plays, written as shortstories and woven into a comic, but this insults them all. You actually wrote "tantalized Tantalus"? good lord man...

    Originally posted by Zabuza

    "Orpheus Travels to Hades" - Transcibed

    by FX.


    First of all, this is total plagiarism--at least in my opinion and view. Second, shifting the story to first person isn't really and adaptation at all.

    You have to remember that the majority of your judges are educated adults that have read many of the stuff you plagiarize on a daily basis.

    Very well transcibed. I say transcribed because it's just shifted to first person. I'm not counting this as your writing.

    "After a time I arrived at the river Styx, it's shores..." Wrong "it's".

    "desire ?” Space between question mark and "desire".

    "unslung" isn't a common word. It'd be far better to use "unsling".

    Plot (Flow and Concept):
    Speaking of flow, why the switch into italics midway though? Why not start that way if you planned on doing narration that way?

    "...walked down the many steps to his throne." He's coming down, it should be "from his throne" or "leading up to his throne".

    "of the torments I intend to put you to." " put to you." Never end in "to".

    Not yours, so you get full knockoff on points.

    Descriptions (Readability and Flow):
    Since this was a transcription, it was well transcribed. However, it felt rushed towards the middle and the end, so I'm marking you down on that.

    Overall Creativity/Originality:
    HA HA HA!!

    Grammar: A few mistakes here and there--8 points.

    Spelling: Minor shit--9 points.

    Plot: 5 points.

    Characters: 0 points.

    Description: 8 points.

    Creativity/Originality: 2 points.

    Bothering me twice knocked you for an overall 10 points.

    Total: 22 points out of 60 possible (per my grading system). 36% out of 100%. Basically, an F-.

    Originally posted by Elara

    Grammar: 7
    Spelling: 9
    Plot: 2
    Character: 2
    Description: 3
    Overall Creativity: 2

    Not much can be said about this other than how disappointed I am. Just do me a favor and never touch any myth ever again.

    (Last edited by Elara on 08-17-06 08:24 PM)

    Divine Mamkute
    Dark Elf Goddess
    Chaos Imp
    Penguins Fan

    Ms. Invisable

    Since: 08-15-04
    From: Ferelden

    Since last post: 210 days
    Last activity: 210 days
    Posted on 08-17-06 05:29 PM, in Competition Entry: Paying the Gallows Link
    Judges results, out of 10 points possible (Zabuza couldn't get time to read yours, so it's just Venomous and I):

    Originally posted by venomouslobster

    Grammar: 7
    Spelling: 8
    Plot: 10
    Overall Creativity:10

    This was everything i could have hoped for. It had a good plot, a consistant tone, inviting beginning, and a definite ending. The story was engrossing. The words were rich and powerful without being verbose. On the whole it was a delightful read.....penis joke.

    Originally posted by Elara

    Grammar: 7
    Spelling: 9
    Plot: 9
    Character: 9
    Description: 10
    Overall Creativity: 10

    The only real problem that you had was punctuation, other than that the story was wonderful. I loved the descriptions as well as the plot. The characters were well done as well. A truly excellent job!

    (Last edited by Elara on 08-17-06 08:29 PM)

    Divine Mamkute
    Dark Elf Goddess
    Chaos Imp
    Penguins Fan

    Ms. Invisable

    Since: 08-15-04
    From: Ferelden

    Since last post: 210 days
    Last activity: 210 days
    Posted on 08-17-06 05:35 PM, in COMPETITION ENTRY: Blood Link
    Results from judges, each category is out of 10:

    Originally posted by venomouslobster
    Grammar: 6
    Spelling: 8
    Overall Creativity: 7

    This shows the marks of great writing potential, clearly the work of someone who knows many powerfull words. I took off points for description because though you make a brave attempt at beautiful language you also made it so verbose that you lost sight (frequently) of what you were talking about. Also you used words incorrectly and had many redundancies (ie: "shattering the tranquility of my mind’s serenity").

    Originally posted by Elara

    Grammar: 8
    Spelling: 9
    Plot: 6
    Character: 7
    Description: 7
    Overall Creativity: 8

    Good potential, those too verbose to really get one into the story. Overall, good show of vocabulary and nice descriptions... not too bad for random inspiration.

    Originally posted by Zabuza

    And, while I can't give a full critique to Cairoi's "Blood", I was very impressed. Give him the full 60 points from me.

    Divine Mamkute
    Dark Elf Goddess
    Chaos Imp
    Penguins Fan

    Ms. Invisable

    Since: 08-15-04
    From: Ferelden

    Since last post: 210 days
    Last activity: 210 days
    Posted on 08-17-06 05:44 PM, in Competition Entry: Resist Link
    Judges results, each area out of 10 points:

    Originally posted by venomouslobster
    Grammar: 8
    Spelling: 9
    Plot: 10
    Character: 9
    Description: 10
    Overall Creativity: 10

    This was a beautiful story. It was descriptive, without being overly loquacious. The content of the story was interesting to me, it had a good rising action, falling action, and end. The climax was distinct. Overall, I feel that this was the most well "constructed" story that has been turned in.

    Originally posted by Elara
    Grammar: 8
    Spelling: 9
    Plot: 9
    Character: 9
    Description: 10
    Overall Creativity: 10

    This was a very interesting story to read. It had an excellent flow, the character was very well written and not flat at all. A truly excellent job!

    Zabuza could not get around to reading this story, so no results from him.

    Divine Mamkute
    Dark Elf Goddess
    Chaos Imp
    Penguins Fan

    Ms. Invisable

    Since: 08-15-04
    From: Ferelden

    Since last post: 210 days
    Last activity: 210 days
    Posted on 08-17-06 05:54 PM, in 1st Annual XGF Story Competition! Link
    Well, the deadline for submission was the 10th, so it wouldn't have made it in anyway. Next year though, I would be happy to see it entered.

    Divine Mamkute
    Dark Elf Goddess
    Chaos Imp
    Penguins Fan

    Ms. Invisable

    Since: 08-15-04
    From: Ferelden

    Since last post: 210 days
    Last activity: 210 days
    Posted on 08-17-06 06:00 PM, in COMPETITION ENTRY: On the Moonlight Path Link
    Judges results, each area out of 10 points:

    Originally posted by venomouslobster
    Grammar: 9
    Spelling: 8
    Plot: 0
    Character: 9
    Description: 9
    Overall Creativity: 10

    You're story has the potential to become a very good novella or novel. I really enjoyed the beginning and I am looking forward to seeing how the character is developed in the future. However, this passage that you wrote wasn't a short story. I couldn't give you any points for plot because, while there was rising action, there was no climax or falling action. It was a scene's arc, rather than a story's arc. Please don't allow your score to affect your writing more of this story.

    Originally posted by Zabuza
    "On the Moonlight Path" - by


    Nice start to a story, but doesn't seem like a good short story. It needs more in less.



    Plot (Flow and Concept):
    liked the start of the plot, but needs more.

    Engaging, but a little flat.

    Descriptions (Readability and

    "The sighed yet again and turned her back on the moon" I assume you meant to say, "She sighed..."

    "She walked into the warm candle light that illuminated her house" Awkward sentence. Try "walking into the warmth of the candlelight" or something similar.

    Overall Creativity/Originality:

    Grammar: 9 points.

    Spelling: 9 points.

    Plot: 9 points.

    Characters: 8 points.

    Description: 9 points.

    9 points.

    Total: 53 out of 60 points. 88%

    of 100%. B+.

    Originally posted by Elara
    Grammar: 9
    Spelling: 9
    Plot: 2
    Character: 7
    Description: 9
    Overall Creativity: 7

    This was a very good passage, but the lack of a plot resolution cost you some points. The descriptions were very well done, except for a few typos. But overall it is well done and I look forward to seeing you continue this story. Good job!

    (Last edited by Elara on 08-17-06 09:01 PM)

    Divine Mamkute
    Dark Elf Goddess
    Chaos Imp
    Penguins Fan

    Ms. Invisable

    Since: 08-15-04
    From: Ferelden

    Since last post: 210 days
    Last activity: 210 days
    Posted on 08-17-06 06:08 PM, in COMPETITION ENTRY: 23 Link
    Judges results, each category out of 10:

    Originally posted by venomouslobster
    Grammar: 6
    Spelling: 8
    Plot: 7
    Character: 7
    Description: 7
    Overall Creativity: 7

    Clearly this has potential as a story, but the most important job of a writer is to be a rewriter... and a rewriter, and a rewriter, and a rewriter. This story has a very first draft feel to it. If I were you, I'd go over it and substiture words, clean up the text, and read Elements of Style.

    Originally posted by Zabuza
    "23" - by X Marks the Spot.

    Excellent introduction. Really grabs at the reader, makes want to read more...

    "As if they were no more than grains..." "As if there were..."

    "...streetlights, which seems to flicker..." Keep your tenses straight: "...seemed to flicker..."

    A few misspellings, and a few misused words. "As if on queue," should be "As if on cue,".

    Plot (Flow and Concept):
    I don't fully understand what's happening, but it seems like an intriguing start to something bigger...obviously not meeting the terms of a short story.

    Character was a little one-dimensional. He needs work.

    Descriptions (Readability and Flow):
    Too much use of "he" and "his". Try starting sentences in other ways using objects or situations to start off.

    Unfortunate, that for such a good hook at the beginning it quickly became too slow and methodical. I had to force myself to read.

    Overall Creativity/Originality:
    Very nice concept. A little noir and obscure, but could turn to a nice mind-fuck if properly revised.

    Grammar: A few tense and typos--minor though. 9 points.

    Spelling: Minor errors. 9 points.

    Plot: I don't know what's going on. 5 points.

    Characters: One sided. 7 points.

    Description: Very well thought out and executed. 10 points.

    Creativity/Originality: I've seen it before, videogame plots especially. 9 points.

    Bothering me once knocked you for an overall 5 points.

    Total: 44 out of 60 points. 73% of 100%. C.

    Originally posted by Elara
    Grammar: 6
    Spelling: 7
    Plot: 8
    Character: 8
    Description: 9
    Overall Creativity: 8

    There were lots of punctuation and spelling error that I saw. Good potential, but could do with a revision or two. Overall, not a bad job for being "half assed"

    (Last edited by Elara on 08-17-06 09:08 PM)

    Divine Mamkute
    Dark Elf Goddess
    Chaos Imp
    Penguins Fan

    Ms. Invisable

    Since: 08-15-04
    From: Ferelden

    Since last post: 210 days
    Last activity: 210 days
    Posted on 08-17-06 06:13 PM, in Compitition Entry: Caine. Link
    Judges results, each area out of 10:

    Originally posted by venomouslobster
    Spelling: 9
    Overall Creativity:6

    This was interesting but reading it was like watching my friend play "halo" over and over again. The plot was lacking substance and what substance there was was came out like a sequel to a remake of a summer movie that was originally a knockoff of james bond. Write about people.

    Originally posted by Zabuza
    I couldn't finish "Caine" by Vulcanlogic, but it was a little I'm not scoring high on what I've read--20 points.

    Originally posted by Elara
    Grammar: 7
    Spelling: 8
    Plot: 9
    Character: 8
    Description: 9
    Overall Creativity: 8

    Ending leaves something to be desired, and overall a little dry. I cut you some slack because I know you cut this down for the word limit to submit it. Overall it was well written but I think the description and character need a bit of work. Nice job overall though.

    (Last edited by Elara on 08-17-06 09:14 PM)

    Divine Mamkute
    Dark Elf Goddess
    Chaos Imp
    Penguins Fan

    Ms. Invisable

    Since: 08-15-04
    From: Ferelden

    Since last post: 210 days
    Last activity: 210 days
    Posted on 08-18-06 12:32 AM, in FINAL IMPULSE: Shuyin Vs Elara Link
    *Ravenna made a roll to the side as she felt the earth tremble beneath her. One of the bullets caught her foot as she dove aside, and blood flowed as the blast threw her further away. The armor on her boots kept her from losing it entirely, but it was obvious by her hovering an inch above the ground now that she couldn't walk on it

    Her face in a pale grimace, Ravenna glared at her opponent. She looked at the spear in her hand and then back at him.*

    "What choice do I have?" she muttered to herself. "Dana protect me!"

    *A bubble of energy appeared again around her just as the tempest ceased. The bullets that had been orbiting her zoomed at her, absorbing into the shield as it shattered. Taking the spear in both hands, Ravenna dug the stone tip into the ground and spun in a fast circle.*

    "Spirits hear me, aid my cause!"

    *A green light oozed out from the circle made by the spear. The tendrils seemed completly otherworldly, and at a look from Ravenna they lashed out at Xicer*

    Wolf Slash: Ravenna’s move that slashes the ground around her in a circle, summoning the wrath of the spirits. These spirits attack the enemy in the form of bolts of glowing green energy.

    Divine Mamkute
    Dark Elf Goddess
    Chaos Imp
    Penguins Fan

    Ms. Invisable

    Since: 08-15-04
    From: Ferelden

    Since last post: 210 days
    Last activity: 210 days
    Posted on 08-18-06 12:39 AM, in 1st Annual XGF Story Competition! Link
    Oops... I had edited my post earlier because I had miscounted WhiteRose's results and I edited Cairoi's instead. Cairoi got a score of 95, and you tied with WhiteRose for 4th place.

    Everyone is listed in order of point totals. WhiteRose is higher up because, overall, her story got better results. But yes, congratulations on getting 4th/5th place.

    Divine Mamkute
    Dark Elf Goddess
    Chaos Imp
    Penguins Fan

    Ms. Invisable

    Since: 08-15-04
    From: Ferelden

    Since last post: 210 days
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    Posted on 08-18-06 12:51 AM, in How 'brilliant' is AOL? Link
    Reason #5967 not to use AOL.

    Dear gods, this is just the dumbest thing I have ever heard. May they find only earthworms.

    Divine Mamkute
    Dark Elf Goddess
    Chaos Imp
    Penguins Fan

    Ms. Invisable

    Since: 08-15-04
    From: Ferelden

    Since last post: 210 days
    Last activity: 210 days
    Posted on 08-18-06 12:54 AM, in About that Innocence Gone webcomic... Link
    I approve... the lines on the hair look a bit odd though. Too bad that you can't continue it yourself, but I like the work of the person you've found to pick it up.
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    Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Elara

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